Monsters and Monster Hunters OOC and Sign Up!

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Monsters were once human. They were once completely normal people. Now. . . they are something much different. At some point during their lives, they underwent a transformation. There are many different ways a transformation can happen, such as an accident, experimentation, a project gone awry, a ritual of some sort, whatever you can think of, I'm really excited to see people's creativity.
When Monsters were discovered, people were terrified. They had no idea what to make of these creatures. They assumed Monsters were dangerous. Indeed, some were. Some, but not all.
As a result, a new job opened up. Monster Hunters. At first, Monster Hunters were only meant to neutralize Monsters that were threats. The definition of threat soon started to bend as the station became more and more corrupt. Now, all Monsters live in fear of Hunters, whether or not they've done anything wrong.

Your character can be Monsters, Monster Hunters, or just a plain old humans. Some notes on each character type.
Monsters- how monstrous your monster looks is entirely up to you. Maybe they're human-passing most of the time, or maybe they're so terrifying they don't even want to look at themselves. Be creative with it! Another thing to think about is how being shunned from society has affected them. Are they bitter, scared, sad, what? How have they been affected by this different treatment?
Monster Hunters- just because their station is corrupt doesn't mean your character has to be. They can believe they are in the right, they can believe what they're doing is necessary. Or they can be corrupt, giving the station a dark reputation in the eyes of Monsters. This is a story about your character and how they grow. Maybe they'll see not all Monsters are evil, or on the flip side, grow more and more extreme in their hatred.
Plain Old Human- As in real life, there are all kinds of people, with all kinds of opinions. Do they like Monsters and think they deserve better? Do they go so far as to harbor them like fugatives? Are they just scared, not understanding? Are they hateful and cruel, contributing to the way society treats monsters? Up to you! Plain old people are welcome to become Monster Hunters, and Monster Hunters are welcome to quit being Monster Hunters and become Plain old people.
For Monsters and Plain Old People, your character can be any age that you want. For Monster Hunters, the minimum age is sixteen.

Character Sheet-
Monster/Monster Hunter/Regular Person (choose one):
Physical Description or Picture:
How they feel about Monsters(yes this question applies to monsters as well):
Skills/Powers (for monsters, these can be semi-supernatural abilities, for everyone else, just normal skills please):
Weakness(es)(Mainly for Monsters, to ensure they don't get too overpowered and become undefeatable):
History (for Monsters, include transformation):
Extra (optional):

Once your character has been accepted (either directly or by means of a rating), please put them on the Character Index.

1- Please keep it as PG-13 as possible! Romantic relationships and scenes are allowed just. . . try to be fairly chill with it. Swearing is fine.
2- Try to post at least two or three times a week (more if you can, but I understand a lot of people are busy). At least one decent sized paragraph per post more is welcome.
3- be considerate of your fellow writers, and ask them before doing certain things, such as killing their character, etc. I've had one too many roleplays ruined by trigger-happy trolls.
4- Have fun with it and be creative!

With that, I leave you to it! Once I've accepted a few characters we can begin the roleplay proper!
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Oh my god...I love this idea! Could I still join? And if I could, how human does a monster have to be to be accepted?
Oh my god...I love this idea! Could I still join? And if I could, how human does a monster have to be to be accepted?
Both of mine are generic experiments with very little to make them human other than the fact they have a "human form". So so long as your character has one, It seems like you could go crazy with it.
Oh my god...I love this idea! Could I still join? And if I could, how human does a monster have to be to be accepted?
Yes, you can definitely still join! And I'm overall pretty lenient with acceptance, it would depend on what you meant by that question I suppose!
Oh well, I could probably make him a shifter(Super orginal, I know). But think of him as a T. Rex mixed with a wyvern, with a very out of place name.
Oh well, I could probably make him a shifter(Super orginal, I know). But think of him as a T. Rex mixed with a wyvern, with a very out of place name.

