Looking to start an RP

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The Gambling Gamer

Original poster
I'll get straight to the point: I've been gone for a bit. I would like to have a decent roleplay to resume the activity within my brain, one which I have neglected for awhile now. The only things that I ask for is to be literate and to just have fun, really. I will let you guys decide the setting, though gay or full on porn does not fly by me. A story built upon those building blocks fail to keep my interest. Nonetheless, I am glad to be back and hope to bring some stories to fruition!
Hey! If you are still looking let me know =]
I'm always looking! What did you have in mind?
Why does that art seem so familiar...? It does sound a bit interesting, though.
well if you had an ipod and looked up comics or manga the app that has it mybe on there ... if that makes senes and i will pm you on more of the info
Alrighty then. I'm ready whenever you are.
I was wondering if you were still interested in roleplaying.. Let me know!!
I'm always up for new people to roleplay with!
I'm looking for a person to rp with,would you like to discuss some plots with me?
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