Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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The Engineer grumbled, clicking his 'headset' off as he stepped out of the elevator, "Hmm.." He scanned his new environment: It's a large hallway, there's debris scattered abroad, blood, and friggin' imps everywhere. His U.S. Army-grade boots loudly clomped across the vast expanse of the school, little 'crack!' noises signifying tiny pebbles squishing beneath the soles of his boots. He couldn't... pinpoint who the traitor was! He shook his head, "Aw, whatever, fuck it." He approached the rubble, cautiously scanning whatever laid behind it.
You see that the rubble doesn't reach entirely to the ceiling, allowing you to sneak by a small opening at the top. More rubble greets you, but that's not all--

The inside of an airliner is in the middle of the hall. Or, more precisely, the remains of an airliner. It seems at some point a plane crashed right into the school! Stray luggage lays all around, though oddly not a body in sight... Maybe you'll find something of use?

Even more, the airliner is angled down, stretching out of the school... this has to be the way out Monokuma was talking about.

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"Do you know who you're talking to? I am the great Demon General Lucifer," spoke the boy, but Ley only smiled, and licked the blood from her claws. Insistently her wound begun to heal, the magical bullet pushing its self from her wound and it closing. She grinned wider, looking to her hand she finally noitced her weapon was missing, that bear must of took it, and she was going to get it back. Looking at Lucifer, she grinned,

"and I am Ley von Crimson River, one of the highest ranking demon family's within the underworld, and the second to rule the throne, now watch how you speak before I throw you into the depths of the black fire lake." Ley words were as sweet as candy, but her tone was as deadly as poison.

"So...when do you two plan to kiss and make up?" asked the strange boy. Ley sniffed the air as the strange boy spoke, she smelt the sent of a demon, but it was different, something was different about this one, as if he was something less then a demon, but more then a mortal soul. Ley grind her teeth and shot the strange boy a glare,

"Kissing? Who haves time for such a mortality thing when destruction is due." Ley turned and looked towards the door, and thats when it hit her, this creature was a incubus,

"You are a demon aren't you?" Asked Ley to her self, then looking to the boy she grinned once more,

"You're a incubus." said Ley.

"What's an incubus?" Urushihara asked both the boy and the girl, not understanding the situation. "And I just met this crazy bitch, there's no way I would kiss someone that..." His voice trailed off, trying not to offend her. He didn't know any demon with the name Ley von Crimson River, and he would know it if it was a high ranking family. Confusion clouded his thoughts, and he silently wondered about Ley, the crazy bitch. He could feel his wound clearing up, but he wasn't as fast of a healer as his Lord Maou, so it would take quite a bit of time. If you considered one and a half minutes a long time for a cut to close up.


(Leaving for, like, ten minutes, so it might take me longer to respond)
"An incubus..." he says with a grin "Now I know I'm desirable...but I'm not a cheater" he grins and uses what influence he has left to make himself seem far more charming as he speaks with the pair "I'm a physical manifestation of malice, but a degree I am an incubus"
He wasn't sure if those words were true, but he'd play along with it, his powers certainly made him seem like he could be an incubus, with his natural allure and charm, along with his bewitching was entirely possible he bore incubus powers

"What's an incubus?" Urushihara asked both the boy and the girl, not understanding the situation. "And I just met this crazy bitch, there's no way I would kiss someone that..." His voice trailed off, trying not to offend her. He didn't know any demon with the name Ley von Crimson River, and he would know it if it was a high ranking family. Confusion clouded his thoughts, and he silently wondered about Ley, the crazy bitch. He could feel his wound clearing up, but he wasn't as fast of a healer as his Lord Maou, so it would take quite a bit of time. If you considered one and a half minutes a long time for a cut to close up.

"What's an incubus?" asked Lucifer. Ley laughed, her tone almost child like,

"They're a specific type of demons that are males, and pray on the sexual tensen of women, or anything from them in reality." Ley ignored the rest of Lucifers words, she was to busy thinking about Rufus, and his dam magical pistol, she wounded if he also arrived in this school.

"An incubus..." he says with a grin "Now I know I'm desirable...but I'm not a cheater" he grins and uses what influence he has left to make himself seem far more charming as he speaks with the pair "I'm a physical manifestation of malice, but a degree I am an incubus"
He wasn't sure if those words were true, but he'd play along with it, his powers certainly made him seem like he could be an incubus, with his natural allure and charm, along with his bewitching was entirely possible he bore incubus powers

"An incubus..." he says with a grin "Now I know I'm desirable...but I'm not a cheater" Ley frowned and took a step towards the incubus,

"Your powers do not work on me fool." she said with a bitter tone.

