Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Blob: Stairs

It was like hitting Jello, but it still seemed effective as the thing groaned out in pain. Kirei's strike with the table leg dislodged a shard of glass from the monster, and it started bleeding more heavily from the wound. Rather than counter attack Kotomine, half of it still seemed to move forward for the Lilia... and it split again. Now the size was definitely more manageable, but Kirei's half fell off the stairs towards him, like an eager genki girl glomping someone.​
Lilia however, got lucky. The half heading for her seemed uncertain of its footing, as if it had forgotten how to walk after rolling for so long. It looked at her, then at the stairs, then back at her, then the stairs...​

@Reaper Jack

"... Sorry, I don't think that worked." The Rubbish Bin sighs.

"Right." Billy stands up and dusts off his knees. "Let's find Erika Furudo." He turns and leaves the incinerator room. He hasn't the slightest clue as to where to start looking for the detective. "Uh, well back to my original plan of heading to the store?" He says with a shrug and starts down the hall toward the store. It isn't very far from where they are thankfully.

@Atomyk (in case anything wants to attack us)
@anyone in the store (if we make it there without being attacked)
Robin heard an unfamiliar voice speak up. Turning his head towards it, he found an awakening redhead on the ground. Stepping over to him, Robin shouted for the others to hear, "Everyone, we have someone new here."
(( Oki Q3Q ))
Seiker then tossed the flamethrower aside. "Grr..."
Continued from here.

"Living to the Fullest"
Monokuma grins at the group piling into the courtroom elevator. He raises a paw and places it on his chest. "Now, let's all recite our school's motto before we start this beary special school project!"

"Ahem, Monokuma is always right and to say he isn't makes us no better than dumb salmon!"

Monokuma's grinning visage disappears as the elevator doors close. Your group, consisting of Erika, Dlanor, Ruby, Yang, Sting, Lector, Robin, The Noob, The Engineer, Collier, Natsu, Seiker, Pretty Boy, and Lyle stand under a single flickering bulb.

It is then that your IDs come to life.

Billy and Annabeth, having abandoned the elevator ride, look for the source of the unknown blood. They find themselves in the dormitories, where Room e's door is open. It's odd, considering the dorms were locked when you guys all left!

The pair step inside to find blood painting the inner side of the door. Even worse, there's blood all over the room! It's almost enough to distract them from--

Oh. Oh no.

Monokuma appears beside them, and every student's ID comes to life.

Monokuma's black-and-white-and-red-all-over visage pops on to your screens. He has one hand to his mouth as he holds back a laugh. "There's something I forgot to tell you guys!" he says, fumbling with the view screen. He starts to turn it away from himself so that you all can see what he's looking at.


There, on the screen, is the Ultimate Unlucky Student, Jennifer. Not that it's easy to recognize her with her corpse and the bed she's laying on burned nice and crispy. There happens to be a knife beside the bed...

"She really was unlucky, wasn't she!" You can hear Monokuma continue to laugh, the screen showing Jennifer's corpse bobbing up and down. "Who could have done this to the poor girl! Hmm... Oh! I know!" Monokuma brings the screen around back to face himself, his right hand lifted and his claws brandished. "Did you know... there are traitors amongst you? Three, to be exact! Upuhehehehe! You could even call them the Ultimate Traitors!"

Monokuma continues to giggle as this sinks in for everyone. He eventually manages an air of seriousness. "It's not so bad, you know. I've added a new feature to your handbooks... A new upgrade on level one? I'm the beary best bear NPC! Just bring up another student's profile and you'll find an option to VOTE for them! You all get to vote on who amongst you is a traitor! It's a bonding exercise that only the best headmaster could have provided!"

"Let's all find out who killed our poor filthy Jennifer!"

For those of you in the elevator, it comes to a stop after Monokuma finishes his voting explanation. The air here is still and quiet. Stepping out will put in another school hallway, this one broken down and dilapidated. There's rubble to your right, so it seems all any of you can do is follow to the left...

