Modern Fantasy/Street Fighter Inspired

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Inspired by Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat, etcetera, people from thousands of years ago, to futuristic eras coexist in the current year of 2060. The world is split into the Americas, the EU, The ME Union, China, the African Union, and the Pacific Union. The world struggles to maintain law, order and security, despite the growing power of Crime Bosses, Renegade Corporations and terrorism. Technology is superior to our own, and the Economies around the world have experienced a significant boost from closer cooperation, while still maintaining sovereignty over their own territories.

Over the years since the 2020's, strange new individuals with great strength and power slowly came into the public eye. Some called them super heroes, others called them vigilantes. Still others were mercenaries or worked for different governments. Gradually, these individuals began to shape the entire world with their greatness over the past 40 years, as the world watched. Now, a Tournament has been held by the mysterious Wang Li, promising an immense boon to any who win the Tournament. The name of the Tournament is : The Steel Gauntlet.
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