Movie Moments

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October Knight

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Fantasy, Horror and Sci-fi. I'll try basically anything though. I also love strange and unusual RP genre concepts. Different is good!
Movie Moments

Those scenes in movies that stick with us. The ones that make us watch the same movies over and over. What are your favorites?

One of my favorite movie moments is the first scene in 'Dusk til Dawn'.

What about you?
The end of "Knowing" really made me feel WEIRD. It's hard to explain it. It kinda creeped me out, was neato, and just... eerie all at the same time.
Darth Vader revealing he's Luke's Father

The standoff at the end of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Spock Dying
Phantom of the Opera - Point of No Return. I'll watch that entire movie just for that scene and song.
Secretary - the opening sequence and the most "famous" scene. Just for the record, it's a bit nsfw so yeah. Youtube when not bein hawked on.
V for Vendetta - V conducting an imaginary orchestra, leading into a fireworks display.
In Braveheart where Mel Gibson says "Burn It." and they torch that little out post, great stuff.