Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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"So," Bayonetta asked, "if you've done some research on the rest of us, who would you think was responsible for the killing?"

Bayonetta remembered they were given an opportunity to oust the killer or killers.

"This technology thing, I must confess, is not a strong point for me."
"I'm more surprised that this technology isn't backfiring for me. It tends to go poorly when I use them elsewhere. As for who I think is responsible, I was reading up on this girl... little older than me. Korra I believe? It mentioned in her profile that she can use the elements. From what I could smell, there was a fire in that room... and only that room. That requires control. What about you, any ideas?" Annabeth said. She had thought it through, and it made sense to her.

@Krieg @Kirah @Mari @Atomyk
*Natsu thought as he stood with the others around him. He took deep thought about who would murderer would be. He does remember alot of people in the court room. He doesn't remember well enough to make a vote though*
(Skipping this vote)
Before Arya could delve into the Pandora's Box that was the entrance of this school, she was interrupted by a peculiar set of individuals coyly emerging from presumably the school store. Spotting Miss River, a rather nice, friendly woman she briefly noticed, Arya stumbled back, noting the individuals of this new group. Most of them were females, a girl around sixteen and a adult seductiveress with hair longer than a bastard sword and a uniform more snug than her own skin it would seem. Hearing the much other teenager talk about the hat, Arya looked up at it, pulling off the Yankee baseball cap.

"A'ye, this?" she spoke, her accent soft but showing signs of a true Northerner, which a real-life equivalent would be a fine mixture of English and Nordic. "You can keep it, damned machine didn't give me my sword." Arya remarked almost shamefully, tossing aside the hat and puffing out a breath of annoyed air. Looking warily at the peculiar group, especially with talk of traitors about, the youngest in this conglomeration of *students* raised an eyebrow.

"So, mind telling me what in the Seven is going on? All I here is groaning, popping, and the smell of burnt flesh." Arya demanded a bit, furious partially at still not having her sword but geninuely either curious or frighten of this scenario. Strong little tomboy or not, the fear of death would always be present, not until she was nothing more than a husk. Which, to be accurate, hadn't quite reared it's head around the corner.

Hearing them mention Korra, Arya tighten her gaze, keeping her mouth shut. Surely Korra wouldn't do such a vile act, after all, she had been watching out for her. "It isn't bloody Korra you git." Arya fiercely defended, "It has to be Sandor Clegane. He is 'fraid of fire you know, why would you that girl burned to death? Makes 'em seem less suspicious."
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Annabeth picked up her hat and tucked it in her back pocket. She didn't want anyone knowing what it could do at the moment. "Thanks for it back... I was missing it," she said. She noticed Arya's reaction to her mentioning her thoughts of Korra. "It just makes the most logical sense to me... I don't personally know Korra, but she seems to have the most adept grasp on fire from her profile. I could be wrong. As for what is going on, did you not hear the announcement earlier? One of the other people here was killed... a girl named Jennifer. Also, logically, would someone who is afraid of fire use it as a weapon? It would make as much sense as someone who is afraid of blood stabbing someone to death, or someone afraid of heights bungee-jumping for no compelling reason. Anyways, anyone else have other thoughts?"

[Replying for @Kirah since she's in a meeting and I'm texting her for her opinion.]

Billy spoke up at this moment. "There were those guys in the room with Bayonetta, Dr. Song and I earlier, those dragon slayers. They displayed some talent for using fire," he said. [Not an actual vote. She wants to do that herself.]

@Kirah @Krieg @Mari @Atomyk
Continued from here.


Congratulations are in order! The imps have been largely thinned out! When asked about the incident, Monokuma could only state, "Students be crazy!"

Erika's Red Truths State...

Monokuma has taken us from across time and space to trap us in this school.

Monokuma states that our home worlds have become akin to a 'zombie apocalypse'.

Monokuma has a video for every one of us depicting our friends and loved ones either dead or having turned into a 'zombie'.

Monokuma states that the world he has brought us to is also in the midst of an apocalypse, but that we're safe with him and within his school.

Heavy gunfire can be heard outside the entrance to the school.

Our belongings were taken from us and stashed in a vending machine. We can use monocoins for a chance to get them back.

There are three traitors amongst us who will continue to kill us all until we find them.

We are expected to vote on who we think is a traitor after every murder. There is no penalty for abstaining.

Items found during exploration...

Axel found a piece of a news article in Classroom 1-B. River found another piece in Classroom 1-A. Together, they say...

"--Flamingo News--


The tragedy that occurred--"

Bayonetta found a piece of a news article in the incinerator room. It says...

"Daily Flamingo--

The World's Largest Airship to Take Flight

In anticipation of the coming era of airship travel, Britain announced the completion of the world's largest--"

River found a second piece of paper from an article. It says...

