Marked [EverlyxSterling]

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Kassi closed her eyes, meeting his gentle kisses with soft ones of her own. This was nice. The passionate kisses downstairs were lovely, but so were these. She was beginning to suspect that she would adore any sort of affection he gave her. Once he pulled away and she was snuggling against him once more, she relaxed and simply watched him. She was not tired enough to sleep just yet, and his fingers were keeping her attention. They almost tickled, but in a way that felt much better on her body. She looked up and saw how he was watching her, so she gave him a smile and captured his lips with hers once more.
Drunk with love, Mikel placed his hand near her neck and bore his cobalt eyes into Kassi's soul. He felt his nose near hers, and would graze it, then smile to see the sunshine alight in Kassi's eyes. And so Mikel continued this routine of gazing, noses and loving kisses for what seemed an eternal instant. Every kiss was new, and built upon the sensations from every kiss they had shared. Mikel knew he wanted more, but simply laid on his side, and met Kassi's sweet lips until sleep overtook him.
Kassi ended up falling asleep about ten minutes after Mikel did. She had one arm loosely curled around him, her head tucked next to his on the pillow and one leg slid in between his own. It was warm and comfortable, but best of all, it was safe. Even her subconscious felt at ease. No nightmares plagued her, and she did not struggle to fall asleep. It was a smooth transition from sweet kisses to sweet dreams. She dreamed that she was painting a picture of her brother Daniel of all people. Though a bit bittersweet, it was still a nice dream. She slept deeply through the night, not stirring even when the light of dawn invaded the room.
Mikel awoke in much the same manner as the previous afternoon. He felt drowsy, as if his body circulated lead. Mikel felt a weight on his left shoulder, and didn't need to turn his head to see Kassi's hair draped across his chest. Her legs were intertwined with his, and they were soothingly warm. He didn't want to move and disturb Kassi. He wondered what her typical mornings were like, and if she ever experienced untroubled sleep like this.

Just as Mikel began shifting himself to his side, he heard a noise. It was a soft padding from the hallway, and the sound of long hairs dragging across the wood floor. Gün hopped up onto Mikel's bed and began to wedge himself between Mikel and Kassi. He must be feeling jealous.

"Gün," he whispered, "stop it ... You're going to wake her."

It was then that Mikel realized that Gün was not jealous of Mikel, but that Gün was making his own claim for snuggling rights with the sleeping woman.
Kassi woke to a piece of fur tickling her nose. She opened her eyes to see Gün's face right in front of hers. After a few confused blinks, she smiled and curled her arm around the cat to snuggle him against her chest.

"Good morning," she cooed, kissing him on top of his head before looking up at Mikel. "And good morning to you, too," she added with a smile, leaning over to kiss his cheek. She felt incredibly rested and didn't want to budge even though they could not possibly lay there all day long.
Gün purred loudly, and rolled onto his side, exposing his belly for Kassi to scratch. His undershirt was incredibly soft compared to his coat, and it felt like cotton to the touch. Gün looked up at Mikel shaking his head slowly. "You're incorrigible," Mikel declared in resignation. Gün replied with a soft, but firm, mew.

Mikel maneuvered and bent his way over his furry friend to greet Kassi properly. He kisses her softly, then lovingly, all while still lost in her light blue eyes. It was as if he were still dreaming.
Kassi giggled and gave the purring Gün what he wanted. Her fingers gently scratched his belly and she marveled at how soft he was. It was a shame they never had pets as children. She would have liked to have a kitten or perhaps a dog, though she had never spent too much time around them. They were still cute, and she often saw people walking them in the park. She tried to imagine taking Gün for a walk, but at this point she had a feeling he would want to be carried instead.

The bed shifted and she looked up, finding Mikel a mere inch away. She smiled and kissed him back, her free hand cupping his cheek. Her sweet addiction. What a way to wake up in the morning! An affectionate lover and a snuggly cat. Life was good.
Mikel couldn't help himself and surrendered to Gün adorable nature. He rubbed the feline's head, scratched his chin, then put his finger in the middle of Gün's paw. Long, sharp talons unsheathed, curling around Mikel's finger, but not touching it. The exercise stretched Gün's claws without destroying furniture, and had become a ritual of sorts between the two.

Mikel lifted himself from bed, and made his way to the bathroom and closed the door.
"I'm starting to think you like me, Gün. Be careful or I'll take you home with me," Kassi murmured once Mikel was out of the bed. She smiled and continued loving on the Bear Cat's belly, her free hand scratching behind his ears now.
Gün lifted his head lazily to look at Kassi. The Bear Cat's voice reverberated in his throat as he emitted an approving Meow.

Mikel left the bathroom wearing a dark blue robe and walked out into the hallway. He soon returned with a white bathrobe folded over his arm. He coughed and cleared his voice, looking at the Bear Cat. "Whenever you two lovebirds decide to get up ..." He smiled, and laid Elliana's robe upon the bed. "You can shower if you'd like. I was going to make breakfast ... Coffee or tea?"

Mikel was unused to having other people in his home, but was very much enjoying waiting on Kassi hand-and-foot.
"Tea, please," Kassi said, giggling as Mikel left. "I don't think he approves, Gün."

