Might try this again

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Original poster
Hi guys. I'm actually new here on this site, but done this kind of thing off and on for a long time now (seeing as how I played D&D basic).

I've been having a lot of bad experiences over the years, most of which are the usual I'd expect, but I thought I'd try this again. There are some things that just don't work as well writing alone, though I do that sometimes too.

I like to try different personalities and writing styles. Currently thinking about Belldandy and Keiichi, who are a romantic couple and both very "nice" people. Both parts of that intrigue me. They are from an anime romantic comedy called Ah! My Goddess!

I tried it before somewhere else, but the GM failed and when I tried to take over the GM I couldn't get enough trust from the other players.

In the end, I just want to do some quiet nice emotional kind of writing with this.

If that's even what happens here. Sorry if I'm in the wrong place though.
Welcome to Iwaku @Kingof192 - looks like you've been here for a little but, but are just now coming back. Regardless, I hope you have some fun here and if you have any questions, let me know! I'd be happy to answer them :)
Created an account here, but never actually used it because I found the other game first.
Hello, @Kingof192 and welcome to the site ^.^ You may not know it yet but you just enlisted in the bunny army >:{D If you haven't already go ahead and give the rules a once over, and if something on the site stumps you, we also have a nifty Help section ^.^ This is where you'll find the FAQ, and within the FAQ a list of Roleplay Tags, a list of the site's bbcodes, a link to the staff roster, and other insightful things. But if you can't find an answer to your question, need clarification, or found a bug, the Help Desk might be more your cup of tea.

As a roleplayer, new or otherwise, you're always looking for ways to improve your craft and one of Iwaku's many goals is to help you with this :D Thus the Content page! Here you'll find forums dedicated to Roleplay Guides and places for users to commission and display their own works (since you seem to be interested in writing alone, the Showcase forum is a great spot to post literary works, and we even have a special prefix for "solo RP") ^.^ But if you're more worried about actually roleplaying or need a place to start, we have the Roleplay Search page :) This is where you'll find Interest Checking and Creation where Game Masters posts interests check for their future roleplays and plot future roleplays. Roleplay Advertisement is where Game Masters advertise their running group, dice, or jump-in roleplays. But if you're a Game Master looking for players, there's always the Seeking Group Invites forum. This will allow you to browse users looking for group roleplays to join and snag them up for yourself! Last but not least is the Seeking One x One partners. If group roleplays are too main stream for you, set up shop here and look for someone of similar interests ^.^

If you're wondering who I am, I am but only one of Iwaku's many staff members :D As the banner says, I'm part of the Community Maintenance branch and my job is to make sure all roleplays have their correct tags and prefixes, archive dead threads, and fix whatever you brake :3 Other branches of Staff include the Security team, the users who make sure you aren't up to anything questionable, and the Content team, the users who make sure you're never bored!

I hope to see you around the forums and may the muse be with you =^.^=

Welcome to Iwaku,

I would like to say welcome to Iwaku. I am glad to see you joined we have everything from chat roleplay to thread and pm roleplay what ever you prefer. I am staff, community maitence as me banner says. Make sure to read the rules, if you haven't already, and if you have any questions please feel free to ask. If you are new to role playing in general, welcome we have many helpful tips, and discussions. We also have many Helpful staff and memebers.

I am Dark Disney, I have been on here a year now. Please feel free to pm me at any time, I do have a husband and Job that I work full time hours as a swim istructor, I may not answer right away. I do have a blog that will tell you what is going on in my life feel free to look at it and see where I am.

I do love this site. Their is something for everyone, here on this website is literally a place to call home away from home. Need an outlet we have Blogs and a counseling section. If it is a major problem with a member inform the staff immediately or Administrator if it is a problem with staff member. If it is a problem with the site their is a bug report in help desk. Normally happens with updates.

The people you will meet on here are just as nice and I am proud to say some are good friends, and some are like family and I really do love all them. Now I have put some helpful links in here for you. Now go and explore our wonderful home and welcome to the family.

An important rule, respect the staff and here it is the most important rule Have fun.

Your friendly Neighborhood,
Dark Disney
Welcome to Iwaku ^^
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