Love in the Darkness of the Night

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Vladimus woke up in his coffin. He was feeling a bit more drowsy than usual. Tonight he just didn't feel like doing anything. Of course, he didn't want to sleep the night away, but he would still like a few more hours if he could manage it. Vladimus yawned and rose up, stretching his tired and aching limbs. There was just so much that he had to do today. He wondered who was going to be getting a glimpse of them tonight. The students of the night class were stunning and rather entertaining to look at what with their inhuman beauty. Most of them weren't even pure blood vampires, but vampires that had been created by members of his own family. It was almost like they shared a bond. Almost. Vladimus didn't care much about other vampires. He was the Prince of Vampires and thusly, he held an extreme amount of power. What did it matter if his family was creating more vampires? He was not interested in creating more. The process was just too much of a hassle and he rather liked humans... as humans. They were such ambitious creatures and a great source of nutrients.

He showered and dressed himself. Vladimus was looking rather handsome as always. He gathered all of the night class students and led them outside to the main building. Humans went there during the day and they at night. Some humans knew what they were, others just assumed that they were students simply taking classes at night. Either way, it didn't really bring about a lot of attention because the people that new just sounded crazy. Or they would rather not mention it.

At this very moment, Vladimus was doing a head count to make sure that all students were present and that none of them were human. Once he was satisfied he too entered the main academy building. He was confident all of the human students had departed by now. It was late in the evening after all.
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