Looking for Fenale Role Players for Romance/Erotic.

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Original poster
Hello everyone. I have plenty of current Rps. But I am always on the hunt for more so I would like to start some more romance ones with some erotic themes. I don't mind doing fantasy or Anything really. I prefer we message and discuss in detail what were both looking to do with it And then making the story together.
I don't mind if you dont reply often but I try to reply just about everyday. If I don't it's typically for some other reason.
I have only one big rule. If you want to stop the rp or leave or know you won't be back on for a while please tell me. I would prefer you tell me. I won't get upset I would just rather know.

So if you want to and think you'll enjoy it please let me know and just send me a reply or message.
I'm interested.
If you're looking for actual sex in your stories- hence the word erotic- you need to request a thread moderation, located at the bottom of the website, or ask a staff member to move this thread to the libertine area.
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