ALWAYS OPEN Little Blackbird | Sign Up & OOC

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Minor Being of Mayhem
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Paranormal, and Horror
Little Blackbird

This is a dark gothic fantasy story based in the town of Arkley known and yet not for its odd citizens and mysterious past. The town was founded around four hundred years ago by three families - The Whitmores, the Flemings, and the Mulvahils. Each family is known for their own special brand of peculiarity - The Whitmores like outsiders a bit too much, the Flemings seem to flinch at the sight of the sun, and the Mulvahils are far too obsessed with bodies of water. The truth of the matter is that they are not human - never have been, really. Then again, few in this little town are humans and those that are were practically cast out from normal society for one reason or another.

This town of otherworldly creatures and odd little humans rarely sees travelers or tourists save for once a year. At the tail end of the autumn season, Arkley hosts a grand festival open to any and all called the Festival of Spirits. It is a magnificent three day event to honor the founding families and all those who have passed on. There is music, performances, costumes, and contests! And at the end of it all: The Whitmore Masquerade; where at the end, guests of honor are asked to bring the festival to a close by taking a candle to Maybelle's Grove and honoring the first person to die in Arkley. Most never notice the ghostly blackbird that watches them as they traverse the forest. They never notice their hosts slipping away into the shadows. And they never notice when a young girl cries in mourning. Most never make it past the first hour of the hunt.

You see, long ago a young girl named Maybelle died. Her father couldn't let her death go and made a deal with something even monsters considered abnormal. It brought her back in the form of a phantom, doomed to forever haunt the forest she died in. Its price for this boon? The man's family would forever be beholden to it. Every year on the night she died, all members of the Whitmore family past the age of sixteen must complete a sacrifice or the creature would take their souls away.

  • The Basics

    I'm fairly new to this site, but not new to running these types of groups. In fact, this is an overhaul of one of my first ever groups and actually one I had plans to turn into a book, but dropped before writing. I have a lot of information about this world and a general plot for us all to follow, but I have plans to change things around based on the characters you create and the actions they take. I would like this role play to help you explore more into your characters in a dark fantasy setting. There is going to be violence, gore, death, and so much tragedy that this will probably be incredibly edgy.

    The rules are the same general ones you'd find everywhere - No godmodding of any kind, no perfect characters, follow the site rules, and don't bully or harass people ooc. As for posting, I would like at least two paragraphs for each post and one post every two weeks at the least. A member of a founding family counts as a citizen. However, you can have up to four characters currently.

    The story is loosely planned to follow the idea of your characters, the travelers and the citizens, getting to know each other over the course of the festival. The travelers will realize that people are hiding something, but can't quite figure out what. Each traveler character will enter a raffle where a few will be selected to take the walk to Maybelle's Grove where they will be hunted by the characters of the Whitmore family. From there, they will work to get out of the forest while the others are told what is happening and try to get in to help. The citizens will either work to stop them or help them. Or, at least, that's the general idea.

    This is a dark victorian/gothic-esque fantasy setting...which was kinda based off Bloodbourne. This means that things will get dark and dreary. Know this before deciding - there is no happy ending and someone will lose. So, if you want what I'm hoping will be an emotional ride full of future emotional damage for your characters, look no further.

  • Character Info

    There are many playable roles and there should be enough founding family members for everyone to have one. The founding families all play a rather vital role and are all in on the hunt, though the Whitmores are the only ones to actively participate in it. The three families are very much designed to be morally gray or downright evil in some cases, but I encourage you to forge your own path for your character. There are NPCs that can still push the plot where it needs to go.

    Oh! Before I forget, your characters can also be supernatural creatures. I even have a list ready to go as I would like them to follow a less modernized version of the creatures. You are, of course, free to add to the list. Just give me the rundown of your idea and we'll see about getting the creature to fit into the world.

    You can have up to four characters. I will make npc's if we do not have enough people to enter the forest.

    The Founding Families:
    There are three families that built Arkley - The Whitmores, the Flemings, and the Mulvahils. Each family has their own dark history and their own curse to bear. The Whitmores are beholden to a creature called Decay that turned them into shapeshifters. There will be four roles available for this family. The Flemings are cursed with vampirism that any who join the family is infected with as it is bound not to their blood, but to their name. There will be two roles available for this family. The Mulvahils are the descendants of the last true siren making them an endangered species. There will be two roles available for this family.

    The Travelers:
    There are people born outside of Arkley who have traveled here for one reason or another. There is no limit on this role.

    The Citizens:
    These are people who were born in Arkley or came here and decided to stay. They know or suspect the truth of this festival. Some might even be in on it - this is a rather tight knit town, afterall. There is no limit on this role.

I have the lore, species, and magic systems all written out. I am working on putting it all together into something that actually looks nice. Below is the link to the google docs which has everything you need to know. I will also link the other threads here when they are up.

Song Playlists:​

All Character Roles
Below is a list of all roles and the characters filling those roles. Feel free to reserve any spots!

The Whitmore Family
Myron Whitmore | Son of Waverly Whitmore (@MissyMay)
Amarantha Withmore | Daughter of Minerva Whitmore & Forrest Monaghan (@SilverPaw)
Armand Whitmore | Son of Ambrose Whitmore & Anais Bouchard (@Bahiyya)
Majna Whitmore | Child of Serena Whitmore(@StarlightStarbright)
Horace Whitmore | Child of Waverly Whitmore (@The Lotus Archives)

The Fleming Family
Nikolas Fleming | Son of Sydney & Theresa Fleming (@cry)
Rivka Fleming | Daughter of Claude & Neil Fleming (@cowboyclown)

The Mulvahil Family
Gladiolus Mulvahil | Daughter of Lacey & Edgar Mulvahil (@Ai-in Ayan)
Nerina Mulvahil | Daughter of Lucia & Carmela Mulvahil (@Princess Rose)

Felix Fletcher | Merchant Thief (@MissyMay)
Laverne Wycliffe | Journalist's Apprentice (@MissyMay)
Penelope Albrecht | Novelist (@cry)
Jamil De Bosque | Performer/Drag Queen (@StarlightStarbright)
Mizuko Ryu | Traveling Noble (@The Lotus Archives)
Onne | Guardian (@The Lotus Archives)
Olenn Jordenson | Stable Keeper (@Luther)

Mina Delagney | Constable (@MissyMay)
Hyacinth Adventurine | Butler/Bodyguard (@Ai-in Ayan)
Amir Bijan | Owner of the Achaemenes (@The Lotus Archives)
Oleander Valcourt | School Teacher (@cry)
Baron Grady | Surgeon (@Luther)

Character Info & Sheets
You are open to make whatever type of character your wish so long as they at least loosely fit into the setting and can explain why they are the way they are. You can make a time traveler, you can make a woman literally haunted by the ghosts of her past, you can make a sarcastic man cursed to be a hairless cat. You can even make the mortal reincarnation of one of this worlds gods... though I do ask that you request something like that first. The only limit is your imagination and the world setting. If you want to add or make up a new species, please ask me and we can create some info for it. I also changed the rule so that you only have to make one character if you want to, but four is your maximum limit as of right now. My only ask is that you avoid making overpowered characters without reason or weakness.

I'm not particular about how you set up your character sheets. I only really care about a name, age, story role (traveler, citizen, founding family), a detailed backstory and the answer to the three questions. I would prefer semi-realistic art, realistic art, or real people as face claims. Below is a basic character sheet you can use.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I'll answer asap.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that?

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

@SilverPaw @fauxklimt @Dusk
Just in case you guys are still interested or want a look at the lore (google docs) before committing,
I also changed the rule on the character limit so you only have to make one, but can still make up to four.​
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I've read all of the info! I definitely want to join this RP if you'll have me!