"I'm a physical manifestation of malice, but a degree I am an incubus" spoke the Incubus, Ley only frowned and kept her cold stare on the Incubus,

"None the less, stop trying to charm me, you're powers are worthless against a demon as powerful as myself."

// My apologies for not posting anything. I am quite busy at the moment. As for my vote, I shall be skipping it.
Yang didn't really know much about everyone who was in the school and certainly did not want to vote on anyone due to that. She decided to follow her allies around and to simply keep quiet, though, she would speak when she make a pun or help lighten up the mood when she deemed it needed to be. So, she plastered a smile on her face and looked around to see how everyone else would react as they could vote on who they suspected was a traitor.

(Skipping this round.)
"You're a young lady...and I'm more than a spirit...You would be dead by now if my powers were at maximum capacity...simple as..."
He looks her dead in the eyes and grins "Your love for the boy would see to it" it wasn't clear if he meant Lucifer, or mayhap he spoke of another boy, but he knew she loved someone, clearly, and he was obviously able to weaponise that love, were he given the chance "Tell much do you care about your true love? Do you love him to death?" he gives her a grin nothing short of sinister and chuckles, a cold, almost frosty laugh that would likely make any mortal shiver from the chill

Current Votes

Jack/Wuya - Noob/Engineer
Pretty Boy - Noob/Engineer
Noob/Engineer - Bayonetta
Edward - Natsu
Hanzou - Natsu
Annabeth - Korra
Arya - Sandor Clegane
Erika/Dlanor - Robin
Robin - Kotomine


Noob/Engineer - 2
Natsu - 2
Bayonetta - 1
Korra - 1
Sandor Clegane - 1
Robin - 1
Kotomine - 1
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You see that the rubble doesn't reach entirely to the ceiling, allowing you to sneak by a small opening at the top. More rubble greets you, but that's not all--

The inside of an airliner is in the middle of the hall. Or, more precisely, the remains of an airliner. It seems at some point a plane crashed right into the school! Stray luggage lays all around, though oddly not a body in sight... Maybe you'll find something of use?

Even more, the airliner is angled down, stretching out of the school... this has to be the way out Monokuma was talking about.

The Engineer ventured into the airliner, eyes bulging out, "Hey guys! GUYS!" He screamed out, pointing at the demolished airliner, sparking electricity from it's ruined body, sizzling as The Battlefield Friend stepped into the aircraft. He looked through seats, idly examining a few briefcases, four to be exact, examining the content's within - does he find anything? Y/N? Despite his circumstances, he peered out into the distance, squinting at the gaping hole the airplane blew into. He's expecting a city... a countryside perhaps? Ugh. Not a countryside. The Noob would be too happy...


Does he find any weapons, tools, or items?

... And what does he discover when he looks outside?

"What's an incubus?" asked Lucifer. Ley laughed, her tone almost child like,

"They're a specific type of demons that are males, and pray on the sexual tensen of women, or anything from them in reality." Ley ignored the rest of Lucifers words, she was to busy thinking about Rufus, and his dam magical pistol, she wounded if he also arrived in this school.

"So, like, a male succubus?" Of course Urushihara knew what a succubus was; he had been with plenty of them in his past time at Ente Isla. He had pretty sure that he had heard the word incubus around before but couldn't exactly decipher what they were. Thanks to Ley's words, he now knew what a succubus was.

"You're a young lady...and I'm more than a spirit...You would be dead by now if my powers were at maximum capacity...simple as..."
He looks her dead in the eyes and grins "Your love for the boy would see to it" it wasn't clear if he meant Lucifer, or mayhap he spoke of another boy, but he knew she loved someone, clearly, and he was obviously able to weaponise that love, were he given the chance "Tell much do you care about your true love? Do you love him to death?" he gives her a grin nothing short of sinister and chuckles, a cold, almost frosty laugh that would likely make any mortal shiver from the chill

"You love someone? No way; I would have never guessed," Urushihara stated mindlessly, thinking that a girl with her... attitude could ever fall in love, but he guessed if she could love someone, than anyone could. Even himself, Lucifer, the Demon General.

"You're a young lady...and I'm more than a spirit...You would be dead by now if my powers were at maximum capacity...simple as..."
He looks her dead in the eyes and grins "Your love for the boy would see to it" it wasn't clear if he meant Lucifer, or mayhap he spoke of another boy, but he knew she loved someone, clearly, and he was obviously able to weaponise that love, were he given the chance "Tell much do you care about your true love? Do you love him to death?" he gives her a grin nothing short of sinister and chuckles, a cold, almost frosty laugh that would likely make any mortal shiver from the chill

"You're a young lady...and I'm more than a spirit...You would be dead by now if my powers were at maximum capacity...simple as..." Ley laughed once more, as before it was much like a childs laugh. The Incubus looked Ley dead in the eyes and grins, "Your love for the boy would see to it" said the Incubus, but Ley only stared at him, she was not inlove with anybody, her non existing soul only consisted of hatred, pity, and rage, she wasn't even sure if a demon like her self could feel love. "Tell much do you care about your true love? Do you love him to death?" asked the Incubus as he grinned, sinsterly. He chuckled, it was as cold as the Northern mountains air.

