Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Blob: Stairs

It was like hitting Jello, but it still seemed effective as the thing groaned out in pain. Kirei's strike with the table leg dislodged a shard of glass from the monster, and it started bleeding more heavily from the wound. Rather than counter attack Kotomine, half of it still seemed to move forward for the Lilia... and it split again. Now the size was definitely more manageable, but Kirei's half fell off the stairs towards him, like an eager genki girl glomping someone.

Lilia however, got lucky. The half heading for her seemed uncertain of its footing, as if it had forgotten how to walk after rolling for so long. It looked at her, then at the stairs, then back at her, then the stairs...

@Reaper Jack
Lilia looked down at the creature, a look of disgust playing across her features as it slacked before her. She took a single step towards it, then another, coming to within a single metre of it - striking distance. The dagger's grip laid flat against her palm, the blade protruding at a perpendicular angle from her arm, downwards rather than upwards.

She maintained her distance, only lowering the hand holding the dagger towards the creature, she took care to keep her wristguards on the side of her arm which would be presented to the creature, she had no interest in getting bit by it. Her hand plunge towards a patch of flesh that wasn't covered by the mouths, the dagger arcing into the creature, forcing the nearby mouths to squeal in horror as the nervous systems feeding them were cut apart; Lilia dragged the knife along the body of the detestable creature, slicing it open and revealing it's entrails to the world, she did not grimace, the only look her eyes gave away as she pulled her weapon from the creature was one of coldness, a lack of any emotion at all. She stepped back and to the side, leaving the bleeding monstrosity to it's fate, and marching towards Kotomine and the other blob. She kept one eye looking sidewards and behind...just in case.

For Annabeth, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"Let your imagination wander."

You also get...

Marine Snow

"A bottle of snow that floats in the deep sea, showing fantastical beauty.

... It's actually plankton corpses."



For Billy, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"Traveling more often is important for your health and happiness."

You also get...

Fantasmal Fan

"A folding fan from the Heian period. It's said that whoever possesses this can converse with spirits.

... It's just too bad it doesn't actually do that."




For Bayonetta, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching."

You also get...

Luwak Coffee

"Made from coffee beans taken from the feces of the Indian Civet. It has a unique fragrance, and is one of the most rare and expensive in the world."

For Bayonetta, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"To make the cart go, you must grease the wheels."

You also get...

Forehead Glasses

"It seems that if you chant a certain spell while wearing these glasses, you will be able to hold conversations with inanimate objects.

... Ha."


For Bayonetta, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"There is time to be practical now."

You also get...

Kaishi Paper "Ten-Act Poem"

"Washi paper made by a first-rate craftsman. You carry it around in your pocket and use it to keep your mouth clean."

"Well that was useless." Billy sighs. "Still need to find the detective though." Billy pulls up the map again after pocketing his useless fan. "I've guess we just keep heading back toward the Gym. She's got to be on the first floor..." He pauses and hits his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Unless she got on the elevator. Let's go see if we can recall the elevator."

"And maybe find my hat." Annabeth reminded him.

"Well if we see anyone wearing it then we know they got it from the machine and we'll get it from them with some nice words and not stabbing people." Annabeth ignored his comment. "Well Bayonetta want to continue with us?"

@anyone else that might be in the store ie i think River is still @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Ruby let me show you what I mean. Shoot some flames at me. *he makes it sound like a circus act, but he means it when he points to his mouth* Right here!
Yang raised an eyebrow at what he was saying. Did he want to get incinerated? Sure, he could conjure flames at will, but he could eat it as well? All she could do at the moment was watch what he was going to do.
"O-Okay? Don't blame me if it burns your face off you know..." Ruby said, lifting the flamethrower with a little trouble and aiming it at Natsu, however she only pressed the trigger for a brief moment so the flames wouldn't travel all the way to Natsu and stop short more or less right in front of him. With any luck, this thing still had some fuel in it or something, but if it didn't, they wouldn't be losing much... Would they?
(OOC: I've gotta go, so if you want to finish off the remaining blob that's stuck in the doorway, go ahead.)

Blob gone; forever now

With pitiful moans and gurgles the two smaller blobs are cut and smashed and sliced apart on the stairwell, dropping two monocoins. Maybe the two would think philosophically of its defeating, realizing splitting up means they would only dwindle their strength as a group. Maybe they'd chase after and help the wangface who deserted them, saving him from the blob in the door and earning another monocoin.​
Or maybe they'd leave him alone, and he'd eventually find the courage to smash its face in by himself.​
Whatever the case, the remaining blob was stuck in the doorway and unable to move, vulnerable to all of the world.​
@Reaper Jack
"O-Okay? Don't blame me if it burns your face off you know..." Ruby said, lifting the flamethrower with a little trouble and aiming it at Natsu, however she only pressed the trigger for a brief moment so the flames wouldn't travel all the way to Natsu and stop short more or less right in front of him. With any luck, this thing still had some fuel in it or something, but if it didn't, they wouldn't be losing much... Would they?
*Natsu's smile grew larger. Right before the fire dispersed, Natsu sucked it up* Aw... that it? *He asked with a sade tone*
(OOC: I've gotta go, so if you want to finish off the remaining blob that's stuck in the doorway, go ahead.)

