ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST A x A Mars's mellow partner search

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Mimiga Connoisseur
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
High Fantasy, Slice of Life, Sci-Fi Fantasy
Hi hi! Thanks for checking out my thread!
I'm Mars or Marshal, and I've been trying to get into RPing more because rotating my OCs and Favs in my head just isn't enough anymore. So I'm checking to see who'd be interested!
You can contact me here or on Discord - Dizzyybun
My Time Zone is Mountain Time

Experience: I've been roleplaying for nearly a decade (I'm in my early 20s)
Writing Style: I say I'm flexible and adept at matching the energy and length of most partners. I just don't force a consistent length and tend to default to anywhere from a few sentences to a few paragraphs, because some scenes need more detail and some don't.
1on1 vs Groups: I can do small groups perfectly fine, or even somewhat big groups if I get to know everyone in it. But I feel I do 1 on 1 best since it's a lot easier to schedule consistent times when it's just 2 people.

RP Preferences:
- I strongly prefer 18+ RP partners, even for sfw RP
- I'm fine with any gender pairings, and with OCxCC, OCxOC, and CCxCC. I'm also fine with Doubling if necessary.
- I don't mind when people familiar with the character I'm playing to assume their reaction a bit in their responses, but try to keep it to a minimum
- I will ask for OOC confirmations and check-ins somewhat liberally, especially with new partners. I like to be on the same page whenever possible.
- On that note I won't hesitate to correct anything or elaborate on something OOC if I think something was misinterpreted.
- Give me a heads up if you plan to incorporate some sort of twist in the RP, even if my character isn't supposed to know I don't like surprises much and it'll throw me off if I had something in mind.

- I love action, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, and SoL, but I love romance too for anyone interested, and am willing to discuss other genres.
- I have no preferences for theming, just as long as we discuss that beforehand too.
- As for 18+/Star themes, I'm completely fine with it if we discuss it beforehand, but it's not the main purpose of this thread.

Now, for fandoms -
- Dungeons and Dragons (especially the Forgotten Realms/Faerun setting)
(My main hyperfixation right now and what I'm most hoping for with this thread)
- Rain World
- Cave Story
- Pokemon
- Undertale
- Animal Crossing
(These five are the next best things, longtime hyperfixations that I'm always more or less interested in)
- You Shou Yan
- Small Saga
- Shipwrecked 64
- Housepets!
(These four are rather niche, ESPECIALLY the first two, and I'd be pleasantly surprised if I met someone interested in these since they are big hyperfixations)
- TLoZ , Mario , Kirby , StarFox (Most Nintendo franchises, really.)
- Rivals of Aether, Bugsnax, Digimon, Sanrio, Sonic, Dragon Ball, AtLA, Steven Universe (Really just listing a lot of other misc ones I have interest in, but not as strongly as the ones above)

OC World - Omnia Nihilum
I also have a rather EXTENSIVE OC world, though I'm probably gonna fill out the other tabs with information on that because it's too much to put here at the bottom.
But feel free to ask about it! I'd love to share info directly with anyone who's interested.

Finally, RP Ideas
I'll have more in the tabs, but the main stuff I'm seeking out involve my DnD/Fantasy oc Phann, they're either a Mousefolk or an Elf, depending on the setting (But I'm also flexible on that and willing to humanize them for a more mundane setting/AU).

In DnD or high magic settings they're a Wizard dedicated as an Acolyte of a God of knowledge. Curious, Impulsive, and a bit naive; they're driven by an insatiable curiosity and desire to learn the truth about why their father was exiled by their ever reclusive and isolationist community. And outside of that personal conflict their goal is to spread knowledge, uplift places that do the same such as libraries and temples, and strike back at tyrannical rulers that abuse their rule and law to suppress the spread of knowledge.

Outside of that context for settings they'd likely be a passionate librarian, maybe for a library owned by a church; someone who just wants to spread the love of learning.

Anything that involves them could be fun, because they frequently take up a jobber type role to help support their temple as well as their own studies, so meeting someone on a shared job could lead to a plotline.
Or possibly someone who's seeking advice at their temple, since more often than not they're a little over eager to help others in their own pursuit of knowledge.
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Hey there!
I'd be interested in doing a story in either your OC world or something more DnD-esque. Let me know if you're interested. I don't have anything prepared, but if you share more info I'd be happy to brainstorm or write a paragraph or two.