Mage Guilds; Quest for the Demon Blade.

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Gaeriel watched Arlin approach the fire wall, but then her attention drawn to the instructors themselves. Lord Morningstar interested her from an academic standpoint; this was a man with a reputation and power to back it up, as evidenced by his ability to conjure three magical walls seemingly instantly. But it was the tall, severe-appearing man next to him that intrigued her more. He stood with a straight back and a stoic, commanding presence that screamed military. Gaeriel would know, having been raised among knights and other field officers as a member of a knightly family.

And it seemed that the interest was mutual. The severe-appearing man was watching her and Davos with an intense, hardened look. She instantly straightened under his gaze and felt like a girl who was just found with her hand in the cookie jar. She squared her shoulders and proudly strode toward the watery barrier Lord Morningstar had erected. She was a Manetheril, a knight in training! She wouldn't falter just because a middle-aged mage was glaring at her!

"Water is mine," she stated boldly, confidently stepping into the rushing wall of water...and nearly stumbling over from the sheer force. She had barely extended her hand into that deluge, and it very nearly took it off at the wrist!

All right, she thought, taking a moment to steady her breath and clear her mind. One of her earliest lessons in both swordplay and sorcery was to approach the opponent with a clear head. Emotion clouded good judgement. And this watery wall, her opponent, was merely a puzzle to be solved. She thought to herself, Let's take stock of what I have available.

Aeromancy, a sword, and her own armor. That was it. Windwalker, her trusty steed, was on the other side of the magical barrier and would probably be of limited help here. And her wind magic wasn't strong enough to cut through that wall very deeply.

I just need to get through there. Ah! Inspiration struck her.

She unbuckled her breastplate and greaves, leaving her clad in a loose undershirt and trousers. She used the straps to secure the front and back plates into a triangular wedge. She wrapped the whole apparatus in her cloak to give it least a modicum of waterproofing.

Then she tested her magic against the water wall. She sent a cutting line of wind that slashed about fifty feet into the hundred-foot-thick wall. As she suspected, it wasn't enough to pierce through. However, it was enough to go over the wall, provided she had something to ride.

She set her re-purposed armor on the ground and stood on it as if were a sled.

"Well, one way to see if this works," she muttered, gathering her energy for a powerful burst.
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(Since Kazu and Andrea are like a combo I will have them lumped together in one post for now)

Kazu was fast asleep a tree limb above his and Andrea's campsites. He was smiling with heavy breath causing his chest to heave and his ears twitching slightly in his rest above in the canopies. Unknown to him Andrea was looking up to with a quirked eyebrow and a rather unpleasant expression that oozed her unabashed frustration. She had stood there for only a small time but to her it was far too long already. The sun was already climbing the sky and the two of them had not decided to go on this crazy, well whatever it was they were getting into, to just oversleep and miss their chance entirely. In a moment of being utterly unable to put up with waiting for Kazu to get off his lazy butt She grabbed her staff and reached it up to the branch and poke the slumbering bunnyman. Unfortunately for the Rabbit his teammate had used her demon hand to prod him. The for of her supernatural claw-like arm pushed him over incredibly easily. "W-what the heck-" Kazu was unable to finish his questioning of the situation because the forest ground just so happened to collide rather violently with his face.

"Um... well you were asleep and I tried to wake you up and..." Andrea was smirking at him and trying desperately to not break into laughter over the situation. She looked away to hid the obvious amusement on her face to go and collect their stuff and hanging it off the ends of her staff before resting it on her shoulder as her had with super strength carried the impossibly heavy load. "Ahem, well we better get going; best not to be late." Andrea said ignoring Kazu's situation entirely.

"What? But you-erg fine!" her responded in broken sentences to voice his frustration that was boiling over and mixing with his confusion. For a moment he want to smack "The Red Demon" over the head for being such a pain to him but quickly remembered the last time he tried to do such a thing in the heat of an argument and shivered because he was picking thorns out of his ass for a week. Instead he just followed behind the ginger woman with an expression of defeat on his face.

Soon the two had reached the extravagant castle of The Silver Owl and saw the small group of people collected near a large tower and recognized the voice booming at them as the famed owner of the palace. "Not as many mages came here as I though," Andrea noted under her breath as they approached only catching the tail-end of message.