"I love nobody, so you are surly mistake you foolish demon, now watch your tough before I cut it from your very mouth." shot Ley, her anger clearly shown in her voice. Could she love somebody? Did she love somebody? She was unsure, she was never shown love from her demonic family, and the closet thing she ever felt to it was when she joined the Grand Chase.

"So, like, a male succubus?" Of course Urushihara knew what a succubus was; he had been with plenty of them in his past time at Ente Isla. He had pretty sure that he had heard the word incubus around before but couldn't exactly decipher what they were. Thanks to Ley's words, he now knew what a succubus was.

"You love someone? No way; I would have never guessed," Urushihara stated mindlessly, thinking that a girl with her... attitude could ever fall in love, but he guessed if she could love someone, than anyone could. Even himself, Lucifer, the Demon General.

"So, like, a male succubus?" asked Lucifer. Ley looked to Lucifer, her blue eyes now even colder then before,

"Yes, exactly like that." spoke Ley, her gaze going back to the Incubus.

"You love someone? No way; I would have never guessed," said Lucifer, Ley quickly turned to Lucifer, her gaze rageful and bitter,

"I do not love anybody!" shouted Ley, her hand flew across a nearby desk, smashing into a glass bottle, the bottle smashed upon impact cutting deeply into her hand. she looked back to Lucifer,

"I do not even know what love is..." whispered Ley.

"The young man...I know not his name...but he's in your may not love him, but you care for him as though he were your own flesh and blood" he says with a smirk "But that is not the point, I could kill you without trying, not even someone such as the might Lucifer here could fight an entire army of spectres" he boasts, knowing well they'd very willingly boast of their own powers, allowing him to gauge their abilities for future reference

How he loved manipulating was so simple!


(Bet y'all want York back already XD)
"Who do you think is the narrator here?" asks Monokuma, appearing behind The Engineer. "The Ultimate Suckage should just mind his business!"

Monokuma then takes one of the briefcases and tosses it out a plane window. "That one contained one of your belongings!"

... In one of the briefcases, you find nothing but useless business papers. Another contains clothing, so lame. But the third...


Woah, you're rich! Too bad the vending machine only accepts monocoins. "We don't offer a money transfer," Monokuma says, crossing his arms.

... Anyway, looking out the window the bear so rudely threw a briefcase out of, you see--

A city in ruin! Zombies! What else did you expect?
You're much too high up on this plane to make a safe drop down. Trying to get through the back of the plane will result in little more than a herd of Monokuma robots blocking your path.

"Oh, come on," Monokuma says. "I can't let you just walk out, you ingrates!"

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Everyone was overlooking the obvious.
"Know guy's know she could have been lit on fire with a lighter if there was fuel. She could have even been dead first. Which means she could have dead the whole time."

OOC: Anyone want to interact?
For Kirei, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"It is very possible that you will achieve greatness in your lifetime."

You also get...

Self-Erasing Cassette Tape

"When you record sound on this, a chemical reaction occurs after playback and erases the playback mechanism."


For Kirei, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"The majority of the word 'can't' is can."

You also get...

Water Lover

"A womens' racing swimsuit designed with the concept of 'being one with the water'. It's said that you can shave a second off your time just by wearing it."


~Outside of School Shop, Near Entrance Lobby~

Arya couldn't help but puff her cheeks up in a bit of annoyance, tightening her fist and looking up at the much taller, stronger, and overall physically healthy females. For someone who was so short and could pass for a seven-year-old, the little wolf certainly had a nasty bite to her. Wanting to defend Korra and not have her be voted on such radically idiotic assumptions, the noble princess dressed as a boy crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against a nearby wall. "We shouldn't just to conclusions like that, a'ye, it is what these traitors want us to do." Arya remarked, briefly checking her pockets to ensure that her little sewing needle was snugly and readily available if needed.

"So, where are you three headed anyways? The Shop?" Arya transitioned abruptly, knowing she could not get her emotions ahead. This Bayonetta woman was rather strong as well, a running theme Arya had begun to notice among some of the adults. Which, to be brutally frank, she didn't mind it. Heck, if anything, she at least had a few role models to look after. Still though, the child wanted to protect Korra, and for her to do such a hideous act seemed horribly out-of-character for her.
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