Blob gone; forever now

With pitiful moans and gurgles the two smaller blobs are cut and smashed and sliced apart on the stairwell, dropping two monocoins. Maybe the two would think philosophically of its defeating, realizing splitting up means they would only dwindle their strength as a group. Maybe they'd chase after and help the wangface who deserted them, saving him from the blob in the door and earning another monocoin.

Or maybe they'd leave him alone, and he'd eventually find the courage to smash its face in by himself.

Whatever the case, the remaining blob was stuck in the doorway and unable to move, vulnerable to all of the world.


@Reaper Jack
Picking up one of the monocoins, he examined it briefly, before pocketing it. Was this one of the coins that the guy in the bathroom mentioned? Well, if so, tough luck for him now that a coin had come into Kotomine's possession. Now... if he could find a place to insert this coin...

He had no hard feelings toward Urushihara for deserting them, personally. But maybe that was because concepts like revenge and hatred were beyond him at this point. Facing Lilia briefly, he shrugged, beginning to make his way towards the last remaining blob and impale it through the head with the shard of glass.

@Reaper Jack

// I suppose this will also be my last post as well. Ciao for now, maybe.
"Aye, 't was my business, none of yours! Jesus woman, we've barely met and you already wish to know my every move!" Edward responded to her. He could see she was being troubled by something else too. "I don't give a shite about this other man! I'm here now, and he's not! I came back for you, River!"

Edward let go of her arm and turned around, hands on his sides and looking at the ground, thinking for a few moments. It was at this moment that the talking bear popped up on his device, and it looked like it happened to everyone.


"Did you hear that? A girl was just killed. Murdered by a man or woman walking among us. You wish to be alone, miss Song?" He bowed deeply. "Your wish is my command." After that, he barely gave her a chance to respond before angrily stomping off himself. Oh yeah, he was pulling some dick moves, but hey... pirates. :)

River scowled. "Of course it wan't my business! I didn't ask to know your business! I was hoping you'd at least not say you were coming with me and change that decision without telling me. I never asked to know every move you made. I'm not your keeper! I haven't even known you for a day, idiot!" She growled and got up in his face, trying to think of what else to say, only to be stunned into silence when he said he did come back for her.

Edward came back for her? Was she supposed to believe that? River was uncertain. Still, he left. That's what irritated her. But he did have two points. One: he did actually come back for her like he said, and two: he wasn't that other man. No, he wasn't her husband, The Doctor, the most frustrating, yet lovable man in all of the universe who pissed her off to hell and back. The one who gave her happiness that no money could buy, and yet took away that happiness every time he turned his back and left her. The one who made her love life and hate it all at the same time. The same man she would someday give her life for. The very man who she shed countless tears over, a man who surrounded himself with so many different women that River doubted there was any room left in his hearts for her.

River was bitter, and yet, Edward was not that man. Sure, he pissed her off--maybe ten times more than the freaking Doctor--but he wasn't her husband. He was a different person entirely, and she couldn't go around judging peoples actions based on what The Doctor did, now could she? That wasn't entirely fair, was it? The Doctor was a being separate from any others. So, excluding the things that her irritating, wonderful husband had done to her, what had Edward really done since she had met him?

He got her fired up, that's what. He got her riled once because of his attractive charms and once because had been a dick. Both times she felt like her face was on fire and she had to admit that was... interesting to her.

A long awkward silence fell between them. River wasn't sure what to say, to be honest. She suddenly wasn't as mad as she originally had been, and didn't know how to channel a calmer feeling inside herself. She opened her mouth to try and say something, but that's when the announcements came about the traitors and the girl who was murdered. After the announcement, and before River could say anything else, the pirate pulled another total dick move: he up and freaking left!

"Bloody pirate thinking he can just up and walk out after someone dies in this bloody school. Well he can bloody get killed next for all I care. He can bloody go to hell. Leaving a woman to fend for her own like this. I hate him. I just hate him!" she said, grumbling like an old woman and speaking far too fast and quiet for Ed to even hear. She did, however, do one last thing before he was completely gone...

River puffed out her cheeks like a chipmunk with nuts in her mouth and angrily wrinkled her nose at him. She bent over and started to take her shoe off, cursing him out while she did.