"What about rodent?" Kazu said anger lacing his voice, "Does this guy think I can't handle some dumb birds just cuz I'm part rabbit thing?"

"Funny last week you said you were part 'hare thing'" his companion teased as she just walked on ahead in hopes to catch up with the group.

"It's the principle of the thing Annie, the principle!" he declared rushing ahead and sticking out a tongue out to his friend as he passed her with ease. He slowed as he walked through the door following behind the rest of them and almost fainted when he saw one of the owl creatures The Silver Owl owned. "Holy smokes," he gaped at the size of the thing and felt his joints all lock up in fear.

"Come on I told you he had these things," she scolding with very little care in her voice as she used her open palm to pushed the frozen bunny forward. At first it failed totally as her normal hand was not very strong but slowly Kazu finally loosened up enough to walk again. The two of them continued on towards their destination.

(Hope I was worth the wait)
Ms Darvo waited for a brief moment after Morningstar had rudely shouted into her lab before groggily rising to her feet. As she slowly stumbled towards the door a small tabby cat jumped down from on top a bookshelf where it had been silently sleeping. The cat slowly slinked and slithered itself around and between Seli's legs. Seli reached down and pet the cat before following the two older men out towards the main gate of the academy.

Seli had barely made it out the doors before Morningstar had erected his massive wall trap around the poor unsuspecting prospective mages. The foolhardy bastard had done something similar to her when she first came to his most illustrious academy. She had drenched herself in a a potent fire resistant salve and walked straight through the inferno. She was glad she was always prepared for fire. It was a choice weapon for many mages. She stopped next to the Morningstar and his little pet soldier.

She took a long drink of her coffee, "My money is on the girl with the big ass horse."
Kemala was very excited, then again when was she not? To her new experiences were all too rare and the chance to finally go off on this exciting adventure was all she could dream of even if it could put her life in danger; this fact had not escaped her but she found it unimportant at present. Right then and there she was rushing to the castle that she could make out in the vista with high hopes of what was to come and a spring in her step. When she reached the rest of the people lounging around the front she was so ready to make friends and get to doing whatever she was supposed to do that she had to mentally scold herself for her unprofessional nature. 'Just wait for it; these things take time,' she told herself herself and stood up a little and puffed out her chest in pride hoping her confidence would make up for her lack of experience in these scenarios. She listened wide-eyed at the conversation between the various and rather colorful people that were slowly flowing into the ivory palace in an attempt to understand what they were like and try to gather information.
Landazar watched the three prospective mages alongside Morningstar and Seli. "My money is on the girl with the big ass horse," she said around her cup of coffee. The war mage said nothing, but he agreed with her assessment. Based on the dossier he had compiled on each of the prospectives, Gaeriel Manetheril had at least rudimentary training in magical warfare concepts. He watched her repurpose her armor and stand on it; he raised a single eyebrow as he realized what she was going to do.

As he predicted, the young knight unleashed a powerful blast of wind behind her. She flew into the air on board her armor, using it as a sled to ride up the torrential wall of water. She followed it rushing current, but kept veering ever upward. Her hands remained outstretched behind her, constantly pumping out a steady flow of hurricane-force wind to generate momentum. Landazar noticed a broad, girlish grin spread across the young woman's lips; she was enjoying this.

At last, she crested the top of the wall and rode the armor-sled down to the ground. Her landing wasn't exactly graceful. She tumbled and crashed. While bruised and a touch embarrassed, she was otherwise unharmed. More importantly, she got through the Bastion's barrier. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement and adrenaline and the silly smile was still plastered on her face...and instantly vanished when her eyes crossed with Landazar's severe gaze.

"Ahem." She bowed respectfully toward the instructors and then looked back toward Arlin and Darvos.

Landazar whispered to Valentail, "An inventive method. Demonstrates lateral thinking. A touch undisciplined under that proud bearing, though."
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Martin had finally made it to a window overlooking the bridge, and almost as quickly as he stuck his head out... He backed up, hoping they didn't see him yet.

He clapped his hands, and a moment later a larger owl-servant with black feathers and red paint upon his masklike face appeared before him and bowed. Martin proceeded to speak to the servant.
"They're here... Gather the others, you know what to do."

