Looking for partners

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Original poster
Hi guys! Back again. I'm looking for some partners for the summertime. Feel free to suggest your plots or whatever since I'm not having any specific cravings. I love odd pairings and fantasy elements! I prefer to play female in mxf pairings. Hope to hear from some of you!
I'll be interested. Did you have anything in mind?
Well I'm open to anything really. I prefer Fantasy Romance/Forbidden Love rps. I don't mind doubling at all
I don't like doubling But romance is great. So is forbidden love.
yay :)

ah ok, I'm fine being either gender then.
ok, that's fine. did you have an idea in mind?
No I was looking for some new ideas for people to suggest.
ah well I've been dying to do some kind of Angel/Demon romance or maybe an angel(or demon)/human thing.
ok, can you please? I have other RPs to reply too
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