She then threw her shoe at him.
Mulan style. :)


The shoe hit him on the back of the head before he was gone. River scowled to herself and went over to pick up the shoe, putting it back on. She was pissed, but strangely enough found his dick-like behavior attractive. I guess River was just attracted to a-holes, even if she didn't care to admit it. :)

Once the shoe was back on her foot, River wandered out of the main part of the store, into another room away from others, just in time to see the chaos of imps and fighting going on everywhere. An imp ran past a glass window, stopped, turned around and to look at her. River took a step back, eyes widening.

"Oh shi--"

The imp broke through the glass window and tackled her to the ground, attempting to bite into her neck. Before it could do so, however, River kneed the thing in it's stomach and rolled away while it was recovering. Though on her back, River felt around with her hands to see if she could find anything to quickly use as a weapon. When she didn't find anything in time, however, the creature jumped onto her again.

River continued to feel around, looking for something she could use to defend herself. If she didn't, that thing was going to kill her right here and now!

But, as luck would have it, River deeply cut her hand on a piece of glass from the broken window as she felt around on the ground. She winced, but seconds later realized it was something she could use to help defend herself. She turned toward the imp and stabbed it right in the face with the shard of glass she held.

Like dis :3

But once River had stabbed it once, she began to stab it in the face several more times in various different locations. She wasn't sure how long she would need to attack it to finish it off, but she was willing to go for an overkill just to make sure she was safe.

After several strikes, and being sure it was dead, River shakily rose to her feet, feeling a little bruised from when the creature had knocked her to the ground. She reached at her side instinctively for her gun, but of course she still didn't have it back. What she did have, however, was the vice she had won out of the store machine earlier. She took it off her belt. It was heavy and strong enough to use for whacking those things. It would have to do at least until she got a real weapon back.

Once the imp was taken care of, River knew she had two options. She could either go look for others to help, or try to hide and keep herself safe. Now, she knew the good thing to do would have been to help others. It would have been the thing The Doctor would have wanted her to do...

"Eh, that man isn't here. And he's not the boss of me."

Hiding it is~ Besides, River was sore from the fall and cut up from rolling around in glass. She didn't feel like fighting at the moment. And sometimes, like the pirate, she could be secretly a jerk-face herself who didn't feel like helping out anyone but herself. Now was one of those times.

So River walked further into the store hiding behind a counter in order to stay hidden. She would camp there until the threat was no longer an issue.

While she waited, River tried to think over who could have been the traitor. As much as she was pissed off at Elizabeth for cockblocking her and at Edward for being an a-hole, she couldn't vote for the traitor based on who had pissed her off in the last twenty-four hours. No, that wouldn't be a smart move. Besides, it wasn't as if pirates knew how to use a flamethrower, which was indeed the murder weapon. River wasn't sure who to peg as the traitor just yet. She decided to wait and get some rest before deciding that.

//ooc: This is my last post for the night. Just thought i'd make it a huge one for the heck of it. XD So don't reply to me anyone. I'll be back tomorrow either in the morning or sometime after work if I get called. :3 For now, I'm just hiding out somewhere. Enjoy the hoard of imps! I'm not sure if they were all taken care of yet or not, but if they were, the one I saw can just be one that was missed. ;) I'll vote for traitor tomorrow. I'm tired and don't want to waste my vote without actually having enough rest to think it over. XD Night!​
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*Natsu's smile grew larger. Right before the fire dispersed, Natsu sucked it up* Aw... that it? *He asked with a sade tone*
Ruby laughed, partially out of nervousness "Yeah... We've got to save it for later, it's not like there isn't any more crazy creatures out there... Right?" she said, sounding a little strained. What she didn't mention was that she didn't exactly fancy burning his face off either since that's what glamethrowers usually did to begin with.
'He. . .he ate fire. . .?'

Duh! This must have been the reason why he asked for fire just moments before everything got all serious. Yang's face grew with excitement as she realized what Natsu was able to do. Eat fire. Must come with the perks of being a dragon slayer. Did that mean Sting could eat light?

"That's awesome--!" she exclaimed.
"Well that was useless." Billy sighs. "Still need to find the detective though." Billy pulls up the map again after pocketing his useless fan. "I've guess we just keep heading back toward the Gym. She's got to be on the first floor..." He pauses and hits his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Unless she got on the elevator. Let's go see if we can recall the elevator."

"And maybe find my hat." Annabeth reminded him.

"Well if we see anyone wearing it then we know they got it from the machine and we'll get it from them with some nice words and not stabbing people." Annabeth ignored his comment. "Well Bayonetta want to continue with us?"

@anyone else that might be in the store ie i think River is still @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

After a moment of thought, Bayonetta agreed. "I'll follow along in your path for now."

She wondered whether any of the 3 items she got from the machine would be of use.

@Kirah @kittyluna45
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More cartoonish nonsense. It was comical, but, comedy like this was something neither Risa nor Connor wanted right before their very eyes. Especially not after the girl Risa was nursing mysteriously ended up dead, but, that didn't stop Risa from being curious.