It hastily made it's way to the top of the tower, and activated a rune that Martin had placed, which would telepathically alert the owl-servants. And so, the ones resting in the rafters of the building where the wizards congregated in quickly crawled out of the windows.

Snugs took to the sky, and rested at the very end of the bridge just before the gates to the the main building.

Owl-servants crawled onto the bridge from under, and arranged themselves in a large line at the side, each wearing a white robe and holding a spear at their right side they look strangely noble, despite their small size and strange appearance.

Two large black-feathered ones, the size of humans, appeared at the front end of the bridge, and casted a spell to send a blue carpet, decorated with an intricite pattern of silver thread, also depicting owls, rolling down the entirety of the bridge.

They then joined the formation with the other owl-servants, and kneeled, as did all of the others in almost perfect unison.

At the very end the huge owl-griffin curled his wings in front of him. At that point, a red light started to shine from where it's eniurmous wings covered. A crimson lightning bolt struck down, and at the same time Snugs opened his wings as the red light reflected from his eyes.

There was an image right from a painting. The owl-servants across the bridge, the beautiful blue carpet, the imposing architecture, all leading up to (a surprisingly young looking.) Martin, standing triumphantly in a shower of silver feathers and crimson sparks. After a few seconds of simply standing there, Snugs took off and carried him by the shoulders, gliding slowly across the bridge until gently dropping him ten feet from the group. He landed lightly from the seven-foot fall, and said one thing to conclude his little performance, as snugs circled around and landed gracefully behind him, making almost no sound.

He had a serious expression for a whole three and a half second before having a big smile. (He was glad to see Humans again.)

"Hello! Welcome! How are we all doing? You like the place? I'm Martin, the 'Ivory Spark.' Who're you all?"
Seli could barely repress her laughter as the poor young woman tried to cover the exhilaration she had felt in defeating her barrier and the joy she felt in casting spells. That coupled with the Tin Soldier bordering on chastising the girl simply for enjoying herself. The sheer amount of bravado hidden behind a thin veil of professionalism was humorous to her. Landazar was a shining beacon of what Morningstar and his academy stood for. The stone cold stick of quote un-quote professionalism was shoved so far up his ass that you could mistake him for a flag standing perfectly still in the wind in an attempt to be more manly than the breeze.

"Excellent. Another mage that knows more about how to stand up straight than they do about a spell! That is exactly what we needed. Abby, "she looked down to the cat which was currently laying down in the sun, "Put it with the other one." If sarcasm was a material object it would be dripping down Seli's lips and sizzling like acid as it hit the ground.
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Arlin's face scrunched up slightly as the shield melted, the boy letting out a 'fuck' under his breath as he stepped back, assessing his situation for a moment. However, before he had the chance to mull over the failure of his first thought, he looked over to the female of the three, the seeming soldier of the group as she began to ride the wave with a gleeful expression on her face. He didn't pay it much attention for long, soon returning to his inferno. He took a step back, feeling the spattering of droplets on his back whilst the heat on his front, the mix of temperatures enough to make him feel a little light headed, surely a part of the test. After all, on the battlefield one must not succumb to the elements! He soon sat, taking out a pouch of components from his belt, opening them and beginning to assess the contents.

"Eugh...mother..." he muttered, smiling somewhat as he took out a small parcel of rations, a mix of dried fruits and salted meats he often enjoyed snacking on while he worked. He took out a few of the fruits, popping them in his mouth before setting them aside, mulling over the wall and the rest of his components.
"Dryad mildew...bat wing clippings..." he muttered to himself, listing the contents mentally as he rustled through. He soon found that nothing was entirely of use, mostly due to the fact he lacked any sort of alchemical tools, such as a cauldron. He sighed, placing everything neatly back into the bag, cursing himself silently for not bringing any pre-prepared mixtures, though he also assumed that would be considered cheating. An acid flask to burn through the wall perhaps or a bottle of the classic petrification elixir for the other two, throw yourself through right before it took effect. Unfortunately these were all solutions he had no access to, even though he had a few drops of gorgon tears it was permanent without proper procedure.