"--an infected loved one, but for many others, the cause is still unknown. A disproportionate number appear to have begun in foster homes and orphanages."

Concerning the traitor's first murder...
The Ultimate Unlucky Student, Jennifer, was murdered.

Dorm room e is where Jennifer's body was found. There is no indication the murder took place anywhere else.

Jennifer was found laying on the bed, both her and the bed heavily burnt.

The incinerator has not been used in quite some time.

Large amounts of blood are on the floor of the room and on the inner door of the room.

A knife was found beside the bed. It may be the murder weapon.

A flamethrower was found. It may be the murder weapon.

Monokuma states the traitors have access to every floor and locked door of the school.

The body has NOT been closely examined, though it HAS been desecrated by The Noob.
"Hmm... traitors, eh? Indeed, this shall be fun," Kotomine smirked to himself as he examined the coin he picked up earlier. He should probably make some use out of this. Maybe he could get his weapons back that way, but he shan't be rash, for who knows? Maybe a traitor was waiting for him there... but then again, as rusty as his skills were, they were still skills to be confident in.

The priest wasn't particularly one to point fingers. He simply let himself find out when the time was right, rather than try to spoil the mystery prematurely and find out too early, so thus, he decided to not vote.

One vote from someone like me would hardly make any difference anyway, he reasoned, It seems that most people have their mind set, given that the girl who was murdered was either burned or stabbed, but the division here does tempt me. Maybe I could examine the body when I have time... but why spoil the fun? He thought, standing up. If able, he would make his way over to the School Shop and once he was done with his business there, he would either examine the body or simply plan his next move.
(Oh my gods, 40 pages. What. The. Fuck. Happen? Anybody mind catching me up?)
Annabeth picked up her hat and tucked it in her back pocket. She didn't want anyone knowing what it could do at the moment. "Thanks for it back... I was missing it," she said. She noticed Arya's reaction to her mentioning her thoughts of Korra. "It just makes the most logical sense to me... I don't personally know Korra, but she seems to have the most adept grasp on fire from her profile. I could be wrong. As for what is going on, did you not hear the announcement earlier? One of the other people here was killed... a girl named Jennifer. Also, logically, would someone who is afraid of fire use it as a weapon? It would make as much sense as someone who is afraid of blood stabbing someone to death, or someone afraid of heights bungee-jumping for no compelling reason. Anyways, anyone else have other thoughts?"

[Replying for @Kirah since she's in a meeting and I'm texting her for her opinion.]

Billy spoke up at this moment. "There were those guys in the room with Bayonetta, Dr. Song and I earlier, those dragon slayers. They displayed some talent for using fire," he said. [Not an actual vote. She wants to do that herself.]

@Kirah @Krieg @Mari @Atomyk

Bayonetta listened to the analysis from Annabeth, and Billy's and Arya's opinion.

"It seems Annabeth has a good point," she said, "while, Arya is it? I know reverse psychology may be at work, we don't have enough clues to say it was so."

She looked at Billy afterward. "You said some of the people in the room we were in had powers of fire? Which ones were they?"

@Kirah @kittyluna45 @Krieg
"So we're all voting now? I'm afraid I'll have to pass. I've been alone most of the day, so I don't have enough information to make a good decision." Lyle made it quite clear what he had decided, and that was to not vote.

@anyone wherever the heck Lyle is
Ley grunted, her hand was covering her bullet wound which was bleeding furiously, her blue eyes darting between each of the signs that hanged by the doors, class room, class room, it seemed as if this dreadful school had nothing but classes, and Ley was growing weary. Her dress was soaked in blood, and her pink hair was in a horrible messy ponytail, even her featured head band was in a uneven row. Finally unable to walk any farther, Ley fell to her knees as she neared a room reading "Infirmary".

Ley grunted, her hand was covering her bullet wound which was bleeding furiously, her blue eyes darting between each of the signs that hanged by the doors, class room, class room, it seemed as if this dreadful school had nothing but classes, and Ley was growing weary. Her dress was soaked in blood, and her pink hair was in a horrible messy ponytail, even her featured head band was in a uneven row. Finally unable to walk any farther, Ley fell to her knees as she neared a room reading "Infirmary".

