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Looking for a few friendly rps.

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Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen
My name is Cirilla & I am looking to create a couple rps.

I have few rules and hope to gain friends by rping with new people.

About me:
- I am a chef so I commonly work nights (though I am rather active)
- I have been on the rp scene for seven to eight years now.
- I am an adept writer.
- I prefer my partner to be over. Nothing to do with the skill or anything. I know for a fact that the young writer on Iwaku are very skilled.
- Lastly I write either gender. Though that does not mean I will always be playing the male.
- I am super friendly and hope to develop friendships with my partners.

The rps:

# - Plot
~ - Character in mind
<3 - Craving

Transgender x female (taken)
Ninja x Samurai
Assassin x Assassin
Teacher x Student
Dragon x rider
Master x Apprentice (Star Wars plot) # <3
Princess x Bodyguard
King of Thieves x Queen of Egypt #


Witcher 3 # <3
Overwatch #<3
Black Lagoon
Legend Of Korra
Avatar the Last Air Bender
Sengoku Basara
Kingdom Hearts
Far Cry #
Assassins Creed
Devil May Cry <3
Marvel <3
Resident Evil <3
Final Fantasy VII <3

If you are interested feel free to post below or pm me.
Also do not hesitate to offer me ideas, I love to hear them XD
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Slight delimma here. Master X Apprentice; King of Thieves X Queen of Egypt; & Witcher 3.
I thought we were suppose to start it, but then I wasn't sure where we were going to do it or how to start xD? I'd like to actually get that going, if you are still up for it?
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