By the dormitory toilets, Kirei, Lilia, and Hanzou start to notice something odd. Before they can head inside and investigate, a small child pops its head out.

Well, it doesn't look much like a child. The tiny thing looks up at Kirei and--

"AAAAAA--" It screams in a tiny shrill voice before leaping at the priest, its hands clawing wildly. More come out of the bathroom, and then more and more! Soon, the whole school will be crawling in little imps!

NOTE: There's no rush to vote, so feel free to deal with this immediate chaos before your character goes ahead and inputs a vote. For those of you who still have monocoins and didn't take the elevator, you can still use them while the school is overrun!
Cast List:

@Akibahara as The Noob and The Engineer (Battlefield Friends)
@Joellie as Edward Kenway (Assassin's Creed)
@Archmage Jeremiah as Risa Megan Ward and Connor Lassiter (Unwind)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Ley von Crimson River and Rufus Wilde (Grand Chase)
@Ziogen as Revya and Gig (Soul Nomad)
@Dallas as Don "Wardaddy" Collier (Fury)
@Verite as Kirei Kotomine (Fate/stay night)
@york as Ruby Rose (RWBY)
@Zadok shadows as Zane Bowerstone (Fable)
@Krieg as Arya Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as River Song (Doctor Who)
@MrDubWubs as Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
@StarryNight as Chrome Dokuro (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
@Raven as Wuya and Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown)
@DapperDogman as Intersection's Pretty Boy (Undying Love)
@Chello as Loki Laufeyson (Thor)
@Nassione as Korra (The Legend of Korra)
@Conrad Norwood as Robin (Fire Emblem)
@Xibilation as Elizabeth Swann-Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean)
@Reaper Jack as Lilia Kjaernestejd (Innocentius Luna)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Dlanor A. Knox (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Chiru)
@ChemicalLove as Adain Lee (Original Character)
@KayThePilotChapter as Hanzou Urushihara (The Devil Is A Part-Timer!)
@SirDerpingtonIV as Sandor Clegane (A Song Of Ice And Fire)
@penguin055 as Lyle Dylandy (Gundam 00)
@Nim as Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki)
@ShadowPrime as Sting Eucliffe and Lector (Fairy Tale)
@Kirah as William "Billy" Borden (Dresden Files)
@Rocket as Lilith (Borderlands)
@Thuro Pendragon as Desmond Miles (Assassin's Creed)
@SuperChocoMilk as Zer0 (Borderlands)
@ItsToppyTippers as Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
@Jeremi as Funny Valentine (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
@HelloBeautifulChild as Oz and Willow Rosenburg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
@Ryu Keiko as Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
@Mari as Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
@ElBell as Anastasia Saunders (Original Character)
@kittyluna45 as Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Chung Seiker (Elsword)
@Josh M as Cosmo (Guardians of the Galaxy)

The Engineer nearly dozed asleep...

Slumped in the Courtroom's passenger elevator, he yawned tiredly, idly examining his wristwatch, "Oh God, where did that idiot go now?" The Engineer was disconnected and sleepy, but was angry at all the commotion. Ugh. Just let me sleep, pleeeeeease... and what's worse? The Noob vanished into thin air - probably gargling dick in the Principle's Office. He didn't fuckin' care. His eyes flickered shut, finally some good 'ol fashio--


Le gasp!

The traitor has struck!

His I.D. flipped on, revealing a sight of absolute horror!

The KFC-ified corpse of Jennifer sizzled, she... she didn't deserve this. The Engineer fought to hold back tears, quivering at such a horrific sight, God she must've had a family, a boyfriend, an education to pursue, a life to live! He closed his eyes shut, and for the first time in many, many years, muttered a small prayer for the recently-departed Jennifer. May her soul rest in peace. A small smile crept across his rugged features, yes... she's in Heaven now. He knew it.