With one of the students having already succeeded, the boy was stuck. Sure, he could potentially enhance any spell the blood mage had in store, if he could aid the others. He could even set up a series of glyphs for him to use to break them both out! But alas, he was stuck in here with a few arcane spells at his disposal and some useless components. Time to think outside the box in order to get...outside the box. He had three things at his disposal, water, fire and some sort of coppery stone thing. Chances are the fire is impossible to put out or he could try divert the water into the fire, simply resisting the flame with his arcane shield was out too, that stuff was real...somehow, the boy still getting over how an element could be created out of thin air. He sincerely hoped that didn't end up throwing out the balance of the universe or something every time they did it.

He decided he'd try using his arcane grip to channel some of the water wall into the fire wall, taking ten pounds of water and forming it into a constantly flowing ring, slowly feeding it into the fire in order to see exactly what sort of effect it had, wondering if it was a fixed amount of fire he could eventually put out, or if it was a constant stream of flame which replenished itself. But most importantly, he wanted to know if he could block the flame with the water, hoping it didn't simply evaporate instantly.
"Excellent. Another mage that knows more about how to stand up straight than they do about a spell! That is exactly what we needed," Seli said sarcastically.

Landazar allowed himself a small smile. "Then perhaps you should take that one as your student," he suggested without missing a beat, nodding toward Gaeriel. "She may benefit from your more...labile...teaching style than my own." Then he nodded toward Darvos and Arlin. "I'm curious to see what these two will do with their barriers, Morningstar," the war mage said to Valentail. "I suspect one of them will prove a suitable apprentice for me."

Gaeriel, in the meantime, walked over to the three instructors. She had overheard Landazar's words and bowed politely to them. "I'm sorry if I seemed a little...excitable. I've just never tried anything like that before." She looked to Seli and smiled. "If you would have me, Mistress, then I will serve gladly." The young knight then turned to the other two prospective mages, still bound within their barriers. She frowned worriedly. "Lord Morningstar, are you sure I cannot aid my fellow students?"
After a few seconds, Martin's smile faded ever-so-slightly.
"No hellos? No handshakes? Was this not 'cool' enough?"
His eyes glanced around, his pose remained as Snugs leaped into the air and took off, the gust of wind causing Martin's large hat to tip over his eyes.

The Owl-servant broke their statue-like stillness to glance at all of the gathered mages, and exchange whispers.

Martin started to stand normally, and adjusted his hat. He had not particular expression, now taking the time to observe each individual before him.

He raised an eyebrow at Timore, Vladmiir, and Andrea... Particularly at Timore.

He snapped his fingers, and more Owl-servants climbed up from the bottom of the bridge. Each one having a wooden dummy. As they positioned them at a line on a bridge, Martin spoke.
"Alright, I know all of you can perform magic. If you couldn't, you would have not teleported here in your sleep, or you would have been unable to climb the mountain due to 'freak weather patterns.' I need to know how how good you are. Everyone pick a wooden dummy, and destroy it in the most creative way you can. Impress me."

He sat down on the bridge, leaning up against the railing, and waited to see what they did.
Seli took another long drink of her coffee and looked on with despair as the bottom of the mug made itself known. "Well," She said contempt clear in her voice. "I could do that. If I have to take a pupil, as Morningstar seems to insist that I do, then it might as well be the girl." She looked up from her mug. "I have gotten tired of being surrounded by so much testosterone all the time. It would be a welcomed break from the overwhelming Bravado." She paused for a moment before looking up to Gaeriel with a sincere look of concern, "Though I may not be the most suiting teacher for you. My area of expertise is Alchemy, and to be honest I do not compare to Morningstar or Landazar when it comes to matters of directly channeling spells. You would have much more to learn from them. I did hear that one of those too young men in there is the son of a witch. I am very much interested in him."
Arlin sighed as the water managed little more than conjuring a small cloud of steam rising up into the sky.
"Needs more water..." he muttered to himself, being one for talking to himself especially when running through a solution or task, it aided his concentration. He began to hum a song, finger waving in the air as if he were conducting before snapping his fingers. Looking upwards, his mouth opened and a sweet melody began to pass those lips, tongue flickering melodic notes as they slid off the slick muscle.