I have a character idea in mind but I want to ask a few more questions so I will know what to classify this character as, and whether to scrap them or not.

So my general idea is a younger teen character that was adopted into the Whitmore family, but isn't a Whitmore by blood. They wouldn't be a shapeshifter; I'm still trying to determine if they'll be a human or perhaps a…changeling of some sorts? Which would be different from a shapeshifter (instead of transforming into an animal, they can assume multiple different human forms). But regardless, would this character be considered a citizen that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores? Or would they fill a Whitmore spot despite not being a Whitmore by blood?

This character is simply a general concept at the moment, and I'm awaiting your input. I'm also brainstorming my traveler idea and will get back to you on that.
That would depend. If your character was adopted by Ambrose and Serena, Minerva and Forrest, or Waverly then I would count them as having filled a Whitmore spot. If the character was adopted by a cousin to the aforementioned people, then they would be considered a citizen of Arkley that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores.
Hmmm…well, before I make a decision, are there any Whitmore spots available? From what I can see, there's one more slot open, but I just want to be sure.
There is one more left.
Alright! Great! Can I mayhaps reserve that spot while I figure my beloved lil character out?

By the way, which of the characters that you've listed would be the most inclined to adopting someone with no Whitmore blood, in your opinion?
hmm... I would say that Minerva & Forrest would be most likely to adopt a child with no Whitmore blood. Waverly and Ambrose aren't fond of outsiders.
Hehehe...You're giving me some gooood ideas now! I shall be back with my character soooooooon! ^o^
I find it hilarious that my count for the current Founding Family generation (the playable generation) consists of two Flemings, two Mulvahils and seven Whitmores - one of those being dead and another being illegitimate. I love the idea that literally every problem this town has is because the Whitmores can't stop having kids.
  • Haha
Reactions: SilverPaw
The Whitmores are the Zeus's of the town. /J
  • Haha
Reactions: Bahiyya
Majna Whitmore
Gender: Fluid
Species: Human
Sexuality: Fluid​

Assistant of The Whit Pigments Art Shop

Founding Family Member (Adopted child of Serena and Ambrose Whitmore)

Plurality (The state of having multiple personalities in the same body. DID is the most commonly known cause of multiple personalities.)


Majna (The Cherry Blossom) - She/Her, Demi-Polysexual. A young maiden with medium cranberry-tinted skin, decorated with pinkish vitiligo patterns. Her long hair is a fluffy white and very curly, and her eyes are a deep teal green. On her right hand, she has a freeze brand with the stylized letters "MN" and the numbers "21151" in smaller letters underneath.
As the core, Majna fronts the most. She's a shy little lady of few words, and prefers to keep to herself, willingly only choosing her mother or her brother, or any other Whitmore that doesn't hate her for company. She writes down every little thing she needs to remember in her notebook, which her headmates read through if they find themselves confused on what's going on upon assuming the front.

Faris (The Knight) - They/Them, Aroace. Inside the headspace: A young individual of around 16 to 17 years of age. with their flowing blonde hair, fair skin, and piercing blue eyes, they're like a holy knight straight out of a storybook.
Faris fronts when there is immediate danger to the Majna's body, or towards people that Majna cares for. They also front when addressing mother. Faris is the epitome of a "knight of justice". They regularly stand up for the needy and desperate. More than anything however, they seek mother's approval.

Herman (The Spitfire) - He/Him, Pansexual. Inside the headspace: A young boy of about 12 to 13 years of age. His short coily hair, dark eyes, and deeper skintone matches Majna's new older brother: Armand.
Herman often fronts when Armand is nearby, but he's also a wildcard and will kick himself into the front whenever he feels like it. Herman's a wild child of the earth, wind, and sea, and loves to roughhouse; typical young-boy behavior.

Collective Likes:
Stars, Rain, Snow, Jellies and Jams, Gemstones and Precious Metals, Their Mother, Their Brother.

Collective Dislikes:
Thunderstorms, Explosions, The Cold, Blood, Furnaces, Aggressive Shouting, Carrots, Their Father.​

Majna was born to a loving mother and father far, far away from Arkley. That's right, Majna is not a Whitmore by blood. For the first three years of her life, Majna lived out her toddlerhood with her birth parents. Such heaven did not last forever, however, and Majna's birth village was burned to the ground by a group of outlaws. Majna's mother and father were slain, but those that raided the village saw value in Majna and sold her off at the nearest city: Marque, to a crime syndicate called The Marque Noire.
Majna spent the next few years of her life up until the age of 10 performing slave labor for the Marque Noire. She, like the rest of her kidnapped colleagues, worked the mines and the forge, gathering materials and crafting weapons for the Marque Noire to utilize. Majna, the weakest of the bunch, was often singled out and beaten into working beyond her limits.
Such a life was how Faris was born within Majna; they were originally nothing more than a fragment created to protect Majna's body from danger. Faris did not have a name, or even a conscious until long after Majna's escape from the crime syndicate that chained her.
The Marque Noire eventually collapsed due to a gang war with a rival crime syndicate: The Marque Blanche. In the midst of the flames, Majna scrambled away deep into the forest. It's unknown how long or how far she ran for, but when she collapsed within Whitmore property, she was nearly on death row.
Serena Whitmore raised Majna back to health and grew attached to her quickly. Originally, Ambrose was vehemently against taking in an outsider, even a young child like Majna, but after a long and intense argument. Ambrose gave in to Serena's desires and proclaimed that "This child may now be ours, but I won't have anything to do with her." As he stomped away. It is unknown how Serena managed to get her way; maybe Ambrose felt as if he owed his wife after his affair? What is known however is that Majna never saw Ambrose in person again.
Serena and Armand Whitmore welcomed Majna with exceeding warmth. As the years went by, the nightmares that chased Majna with every waking moment dispersed, but never disappeared. The trauma would always be there, but Majna is happier than she's ever been. She especially looks up to her older brother, which her newest headmate: Herman, was born from.
Majna tries not to think about the "skeletons in the closet" that Arkley hides. She's just glad she's not being physically harmed, that she has a warm bed and a filling meal everyday, and a family that loves her…well, most of them anyways. What more could she ask for?

As a member of a founding family, would Majna and her headmates attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
Majna and Faris are willing to aid travelers they develop a close friendship with. Faris might aid a traveler regardless of their relationship with said traveler if they feel the traveler is especially worthy of being aided.
Herman does not care about the travelers. He probably won't help them, but he certainly won't hinder them.

I hope that this is an acceptable character! Please let me know if I need to make any changes. I've always wanted to play a plural character, so this shall be quite fun!
Also, for anyone wondering where the art comes from, I just drew it myself! I'm perfectly willing to have a go at drawing anyone else's characters when I get the motivation, with the writer's approval of course!​
Went with Serena and Ambrose instead? That should be interesting. I see no issue with the character so long as you can keep track of the personalities.

Just one thing though, does Majna shapeshift when they switch personalities?
Went with Serena and Ambrose instead? That should be interesting. I see no issue with the character so long as you can keep track of the personalities.

Just one thing though, does Majna shapeshift when they switch personalities?
Nope! I went with a human instead of a non-human.

Whenever Faris or Herman front they'll change a few things with the body's clothing and hair to make themselves more comfortable. Majna decides what the body wears, and she wears a dress with a pair of knee-length shorts underneath so when Herman fronts he'll tie the skirt around his waist and put his hair up in a ponytail. Faris will also tie the skirt around their waist, but leave the hair down. It's actually a good way that you can tell who's fronting, although it's not a foolproof determiner.

The physical descriptions of Faris and Herman are simple how they see themselves in the headspace.
Just a question. Can I make another character which is basically a body guard of the main family?
Went with Serena and Ambrose instead? That should be interesting. I see no issue with the character so long as you can keep track of the personalities.