She smiled and nudged Gün off her arm gently, tucking him in with a pillow to replace her as she got up. A shower sounded like just the thing she needed. She picked up the robe and wandered into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Soon she had the shower steaming and was washing away all the worries of the previous few days. It was nice to finally feel clean after her scuffle on the street. She sighed deeply, scrubbing from head to toe before stepping out and sliding the robe on. So soft. But now she had to hunt down clothes. Time to go shopping in Mikel's sister's closet.. again.
Mikel went downstairs to the kitchen and turned the range on under a steel pot. The sun was blazing clear and bright through the adjacent forest. The trunks threw long, thin shadows along the area of lawn between the house and the forest. Mikel looked out and berated in the peace and isolation. Most of all, he acknowledged that Kassi was finally safe. Whether she wanted to remain in the house was a different question.

When the water was ready, Mikel prepared a tray with cups and hot water, along with several varieties of herbal and exotic teas. He then marched upstairs like a butler in search of his princess.
Kassi had settled on a pair of jeans, which was all she ever wore anyway. These ones were comfortable and had a rip across one knee, though it was not intentional like some she had seen in stores. So silly.. She shook her head and pulled on the long sleeved red shirt she had found. It was simple yet pretty. Her hair was still damp and she simply let it hang, not sure if she wanted to braid it or not yet. She wandered back to Mikel's room, arriving there just as he did with a tray.

"Oh! You didn't have to bring anything up here, I was going to come downstairs."
"You're a guest in my house," Mikel said. His statement was expressed kindly, and he wanted to extend every aspect of service to the woman he loved to dearly. "I was planning on making eggs and toast ... do you eat meat in the morning?" Mikel quietly kicked himself, remembering Kassi usually did not eat at all. He didn't want to give the impression that he was not listening to what she said, and rephrased his question. "Or, rather, would you like any meat this morning?" The silver tray clinked as Mikel laid down a metal spoon he carried for the sugar. The tray also held cream and the various tea bags.

Mikel knew he had to shower after breakfast. He had an idea of an agenda for Kassi, but wanted to ask her what she wanted to do. Perhaps, over breakfast he might ask.
"I'll eat whatever you make," she assured him with a smile, wandering over as she made a cup of tea for herself. It would be odd to have a real breakfast, but it was something she could get used to. Her body growled quietly in agreement and she almost laughed. Eating more often would definitely be the more responsible thing to do. She picked up her cup once her tea was made and smiled at Mikel.

"Can I help you cook today?" she offered.
Mikel considered for a moment that his time with Kassi would impact her positively in a number of ways. There was, obviously, the emotional process of resurrecting Kassi from the psychological depths brought on by the imposed isolation by society. Mikel felt that there were other aspects to Kassi's recovery that mattered, as well. Mikel wondered if Kassi would benefit from the simple act of participating in everyday tasks, just to become more familiar with them and adopt them into her daily routine. He gave a Kassi a happy look.

"I'd be delighted if you helped."
Kassi smiled and quickly finished off her tea. She rather liked helping Mikel in the kitchen. It was something new, but it didn't make her nervous because she knew he was there. For a moment she wondered how odd it would be to go home and go back to not having somebody around all the time that she could be relaxed with. Sure, there was Kate, but that was different. Everybody else in Milliane was a stranger, and that meant she couldn't trust them. It would be back to reality. She hesitated, then set her empty cup back on the tray and picked it up to take back downstairs.

"After you."
Mikel made his way down the stairs. He slowed for a moment and looked down upon the stair tread. The dark, varnished wood held firm against their combined weight. But, Mikel was still bare-foot, and the feel of the grain was soothing to his calloused underside of his feet. He privately wondered about Kassi, whose feet were less hardened, and who was considerably lighter. Was she in danger of slipping. Mikel thought how every aspect of his house was generally suited to himself and his preferences. Such a revelation did not reveal anything unusual, for it was a homeowner's right to shape and craft the components of their home to suit them. He seldom brought people to his home, unlike other Gallery owners who make their homes an extension of business life. Evening parties, cocktails, and romantic escapade with artists or clients was a common practice that Mikel wholeheartedly rejected. But, he wanted Kassi to live here, and feel comfortable. He watched her steps as she carried the tray.

"Are you alright?" he asked.
Kassi was careful with the tray, following after Mikel and glancing down at the floor every so often to make sure nothing was in the way to trip over. As they went down the stairs, she watched her footing carefully. These stairs were not like the rubber-coated ones in her apartment building that were nearly impossible to slip on even though she tripped down them constantly. She was more deliberate with her steps on these, glancing up only when Mikel stopped in the middle of the stairs and looked up at her.

"Hm?" she asked distractedly, tilting her head as she paused and wobbled a bit. Oops. At least she hadn't dropped anything or fallen down. She smiled at him and nodded. "I'm fine," she assured him.
Mikel gave her wide berth and continued downward, pushing away his instinctual urge to help her by taking the tray from her. Kassi wanted to carry it, even though she knows the path is unsteady and burdensome while holding the tray. Mikel stood at the bottom and watched her descend step by step. When Kassi reached the bottom, he let her lead and followed behind with his hands on her shoulders. He thought they felt thin and boney, likely owing to her malnutrition. When they reached the kitchen, Mikel went quick to work pulling ingredients from the cooler. Soon a pile of formed on the counter consisting of an egg carton, a bread loaf with butter and jam, and a wrapped slab of sliced bacon. Mikel began to unwrap the bacon and slided the egg carton to Kassi.

"Would you mind making the eggs? You can find a pan below in that cupboard ... add anything you can find. I'm easy."