It was invigorating! Not that the other wizard in the test would feel the effect but would still feel a little more determined at the least, the soothing 'la's and 'ah's of the boy more than simply song. His hands began to glow a feint blue, drawing glyph after glyph into the air, the fire beginning to die down a little, still the blazing inferno that it was but less so, the heat far less sweltering as the wind had more of an effect on moving it, causing it to lose stability.

After a few minutes of heartfelt invigorating song of the young siren his glyphs had been made, beginning to spin and form into hands moving through the air, the boy coordinating them as he sang like the conductor of an orchestra, gloves of light blue flowing through the air and seemingly plucking the water from the wall, gathering them in large orbs before pushing them together, all the while Arlin guiding them with one hand and drawing another glyph in the other, the intricate patterns within the circle soon beginning to spin, a visible cone of arcane magic emanating from his mouth, cutting the melody short as it absorbed the power, the young mage coughing as if his voice was ripped from his throat.

"This had better work..." he muttered, rubbing his throat with the now free hand before activating the glyph, forming a familiar looking shimmering shield in an oval-sphere around him, the top open slightly as water was poured in up to the brim, forming a strange looking water balloon around the boy as he held his breath. With the combined efforts of six enhanced spells and one weakened spell he made his break for it, rapidly running into the fire, the shield standing strong for no longer than a second, those arcane hands maintaining the water around him for a few more until he got to the other side, running as fast as he could, arms swinging back and forth rhythmically. A blood curdling scream filled the ears of anyone around as he collapsed to the floor, successfully out of the walls but his forearm steaming, crimson black with scarred, burnt flesh as the caramelized skin cracked across the back of his hand, the boy holding the the uncharred flesh before his elbow and screaming up into the skies as the flesh continued to sear, apparently not getting the entirety of himself out in time. Luckily it wasn't his entire body.
Zidja looked around for a moment at the other mages who stood with her, grumbling to herself at the silence that provably meant she'd have to be the first to speak.. she hated that. As the small woman parted her lips and took in a small breath of air to speak, Martin got to it first. She closed her mouth and listened to what he had to say. Soon some of the owl creatures came with enough dummies for each mage and placed them on the bridge. Her gaze turned back to Martin as he explained the reasoning behind them. She wiggled her nose a little before turning back to the expressionless wood figures that stood before them. 'Impressive... does interesting count?' She thought to herself curiously.

She shook her head before walking over to one of the dummies that took its place closest to her, and stood in front of it for a moment, staring at it as she placed her hand on her hat. After a minute, she finally nodded to herself as if finally making up her mind about something. Without sparing a moment more, the mini witch tapped her staff against the ground and hovered up from the ground a bit so she could actually reach the head of the dummy. Once she was there, she gently placed the hat from her head into that of the target, then lightly fell back to her feet, immediately plopping down on her butt, crossing her legs the second she hit the floor anf placing her staff on yhe ground beside her as though a movie was about to come on.

It took a minute, a minute the witch took to fold her hands in her lap and tap her thumbs together like a metronome as if waiting for something. She began to sway back and forth until finally it happened. There was a brief pillar of bright flames that engulfed the dummy and then disappeared within an instant, leaving only the untouched pointed hat on top of a miniscule pile of dust and ash. "Ah." She said, leaning forward to retrieve the precious accessory from the ash, lightly brushing it off as she got herself back to her feet, picking up the staff on the way up. She placed her free hand in a pocket of her dress and looked at the pile with a tilted head. She made a subtle gesture with the hidden hand, and it dissapeared completely, as if that spot of the bridge had remained untouched. "Better." She said with a nod. She hated dust piled up, ash was close enough in character to bother her a little. Besides, she wasn't going to leave a mess on the man's doorstep, even if he did ask for it in a round about way. "Aaanyways." She turns and walks over to Martin, extending her hand. "Zidja, Zidja Mekar."
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Seli watched as the young man used a clever combination of glyphs and spells to run through the flames. The same barrier she had done. Unfortunately, the poor boy had not made it out unharmed. Seli walked over to the poor boy with a fairly brisk pace, knowing that if he didn't get medical attention soon, his arm could get infected and once that set it, she would have a hard time keeping him alive.

