Mississippi Senate Passes Religious Freedom Bill

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Like most Americans are going to admit that they're in the wrong for that. Didn't you know that they were entitled to the land because they outgunned the Native Americans? If you can take it by force, it's yours and no one can say differently. :P

It wasn't so much outgunned as outplagued. It's estimated that by the time non-Viking Europeans started really colonizing the place, upwards of 90% of the American native population had been wiped out from a sudden outbreak of unpleasant grossness, and all these European diseases that colonists had an immunity to just chewed through the population like a wildfire. So when the US decided to expand West, the native population numbers were still quite low and then there was a bonus in having guns that didn't take a minute to load between shots.
It wasn't so much outgunned as outplagued. It's estimated that by the time non-Viking Europeans started really colonizing the place, upwards of 90% of the American native population had been wiped out from a sudden outbreak of unpleasant grossness, and all these European diseases that colonists had an immunity to just chewed through the population like a wildfire. So when the US decided to expand West, the native population numbers were still quite low and then there was a bonus in having guns that didn't take a minute to load between shots.
Don't forget about how they were plied with alcohol as well!
The greatest strength and weakness of Democracy is that it allows peaceable social change without violating the sacrosanct rights of individuals. The issue being: That change will be gradual, as those who hold to more socially conservative values will generally need to die of old age first, because the new norm established by the forces of change becomes the generally accepted norm. Meaning that changes established today, will be best felt and best enforced in the generations of tomorrow and the day after. Not our own.
I'm fucking Nostradamus.
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"The bill is now going back to the House to approve an amendment, but if fully passed it will officially take effect July 1, 2016."

I think this right here is the most important line in the whole article. It has time to be over turned before it takes effect.
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"The bill is now going back to the House to approve an amendment, but if fully passed it will officially take effect July 1, 2016."

I think this right here is the most important line in the whole article. It has time to be over turned before it takes effect.
It will get over turned. These laws are pissing off too many big money companies. I am trying to hold onto that idea at least.

What's annoying me about these bills is the ignorance behind them. Some guy asked if I'd let my daughter share a bathroom with a man in a dress, to which I replied "No, but I wouldn't care if she shared it with a transgender woman."

The idiot replies with "That's the same thing."

No, it's not! The complete lack of education on the topic is disgusting and I think if a person can't tell the difference between a cross dresser and a transgender person, they shouldn't be allowed to speak on the issue.

Sometimes I hate freedom of speech.
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Also, really, who gives a shit if your daughter does share a bathroom with a guy? Like, a unisex bathroom? Who gives a fuck? I mean, it results in one of two scenarios anyway.
A. The man is a vile scumbag, in which case, a "woman only" sign on a door is not going to stop him.
B. The man needs to take a piss.

So long as they each get their own damn stall, why are we so hung up on the fact that males and females have different sex parts? Western society is so puritanical it hurts sometimes.
It is religious freedom. As terrible as it is. I personally don't have a problem with the bill, as I have a problem with the false teachings of the so called "Pastors, Reverends, and men of God" that teach this to people. I can tell you this, in a truly free and independent country, business owners should have this right, as messed up as it is.

However, at least in the terms of the Christian religion, anyone who discriminates based on their Christianity truly knows nothing about Christ or God. They can spout every bible verse they want, and it means nothing as they do not Truly know. They are a disgrace, pure hypocrites, and will get one hell of a shock when they learn that those "Gays and faggots" they hate so much, are actually equal to them.

As a Christian myself, when I see assholes spouting bullshit about Homosexuals, and spreading hate in the name of God, I make sure they learn the right way.

For me, I see the problem being more of how the church has completely failed God, and its members by allowing this hate to take over. Hate in general, not just for LGBT. A religion that is meant to be about Love and acceptance, has become so perverted. To me, as a "Christian", that is the problem I see.

Though, if I didn't believe in God, I would see the Bill itself being a problem.

I wonder if I could open a church, and under this Bill, not allow anyone who has lied, or divorced into the church. Then lets see how these "Christians" respond. (Sarcastic Comment)

Apologize for the rant. I just hate the piece of shit that has become Christianity and the fools that facilitate it.
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The one thing I don't get is why Americans are so consistent on being such religious pricks? The continent wasn't Christian to begin with, you're not the last line of defense for Christianity whatever that means, it's not like someone's gonna violently take it away from you. So why?
The one thing I don't get is why Americans are so consistent on being such religious pricks? The continent wasn't Christian to begin with, you're not the last line of defense for Christianity whatever that means, it's not like someone's gonna violently take it away from you. So why?
It isn't true Christianity. That is why. It has been perverted.