"How do you breathe in fire like that?" She asked Natsu.

'He. . .he ate fire. . .?'

Duh! This must have been the reason why he asked for fire just moments before everything got all serious. Yang's face grew with excitement as she realized what Natsu was able to do. Eat fire. Must come with the perks of being a dragon slayer. Did that mean Sting could eat light?

"That's awesome--!" she exclaimed.
I know right! I can eat any kind of fire! Expect my own. I can't do that unfortunately. *Natsu smiles as he feel Yang's excitement.*
More cartoonish nonsense. It was comical, but, comedy like this was something neither Risa nor Connor wanted right before their very eyes. Especially not after the girl Risa was nursing mysteriously ended up dead, but, that didn't stop Risa from being curious.

"How do you breathe in fire like that?" She asked Natsu.

Just a perk of being a fire dragon slayer. *he says with a chuckle*@york
You could say that Erika was deep in thought as she was still thinking on how the traitors would have that method of getting in and out of the rooms with the illusion that it was almost like a closed room. Though she did manage to see that Natsu was able to eat fire...well, that was strange in itself. Though she was more focused on this one detail, and she may need a bit more information if she were to make a new Blue Truth out of this.

(last post for the night, cya)
Ruby laughed, partially out of nervousness "Yeah... We've got to save it for later, it's not like there isn't any more crazy creatures out there... Right?" she said, sounding a little strained. What she didn't mention was that she didn't exactly fancy burning his face off either since that's what glamethrowers usually did to begin with.
I'm sure whatever comes our way we can handle! As a team we can take down anything! *he said trying to help Ruby feel safe and strong*
@ItsToppyTippers @Archmage Jeremiah
I know right! I can eat any kind of fire! Expect my own. I can't do that unfortunately. *Natsu smiles as he feel Yang's excitement.*

Just a perk of being a fire dragon slayer. *he says with a chuckle*@york
I'm sure whatever comes our way we can handle! As a team we can take down anything! *he said trying to help Ruby feel safe and strong*
@ItsToppyTippers @Archmage Jeremiah
"I guess it's not the same as hunters after all... Which is what I wanna be!" Ruby said, smiling a little, the only problem with doing that is she was stuck in some wierd school in an whole new world without much to defend herself with except a bulky flamethrower. When Natsu mentioned the part about a team, she smiled gleefully "Just like team RWBY!" she exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air and jumping in the air a little, it seemed to come naturally for someone like her really as she's done this before on many occasions.
I know right! I can eat any kind of fire! Expect my own. I can't do that unfortunately. *Natsu smiles as he feel Yang's excitement.*

Just a perk of being a fire dragon slayer. *he says with a chuckle*@york
Connor scoffed quietly.

"Pff, dragons...what kind of ridiculous fairy-tale are you all from?"

Risa scolded Connor through a whisper.

"Connor, be respectful..."

"Any of them could be the killer."

Connor huffed, realising Risa was right, as she always was. He would have to keep his trap shut if they were to remain out of the killer's sights.

"I guess it's not the same as hunters after all... Which is what I wanna be!" Ruby said, smiling a little, the only problem with doing that is she was stuck in some wierd school in an whole new world without much to defend herself with except a bulky flamethrower. When Natsu mentioned the part about a team, she smiled gleefully "Just like team RWBY!" she exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air and jumping in the air a little, it seemed to come naturally for someone like her really as she's done this before on many occasions.

"As long as we stick together, we'll make it out in no time to see Weiss, Blake, Zwei, and the others!" Yang chanted along with her sister. She was glad she knew someone like Natsu to help give some enthusiasm instead of dragging everyone down with depressing thoughts. She was getting pumped up - or as the salmon-haired male would say, 'all fired up!'.
Connor scoffed quietly.

"Pff, dragons...what kind of ridiculous fairy-tale are you all from?"

Risa scolded Connor through a whisper.

"Connor, be respectful..."

"Any of them could be the killer."

Connor huffed, realising Risa was right, as she always was. He would have to jeep his trap shut if they were to remain out of the killer's sights.

Well that is the name of my guild. If you have beef here would not be the place to show. Especially to me punk. *Natsu looked around the hall for a place to go and acTed as if he didn't say anything* Where next? I'm all fired up!
@york @ItsToppyTippers
Zer0 quickly began to walk around the school, wandering the halls. It seemed like the best places on start, and the bear was creepy as hell, so there was no way he was going into the Gymnasium.

But maybe the bear had some answers. For example, why was he at this school instead of popping bullets into bandits and cutting things apart? Zer0 pondered for a second, then frowned under his mask, his emotion showing up in a colon and an open parentheses. He stepped through the gymnasium doors, and waved at those inside. A bright red HI projected out in front of his face.

@Atomyk @york @MrDubWubs @ItsToppyTippers
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