Just one thing though, does Majna shapeshift when they switch personalities?
Nope! I went with a human instead of a non-human.

Whenever Faris or Herman front they'll change a few things with the body's clothing and hair to make themselves more comfortable. Majna decides what the body wears, and she wears a dress with a pair of knee-length shorts underneath so when Herman fronts he'll tie the skirt around his waist and put his hair up in a ponytail. Faris will also tie the skirt around their waist, but leave the hair down. It's actually a good way that you can tell who's fronting, although it's not a foolproof determiner.

The physical descriptions of Faris and Herman are simple how they see themselves in the headspace.
Alrighty! Majna is good to go then.

Just a question. Can I make another character which is basically a body guard of the main family?
Yeah, go for it!
  • Wicked
Reactions: Ai-in Ayan
Yes! Majna is in!

That means I can post the cowboy-shot version of my drawing of Majna here! Lemme just…


Boom! Rather simple but I like what I came up with in the end.
View attachment 246669
Majna Whitmore
Gender: Fluid
Species: Human
Sexuality: Fluid​

Assistant of The Whit Pigments Art Shop

Founding Family Member (Adopted child of Serena and Ambrose Whitmore)

Plurality (The state of having multiple personalities in the same body. DID is the most commonly known cause of multiple personalities.)


Majna (The Cherry Blossom) - She/Her, Demi-Polysexual. A young maiden with medium cranberry-tinted skin, decorated with pinkish vitiligo patterns. Her long hair is a fluffy white and very curly, and her eyes are a deep teal green. On her right hand, she has a freeze brand with the stylized letters "MN" and the numbers "21151" in smaller letters underneath.
As the core, Majna fronts the most. She's a shy little lady of few words, and prefers to keep to herself, willingly only choosing her mother or her brother, or any other Whitmore that doesn't hate her for company. She writes down every little thing she needs to remember in her notebook, which her headmates read through if they find themselves confused on what's going on upon assuming the front.

Faris (The Knight) - They/Them, Aroace. Inside the headspace: A young individual of around 16 to 17 years of age. with their flowing blonde hair, fair skin, and piercing blue eyes, they're like a holy knight straight out of a storybook.
Faris fronts when there is immediate danger to the Majna's body, or towards people that Majna cares for. They also front when addressing mother. Faris is the epitome of a "knight of justice". They regularly stand up for the needy and desperate. More than anything however, they seek mother's approval.

Herman (The Spitfire) - He/Him, Pansexual. Inside the headspace: A young boy of about 12 to 13 years of age. His short coily hair, dark eyes, and deeper skintone matches Majna's new older brother: Armand.
Herman often fronts when Armand is nearby, but he's also a wildcard and will kick himself into the front whenever he feels like it. Herman's a wild child of the earth, wind, and sea, and loves to roughhouse; typical young-boy behavior.

Collective Likes:
Stars, Rain, Snow, Jellies and Jams, Gemstones and Precious Metals, Their Mother, Their Brother.

Collective Dislikes:
Thunderstorms, Explosions, The Cold, Blood, Furnaces, Aggressive Shouting, Carrots, Their Father.​

Majna was born to a loving mother and father far, far away from Arkley. That's right, Majna is not a Whitmore by blood. For the first three years of her life, Majna lived out her toddlerhood with her birth parents. Such heaven did not last forever, however, and Majna's birth village was burned to the ground by a group of outlaws. Majna's mother and father were slain, but those that raided the village saw value in Majna and sold her off at the nearest city: Marque, to a crime syndicate called The Marque Noire.
Majna spent the next few years of her life up until the age of 10 performing slave labor for the Marque Noire. She, like the rest of her kidnapped colleagues, worked the mines and the forge, gathering materials and crafting weapons for the Marque Noire to utilize. Majna, the weakest of the bunch, was often singled out and beaten into working beyond her limits.
Such a life was how Faris was born within Majna; they were originally nothing more than a fragment created to protect Majna's body from danger. Faris did not have a name, or even a conscious until long after Majna's escape from the crime syndicate that chained her.
The Marque Noire eventually collapsed due to a gang war with a rival crime syndicate: The Marque Blanche. In the midst of the flames, Majna scrambled away deep into the forest. It's unknown how long or how far she ran for, but when she collapsed within Whitmore property, she was nearly on death row.
Serena Whitmore raised Majna back to health and grew attached to her quickly. Originally, Ambrose was vehemently against taking in an outsider, even a young child like Majna, but after a long and intense argument. Ambrose gave in to Serena's desires and proclaimed that "This child may now be ours, but I won't have anything to do with her." As he stomped away. It is unknown how Serena managed to get her way; maybe Ambrose felt as if he owed his wife after his affair? What is known however is that Majna never saw Ambrose in person again.
Serena and Armand Whitmore welcomed Majna with exceeding warmth. As the years went by, the nightmares that chased Majna with every waking moment dispersed, but never disappeared. The trauma would always be there, but Majna is happier than she's ever been. She especially looks up to her older brother, which her newest headmate: Herman, was born from.
Majna tries not to think about the "skeletons in the closet" that Arkley hides. She's just glad she's not being physically harmed, that she has a warm bed and a filling meal everyday, and a family that loves her…well, most of them anyways. What more could she ask for?

As a member of a founding family, would Majna and her headmates attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
Majna and Faris are willing to aid travelers they develop a close friendship with. Faris might aid a traveler regardless of their relationship with said traveler if they feel the traveler is especially worthy of being aided.
Herman does not care about the travelers. He probably won't help them, but he certainly won't hinder them.

I hope that this is an acceptable character! Please let me know if I need to make any changes. I've always wanted to play a plural character, so this shall be quite fun!
Also, for anyone wondering where the art comes from, I just drew it myself! I'm perfectly willing to have a go at drawing anyone else's characters when I get the motivation, with the writer's approval of course!​
Armand will protect Majna with his life. @_@
  • Sweet
Reactions: StarlightStarbright
View attachment 246669
Majna Whitmore
Gender: Fluid
Species: Human
Sexuality: Fluid​

Assistant of The Whit Pigments Art Shop

Founding Family Member (Adopted child of Serena and Ambrose Whitmore)

Plurality (The state of having multiple personalities in the same body. DID is the most commonly known cause of multiple personalities.)


Majna (The Cherry Blossom) - She/Her, Demi-Polysexual. A young maiden with medium cranberry-tinted skin, decorated with pinkish vitiligo patterns. Her long hair is a fluffy white and very curly, and her eyes are a deep teal green. On her right hand, she has a freeze brand with the stylized letters "MN" and the numbers "21151" in smaller letters underneath.
As the core, Majna fronts the most. She's a shy little lady of few words, and prefers to keep to herself, willingly only choosing her mother or her brother, or any other Whitmore that doesn't hate her for company. She writes down every little thing she needs to remember in her notebook, which her headmates read through if they find themselves confused on what's going on upon assuming the front.

Faris (The Knight) - They/Them, Aroace. Inside the headspace: A young individual of around 16 to 17 years of age. with their flowing blonde hair, fair skin, and piercing blue eyes, they're like a holy knight straight out of a storybook.
Faris fronts when there is immediate danger to the Majna's body, or towards people that Majna cares for. They also front when addressing mother. Faris is the epitome of a "knight of justice". They regularly stand up for the needy and desperate. More than anything however, they seek mother's approval.

Herman (The Spitfire) - He/Him, Pansexual. Inside the headspace: A young boy of about 12 to 13 years of age. His short coily hair, dark eyes, and deeper skintone matches Majna's new older brother: Armand.
Herman often fronts when Armand is nearby, but he's also a wildcard and will kick himself into the front whenever he feels like it. Herman's a wild child of the earth, wind, and sea, and loves to roughhouse; typical young-boy behavior.

