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Looking for partner comfortable with all genders and pairings for fantasy RP

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Please do not post here and contact me by PM if interested, thank you!

{slide=Quick Overview|center}
The purpose of this thread is simple. I'm looking for a single partner for a 'fantasy' sort of RP. Now, what do I mean by fantasy? Usually I refer to medieval fantasy. Magic, dragons, elves, and the like. But I can also do other types, such as horror fantasy (think, haunted mansion) and anything else we might discuss and agree upon. Do note that I'm really not keen on futuristic or modern style RP, even with fantasy elements, for the most part.

As the title states, I'd like someone who's comfortable with any and all genders and pairings. This means male, female, and futa, and pairings such as MxM, FxF, or even FutaXM. The initial pairing(s) can be decided in an OOC discussion, but I'd like the possibility for any of the others to happen within the RP. In other words, I want someone that's very open.

I'm also looking for someone who can post regularly, at the very least once a day, and who can provide a good amount of content/quality. Someone who can play multiple characters is also a definite plus.

Finally, I'm looking for someone willing to use anime images for their various characters. This particular aspect is a very important one, to me, and not one I will budge upon.

For more details/elaboration on all of these points, see the other tabs.
{slide=What to expect from me|center}
-Adaptable length: I can post anywhere from a few paragraphs, to a short novel every post. That said, I won't ask you to match my posts, so long as you give me enough to work with, I'll be perfectly happy.

-Willing to pander to YOUR preferences: Want me to play a dominant female demon? You got it. Perhaps you'd like me to indulge in a specific kink/perverse idea? Go ahead, I'm extremely open minded and will say no to very little. Want to see a certain type of story/ideas? Sure, let's work it out together! In short, I'll do everything I can to make YOU happy with the RP, so long as you meet my own requirements.

-OOC discussion: I tend to be a generally friendly person out of character, and will make every effort to make sure that you're enjoying the RP, and discuss it with you.

-Solid writing and DMing abilities: While I lack confidence in my own writing, I have been told on multiple occasions that I'm someone very enjoyable to RP with. I'm also perfectly comfortable playing the role of a 'Dungeon Master', that is, coming up with scenarios and ideas, and letting you, the player, handle them and take the story in whatever direction you desire.

-Eye candy: As mentioned in the previous tab, I REALLY like using anime pictures for my characters, be they major, or minor ones, so you'll get a lot of pretty things to look at. Do note that I have a preference for cute things when it comes to males.

-Regular posting: No matter the circumstances, I will reply to the RP at the VERY LEAST once a day, sometimes more. If I can't post for some reason, I'll advise you.
{slide=What I expect from you|center}
-Comfortable with all genders: As stated in the first tab, I expect you to be comfortable with all genders and pairings. The reason for this is that whenever I'm limited to certain genders/pairings I just feel too... Confined in my own creativity. I like coming up with all kinds of characters of various genders and origins, and knowing that some of those characters could be dismissed simply because of their gender is very disappointing to me.

-Willing to use anime pictures: I'd like you to use anime pictures for whatever characters you end up playing. I'll admit that I can be rather picky with these sometimes, but I'm willing to work with you to help you find something we'll both be happy with, if necessary.

-Regular posting: All I ask is that you be able to post at the very least once a day. If you can't post for whatever reason, tell me. I'll accept it so long as you have a good reason and it's not a recurring/frequent problem.

-Adept writing: Provide me with enough to work with, and I'll be happy. This can be anything from a short few paragraphs, to way, way more. Likewise, I'd like for you to have a firm grasp on your grammar.

-Show interest: Simply put, when you contact me, don't do so by just sending me a single line. Tell me what you'd like to do, if you have any ideas, what you're expecting from me, and so forth. Make me interested in YOU as a partner. As I said, I'm only looking for ONE person for this, so why should I pick someone who doesn't put any effort into contacting me?

-Bonus points: You'll earn bonus points with me if you're willing to play multiple characters, and also if you're willing to RP over PM, as it's my own personal preference, though I'm flexible on both of those points. Major bonus points if you're willing to play cute/younger males, within site allowed age range, of course.

{slide=Turn offs and things I won't do.|center}I'm very open minded, and will say yes to most anything, but there are a few things I'm not comfortable with, which I will list here:
-Scat, Vomit (I'm willing to do watersports)
-Pregnancy (Oviposition is fine. Eggs, in other words.), Human styled birthing (Again, see the egg thing)
-While it's not something that I WON'T do, I'm generally not so great doing non-consensual/rape scenes, at least being the one doing the 'raping'. Be advised.
-Also note that I have ZERO interest in muscular males/studs/manly men and they're actually a huge turn off of mine.{/slide}
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