Looking for partner

  • Thread starter Malachi Zedikiel Vincent
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Malachi Zedikiel Vincent

Original poster
Malachi,ran his long,semi paralyzed fingers through his hair,as he wheeled himself into the mall. With eyebrows raised,he tried his best to turn his head,fighting his neck brace the whole way. Something seemed,different,almost perfect,about this girl,but he couldn't quite figure it out. She turned in his direction and he blushed,he quickly averted his eyes and bit his lip. She'd never want him,how could anyone? He was paralyzed from mid chest down,confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life,but he wanted nothing more,than for someone to love him. For him,not for what he could do,not for what he couldn't,he didn't want anyone's pity,he just wanted someone. To call his own,who would wake up beside him every morning,tell him they loved him,hold him when he was feeling down. Someone to help him through his physical therapy,someone who would be there,when he woke up from his surgeries. Instead,he had no one.
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Malachi has dark brown hair,perfectly tasseled,smaller gauges,which his friend talked him into. He wears a,vista neck brace collar and a,hard plastic,light blue back brace. He has a specialized wheelchair and specialized leg braces,so his legs and feet don't turn inwards. He has,the most amazing,seductive blue green eyes. A very defined,strong jaw line. He's permanently paralyzed,from mid chest down,which caused his arms to be partially paralyzed,so he can't walk,or do very much for himself,against doctors orders,when he has a surgery,to try and repair his broken back,he always does the opposite,he needs someone,to smack his hands and tell him,"no!" When he tries to be defiant.
I really love the start of this! If you could give a little back story like how he got hurt I would love to partner up if you haven't found someone already. ;)
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