Collective Likes:
Stars, Rain, Snow, Jellies and Jams, Gemstones and Precious Metals, Their Mother, Their Brother.

Collective Dislikes:
Thunderstorms, Explosions, The Cold, Blood, Furnaces, Aggressive Shouting, Carrots, Their Father.​

Majna was born to a loving mother and father far, far away from Arkley. That's right, Majna is not a Whitmore by blood. For the first three years of her life, Majna lived out her toddlerhood with her birth parents. Such heaven did not last forever, however, and Majna's birth village was burned to the ground by a group of outlaws. Majna's mother and father were slain, but those that raided the village saw value in Majna and sold her off at the nearest city: Marque, to a crime syndicate called The Marque Noire.
Majna spent the next few years of her life up until the age of 10 performing slave labor for the Marque Noire. She, like the rest of her kidnapped colleagues, worked the mines and the forge, gathering materials and crafting weapons for the Marque Noire to utilize. Majna, the weakest of the bunch, was often singled out and beaten into working beyond her limits.
Such a life was how Faris was born within Majna; they were originally nothing more than a fragment created to protect Majna's body from danger. Faris did not have a name, or even a conscious until long after Majna's escape from the crime syndicate that chained her.
The Marque Noire eventually collapsed due to a gang war with a rival crime syndicate: The Marque Blanche. In the midst of the flames, Majna scrambled away deep into the forest. It's unknown how long or how far she ran for, but when she collapsed within Whitmore property, she was nearly on death row.
Serena Whitmore raised Majna back to health and grew attached to her quickly. Originally, Ambrose was vehemently against taking in an outsider, even a young child like Majna, but after a long and intense argument. Ambrose gave in to Serena's desires and proclaimed that "This child may now be ours, but I won't have anything to do with her." As he stomped away. It is unknown how Serena managed to get her way; maybe Ambrose felt as if he owed his wife after his affair? What is known however is that Majna never saw Ambrose in person again.
Serena and Armand Whitmore welcomed Majna with exceeding warmth. As the years went by, the nightmares that chased Majna with every waking moment dispersed, but never disappeared. The trauma would always be there, but Majna is happier than she's ever been. She especially looks up to her older brother, which her newest headmate: Herman, was born from.
Majna tries not to think about the "skeletons in the closet" that Arkley hides. She's just glad she's not being physically harmed, that she has a warm bed and a filling meal everyday, and a family that loves her…well, most of them anyways. What more could she ask for?

As a member of a founding family, would Majna and her headmates attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
Majna and Faris are willing to aid travelers they develop a close friendship with. Faris might aid a traveler regardless of their relationship with said traveler if they feel the traveler is especially worthy of being aided.
Herman does not care about the travelers. He probably won't help them, but he certainly won't hinder them.

I hope that this is an acceptable character! Please let me know if I need to make any changes. I've always wanted to play a plural character, so this shall be quite fun!
Also, for anyone wondering where the art comes from, I just drew it myself! I'm perfectly willing to have a go at drawing anyone else's characters when I get the motivation, with the writer's approval of course!​
Armand will protect Majna with his life. @_@
Hehe! I was hoping you'd like Majna! ^o^ I'm looking forward to seeing how Armand interacts with his new sister and his sister's headmates!
  • Love
Reactions: Bahiyya

Amarantha Whitmore
Amarantha Whitmore

Name: Amarantha Whitmore

Age: 23

Gender: Cisgender female

Species: Shapeshifter - Raven

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Occupation: Event organizer, Medium

Role: Founding Family

Personality: Clever | Wily | Resourceful | Social | Uncompromising | Protective | Refined

Amarantha had been a precocious child who grew into an intelligent young woman. When younger, she was quite playful, and had got up to far too many antics to count. However, she'd also been pragmatic enough to understand what it took for the Whitmore family to survive, and even as an adolescent, she was willing to do what was needed. After losing her younger twin three years ago, however, she's become more somber.

The once bright-eyed young lady grew into a cunning, manipulative, and merciless adult. She will do whatever it takes for her and hers to survive and thrive, no matter how harsh or tragic others may view it. She has come to view outsiders, especially humans, as lesser. Yet, only those close to her are aware of her opinions. With potential targets (or worse, traitors), Amarantha acts the proper lady and graceful host. Still, her innate curiosity and interest in new things and people does occasionally take over what she deems her sensible side.

Likes: Storms | Her namesake flower | Family | Trinkets | The piano and violin | Arkley's traditions | Magic | Theater | Flying | Gossip | Intrigue

Dislikes: Nightmares | Meddling | Excess sympathies for outsiders | Morning breath | Very sour things | Restless spirits | Wolf howls | Muggy weather | Her family or friends being maligned


Amarantha was born the first child and daughter to Minerva Whitmore and Forrest Monaghan. Shortly after, in fact, mere minutes later, her younger twin brother, Artemas was born. Handling twins for the young inexperienced couple was a challenge, especially since the twins were a rambunctious bunch. Amy was investigative and Art adventurous; the two were extremely tight-knit, though they had frightsome quarrels here and there. They always made up, however, and often acted as two parts of a whole.

When Silvanus was born, the duo easily and happily accepted him. As time passed and their parents got more of a handle on how to deal with three energetic children, they managed to reign in some of their most chaotic tendencies. As they were older, Amarantha and Artemas were the first to mature. Still, they did have fights wherein each tried to establish dominance as the leader of their group; Amy on account of her seniority, and Art due to his natural tendency.

At 16, the two were already aware of the Whitmore curse, as their parents had chosen to inform them a year prior. Even so, the first transformation was difficult, the first kill even more so. But they had each other to rely on, their parents to help – and, as the Whitmores would say, they were thankfully both predators – so, they were able to get through with it. Amy as a menacing penumbral raven, and Art as a vicious shadow wolf.

To Amarantha, it seemed Artemas was actually the more reluctant; he was a very friendly individual, able to form firm bonds quickly. However, it wasn't his kindness which was fatal, but carelessness. He and his sister had been just having a bit of fun, chasing and harassing an incredibly rude, biased traveler that anyone would be glad to see dead. However, the man had had a weapon on him, had managed to injure Artemas, and escape. Amarantha promised Art to help capture the wayward human, and yet…

Because of that one escapee, there was one person short for the hunt. Amarantha had her own under the belt, but Art? Decay was astringent with its rules, and her brother's soul was taken. That day, Amy swore she would never let another target escape, no matter what. Before he left the town, she tracked down the prejudiced hunter and murdered him in cold blood. It didn't bring back her brother, nor did it give her much satisfaction.

Even so, she offered the taken life to her now deceased brother. The sacrifice spontaneously established a brief connection to the otherworld – she was sure she could hear and feel Art thanking her. Ever since then, Amy delved deep into necromantic magic, eventually becoming a medium. She also dedicated herself to helping advertise, arrange, and host the best events, so there would never again be a shortage of travelers Whitmores could make use of.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

Amarantha is very active in luring in travelers and ushering them to their doom. Not only that, she will also prevent any attempts at interference; she judges help offered to travelers harshly, and might even deem it treasonous.
Far From Home // Sam Tinnesz

Amarantha Whitmore
Amarantha Whitmore

Name: Amarantha Whitmore

Age: 23

Gender: Cisgender female

Species: Shapeshifter - Raven

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Occupation: Event organizer, Medium

Role: Founding Family

Personality: Clever | Wily | Resourceful | Social | Uncompromising | Protective | Refined

Amarantha had been a precocious child who grew into an intelligent young woman. When younger, she was quite playful, and had got up to far too many antics to count. However, she'd also been pragmatic enough to understand what it took for the Whitmore family to survive, and even as an adolescent, she was willing to do what was needed. After losing her younger twin three years ago, however, she's become more somber.

