Oh god, I have to pick which one I want to tell...
Ok, here we go.
This happened while I was on my first date with my now-boyfriend of seven months.
I was was pissed off and upset about my family and about a close friend who had royally pissed me off when I realized that I was going to spend the night over at my friend's and then realized that she had work in the morning- therefore, I couldn't be staying at her house, could I?
"Oh, don't worry, you're spending the night at Andrew's." She responded. Her then boyfriend.
I made some hasty question of the fact that she trusted us alone together- girls don't trust me with their boyfriends often.
She said it was fine, as long as I kept calm.
By the end of the night, Andrew and I were chilling with Justin and I asked for a beer.
And then another....
and then another.
He said he kept giving me drinks because he wanted to see when I'd stop slamming them down.
He figured out not to give me alcohol anymore after I bit him seven times- severely, leaving marks- because in my drunken state, I thought he was going to try to cal me down, and I was hyper. I then stripped down to just my underwear and ran around his entire house- his mother slept through this.
It took him and my now boyfriend to wrestle me back into the room, and then Andrew found out that Justin managed to keep me calm, he decided at that point that Justin was staying over to deal with me.
In the morning, dealing with a small buzz, and hyped up on past-sex energy from the night before, I snuck into Andrew's room, meaning to say good morning, but as I poked him, I croaked out "We had sex".
I thought i was mortified.
Then he shot up and stared at me before looking like he had seen a ghost and muttered. "Stevie's gonna fucking kill me"
It took me an hour to explain that I didn't have sex with him, and then five hours later, Justin found us laughing our asses off about it.
So in summary:
Got drunk, attacked friend's boyfrend, had to have a guy stay in the room with me because I wouldn't calm the hell down, or would attack the boyfriend, ended up having sex when sobered up, then the next morning- accidentally spilled the beans and the girl's boyfriend misunderstood and thought we had sex.
To this day, Andrew keeps me around as someone he counts on to keep things interesting.