Urushihara continued his long walk throughout the hallways, after he made his vote. There was so many places he hadn't checked out, but the one he felt that he needed to see was the infirmary, because there would be lots of people with negative emotions there. He needed to feel some; his already weak body wasn't doing to well without the slight added benefits of magic. And his magic was less than impressive here at this so-called school. As he made his way towards the infirmary, he noticed one thing about his body: his lack of athleticism. It wasn't that he was fat--he was quite skinny, actually--it was that he could barely run, or do anything involving athletic skill. He thought about that until he reached his destination: the infirmary.
Ley looked up as a boy walked passed her, entering the infirmary. Ley smelt demonic power, she smelt the blood of a demon. Forcing her self to stand, she stumbled into the door, her face smacking against the glass, taking the handle she turned it and slowly opened the door, falling face forward into the infirmary as the door moved inwards. Mumbling, Ley called out to the boy,

"....Demon....I know what you are...." called Ley, the young female demon lunched upwards and towards the boy, her claws slashing at any exposed skin, trying to catch even the slighted amount of blood.

Ley looked up as a boy walked passed her, entering the infirmary. Ley smelt demonic power, she smelt the blood of a demon. Forcing her self to stand, she stumbled into the door, her face smacking against the glass, taking the handle she turned it and slowly opened the door, falling face forward into the infirmary as the door moved inwards. Mumbling, Ley called out to the boy,

"....Demon....I know what you are...." called Ley, the young female demon lunched upwards and towards the boy, her claws slashing at any exposed skin, trying to catch even the slighted amount of blood.

"Do you know who you're talking to? I am the great Demon General Lucifer," Urushihara told the burgundy girl; the one who knew he was a demon from just seeing him. He jumped backwards, only getting cut three times by her slashing claws. He put his hand up to the place he had gotten cut at, and lightly dabbed it with his pointer and middle finger. He sent a glare at her, and he grinded his teeth in anger that some low-life would be so rude and claw at him. Him! The great Lucifer!

Pretty Boy watched the scenes unfolding before him and smiled, watching as a pair walked into the infirmary and started swinging at each other, he walked over and stood in the doorway, watching the pair "So...when do you two plan to kiss and make up?" he taunts, noticing that the boy had been slashed a little

In truth he wanted to see someone die already, it'd been so long since he'd seen it...
And as for his hometown and loved ones becoming zombies, it was a good thing everyone he cared about was dead and already a ghost in his army...
He could imagine the zombie villagers lumbering into the streets only to be slashed open by his ghostly army of teenage girls...


(Got bored and I'm just gonna talk some shit real quick XD)
@Elevator Crew

Monokuma just crosses his arms at them all, making a vexed noise. "You guys can take the elevator back now if you're all going to be so inept. But you can only access these two floors!!"

Ruby frowned a little, deciding to stick with Yang and the others for the time being, she was thinking about who the traitor might be, but so far, she didn't suspect anyone quiet yet. So unfortunately, without much to work with, she couldn't really point any fingers, well, not right now at least.
(Basically, skipping the vote o.o)
"Do you know who you're talking to? I am the great Demon General Lucifer," Urushihara told the burgundy girl; the one who knew he was a demon from just seeing him. He jumped backwards, only getting cut three times by her slashing claws. He put his hand up to the place he had gotten cut at, and lightly dabbed it with his pointer and middle finger. He sent a glare at her, and he grinded his teeth in anger that some low-life would be so rude and claw at him. Him! The great Lucifer!

"Do you know who you're talking to? I am the great Demon General Lucifer," spoke the boy, but Ley only smiled, and licked the blood from her claws. Insistently her wound begun to heal, the magical bullet pushing its self from her wound and it closing. She grinned wider, looking to her hand she finally noitced her weapon was missing, that bear must of took it, and she was going to get it back. Looking at Lucifer, she grinned,

"and I am Ley von Crimson River, one of the highest ranking demon family's within the underworld, and the second to rule the throne, now watch how you speak before I throw you into the depths of the black fire lake." Ley words were as sweet as candy, but her tone was as deadly as poison.

Pretty Boy watched the scenes unfolding before him and smiled, watching as a pair walked into the infirmary and started swinging at each other, he walked over and stood in the doorway, watching the pair "So...when do you two plan to kiss and make up?" he taunts, noticing that the boy had been slashed a little

In truth he wanted to see someone die already, it'd been so long since he'd seen it...
And as for his hometown and loved ones becoming zombies, it was a good thing everyone he cared about was dead and already a ghost in his army...
He could imagine the zombie villagers lumbering into the streets only to be slashed open by his ghostly army of teenage girls...


(Got bored and I'm just gonna talk some shit real quick XD)
"So...when do you two plan to kiss and make up?" asked the strange boy. Ley sniffed the air as the strange boy spoke, she smelt the sent of a demon, but it was different, something was different about this one, as if he was something less then a demon, but more then a mortal soul. Ley grind her teeth and shot the strange boy a glare,

"Kissing? Who haves time for such a mortality thing when destruction is due." Ley turned and looked towards the door, and thats when it hit her, this creature was a incubus,

"You are a demon aren't you?" Asked Ley to her self, then looking to the boy she grinned once more,

"You're a incubus." said Ley.

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