The once bright-eyed young lady grew into a cunning, manipulative, and merciless adult. She will do whatever it takes for her and hers to survive and thrive, no matter how harsh or tragic others may view it. She has come to view outsiders, especially humans, as lesser. Yet, only those close to her are aware of her opinions. With potential targets (or worse, traitors), Amarantha acts the proper lady and graceful host. Still, her innate curiosity and interest in new things and people does occasionally take over what she deems her sensible side.

Likes: Storms | Her namesake flower | Family | Trinkets | The piano and violin | Arkley's traditions | Magic | Theater | Flying | Gossip | Intrigue

Dislikes: Nightmares | Meddling | Excess sympathies for outsiders | Morning breath | Very sour things | Restless spirits | Wolf howls | Muggy weather | Her family or friends being maligned


Amarantha was born the first child and daughter to Minerva Whitmore and Forrest Monaghan. Shortly after, in fact, mere minutes later, her younger twin brother, Artemas was born. Handling twins for the young inexperienced couple was a challenge, especially since the twins were a rambunctious bunch. Amy was investigative and Art adventurous; the two were extremely tight-knit, though they had frightsome quarrels here and there. They always made up, however, and often acted as two parts of a whole.

When Silvanus was born, the duo easily and happily accepted him. As time passed and their parents got more of a handle on how to deal with three energetic children, they managed to reign in some of their most chaotic tendencies. As they were older, Amarantha and Artemas were the first to mature. Still, they did have fights wherein each tried to establish dominance as the leader of their group; Amy on account of her seniority, and Art due to his natural tendency.

At 16, the two were already aware of the Whitmore curse, as their parents had chosen to inform them a year prior. Even so, the first transformation was difficult, the first kill even more so. But they had each other to rely on, their parents to help – and, as the Whitmores would say, they were thankfully both predators – so, they were able to get through with it. Amy as a menacing penumbral raven, and Art as a vicious shadow wolf.

To Amarantha, it seemed Artemas was actually the more reluctant; he was a very friendly individual, able to form firm bonds quickly. However, it wasn't his kindness which was fatal, but carelessness. He and his sister had been just having a bit of fun, chasing and harassing an incredibly rude, biased traveler that anyone would be glad to see dead. However, the man had had a weapon on him, had managed to injure Artemas, and escape. Amarantha promised Art to help capture the wayward human, and yet…

Because of that one escapee, there was one person short for the hunt. Amarantha had her own under the belt, but Art? Decay was astringent with its rules, and her brother's soul was taken. That day, Amy swore she would never let another target escape, no matter what. Before he left the town, she tracked down the prejudiced hunter and murdered him in cold blood. It didn't bring back her brother, nor did it give her much satisfaction.

Even so, she offered the taken life to her now deceased brother. The sacrifice spontaneously established a brief connection to the otherworld – she was sure she could hear and feel Art thanking her. Ever since then, Amy delved deep into necromantic magic, eventually becoming a medium. She also dedicated herself to helping advertise, arrange, and host the best events, so there would never again be a shortage of travelers Whitmores could make use of.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

Amarantha is very active in luring in travelers and ushering them to their doom. Not only that, she will also prevent any attempts at interference; she judges help offered to travelers harshly, and might even deem it treasonous.
Far From Home // Sam Tinnesz
Oooo! I love Amarantha's backstory!

She looks incredibly intimidating so I think Majna would have been scared of her when she first joined the family at 10 years of age. I wonder, would Amarantha dislike Majna for not being a blood-related Whitmore?

Amarantha Whitmore
Amarantha Whitmore

Name: Amarantha Whitmore

Age: 23

Gender: Cisgender female

Species: Shapeshifter - Raven

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Occupation: Event organizer, Medium

Role: Founding Family

Personality: Clever | Wily | Resourceful | Social | Uncompromising | Protective | Refined

Amarantha had been a precocious child who grew into an intelligent young woman. When younger, she was quite playful, and had got up to far too many antics to count. However, she'd also been pragmatic enough to understand what it took for the Whitmore family to survive, and even as an adolescent, she was willing to do what was needed. After losing her younger twin three years ago, however, she's become more somber.

The once bright-eyed young lady grew into a cunning, manipulative, and merciless adult. She will do whatever it takes for her and hers to survive and thrive, no matter how harsh or tragic others may view it. She has come to view outsiders, especially humans, as lesser. Yet, only those close to her are aware of her opinions. With potential targets (or worse, traitors), Amarantha acts the proper lady and graceful host. Still, her innate curiosity and interest in new things and people does occasionally take over what she deems her sensible side.

Likes: Storms | Her namesake flower | Family | Trinkets | The piano and violin | Arkley's traditions | Magic | Theater | Flying | Gossip | Intrigue

Dislikes: Nightmares | Meddling | Excess sympathies for outsiders | Morning breath | Very sour things | Restless spirits | Wolf howls | Muggy weather | Her family or friends being maligned


Amarantha was born the first child and daughter to Minerva Whitmore and Forrest Monaghan. Shortly after, in fact, mere minutes later, her younger twin brother, Artemas was born. Handling twins for the young inexperienced couple was a challenge, especially since the twins were a rambunctious bunch. Amy was investigative and Art adventurous; the two were extremely tight-knit, though they had frightsome quarrels here and there. They always made up, however, and often acted as two parts of a whole.

When Silvanus was born, the duo easily and happily accepted him. As time passed and their parents got more of a handle on how to deal with three energetic children, they managed to reign in some of their most chaotic tendencies. As they were older, Amarantha and Artemas were the first to mature. Still, they did have fights wherein each tried to establish dominance as the leader of their group; Amy on account of her seniority, and Art due to his natural tendency.

At 16, the two were already aware of the Whitmore curse, as their parents had chosen to inform them a year prior. Even so, the first transformation was difficult, the first kill even more so. But they had each other to rely on, their parents to help – and, as the Whitmores would say, they were thankfully both predators – so, they were able to get through with it. Amy as a menacing penumbral raven, and Art as a vicious shadow wolf.

To Amarantha, it seemed Artemas was actually the more reluctant; he was a very friendly individual, able to form firm bonds quickly. However, it wasn't his kindness which was fatal, but carelessness. He and his sister had been just having a bit of fun, chasing and harassing an incredibly rude, biased traveler that anyone would be glad to see dead. However, the man had had a weapon on him, had managed to injure Artemas, and escape. Amarantha promised Art to help capture the wayward human, and yet…

Because of that one escapee, there was one person short for the hunt. Amarantha had her own under the belt, but Art? Decay was astringent with its rules, and her brother's soul was taken. That day, Amy swore she would never let another target escape, no matter what. Before he left the town, she tracked down the prejudiced hunter and murdered him in cold blood. It didn't bring back her brother, nor did it give her much satisfaction.

Even so, she offered the taken life to her now deceased brother. The sacrifice spontaneously established a brief connection to the otherworld – she was sure she could hear and feel Art thanking her. Ever since then, Amy delved deep into necromantic magic, eventually becoming a medium. She also dedicated herself to helping advertise, arrange, and host the best events, so there would never again be a shortage of travelers Whitmores could make use of.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

Amarantha is very active in luring in travelers and ushering them to their doom. Not only that, she will also prevent any attempts at interference; she judges help offered to travelers harshly, and might even deem it treasonous.
Far From Home // Sam Tinnesz
Oooo! I love Amarantha's backstory!