Though on the front of taking it away, that is entirely possible. If you look at Donald Trump and his ideals on Muslims. I am NOT turning this into a Trump debate. What if the next 5 big terrorist attacks in the U.S. were committed by "Christians"? If someone wants to git rid of Muslims from the country, get rid of Islam, do other things that normal citizens won't be subjected to, then it is incredibly simple for them to flip that on ANY religious, political, and social group. So the the kind of power that is being given to these politicians that are skirting the Constitution, could allow them to take away, or limit Christianity.

Bbbuuuuuuuuuttttttttttt I'm getting the fuck out of this country. I'm going to create and raise a family in the UK where they will have a better quality of life.
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@IamtheecchiKing A fair view, but take this from a non-believer: Who's God is the real God, and who's interpretation of that God is the real interpretation? We have only your word to take for it, for you derive your beliefs from the same book these terrible people do. You seem well enlightened and compassionate, and I appreciate that. Every moderate Christian like you is a victory for both the future of Christendom and the human race in general.

The issue is that, to give these people the freedom to discriminate based on sexual orientation, also restricts the freedoms of those with "wrong" sexual orientations to participate freely in the economy. When enabling one person's rights restricts another, it should give serious pause, and in most cases, not be allowed to pass: Because individual rights for all human beings (the right to freely assemble, participate in the workforce, have a functional life unbarred by governmental or corporate tyranny, et cetera) should always prevail over rights for specific groups (like business owners, atheists, christians, blacks, et cetera). Otherwise, laws will create social classes by force, rather than allowing the economy to dynamically sort it out.
The one thing I don't get is why Americans are so consistent on being such religious pricks? The continent wasn't Christian to begin with, you're not the last line of defense for Christianity whatever that means, it's not like someone's gonna violently take it away from you. So why?
History mostly. I don't have long to explain here (because I want to sleep) but it's tied to The Great Awakening (where during the Age of Reason, America became SUPER DUPER HYPER religious in the protestant sense), and the propaganda against the Communist regime which lasted all the way up until the mid to late 80's. America's Christianity is unique compared to most of the world (because America is a super special snowflake in historical terms) in that most American Christians have a very personal relationship with God. Where France and Spain remained Catholic strongholds that held to structured systems, in America, for a long time, basically any guy with a reasonable amount of charisma, a stick, and a Bible, could start a church and become a priest.

This means that a lot of areas of the US have their own distinct flavour of Christianity (ex: Mormons).

Combine this with "we have to fight the godless commies" propaganda engine that lasted all the way until the end of the last generation, and you have large swathes of people to whom Christianity is one of the most defining "American" things ever. And that "America" is the greatest thing ever.

Seriously, it's only been our generation that has lived without some form of religious awakening or government anti-commie pro-religion propaganda effort.

The fact that America is even self-aware of its sheer level of religiousness is an impressive testament to how freely people are allowed to spread new ideas.

However, naturally, you'll have reactionary elements that will think that any attempt to claw back religious influence in society is an attack on religion itself.

Now cue the LGBT community, and the Christian churches that were anti-LGBT.

Aaaand I'll let you put the puzzle pieces together. Sleep awaits me.

In my opinion, for the country to be truly free, a business owner can do business with whomever he chooses. If he unfortunately a racist, then he may choose to do no business with Blacks, or other people of color. Now, assuming everyone in the area isn't a scumbag like him, he won't see as much business. That is how it economically works. If all the blacks then went to a different store, and give him their business, it would be good.

Unfortunately, we still have such people in the world. But that is how it would work if it was truly free. Though, now that the government has already stuck its hand in, they must continue to do so.

In response to your first statements, I believe Christianity and Islam make up the 2 greatest religious sects in the United States. I could be wrong. But both Islam and Christianity believe in the same God. So if you see a Christian using this bill to keep a Muslim out of his business, laugh at that Christian.
In response to your first statements, I believe Christianity and Islam make up the 2 greatest religious sects in the United States. I could be wrong. But both Islam and Christianity believe in the same God.
Quick note: Statistically, Islam is a borderline non-factor and is normally lumped in with the other religious groups (buddhism, hinduism, et cetera). The biggest group is protestantism, followed in second place by unaffiliated (irreligious of various stripes), and a close third by catholocism.