He opened his eyes once more and--

Oh. Hell. No.


"Dip dip potato chip~"
"Dip dip potato chip~~"
The Engineer gasped! (・□・;) What... what the hell was that imbecile doing?! The poor body of Jennifer was ruined! Defiled by some asshole t-bagging her burnt-ass face! He grinded his crotch against her lifeless form, up and down... up and down... UP AND FUCKING DOWN... a loud scream erupted from The Engineer's comm-link:
"What... the fuck... are you doing..."​
The Noob responded:​
"What? She's dead. So I'm t-bagging her. U mad, bro?"

"GRAAARGH! You fucking idiot, just get back here!"

Too late.

The elevator left The Noob behind. :)

@Elevator ppl

Blob: Stairs

It was like hitting Jello, but it still seemed effective as the thing groaned out in pain. Kirei's strike with the table leg dislodged a shard of glass from the monster, and it started bleeding more heavily from the wound. Rather than counter attack Kotomine, half of it still seemed to move forward for the Lilia... and it split again. Now the size was definitely more manageable, but Kirei's half fell off the stairs towards him, like an eager genki girl glomping someone.

Lilia however, got lucky. The half heading for her seemed uncertain of its footing, as if it had forgotten how to walk after rolling for so long. It looked at her, then at the stairs, then back at her, then the stairs...

@Reaper Jack
"Tch!" Kotomine grunted, trying to catch a breath before quickly grabbing the shard of glass and wielding it like a knife. Never in his dreams would he ever imagine he'd be dual wielding with a table leg and a shard of glass, but hey, desperate times called for desperate measures, it seemed.

As powerful as he considered his physical attacks to be, he'd personally rather use them as a last resort. This kind of creature seemed like it was ready to try to bite his fist in response to being punched, so for now, Kotomine decided to play it safe in comparison to what he was used to for now, at least until he deduced it was safe enough to strike more fiercely if it was still alive by then.

Taking a step back, he swung both of his weapons at the oncoming hostile force, aiming at the upper area.
Hey that was a good food supply!
"Uh... What?" Ruby said, looking towards Natsu with confusion, she wasn't sure if she had understood what she had heard right, but she decided ti pick up the flamethrower with a grunting noise, continuing to walk along with the others. It seemed that she wasn't exactly having an easy time carrying the bulky weapon though.
Robin heard an unfamiliar voice speak up. Turning his head towards it, he found an awakening redhead on the ground. Stepping over to him, Robin shouted for the others to hear, "Everyone, we have someone new here."
Axel groaned as he looked up at the male. Definitely not who I'm looking for. He thought as he sat up, shaking his head, and fixing his long hair. "Who the hell are you?" he said, still sounding like he was upset. "And where the hell am I?" he mumbled, his annoyance growing a little. His green eyes seem dark, and clouded, but other than that, he didn't seem hostile.
"Right." Billy stands up and dusts off his knees. "Let's find Erika Furudo." He turns and leaves the incinerator room. He hasn't the slightest clue as to where to start looking for the detective. "Uh, well back to my original plan of heading to the store?" He says with a shrug and starts down the hall toward the store. It isn't very far from where they are thankfully.

@Atomyk (in case anything wants to attack us)
@anyone in the store (if we make it there without being attacked)
"Store?" Bayonetta asked. "That sounds interesting enough, I'll tag along for now."


"Is that where we use these coins?"

@kittyluna45 @Kirah @Atomyk
"Is that where we use these coins?"
You all make it to the school shop safely, though you don't encounter any other students. Everyone is pretty busy!

The monomono machine beckons Bayonetta.

"My name is Robin, you're in an elevator, and there's been a murder. The others can explain the rest," Robin explained to the teen.
You all make it to the school shop safely, though you don't encounter any other students. Everyone is pretty busy!

The monomono machine beckons Bayonetta.

"Okay, machine," Bayonetta said, "are these two coins I have supposed to be used on you?"