She looks incredibly intimidating so I think Majna would have been scared of her when she first joined the family at 10 years of age. I wonder, would Amarantha dislike Majna for not being a blood-related Whitmore?
Thank you! If she joined at 10, it's two years before her bro died, so I think though finding it strange, she'd have accepted it. There might have been some resentment along the lines of 'why did he die, and this adopted human is fine' causing her to avoid Majna in her grief. But ultimately the memories of them getting along, honouring her brother's memory (I think he especially would have been excited for a 'new member of the pack'), and respecting Arkley's traditions (of some outsiders becoming citizens) would lead her to accept her. Might not be the easiest relationship, but I don't see Amy being hostile or disapproving.

Amarantha Whitmore
Amarantha Whitmore

Name: Amarantha Whitmore

Age: 23

Gender: Cisgender female

Species: Shapeshifter - Raven

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Occupation: Event organizer, Medium

Role: Founding Family

Personality: Clever | Wily | Resourceful | Social | Uncompromising | Protective | Refined

Amarantha had been a precocious child who grew into an intelligent young woman. When younger, she was quite playful, and had got up to far too many antics to count. However, she'd also been pragmatic enough to understand what it took for the Whitmore family to survive, and even as an adolescent, she was willing to do what was needed. After losing her younger twin three years ago, however, she's become more somber.

The once bright-eyed young lady grew into a cunning, manipulative, and merciless adult. She will do whatever it takes for her and hers to survive and thrive, no matter how harsh or tragic others may view it. She has come to view outsiders, especially humans, as lesser. Yet, only those close to her are aware of her opinions. With potential targets (or worse, traitors), Amarantha acts the proper lady and graceful host. Still, her innate curiosity and interest in new things and people does occasionally take over what she deems her sensible side.

Likes: Storms | Her namesake flower | Family | Trinkets | The piano and violin | Arkley's traditions | Magic | Theater | Flying | Gossip | Intrigue

Dislikes: Nightmares | Meddling | Excess sympathies for outsiders | Morning breath | Very sour things | Restless spirits | Wolf howls | Muggy weather | Her family or friends being maligned


Amarantha was born the first child and daughter to Minerva Whitmore and Forrest Monaghan. Shortly after, in fact, mere minutes later, her younger twin brother, Artemas was born. Handling twins for the young inexperienced couple was a challenge, especially since the twins were a rambunctious bunch. Amy was investigative and Art adventurous; the two were extremely tight-knit, though they had frightsome quarrels here and there. They always made up, however, and often acted as two parts of a whole.

When Silvanus was born, the duo easily and happily accepted him. As time passed and their parents got more of a handle on how to deal with three energetic children, they managed to reign in some of their most chaotic tendencies. As they were older, Amarantha and Artemas were the first to mature. Still, they did have fights wherein each tried to establish dominance as the leader of their group; Amy on account of her seniority, and Art due to his natural tendency.

At 16, the two were already aware of the Whitmore curse, as their parents had chosen to inform them a year prior. Even so, the first transformation was difficult, the first kill even more so. But they had each other to rely on, their parents to help – and, as the Whitmores would say, they were thankfully both predators – so, they were able to get through with it. Amy as a menacing penumbral raven, and Art as a vicious shadow wolf.

To Amarantha, it seemed Artemas was actually the more reluctant; he was a very friendly individual, able to form firm bonds quickly. However, it wasn't his kindness which was fatal, but carelessness. He and his sister had been just having a bit of fun, chasing and harassing an incredibly rude, biased traveler that anyone would be glad to see dead. However, the man had had a weapon on him, had managed to injure Artemas, and escape. Amarantha promised Art to help capture the wayward human, and yet…

Because of that one escapee, there was one person short for the hunt. Amarantha had her own under the belt, but Art? Decay was astringent with its rules, and her brother's soul was taken. That day, Amy swore she would never let another target escape, no matter what. Before he left the town, she tracked down the prejudiced hunter and murdered him in cold blood. It didn't bring back her brother, nor did it give her much satisfaction.

Even so, she offered the taken life to her now deceased brother. The sacrifice spontaneously established a brief connection to the otherworld – she was sure she could hear and feel Art thanking her. Ever since then, Amy delved deep into necromantic magic, eventually becoming a medium. She also dedicated herself to helping advertise, arrange, and host the best events, so there would never again be a shortage of travelers Whitmores could make use of.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

Amarantha is very active in luring in travelers and ushering them to their doom. Not only that, she will also prevent any attempts at interference; she judges help offered to travelers harshly, and might even deem it treasonous.
Far From Home // Sam Tinnesz
Oooo! I love Amarantha's backstory!

She looks incredibly intimidating so I think Majna would have been scared of her when she first joined the family at 10 years of age. I wonder, would Amarantha dislike Majna for not being a blood-related Whitmore?
Thank you! If she joined at 10, it's two years before her bro died, so I think though finding it strange, she'd have accepted it. There might have been some resentment along the lines of 'why did he die, and this adopted human is fine' causing her to avoid Majna in her grief. But ultimately the memories of them getting along, honouring her brother's memory (I think he especially would have been excited for a 'new member of the pack'), and respecting Arkley's traditions (of some outsiders becoming citizens) would lead her to accept her. Might not be the easiest relationship, but I don't see Amy being hostile or disapproving.
Ooooh! So her brother died when they were both 20. That's good to know! I didn't know whether Artemas died before or after 18, which would have been how old the twins were when Majna joined the family. That's why I asked because I figured that depending on whether Artemas was dead or alive by that point, the relationship could have started out rocky between Amarantha and Majna.

Regardless, I feel like Amarantha and Majna have a special "girl bond" at least, because looking at the Whitmore children roster, it appears to be a sausage fest except for Majna and Amarantha. Girls stick together, you know?
As for Majna's headmates, I think Amarantha might get along really well with Faris, since Faris is very proper and not nearly as "ditzy" as Majna is. Not sure about her and Hermin though. Hermin is pretty crass and childish soo...

Amarantha Whitmore
Amarantha Whitmore

Name: Amarantha Whitmore

Age: 23

Gender: Cisgender female

Species: Shapeshifter - Raven

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Occupation: Event organizer, Medium

Role: Founding Family

Personality: Clever | Wily | Resourceful | Social | Uncompromising | Protective | Refined

Amarantha had been a precocious child who grew into an intelligent young woman. When younger, she was quite playful, and had got up to far too many antics to count. However, she'd also been pragmatic enough to understand what it took for the Whitmore family to survive, and even as an adolescent, she was willing to do what was needed. After losing her younger twin three years ago, however, she's become more somber.

The once bright-eyed young lady grew into a cunning, manipulative, and merciless adult. She will do whatever it takes for her and hers to survive and thrive, no matter how harsh or tragic others may view it. She has come to view outsiders, especially humans, as lesser. Yet, only those close to her are aware of her opinions. With potential targets (or worse, traitors), Amarantha acts the proper lady and graceful host. Still, her innate curiosity and interest in new things and people does occasionally take over what she deems her sensible side.

Likes: Storms | Her namesake flower | Family | Trinkets | The piano and violin | Arkley's traditions | Magic | Theater | Flying | Gossip | Intrigue

Dislikes: Nightmares | Meddling | Excess sympathies for outsiders | Morning breath | Very sour things | Restless spirits | Wolf howls | Muggy weather | Her family or friends being maligned


Amarantha was born the first child and daughter to Minerva Whitmore and Forrest Monaghan. Shortly after, in fact, mere minutes later, her younger twin brother, Artemas was born. Handling twins for the young inexperienced couple was a challenge, especially since the twins were a rambunctious bunch. Amy was investigative and Art adventurous; the two were extremely tight-knit, though they had frightsome quarrels here and there. They always made up, however, and often acted as two parts of a whole.

When Silvanus was born, the duo easily and happily accepted him. As time passed and their parents got more of a handle on how to deal with three energetic children, they managed to reign in some of their most chaotic tendencies. As they were older, Amarantha and Artemas were the first to mature. Still, they did have fights wherein each tried to establish dominance as the leader of their group; Amy on account of her seniority, and Art due to his natural tendency.