As for everything else... No disagreement from me. It's well reasoned.
Like most Americans are going to admit that they're in the wrong for that. Didn't you know that they were entitled to the land because they outgunned the Native Americans? If you can take it by force, it's yours and no one can say differently. :P

Every single one of my history teachers here in the U.S. has said we did terrible things. The U.S. only ever honored 1 agreement made with Native Americans. I was raised in Oklahoma. Native Americans are literally my specialty.

Losing the majority of voters the second they admit to being one.
Seriously, according to surveys and polls they'd actually have better luck admitting to being a rapist.
As to why so many voters, even non religious voters, prefer a candidate to be religious over an Atheist is because it is widely known that a religious individual has a strict moral code to live by. Though that is extremely ironic and hypocritical because a lot of the religious folk who believe this, are the fucked up ones that support this bill. Yet they still think they are living on some moral pedestal.

On a Completely unrelated note, based on everything that is going on in the world and in the U.S. that revolves around Christian and Biblical beliefs, feel free to pm me about anything Christian or God related. I will do my best to answer your questions, and I won't try to convert you. lol I will be graduating with a minor in biblical studies, so I feel qualified to do this. I want to set the record straight with factual and Biblically based information. It can be about anything, no topic is to controversial. As one thing Christians suck at, is dealing with Controversial topics. So feel free to Pm me. I just hate having my religion look like shit and have a majority of people not truly know what it is about because the focus has been masked with this useless hatred.
The one thing I don't get is why Americans are so consistent on being such religious pricks? The continent wasn't Christian to begin with, you're not the last line of defense for Christianity whatever that means, it's not like someone's gonna violently take it away from you. So why?
Please don't generalize American's.

Not all American's are Christians, and not all Christian's believe in the right wing Conservative views. What I'm seeing in this thread it's just hate speech on Christians, and massive amounts of generalized statements that are neither 100% factual or consistent to the general Christian views. What I've seen here is nothing short of intolerance that a lot of you claim you're trying to reach for your own views. So by generalizing all Christians into the right wing conservative views, you're no better than the same people you're bitching about. For all of you to generalize Christian's without really seeing just how complex the the war that is taking place within it's own views and policies-- states you are both ignorant and/or truly informed. Or simply you just need something to blame these situations on. Either way, you're damned intolerance for it.

Liberal Christians are not the same. Every denomination of Christianity boast different teachings. So before folks get their internet panties all waded up-- maybe you should realize not all Christians practice the Conservative view.
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Please don't generalize American's.

Not all American's are Christians, and not all Christian's believe in the right wing Conservative views. What I'm seeing in this thread it's just hate speech on Christians, and massive amounts of generalized statements that are neither 100% factual or consistent to the general Christian views. What I've seen here is nothing short of intolerance that a lot of you claim you're trying to reach for your own views. So by generalizing all Christians into the right wing conservative views, you're no better than the same people you're bitching about. For all of you to generalize Christian's without really seeing just how complex the the war that is taking place within it's own views and policies states you are both ignorant and/or truly informed. Or simply you just need something to blame these situations on. Either way, you're damned intolerance for it.

Liberal Christians are not the same. Every denomination of Christianity boast different teachings. So before folks get their internet panties all waded up-- maybe you should realize not all Christians practice the Conservative view.

Case in point, one of my best friends is a bisexual registered Democrat in Oklahoma who also happens to be Catholic. The loud far right wing Christians are loud and sizable, sure, but they are hardly representative of the faith as a whole in America.
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Case in point, one of my best friends is a bisexual registered Democrat in Oklahoma who also happens to be Catholic. The loud far right wing Christians are loud and sizable, sure, but they are hardly representative of the faith as a whole in America.
Unfortunately, the generalization of Christians has also brought on a negative situation-- If the Conservative groups aren't pushing them back, debating them on their beliefs, the non-christian groups assume they are Conservative. Those Christians that want to advocate, simply get met with intolerance from both sides.
The one thing I don't get is why Americans are so consistent on being such religious pricks? The continent wasn't Christian to begin with, you're not the last line of defense for Christianity whatever that means, it's not like someone's gonna violently take it away from you. So why?
They're not. It's homophobia. Religion really has nothing to do with it. That's just the line they're giving so they don't look like close minded assholes. You can hate anyone if you say the person or their actions go against your religion.