@Kirah @Atomyk
"Store?" Bayonetta asked. "That sounds interesting enough, I'll tag along for now."


"Is that where we use these coins?"

@kittyluna45 @Kirah @Atomyk
"Yeah according to Doctor Song." He figured Bayonetta would remember Song from the room. They hadn't gotten along all the well. He was thankful when the got to the store in one piece. Annabeth looked around the place picking up some of the junk that crumbled in her hands. Billy spotted the machine. "That thing, I was told that it had our stuff in it. Maybe one of us can get our things." He glanced at Annabeth apologetically. Then stepped forward to the machine, he read the script and took his free pull. He could hope his jacket was in there, but if he was honest with himself he hoped for a clue more than the jacket.

"I'll take a turn anyway, maybe I'll get one of your things, or something else of mine. Even if the hat was stolen." She growled the last bit. After Billy she'd pull her free turn and then let Bayonetta take her turns.

"My name is Robin, you're in an elevator, and there's been a murder. The others can explain the rest," Robin explained to the teen.
Axel groaned as he began to stand slowly. "Others?" he said before he stopped and noticed that there was others present in this...small confinement. "Name's Axel." he said as he wiped his coat off. "Got it memorized?" he said with a sly smile.
"Yeah according to Doctor Song." He figured Bayonetta would remember Song from the room. They hadn't gotten along all the well. He was thankful when the got to the store in one piece. Annabeth looked around the place picking up some of the junk that crumbled in her hands. Billy spotted the machine. "That thing, I was told that it had our stuff in it. Maybe one of us can get our things." He glanced at Annabeth apologetically. Then stepped forward to the machine, he read the script and took his free pull. He could hope his jacket was in there, but if he was honest with himself he hoped for a clue more than the jacket.

"I'll take a turn anyway, maybe I'll get one of your things, or something else of mine. Even if the hat was stolen." She growled the last bit. After Billy she'd pull her free turn and then let Bayonetta take her turns.

"Very well," Bayonetta said, "so if I have two coins then I get three chances at it?"

@kittyluna45 @Kirah @Atomyk
"Uh... What?" Ruby said, looking towards Natsu with confusion, she wasn't sure if she had understood what she had heard right, but she decided ti pick up the flamethrower with a grunting noise, continuing to walk along with the others. It seemed that she wasn't exactly having an easy time carrying the bulky weapon though.
Ruby let me show you what I mean. Shoot some flames at me. *he makes it sound like a circus act, but he means it when he points to his mouth* Right here!
Yang raised an eyebrow at what he was saying. Did he want to get incinerated? Sure, he could conjure flames at will, but he could eat it as well? All she could do at the moment was watch what he was going to do.
For Annabeth, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"Let your imagination wander."

You also get...

Marine Snow

"A bottle of snow that floats in the deep sea, showing fantastical beauty.

... It's actually plankton corpses."



For Billy, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"Traveling more often is important for your health and happiness."

You also get...

Fantasmal Fan

"A folding fan from the Heian period. It's said that whoever possesses this can converse with spirits.

... It's just too bad it doesn't actually do that."


For Bayonetta, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching."

You also get...

Luwak Coffee

"Made from coffee beans taken from the feces of the Indian Civet. It has a unique fragrance, and is one of the most rare and expensive in the world."

For Bayonetta, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"To make the cart go, you must grease the wheels."

You also get...

Forehead Glasses

"It seems that if you chant a certain spell while wearing these glasses, you will be able to hold conversations with inanimate objects.

... Ha."


For Bayonetta, the balls inside the machine bounce around.

With a *ding*!, it pops out a ball. Inside you find a fortune...

"There is time to be practical now."

You also get...

Kaishi Paper "Ten-Act Poem"

"Washi paper made by a first-rate craftsman. You carry it around in your pocket and use it to keep your mouth clean."
  • Thank You
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