At 16, the two were already aware of the Whitmore curse, as their parents had chosen to inform them a year prior. Even so, the first transformation was difficult, the first kill even more so. But they had each other to rely on, their parents to help – and, as the Whitmores would say, they were thankfully both predators – so, they were able to get through with it. Amy as a menacing penumbral raven, and Art as a vicious shadow wolf.

To Amarantha, it seemed Artemas was actually the more reluctant; he was a very friendly individual, able to form firm bonds quickly. However, it wasn't his kindness which was fatal, but carelessness. He and his sister had been just having a bit of fun, chasing and harassing an incredibly rude, biased traveler that anyone would be glad to see dead. However, the man had had a weapon on him, had managed to injure Artemas, and escape. Amarantha promised Art to help capture the wayward human, and yet…

Because of that one escapee, there was one person short for the hunt. Amarantha had her own under the belt, but Art? Decay was astringent with its rules, and her brother's soul was taken. That day, Amy swore she would never let another target escape, no matter what. Before he left the town, she tracked down the prejudiced hunter and murdered him in cold blood. It didn't bring back her brother, nor did it give her much satisfaction.

Even so, she offered the taken life to her now deceased brother. The sacrifice spontaneously established a brief connection to the otherworld – she was sure she could hear and feel Art thanking her. Ever since then, Amy delved deep into necromantic magic, eventually becoming a medium. She also dedicated herself to helping advertise, arrange, and host the best events, so there would never again be a shortage of travelers Whitmores could make use of.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

Amarantha is very active in luring in travelers and ushering them to their doom. Not only that, she will also prevent any attempts at interference; she judges help offered to travelers harshly, and might even deem it treasonous.
Far From Home // Sam Tinnesz
Oooo! I love Amarantha's backstory!

She looks incredibly intimidating so I think Majna would have been scared of her when she first joined the family at 10 years of age. I wonder, would Amarantha dislike Majna for not being a blood-related Whitmore?
Thank you! If she joined at 10, it's two years before her bro died, so I think though finding it strange, she'd have accepted it. There might have been some resentment along the lines of 'why did he die, and this adopted human is fine' causing her to avoid Majna in her grief. But ultimately the memories of them getting along, honouring her brother's memory (I think he especially would have been excited for a 'new member of the pack'), and respecting Arkley's traditions (of some outsiders becoming citizens) would lead her to accept her. Might not be the easiest relationship, but I don't see Amy being hostile or disapproving.
Ooooh! So her brother died when they were both 20. That's good to know! I didn't know whether Artemas died before or after 18, which would have been how old the twins were when Majna joined the family. That's why I asked because I figured that depending on whether Artemas was dead or alive by that point, the relationship could have started out rocky between Amarantha and Majna.

Regardless, I feel like Amarantha and Majna have a special "girl bond" at least, because looking at the Whitmore children roster, it appears to be a sausage fest except for Majna and Amarantha. Girls stick together, you know?
As for Majna's headmates, I think Amarantha might get along really well with Faris, since Faris is very proper and not nearly as "ditzy" as Majna is. Not sure about her and Hermin though. Hermin is pretty crass and childish soo...

Yeah, it's when they were 20. And sure, that sounds good! She'd probably be exasperated at best at Herman, maybe she'd even ignore him, we'll see~
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: StarlightStarbright
So, I would like some opinions and/or suggestions on some things from you guys.

Firstly, I am currently creating the NPCs for the Founding Families which will include the parents and grandparents. I have already written for Whitmore and Fleming family and I am currently working on the Mulvahil. I have tried to base the parents off your characters, but if you guys have any recommendations I would love to hear them. I was also wondering if you have any NPC ideas that you would like added. I currently have three non founding family NPCs - Mayor Audra Turner, Morwenna, and Doctor Dacey Barnett.

Second, I do have the rp plotted out but before we start I wanted to ask if there was anything anyone wanted to suggest? I would be happy to add some things here and there.

And third, would you guys like a playlist? Weird question, I know but music helps me when I'm writing so I figured I'd offer you a playlist that helped me create this whole story. Thinking about it, I'd probably have to adjust it and take out the songs for the other stories based in this world but I've been meaning to do that anyway. I need to stop procrastinating :'D
So, I would like some opinions and/or suggestions on some things from you guys.

Firstly, I am currently creating the NPCs for the Founding Families which will include the parents and grandparents. I have already written for Whitmore and Fleming family and I am currently working on the Mulvahil. I have tried to base the parents off your characters, but if you guys have any recommendations I would love to hear them. I was also wondering if you have any NPC ideas that you would like added. I currently have three non founding family NPCs - Mayor Audra Turner, Morwenna, and Doctor Dacey Barnett.

Second, I do have the rp plotted out but before we start I wanted to ask if there was anything anyone wanted to suggest? I would be happy to add some things here and there.

And third, would you guys like a playlist? Weird question, I know but music helps me when I'm writing so I figured I'd offer you a playlist that helped me create this whole story. Thinking about it, I'd probably have to adjust it and take out the songs for the other stories based in this world but I've been meaning to do that anyway. I need to stop procrastinating :'D
Addressing your first point: I would need more information before I can give my opinion, so I would love to hear what you've written down for each NPC character! Give me a bit of time and I should be able to come up with a few more NPC ideas too! I just woke up so my brain is a bit fuzzy, hehe.

Moving on to your second point: Same situation as the first; I would need information on the plot. It's honestly a good idea to disclose some of the plot for our knowledge. While surprises can be fun, roleplay I feel thrives off of the collective collaboration of the plot creators and the plot actors.

To your final point. Yes. Create the playlist! Hand it over please! Honestly I'm probably going to create a playlist for Majna and her headmates so maybe we should create a little post in this forum that lists all the playlists for each character that everyone created, and maybe like duo playlists/playlists that are supposed to represent two characters friendship/familial bond/romance!

Now, I'd like to ask you a question myself: What general time period equivalent would Little Blackbird's world be in? Renaissance? Medieval? Victorian? Regency? 20th century? I'm asking this because I want to know what kind of technology would exist within the world and what kind of technology would, in fact, NOT exist; as well as what kind of outfits I should use for reference when redesigning Majna's outfit (because I'm not happy with her current outfit, so bland!) and, in the future, when designing the other character's outfits on the off chance I decide to draw them OR recreate them in the Sims 4!
So, I would like some opinions and/or suggestions on some things from you guys.

Firstly, I am currently creating the NPCs for the Founding Families which will include the parents and grandparents. I have already written for Whitmore and Fleming family and I am currently working on the Mulvahil. I have tried to base the parents off your characters, but if you guys have any recommendations I would love to hear them. I was also wondering if you have any NPC ideas that you would like added. I currently have three non founding family NPCs - Mayor Audra Turner, Morwenna, and Doctor Dacey Barnett.

Second, I do have the rp plotted out but before we start I wanted to ask if there was anything anyone wanted to suggest? I would be happy to add some things here and there.

And third, would you guys like a playlist? Weird question, I know but music helps me when I'm writing so I figured I'd offer you a playlist that helped me create this whole story. Thinking about it, I'd probably have to adjust it and take out the songs for the other stories based in this world but I've been meaning to do that anyway. I need to stop procrastinating :'D
Addressing your first point: I would need more information before I can give my opinion, so I would love to hear what you've written down for each NPC character! Give me a bit of time and I should be able to come up with a few more NPC ideas too! I just woke up so my brain is a bit fuzzy, hehe.

Moving on to your second point: Same situation as the first; I would need information on the plot. It's honestly a good idea to disclose some of the plot for our knowledge. While surprises can be fun, roleplay I feel thrives off of the collective collaboration of the plot creators and the plot actors.

