*looks at camera* you're probably wondering how I got here.

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Tastes Like Blue

Original poster
Here's a real quick caveat. I believe I was on this site before, but I don't remember that for sure or my username. It has been well over 5+ years. So, instead of choking down some ginseng (and possibly remembering every cringe thing I've ever done), I thought I'd start anew.

My name is, uh, Blue. I just chose the first thing that came to my mind as a screen name. I will have regrets. I may already do. Anyway, I've been roleplaying for probably as long as some of you have been alive. Which is a terrifying thought. Also, you shouldn't be on the internet if you're that young. It's not great for self-esteem. Believe me. I'm kidding, it's probably a longer amount. Just take me out back. I'm so old.

I'm an amateur artist and graphic designer, a published author, and your mom. I don't have all the time in the world, so I'll probably just stick to one or two things, but I've been having the itch to collab and work with people again. Nothing is more creative than when you have multiple cooks in the kitchen and maybe some in the stew. I don't know where you get your inspiration.

Anyway. Uh. Bye.
Hello Blue! Welcome to Iwaku.

The restroom is on your right as you enter the door; remember to was your hands.
Hey there and welcome! We're happy to have you here! And don't hesitate to poke myself or any other member of staff if you've got any questions! We love answering questions, we feast upon them :D
We've all got the green names so we're pretty easy to spot in the crowd!
Welcome (back)
Welcome! \o/