Original poster
Some argue that there are no choices in life. That all that is considered free will is just an illusion, and all of you are just following some pre-destined story that has already been written. Turn left, or turn right? It is the choice that gives you power. But the true power lies in the options.
Oh, look. We have a question, with two possible answers -- answer A and answer B. Now, I bet you believe you are in control. You have the power to choose you're own answer and effect your future. Or do you? Have you ever asked yourself how the options got there?
I mean, you're free. You get to choose you're own leader! At least, from the options available. From only the ones that can spend millions to run for office. But, you definitely get to choose from the ones set up in front of you. Too bad voting for president doesn't leave the option for "D" like most test-questions. You know, "none of the above". At least they have the courtesy to ask though. And they say chivalry is dead! Ha!
What if I told you, my dear readers, that there is a choice that could change the world? And change you along with it? Could you make that choice, or are you afraid you might fall once the training wheels come off? You should be.
This is no game.
Who among you will venture forth into the unknown, abandon the materialistic for a full recounting and rapture of the ego? Let go of ideological "sanity" and programming from a modern world, and discover truth with me! For nothing is as it seems.
Oh, look. We have a question, with two possible answers -- answer A and answer B. Now, I bet you believe you are in control. You have the power to choose you're own answer and effect your future. Or do you? Have you ever asked yourself how the options got there?
I mean, you're free. You get to choose you're own leader! At least, from the options available. From only the ones that can spend millions to run for office. But, you definitely get to choose from the ones set up in front of you. Too bad voting for president doesn't leave the option for "D" like most test-questions. You know, "none of the above". At least they have the courtesy to ask though. And they say chivalry is dead! Ha!
What if I told you, my dear readers, that there is a choice that could change the world? And change you along with it? Could you make that choice, or are you afraid you might fall once the training wheels come off? You should be.
This is no game.
Who among you will venture forth into the unknown, abandon the materialistic for a full recounting and rapture of the ego? Let go of ideological "sanity" and programming from a modern world, and discover truth with me! For nothing is as it seems.