I think some one was already planning on making a Dragon shifter, Aaaand... I kinda beat you to the punch when it comes to a dinosaur-esk character XD

but you do what you want, with in reason
Oh well, I could probably make him a shifter(Super orginal, I know). But think of him as a T. Rex mixed with a wyvern, with a very out of place name.
Yeah, everyone's being super creative, feel free to join that however you feel like!
I have a feeling he's going to be the one to make an anti-venom for when they encounter Death Spike for the first time... I can also Imagine he and Sun Flare getting along okay (both of them seem very anti-social)
He would definitely try, providing he got a sample of the poison.
I love him! Sorry I wasn't online today you guys, back to school shopping! I'll have my own characters up soon, and then I'll create the main roleplay.
@LonelyKeeper your character is accepted!
@TyranntX great job with all of your characters honestly, they're all very cool
I might not be on very much tomorrow either, I have D&D (how much more of a nerd could I be? You'd be surprised)
Are there any D&D threads in here? I love D&D!
I think some one was already planning on making a Dragon shifter, Aaaand... I kinda beat you to the punch when it comes to a dinosaur-esk character XD

but you do what you want, with in reason
Oh don't worry, I'm pretty sure my character will be able to fill their own little niche in this rp.
Oh don't worry, I'm pretty sure my character will be able to fill their own little niche in this rp.

I have no doubts about that. Especially since w have been establishing lore with every character made
Hazel has a friend!! :D
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Hazel has a friend!! :D

And possibly two if you convince Sun Flare, though don't expect that to happen for a while.

[EDIT] That does beg the question though... Will @Quiet be one of Bethany's hunters?
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I finally got around to sitting down and writing out my first character.
Name: Justin Thomas

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: straight

Monster/Monster Hunter/Regular Person: Regular Person

Physical Description or Picture: He's tall and skinny, looking less like an athlete than a stick. His eyes are dark brown, almost identical to his hair color. His hair is fairly long and straight, and has an annoying tendency to get in his face. He's very pale, and freckles in the sun rather than tanning, a fact he's actually a bit embarrassed about.

How they feel about Monsters: he's very conflicted about the way that he feels about Monsters. His older sister is a Monster, and he loves her unconditionally, no matter how different she is. He wants to get to understand other Monsters too, but they genuinely scare him, and he doesn't know how to get over his fear.

Skills/Powers: very fast, with good endurance (being on the track team helps with that greatly), and a talented artist

Personality: He's shy, and gets scared easily, but is constantly trying to overcome that. He knows he won't get anywhere in life being afraid of everything, it's just difficult not to get overwhelmed by his fears. Despite being shy, he's no pushover. Once he decides on something, he'll do his best to get it done. Sometimes, even if it's been proved to be a really terrible idea.

Interests: Track, getting into a good art college, being an artist, being accepted, getting over his shyness and fears, finding his sister

Mannerisms/Quirks: uses lots of filler words, such as uh, like, and oh, he also tends to wear baggy clothes, as they make him feel more covered and safe. He's bad at speaking to and in front of others, unless you get him angry or passionate.

History (for Monsters, include transformation):
Justin's life was completely normal for many years. He lived in a suburb of the nearby city with his family, his mom, dad, and sister. The city was a Monster and Monster Hunter hub, but Justin had very little contact with either groups, leaving him to obliviously believe that most Monsters were bad and that Monster Hunters were just doing an important, if distasteful job. In general, he didn't think about it that often.

This all changed when he was 13, and his older sister Maya got sick. She got so sick that the only way to save her was a very experimental procedure, with very experimental medicines involved. His worried parents approved the procedure, and with that, their lives were all flipped upside down. Maya transformed because of the medicine used with the procedure. It mutated her, giving her claw-like appendages and causing her to grow fur all over her body.

Their parents were horrified and devastated, but they blamed themselves completely, so continued to treat Maya the same as they always had. Justin was afraid of how Maya was at first, but after awhile it became evident that she hadn't actually changed all that much. She was still his sister. And so, Justin was able to treat her normally too. This didn't help Maya.

Maya felt like a freak, she felt out of place, and knew she was a burden on her parents' minds. So she ran away, just a year after her transformation. Justin is determined to find her, and hasn't stopped looking since she first went missing. He goes into the city, communicating with Monsters there, trying to figure out where Maya is. He paints his signature on buildings, hoping Maya will see it and know he's looking for her.

What he doesn't know, and won't know for some time, is that Maya is dead. She was killed by Hunters her very first week out in the streets.

Extra: when he finds out Maya is dead, he will be devastated and angry. Maya was his closest friend for all his life, and supported him through every hardship he had. In his mind, he has to find her. He just has to.
I finally got around to sitting down and writing out my first character.
Name: Justin Thomas

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: straight

Monster/Monster Hunter/Regular Person: Regular Person

Physical Description or Picture: He's tall and skinny, looking less like an athlete than a stick. His eyes are dark brown, almost identical to his hair color. His hair is fairly long and straight, and has an annoying tendency to get in his face. He's very pale, and freckles in the sun rather than tanning, a fact he's actually a bit embarrassed about.

