Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Robin began to consider his theory again after reading Kotomine's message. He had no reason to lie about being innocent, so that's true. However, no one knew if it was only transfers who were traitors now. Plus, Robin didn't remember the last minutes before death so could he trust Kotomine?

Erasing his old message, Robin began anew. President Funny, were you a traitor?

@Jeremi @Atomyk
"Ratchet, the fog could have been from the fog machine at Titty Typhoon. It doesn't have to be magical powers," Robin pointed out a simple fact.
Ratchet nodded, "That's very true, so tell me, why do you think it is me, and not anyone else I wanna see how I killed someone!"
"A large object summoned inside of his chest?" Pretty asks with a raised eyebrow, before hitting Korra's button and coughing

"Korra, with her ability to manipulate elements, forced a large gust of air into the president's lungs, bursting them and rupturing his chest, she didn't have to give herself away, and was clearly not the person behind the kotomine that animal..." he looks a Ratchet for a long moment and furrows his brow "All clues point to you, my furry friend, yet your fur is the wrong color...I hope you appreciate how lucky you are to not be brown"

@The Pimp Tactician
@El Presidente
Robin sighed, "Again, other than the Prinny, you have no one to back you up. You're a transfer student. You were alone. You seem the type who would be able to complete the simple task of setting fireworks up." Retrieving the fur they had found, Robin looked to Monokuma, "Bear, compare Ratchet's fur with bit here and tell me if it matches any part of him."
Edward smiled as he stepped out of the plane, onto the island. He hadn't forgotten about the murders and traitors around, but it did feel nice arriving in a place like this. When he looked at the wide ocean, he knew it reminded him of something, but he wasn't sure exactly what. In any case, he decided to make his way over to the beach and relax for a while.
It was still warm and sunny out, so the water didn't feel cold at all when he put his feet in it. The smell and the wind felt very familiar to him, and it hurt him that he didn't know why. As he sat on the sand and lied back, he closed his eyes and mumbled "Jackdaw... Jenny... Edw-... Ed..." before losing consciousness again.

--------------- A FEW HOURS LATER

When his eyes opened again, it was obviously much later in the day, and Ed didn't even remember why he was there. In fact, there were a lot of things he couldn't remember, like there were some holes in his memory. He quickly got up and looked around. "What... What...? What?" he asked, cluelessly looking around. "How did I... Where's my TARDIS? Where... What?"

He then continued to pat down his body, checking for a sonic screwdriver in one of his pockets. There was nothing. Although he didn't seem to realize where he was, he knew that finding those two things was very important, so he immediately started wandering around the island. Eventually he ended up at the hotel, where he just randomly started knocking on people's doors and asking if they've seen a big blue box around anywhere. After a few floors, he ended up at Kotomine's door and knocked four times.

As soon as anyone opened the door, he would ask: "Hello, you don't happen to have seen a big blue box around?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

After knocking at a few doors, one of the doors just opened on its own. Apparently, someone had broken into it. Also, it looked dark inside so you couldn't see if anyone was in there. Do you go in? Y/N? Or try other apartments? :)

"You guys need to study some more! That fur is clearly monkey fur!"

@The Pimp Tactician
@El Presidente
"What? Then how did-? What did-? Argh!" Robin threw the fur at Ratchet in a rage, "Then prove to me that your alibi is true! Find that Prinny and bring him here!"

After knocking at a few doors, one of the doors just opened on its own. Apparently, someone had broken into it. Also, it looked dark inside so you couldn't see if anyone was in there. Do you go in? Y/N? Or try other apartments? :)
When the door just opened on its own, Ed peeked in just a little bit. "... Hello?" he asked into the darkness. "I'm coming in. Looking for a box, it's big and blue? Have you seen it?" He kept talking when he walked inside. It made him feel a little more comfortable. "Where's the lights in this place anyway?" While walking, he kept his hands to the wall in an attempt to find a switch.
"What? Then how did-? What did-? Argh!" Robin threw the fur at Ratchet in a rage, "Then prove to me that your alibi is true! Find that Prinny and bring him here!"
"He left the courtroom, unlike him, I cannot, right Monokuma? But can you send him here?"

He looked down at the fur, then back up at Robin, and he crossed his arms in annoyance, "Why do you insist on thinking I killed these people anyways? Im just as scared as you are? I just think you're just still mad at me for the time I voted you."
"Monokuma, isn't Ratchet's species supposed to be monkey-like creatures of some kind?" Robin had started to calm down. It doesn't have to exactly have to be monkey to appear like monkey fur!
"Fine, then let's see if it's only traitors who can use the radar! Let's see your downfall or salvation!" Robin pulled out the ID he had gotten from before and began tapping to try and bring up the radar, "Surprised that I have a working one?"
His eyes work over to Wuya and Jack and his eyes narrow " to explain, monkey boy and Heylin?" he asks with a chilling undertone "I can't see any other monkeys here"

He looks at Robin and gives him a glare "Excuse me, but we've proved it's not him...please...if you keep this up, you'll end up face down again...we have no time to waste...if we mess this up...I could be next, and we can't afford to waste this chance...we have one traitor left...if we can get them...we can work on getting everyone back to life..."