Upon reaching the screaming boy she grabbed his unscathed arm and began helping him to his feet. "Come on, get up and get walking. I've got something to help the pain." She popped the cork out of a small vial and put it to Arlin's lips, pouring it into his mouth. He would find the flavour of the fluid absolutely revolting, but if he swallowed it he would find the pain in his arm numbed along with his mind. "Its made from Poppies. When processed properly they make a powerful painkiller." She explained in an oddly calming voice not fitting of her general demeanor. This soothing tone did not last. "Now, get your skinny little ass up and start walking so I can put something on that arm of yours. Or don't, and then I can just have Landazar remove it before infection spreads. Your choice." Even though she threatened to let him make the choice she pulled him along as hard as she could towards her laboratory.
Arlin opened his mouth and gulped the disgusting liquid down, clenching his eyes shut as she explained the concoction, though he had already managed to identify the contents with mere smell, the taste confirming it as he gulped it down eagerly for such a repulsive drink. Once the vial was moved from his lips his tongue followed it, letting out an 'eugh' as he wiped his lips, legs wobbling as he began to stand, hoping this woman had prepared it properly, he was quite aware opium was lethal with incapable hands. By the looks of it she knew what she was doing.

His whimpering soon died down, body going numb as he'd drunk the pure opium, speech slurred as he tried to speak, barely audible mumbles as he let out a long yawn, passing out against the woman, slumping against her and continuing to make mumbling noises unconsciously. Unfortunately they would have to make the decision for him, unable to currently answer their question, hopefully he'd wake up with two arms.

Apellio sighed, watching as the young looking mage was flown down to the bridge. The array of bird-like creatures decorating the walkway with the long carpet, themselves standing like statues along the sides before the immense citadel. He didn't look overly impressed, showing little attention to it, not even stopping walking to watch the 'painting' assemble before him.
"Greetings, Apellio Corsan at your service." he said, looking over at the mage.

Timore was about to discuss matters with the fellow familiar before the front of the white castle seemed to explode with owls, looking over and sighing as he watched the melodramatic entrance of the 'Ivory Spark'. The living nightmare watched as his gaze locked onto him, the creature's bright green eyes peering back, as if playing a game of chicken to see who would deter their vision first.
"I am Timore." he answered the pseudodragon whilst happening to also answer Martin, though not particularly caring to answer the pretentious owner of this establishment. He gave little interest in it.

The two watched as they were brought their task, the two groaning. Apellio walked up to the dummy, putting his arms beneath it's arms, picking it up and hauling it over to the side before throwing it off the bridge, watching as it fell before turning and continuing to walk. He's pretty sure they were expecting him to use magic, so it was, technically, imaginative, that probably gave him creativity points. Timore decided the test was also for him, not putting up with simply tossing it over the bridge, he was far more showy. After all, a mere spider in a dream didn't make it a nightmare, fear needed finess.

The creature quickly disappeared into the shadow, moving through the shadow of one of the arches, creeping down one of the supports of the bridge to the bridge's own shadow, soon catching the dummy and throwing it back up, the wooden mannequin exploding into a black mess before evaporating in the sun, Timore then rapidly appearing as Apellio's tail again.
"I hope you have public baths." he said, stepping into the large white castle's doors, looking up inside it.
Martin watched as the first two mages performed the assigned task.

As Zidja placed her hat upon the dummy, he watched intently. What reason would she have for that? It was quickly answered, as the dummy was eradicated in a pillar of magical flame.

He was impressed when he discovered that her hat remained untouched by the inferno, and clapped for a few seconds.

He returned her handshake with an almost crushing grip, and responded.
"Welcome to the Silver Owl Covenant, feel free to tour the castle, ask any Owl-Servant, and they will happily guide you until it is time to discus the task that needs doing."

Next was Apellio, and Timore... A strange duo, Martin noted. Their apparent disinterest in the situation upset Martin, he took note of Apellio simply clicking it off the bridge, but showed a fair amount of interest when Timore dashed through shadows, eventually shattering the dummy to peices like a black firework.

Apellio made a remark, and so Martin responded.
"In the center of the building are three magic elevators, each with a pedestal and a crystal... Touch the blue one, it should take you to a lower level... From there, go straight. There's a public bath, there are also five different hall each leading to two solitary baths."

