Original poster

It was a huge place. Michie was already feeling the heat as she adjusted her baseball and pushed back her sweaty bangs. She'd been waiting outside, in some kind of garden veranda for some secretary lady to come back for nearly an hour now. Something about paperwork not being filed properly. I guess I was supposed to fill out that 'what boy I want' form, huh? It's like we're shopping for me here! She rolled her eyes and sat up, squinting down the lush green hill to the main entrance of pillars that led to the main building. Little people were coming out of the fancy white limos and being led into the main hall by their butlers. Fancy rich kids. I can't believe they have butlers. Michie was relatively middle class, but her mother had great ambitions for dollar signs in her only daughter's marriage. She wasn't so sure it was going to work out at this grand campus of a place, but it looked better on her transcript than the B+ college she had been going to and the menu for food she'd seen earlier was just absolutely delicious! She might like it here, even if the purpose of the trip was a little annoying.
Ah, I don't see any boys yet. She tried to see the people's faces, but it was down the hill and quite far off. Plus, they were moving quickly through the white pillars. The whole place was like some kind of palace. Michie was already fascinated by the idea of exploration. As soon as she filled out the forms, of course. Speaking of the forms... The lady returned from the corridor into the veranda, her heels leaving little holes in the fresh grass. Michie watched as a large, burly man in a suit followed her, holding a couple of sheets of paper and a pen. He put it down on the table in front of her rather gruffly. It looked like the secretary knew she was going to give her trouble and had gone to ask for back up. Michie grinned and looked up at them.
Maybe I don't want to fill that form. What are you gonna do about it?" she scanned the area for the quickest escape route. Her mother had insisted so she was wearing platform heels. At least they were easy to pull off. The notion of running off in the first hour and giving them a hard time was exciting. Michie felt her heart race.
Meanwhile, the others were led into the main hall. Those who had completed the required forms and were completely prepared were led into a small ballroom for refreshments to meet and greet one another, followed by a speech by the headmaster and some of the teachers. The others, like Michie would be taken to the hilltop veranda to be coerced into whatever they had refused to do. Such things included leaving the special forms out or breaking other rules like pets or any other conditions the parents may have set. Michie's parents, for example, set a 'no-sneakers' rule on her, so the guards knew to watch out for that.