There has always been a conspiracy that the government wants to keep U.S citizens divided, and as much as I hate to be one of those people, I'm starting to buy into it. These laws are an example. Everyone's so worried about what other's have in their pants, they're no stopping to question exactly why it is an issue. Why does it matter? Because there are a few perverts who have gone into the bathroom of the opposite sex with the intent of some sort of sexual assault? News flash: That happened way before now. There are perverts everywhere, and that's not going to change even if you're forced to drop your pants before you go into a bathroom so they can see if you pee sitting or standing. They're simply demonizing the people they feel are the problems, without actually taking precautions about the ones who are actually the problem.

As a parent though, it disgusts me that other parents are making this an issue. They don't want to teach their children that there are different types of people in this world. They want to be lazy, and that's another driving force behind these laws. Mommy and daddy don't want to have a talk with junior to explain that there is something beyond Adam and Eve, and that love can exist between someone other than a man and a woman. Instead of sitting down with their kids and telling them that there's a whole other spectrum out there, they want to keep things black and white, and that's just not going to cut it in this world. People need to get out of the Dark Ages and get with reality as it is now.

The problem isn't religious freedom at all. It doesn't even have to do with gays or transgenders. The problem is people feeling uncomfortable about something that isn't their fucking business. If two guys are going at it at night, why should I care? As long as they're not doing anything illegal, it's none of my damn business, and it's none of anyone else's business either. That's not how it works in the U.S though. Everyone has to have their nose in everyone else's shit because they're looking for reasons to hate other people. And if they can't find dirt to hate someone for, they'll find someone. It's like that whole Kim Davis B.S that went on. That witch (read with a b instead of a w) was divorced several times, which is against her religion. Yet that was perfectly acceptable because she was married to men. Most gay couples have been living together for years, far past the point of a Civil Union, and they've reached a point where a marriage would outlast the life of their mattress. She didn't want to refuse licenses for them because it went against her religion, she's already gone against it. She wanted to refuse them out of jealousy and bitterness, and because she's a hateful person. Religion has nothing to do with any of this crap, and neither does the safety of children. If parents were really concerned with their children's safety, they'd fucking keep an eye on them instead of expecting the rest of the world to do it for them.
As to why so many voters, even non religious voters, prefer a candidate to be religious over an Atheist is because it is widely known that a religious individual has a strict moral code to live by.
I'm sorry, but... What? Speaking as an atheist, it has... Nothing to do with a strict moral code. It has everything to do with how gallop & government polls the non-religious. It throws them all into a category known as "unaffiliated" but the issue with that is that means you're punting all atheists, agnostics, and persons who still possess a spiritual belief into the same category. Technically, me, and the chick who thinks that stars whisper words to her in her sleep, are in the same category. So it should come as no surprise that even 25% or so of people in the unaffiliated category would count atheism as a bad marker: Most of those same people probably come under fire by atheists for believing in ludicrous things.

The general sentiment in the atheist community is one mostly of irritation. Yet, in general, if you ask most atheists about whether they care about their president being religious or not, most would reply with "it's irrelevant." Other values are far more important than whether someone has a sky daddy or not.

So uh... Yeah. Kinda way off the mark there, mate. Maybe one shouldn't be commenting on the non-religious politically as a whole when that category is a big tent. :ferret:
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I'm sorry, but... What? Speaking as an atheist, it has... Nothing to do with a strict moral code. It has everything to do with how gallop & government polls the non-religious. It throws them all into a category known as "unaffiliated" but the issue with that is that means you're punting all atheists, agnostics, and persons who still possess a spiritual belief into the same category. Technically, me, and the chick who thinks that stars whisper words to her in her sleep, are in the same category. So it should come as no surprise that even 25% or so of people in the unaffiliated category would count atheism as a bad marker: Most of those same people probably come under fire by atheists for believing in ludicrous things.

The general sentiment in the atheist community is one mostly of irritation. Yet, in general, if you ask most atheists about whether they care about their president being religious or not, most would reply with "it's irrelevant." Other values are far more important than whether someone has a sky daddy or not.

So uh... Yeah. Kinda way off the mark there, mate. Maybe one shouldn't be commenting on the non-religious politically as a whole when that category is a big tent. :ferret:

This was literally in our textbook for my sociology class. So I'm kinda not way off the mark, at all. Gallop does not solely do all the polls and it is a widely known belief that a religious person is supposed to have a higher moral code to live by. While you may feel misrepresented, and that may be the case in some instances, it does not mean I am wrong.
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