As Apellio and Timore walked along, any Owl-Servant that happened to be standing in a shadow flinched.
Sorena was the third to perform. The Druid had a smile on her face. She closed her eyes and a look of concentration filled her features. Within moments, her features twisted and contorted. Feathers sprouted all over her body as her face became more rounded. Her nose and mouth fused and shifted into a hooked beak. Her eyes, now open, were large and predatory. Arms became wings and her legs shrank. Before long, an owl stood in her place. The owl screeched and flew.

Sorena circled the dummy and dove, talons outstretched. She raked her talons across the wooden face where the eyes would be. She struck the head with her sharp, pointed, hooked beak. She circled back around to land, Shifting as her feet touched the ground. She took the bow off her back and notched an arrow to the string. She shot two arrows into where the heart would be before replacing the bow on her back. Her features twished again, this time a bear had replaced her. Sorena roared and charged the dummy, bowling it over and crushing it under massive paws. Shifting back once more, the young Druid stood before Martin and bowed. "I am the Wild Mage, Sorena Crow." She said in a light, beautiful voice.
Kazu was just in awe of everything and watched with excitement as the other mages showed what they were made of and was already thinking of what he would do. He was late coming in so he could not be first so instead he wanted to be last so that he could leave some sort of impression. Of course this thinking might have been flawed but he did not care he was just wanted to have a 'thing' that would make him stand out. So he stood back and choose to watch the fun unfold for a bit and looked to Andrea because he knew that his partner had something planned so he could look to her to see some action.

Andrea on the other hand he was staring intently and noting what each did. After seeing what kind of stuff she could look forward to seeing out of most of them she figured out what she wanted to do. In her eyes it seemed as long as she tried she would gain the interest of Martin and also had a feeling he enjoyed confidence. She cracked her demon hand with her normal one and did not do vice versa because she knew it would hurt her human hand. Stomping straight up to the dummy she would claim as hers she put on her greatest smirk she could. As she moved she made the dummy begin to shake and dance around with her telekinesis and bowed to the wooden facsimile before beginning to dance with as much as she could. At first she swirled it around and put as much grace into it as possible and after a moment or two she allowed her demon hand to start a fire on the hand of the doll that she was holding. Slowly the flame crept up and swirled all the way up to the head of the dummy like a snake and left behind a fiery trail. When the aforementioned flame reached the head it grew far greater and became the shape of a dragon that craned its neck down toward the doll. Andrea twirled it again and thrust the dummy up onto into the air in a finishing pose as the dragon of fire shot downwards and engulfed the doll until it was nothing but ash and Andrea stepped back. She watched as her fire shrunk down to and she let down her claw-like hand and allowed it to crawl up onto her hand and crushed it out.

"I hope that was something like what you had in mind good sir," she turned to him before going back to Kazu's side so that she might see the rest of the mages destroy their dummies. Kazu clapped and gave her a high-five as his companion came back to his side.
He watched the Druid display both shapeshifting and archery skills, ultimately rendering the dummy to a pile of splintery wood. He responded accordingly. The owl servants seemed to approve.

"Hmm. Shapeshifting. Good choice, lots of uses. Good aim with the bow as well. I don't know why... But I like your choice of turning into an owl. Feel free to explore the castle, I'll call you when It's time to discuss the job I need help with."

As the Wizard walked up to her dummy, he was interested by her using both telekinises and some advance pyromancy to put on a show, also resulting in the dummy being reduced to bits. Some of the Owl servants flinched or stepped back.

Martin spoke to the various Owl-servants, and spoke in a loud yet calm voice.
"Calm down you guys. Whatever you're thinking, she's not going to hurt you."

He turned back to the young wizard.
"They're a timid and superstitious bunch, too fond of scary stories and tales of monsters. They don't see Humans often... Blah blah. They're nice, I promise... Anyway, I liked the telekinesis and pyromancy, welcome to the club."
Sorena smiled. She figured an owl form would please the man. It was clear he had an interest in the nocturnal raptor. The evidence was carved into the doors and shown in the creatures that roamed the grounds. "Send an owl-cat with a message." She said. "Not only can I Shape-shift, but I can speak to animals as well." The Druid informed the man before going to explore
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