Looking for any plot for elf~!

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Skylar Hart

Original poster
I have a female earth el named Errie who I would love to develop more. Is anyone interested in partnering with her?? I'm open to anything you'd like to try!!
I would most certainly be open to helping you develop her. Was there a specific idea you had or did you want to come up with something together?

I currently have 2 fully designed RP worlds but neither of them feature elves and I'm not sure if you even want to get into something that intricate. I am however currently designing a few RPs that feature elves but they aren't as complete as the 2 I have posted on Iwaku already
I had originally started her off in a story I am writing about a steampunk kind of post apocalyptic world but I'm not too sure how that would work with her so if you'd like to try that we can or I am open to something new all together :3
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