Magical Apocalypse

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Cat - Wolfspear

A whole lotta cringe
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Agender
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Modern
Nicole stared at, what used to be, hands. Now they were fluffy paws. And what was worse, is she was in her cubicle at work, which now exploded with confused cries and chaos.

The day had been mostly normal. Boring, as usual. Nicole worked for a fashion company, though usually wasn't that into fashion. She had an eye for it, for sure, she just lacked the ability to care about it most of the time. She was also pretty low on the totem pole, so it wasn't like she got to actually design things often. Nope, most of her job was making sure the designs sold. Not quite in advertising, but more keeping track of where it sold the most and answering phone calls about complaints and compliments. Not as often was the latter.

Now, though, her job was all but forgotten. She looked up at her desk which was impossibly high above her, as if she was practically laying on the floor. She was standing, though it felt weird. Like she was bent over on her hands. She looked down and saw not hands, but paws. The paws of a tortoiseshell cat. She felt panic begin to well up inside of her. This couldn't be happening! This must be some kind of dream. It had to be.
  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: rissa
Jasmene Hanson came back from the conference room with a pep in her step, having just landed an international deal that would skyrocket their notoriety in the overseas fashion market. It took her a moment, over the staccato notes of her heels against the hardwood floor, to notice the cries of dismay and the flurry of activity. She dropped the thick stack of documents in her hands when she noticed the swish of a tail, the deep growl of a hound, the hiss of a cat, and the melody of meows and barks.

She ran up and down the aisles of cubicles, confused, hair falling out of her neatly tucked bun, until she was rightly confused and out of breath. What in the world is going on here? Jasmene thought to herself, frantic and bemused, shaking slightly.

Jas peeked into a cubicle and jumped back when she saw a tortoiseshell cat. She bent down and picked it up gently, calling out to Mr. Aldridge in the manager's office as she hurried her way there. "Why is the office floor COVERED in house cats and dogs?"

There was no response other than a confused bark from behind the closed door.
  • Love
Reactions: Cat - Wolfspear
Nicole was still so in shock she hardly noticed being picked up. After a moment, the sudden difference between her and the ground caused her panic to peak. She went to claw at whatever was lifting her, before pausing. Jasmine, her boss. No way was she going to even accidentally hurt her boss.

Thats when she noticed all the other cats and dogs. What the hell happened here? This was definitely some crazy dream. She closed her eyes right before opening them. No change. Crap. She looked back up at Jasmene, why hadn't she changed when seemingly so many did?
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: rissa
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Jasmene said as the cat in her arms struggled against her grasp. She was surprised she didn't get an armful of scratches before she set the cutie down on the hardwood floor. She was struck, after a moment, by the awareness in the felines eyes. Jas made to say as much before she turned her head and sneezed. Which was a mistake; a gout of blue and red flames escaped her mouth and sent her flying backwards into one of the cubicle walls, shuddering and splintering the glass-and-fabricated-wood panels.

"Ow!" Jasmene cried, rubbing her head where it made impact, drowsy and suddenly out of it. When she pulled her hand back, there was a little bit of blood on her fingers. "What the HELL is going on today!"
Nicole almost sighed in relief at being on the ground again. This was much more comfortable. She looked up at Jasmene and felt her tail flick, though she wasn't entirely sure why. She had never understood cats and their odd mannerisms.

She jumped and arched her back, her fur standing on end as the flame appeared and her boss took flight into a cubicle. She instantly could smell something metallic, she wasn't sure what it was, but the scent put her further on edge. When she saw the redness on Jasmene's fingers, she understood. She stepped closer, letting out a confused and concerned meow.
  • Sweet
Reactions: rissa
"Ugh," Jasmene let out with a groan, shifting and pushing herself up to rest against the panel she careened into. She tucked a leg underneath her, ladylike despite the confusing nature of the world around her, and glanced down at the tortoiseshell mewling softly up at her. "I'm... okay, I think."

"I could do with some water, maybe some tylenol... what about you, huh? Two meows for yes?"
Nicole struggled but managed to get back to a normal standing position, her fur smoothing somewhat. She was glad Jasmene was alright, but hated the metallic scent greatly. must be a side effect of becoming a cat, strong sense of smell.

She nodded and meowed twice to answer the question. Nicole was admittedly getting a headache from the whole ordeal, she wondered if it was possible to get headaches in dreams.
  • According to Plan
Reactions: rissa
Jasmene blinked.

She actually meowed back!

Stunned speechless, Jas stood up carefully, suppressing the dizziness as best she could. She stumbled a little bit for sure, but managed to right herself and make her way towards the bathroom to get herself cleaned up. A damp paper towel to the back of her head was enough to wipe away the drying blood and the cold, refreshing water against her face was a snap back to reality— whichever reality it was that made her sneeze out gouts of flame.

Jasmene made her way back to her enclosed office where she downed a few ibuprofens and grabbed her water bottle and the plastic bowl she always kept in her drawer for lunch. She filled it to the brim with water from the fountain and made her way back to the maze of glass-and-wood cubicles. One bowl was definitely not enough for all the animals that loitered about.
Nicole followed Jasmene as she went to the bathroom, to Jasmene's office, and then back to the cubicles. She wasn't sure what Jasmene could do about the situation, but maybe the flames weren't the only thing her boss had. Maybe her boss could turn Nicole back into a human somehow. Or maybe they would come across someone else who could.

She eyed the bowl that Jasmene pulled out and filled. She could guess what the still human woman was thinking, and no, the bowl was not enough for all the newly turned animals. She hadn't even thought about eating and drinking. How long had it been since she was turned? It hadn't been that long, right? She was admittedly thirsty, but it wasn't enough to bother her too much yet. She thought so, anyway. She meowed at Jasmene, they had to figure out what was going on.
  • Love
Reactions: rissa