How they feel about Monsters: he's very conflicted about the way that he feels about Monsters. His older sister is a Monster, and he loves her unconditionally, no matter how different she is. He wants to get to understand other Monsters too, but they genuinely scare him, and he doesn't know how to get over his fear.

Skills/Powers: very fast, with good endurance (being on the track team helps with that greatly), and a talented artist

Personality: He's shy, and gets scared easily, but is constantly trying to overcome that. He knows he won't get anywhere in life being afraid of everything, it's just difficult not to get overwhelmed by his fears. Despite being shy, he's no pushover. Once he decides on something, he'll do his best to get it done. Sometimes, even if it's been proved to be a really terrible idea.

Interests: Track, getting into a good art college, being an artist, being accepted, getting over his shyness and fears, finding his sister

Mannerisms/Quirks: uses lots of filler words, such as uh, like, and oh, he also tends to wear baggy clothes, as they make him feel more covered and safe. He's bad at speaking to and in front of others, unless you get him angry or passionate.

History (for Monsters, include transformation):
Justin's life was completely normal for many years. He lived in a suburb of the nearby city with his family, his mom, dad, and sister. The city was a Monster and Monster Hunter hub, but Justin had very little contact with either groups, leaving him to obliviously believe that most Monsters were bad and that Monster Hunters were just doing an important, if distasteful job. In general, he didn't think about it that often.

This all changed when he was 13, and his older sister Maya got sick. She got so sick that the only way to save her was a very experimental procedure, with very experimental medicines involved. His worried parents approved the procedure, and with that, their lives were all flipped upside down. Maya transformed because of the medicine used with the procedure. It mutated her, giving her claw-like appendages and causing her to grow fur all over her body.

Their parents were horrified and devastated, but they blamed themselves completely, so continued to treat Maya the same as they always had. Justin was afraid of how Maya was at first, but after awhile it became evident that she hadn't actually changed all that much. She was still his sister. And so, Justin was able to treat her normally too. This didn't help Maya.

Maya felt like a freak, she felt out of place, and knew she was a burden on her parents' minds. So she ran away, just a year after her transformation. Justin is determined to find her, and hasn't stopped looking since she first went missing. He goes into the city, communicating with Monsters there, trying to figure out where Maya is. He paints his signature on buildings, hoping Maya will see it and know he's looking for her.

What he doesn't know, and won't know for some time, is that Maya is dead. She was killed by Hunters her very first week out in the streets.

Extra: when he finds out Maya is dead, he will be devastated and angry. Maya was his closest friend for all his life, and supported him through every hardship he had. In his mind, he has to find her. He just has to.

I can just imagine his sister's monster skin being used as a rug somewhere now. (Damn you HUNTERS!)
This poor guy just wants to find his sister, unfortunately that's not happening. He'll probably have lots of interactions with Monsters, since he sees that as the best way to locate her. And where there are Monsters there are Hunters. . .
He hasn't even considered that his sister could be dead, but hey, that's what stubbornness and being in denial will get you.
This poor guy just wants to find his sister, unfortunately that's not happening. He'll probably have lots of interactions with Monsters, since he sees that as the best way to locate her. And where there are Monsters there are Hunters. . .
He hasn't even considered that his sister could be dead, but hey, that's what stubbornness and being in denial will get you.

I would think that most of those interactions would be REAL horrifying should he meet most of the player monsters. Mainly Clive, Sun Flare, and Death Spike (ESPECIALLY HIM). I mean at least the others LOOK human enough
Not sure he'll be able to conquer being afraid of those guys. Time to put some of that running into good use lol.
Well, I dunno, maybe Clive he could eventually be cool with, but considering two of yours are literally dinosaur murder machines. . . yeah probably not gonna be super buddy buddy with them.
Not sure he'll be able to conquer being afraid of those guys. Time to put some of that running into good use lol.
Well, I dunno, maybe Clive he could eventually be cool with, but considering two of yours are literally dinosaur murder machines. . . yeah probably not gonna be super buddy buddy with them.

Well Sun Flare isn't going to kill him unless Justin tries to kill him first. Death Spike on the other hand... Oh yes, Try outrunning an animal that runs 120 miles per hour XD. Oh the nightmares characters are going to have after seeing him