He sighs and looks to Jack and Wuya "Confess if it was you...and we might see about sparing you, if your reason was good enough"

@El Presidente
@The Pimp Tactician
When the door just opened on its own, Ed peeked in just a little bit. "... Hello?" he asked into the darkness. "I'm coming in. Looking for a box, it's big and blue? Have you seen it?" He kept talking when he walked inside. It made him feel a little more comfortable. "Where's the lights in this place anyway?" While walking, he kept his hands to the wall in an attempt to find a switch.

As Ed walks around, he steps on something that hurts his foot. It feels like stepping on legos. Oww. :)

While feeling around on the wall, he manages to find a light switch. When he flicks it on, he can see that River is sprawled out on the floor asleep with a journal and pen in her hand. There is also a mine field of random electronics spread all over the floor. You realize that's the painful thing you stepped on before. There are so many on the floor that you can't take another step without stepping on something.

What do you wanna do now? You could probably wake River up... sneak a peek in the journal River had been writing in... or examine the electronics she had been messing with.
"Perhaps I shall." He remarked picking up a chalk before starting to write.

Greetings sirs and madams. I do not have much to tell about the time of demise except one thing. It was as if a heavy lump had been removed from my chest and then an unfathomable pain as something akin to an explosion erupted inside of me. Then...I fell into the abyss that was my death. Other than that...Lady Bayonetta it was a pleasure to share my final moments in your alluring company. Good luck.

Yours truely

President Funny Valentine

With that he put the chalk down once again and stepped back to see what would happen next.

Bayonetta smiled as she read the Bucket Knight's board.

She thought about the possible killer, or killers... as she listened to the others discussing the case, she walked over to Bucket Knight.

"May I?, she sweetly asked Bucket Knight, while grabbing a chalk.

"Pretty Boy, we know one of the traitors is a transfer student! If this is the final traitor, then it is a TRANSFER STUDENT! NOT ORIGINAL STUDENTS LIKE JACK AND WUYA, BUT A FUCKING TRANSFER STUDENT!" Robin was getting angry again. Pretty Boy was acting an idiot in his opinion. The man was ignoring facts they had discovered in the past and was going to cause the deaths of two innocents. Taking a moment to pause in his hunt for a radar function, Robin placed Ratchet as his vote, "No more games, I won't feel weak or terrible if I mess this vote up! I'm not allowing you to kill Jack and Wuya because you're such A FUCKING DUMBASS, PRETTY!"

@DapperDogman @Atomyk @El Presidente

As Ed walks around, he steps on something that hurts his foot. It feels like stepping on legos. Oww. :)

While feeling around on the wall, he manages to find a light switch. When he flicks it on, he can see that River is sprawled out on the floor asleep with a journal and pen in her hand. There is also a mine field of random electronics spread all over the floor. You realize that's the painful thing you stepped on before. There are so many on the floor that you can't take another step without stepping on something.

What do you wanna do now? You could probably wake River up... sneak a peek in the journal River had been writing in... or examine the electronics she had been messing with.
Having not exactly expected to see the woman he thought was his wife on the floor like that, Edward took a few seconds to try and realize what was going on. Why was she here and what the hell was she doing? In any case, his attention was quickly distracted by the journal she was holding. He squeezed his lips shut, but couldn't help but let out a few silent noises of pain when stepping closer in order to pick the journal up. "Spoilers or not, I want to know what you're up to..." He opened it and read it.
Pretty stand up and glare sat Robin "You forget already? ONE OF THESE KILLS WAS NOT A TRAITOR, BUT A THIRD PARTY!" he retorts going as far as to use a red truth to show that he knew exactly what he was talkign about, and that Robin was clearly getting out of hand

Maybe being dead had mentally affected him?

@The Pimp Tactician
Kotomine sensed butthurt anger in the air, even from the Filth Room.
The detective had a look on her face as she was going to grow tired all of this nonsense. Sure, she loved it at first, but not it was growing old. Walking up to Rachet, she had no more feeling to go on her 'trolling' tendencies, and was dead serious.


"... it's not surprising that most of the evidence falls on you, Rachet. You're not doing a great job on keeping the radar off of you... you are incompetent. Whether or not that my or Robin's deductions are false on the case of a traitor... at least it would give me some ease of mind," Erika says, there were no enjoyment of talking this low to others this time around. Taking a moment from her usual shit talk, she turned her attention to PB. Again, no fun and games here for her.

"Are you sure that is the case, Pretty? You know, there are weaknesses with that Red Truth you just used. It's based off of the user's preference on truth or not, not the absolute truth. For example, I tell a boy that cats and dogs rain from the sky, and then the boy will preference that as truth before learning the absolute truth. Besides, there is one more traitor we're looking for here, so that piece of information isn't as beneficial as it seems," Erika says, letting her ruthless detective role take control. She was the detective, she had the Detective's Authority.

"...and I suggest you calm down Robin. You're not really helping. If I still had my duct tape, I would consider taping your mouth shut if you're going to be like that," Erika said with a dead serious tone. She was steadily wanting this all to be over...

@The Pimp Tactician @DapperDogman @El Presidente @Atomyk @anyone else
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