To your final point. Yes. Create the playlist! Hand it over please! Honestly I'm probably going to create a playlist for Majna and her headmates so maybe we should create a little post in this forum that lists all the playlists for each character that everyone created, and maybe like duo playlists/playlists that are supposed to represent two characters friendship/familial bond/romance!

Now, I'd like to ask you a question myself: What general time period equivalent would Little Blackbird's world be in? Renaissance? Medieval? Victorian? Regency? 20th century? I'm asking this because I want to know what kind of technology would exist within the world and what kind of technology would, in fact, NOT exist; as well as what kind of outfits I should use for reference when redesigning Majna's outfit (because I'm not happy with her current outfit, so bland!) and, in the future, when designing the other character's outfits on the off chance I decide to draw them OR recreate them in the Sims 4!
I do have the NPC list in my code testing thread if you would like to look at the ones that are done. The Mulvahils are still being written and I haven't started on the three other NPC's either.

As for the plot, I do have plans to reveal some of that soon actually! I have unfortunately procrastinated in writing that all out and it is currently in my notebook. Below are the basics :D

To start, my plan is to have five chapters - the first is the Day of the Rose for the Flemings which characters will get to know each other and participate in the events of the day (the market, the raffle, the lantern vigil, etc.). The second is the Day of the Water Lily for the Mulvahils which an NPC (Doctor Dacey Barnett) will reveal some things to the group of Travelers that makes them begin to question things. The third chapter is the Day of the Chrysanthemum for the Whitmores which will pretty much start at the Masquerade and will be the whole hunt or hunted arc. This is where characters can die, technically, but something strange happens and the hunting ground (the fog that surrounds the forest) expands and nearly breaks. It basically means that everyone is now beholden to the curse, but the fog and the hunt doesn't end when the sun rises. Chapter four is basically a panic fest where everyone bands together to either solve the issue or keep each other safe or cause as much chaos as they can. I, of course, am very interested to see how this will play out with our cast of characters. This chapter ends in a bit of a surprise that I'm still fleshing out. The fifth and final chapter is meant to be an epilogue - a goodbye to Arkley and the characters within it. And depending on how well this all goes, it may very well be the start of another rp that takes place in the same world.

I hope that made sense. I promise I'll actually write this all out in a google doc in a way that actually looks fleshed out.

I'll be sure to link the playlist soon! I'm probably gonna add to it as well.

As for your question: The general time period is Victorian Gothic (1837 - 1901), but it is rather fantasy based as well. Things like the steam engine, the printing press, and a primitive version of the telephone would exist. There should also be electricity and trains. There might also be steam coaches (might be wrong on that one) but a small town like Arkley is unlikely to have them nor were they used much. If you're curious about weapons then muskets and rifles are a good start. Revolvers, swords (most blades actually), Bayonets, and rudimentary body armor. As for fashion, I will accept anything Victorian, Steampunk, or Victorian Fantasy so it doesn't have to be perfectly historically accurate.
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So, I would like some opinions and/or suggestions on some things from you guys.

Firstly, I am currently creating the NPCs for the Founding Families which will include the parents and grandparents. I have already written for Whitmore and Fleming family and I am currently working on the Mulvahil. I have tried to base the parents off your characters, but if you guys have any recommendations I would love to hear them. I was also wondering if you have any NPC ideas that you would like added. I currently have three non founding family NPCs - Mayor Audra Turner, Morwenna, and Doctor Dacey Barnett.

Second, I do have the rp plotted out but before we start I wanted to ask if there was anything anyone wanted to suggest? I would be happy to add some things here and there.

And third, would you guys like a playlist? Weird question, I know but music helps me when I'm writing so I figured I'd offer you a playlist that helped me create this whole story. Thinking about it, I'd probably have to adjust it and take out the songs for the other stories based in this world but I've been meaning to do that anyway. I need to stop procrastinating :'D
Addressing your first point: I would need more information before I can give my opinion, so I would love to hear what you've written down for each NPC character! Give me a bit of time and I should be able to come up with a few more NPC ideas too! I just woke up so my brain is a bit fuzzy, hehe.

Moving on to your second point: Same situation as the first; I would need information on the plot. It's honestly a good idea to disclose some of the plot for our knowledge. While surprises can be fun, roleplay I feel thrives off of the collective collaboration of the plot creators and the plot actors.

To your final point. Yes. Create the playlist! Hand it over please! Honestly I'm probably going to create a playlist for Majna and her headmates so maybe we should create a little post in this forum that lists all the playlists for each character that everyone created, and maybe like duo playlists/playlists that are supposed to represent two characters friendship/familial bond/romance!

Now, I'd like to ask you a question myself: What general time period equivalent would Little Blackbird's world be in? Renaissance? Medieval? Victorian? Regency? 20th century? I'm asking this because I want to know what kind of technology would exist within the world and what kind of technology would, in fact, NOT exist; as well as what kind of outfits I should use for reference when redesigning Majna's outfit (because I'm not happy with her current outfit, so bland!) and, in the future, when designing the other character's outfits on the off chance I decide to draw them OR recreate them in the Sims 4!
I do have the NPC list in my code testing thread if you would like to look at the ones that are done. The Mulvahils are still being written and I haven't started on the three other NPC's either.

As for the plot, I do have plans to reveal some of that soon actually! I have unfortunately procrastinated in writing that all out and it is currently in my notebook. Below is the basics :D

To start, my plan is to have five chapters - the first is the Day of the Rose for the Flemings which characters will get to know each other and participate in the events of the day (the market, the raffle, the lantern vigil, etc.). The second is the Day of the Water Lily for the Mulvahils which an NPC (Doctor Dacey Barnett) will reveal some things to the group of Travelers that makes them begin to question things. The third chapter is the Day of the Chrysanthemum for the Whitmores which will pretty much start at the Masquerade and will be the whole hunt or hunted arc. This is where characters can die, technically, but something strange happens and the hunting ground (the fog that surrounds the forest) expands and nearly breaks. It basically means that everyone is now beholden to the curse, but the fog and the hunt doesn't end when the sun rises. Chapter four is basically a panic fest where everyone bands together to either solve the issue or keep each other safe or cause as much chaos as they can. I, of course, am very interested to see how this will play out with our cast of characters. This chapter ends in a bit of a surprise that I'm still fleshing out. The fifth and final chapter is meant to be an epilogue - a goodbye to Arkley and the characters within it. And depending on how well this all goes, it may very well be the start of another rp that takes place in the same world.

I hope that made sense. I promise I'll actually write this all out in a google doc in a way that actually looks fleshed out.

I'll be sure to link the playlist soon! I'm probably gonna add to it as well.

As for your question: The general time period is Victorian Gothic (1837 - 1901), but it is rather fantasy based as well. Things like the steam engine, the printing press, and a primitive version of the telephone would exist. There should also be electricity and trains. There might also be steam coaches (might be wrong on that one) but a small town like Arkley is unlikely to have them nor were they used much. If you're curious about weapons then muskets and rifles are a good start. Revolvers, swords (most blades actually), Bayonets, and rudimentary body armor. As for fashion, I will accept anything Victorian, Steampunk, or Victorian Fantasy so it doesn't have to be perfectly historically accurate.
Ooooh this tells me a lot. Thanks! Things like the bicycle, the x-ray, moving pictures, radioactive material, anesthesia, the typewriter, and the zeppelin were invented within that broad timeframe. Rodenstock GmbH produced the first sunglasses intended specifically for blocking out UV light. Lots of stuff was going on then!
You're not wrong about the steam coach being a thing by the way. It was actually invented a bit before the 1830s.

Other than that, I love what you've written out for the plot and the NPC characters! I actually have an idea for an NPC character or two. Perhaps a milkman and a graveyard keeper of some kind?