ROLEPLAY DISCUSSION let's talk about angst

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pink-haired megane
Original poster
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  2. Advanced
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  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
oh boy, grab the tissues because we're diving deep into the saddest, most gut-wrenching roleplay moments that left us shattered into a million pieces! you know those premium angst-fests that hit so hard you struggled to separate fiction from reality?

if there are trigger warnings, kindly place them under a spoiler tag! <3

i'll go first~ these roleplays are outside of iwaku
tw: suicide
so this was a roleplay wherein my character (f) and her childhood friend (m) do like each other but they drifted apart because the childhood friend had to move away. now he turned out to be a manwhore and my character became a famous idol. when they met again, the character didnt get enough guts to confess his love until he met these two other characters who strangely looked like him. they promised to help him get his childhood friend back despite her unreachable status.

too bad tho, the idol got a showbiz boyfriend and they were all too late. the two characters were their children and they vanished almost immediately.

the guy character commits suicide, and my character was doomed to live in a loveless relationship with her bf who turned out to be a cheating mf.

it got us so sad that my friend and i introduced a god of time character to undo all of it >_<
tw: warcrimes
roy mustang had to convince riza hawkeye that they still deserve love despite the crimes they did in ishval. it was so sad and heartbreaking and tragedy seems to follow them when they ended married. it was honestly one of the saddest things i had to write, especially with riza trying to atone for her sins and thinking that the reason why she couldn't be happy with roy is because of her blood-stained hands.

and here are some iwaku-exclusive angst!
cw: pregnancy
rp with @tsukasa
an alternate universe where ryuuji chickened out and didnt get to confess his feelings for taiga. years later he sees taiga again but she's already with child... and the father is her ex. it's sad and heartbreaking to write especially when ryuuji and taiga obviously still have feelings for each other after all these years, but could ryuuji handle the repercussions of raising a child not his own?
tw: suicide
cw: forced marriage, pregnancy

rp with @ShizukiNirokuma
a demigod was assigned to teach a shrine maiden the ways of the divine as she is the next goddess of hope, but she was destined to be the bride of a tyrant god. it was sad especially how she and the demigod fell in love but she was kidnapped and was forcefully married to the tyrant god, and she got knocked up when they consummated their loveless marriage so she took her own life in front of the demigod.

millenia later, the demigod discovers the reincarnation of the shrine maiden. it's painful to write especially when all this new girl does was reminding him of his dead lover. the challenge lies with him separating the two as individuals and learning to get to know this girl as her own unique self. it's bittersweet whenever the demigod had to remind himself that the shrine maiden he fell in love with is dead.

but enough about my melodramatic self-torture and emotional masochism! i wanna hear about all the other rp plots or character arcs that left you emotionally eviscerated. maybe a harrowing death scene that felt too real, or a soulmate reunion that fell agonizingly short? did you have to say goodbye to a beloved character forever, or watch an epic destiny or dream get crushed?

no bone-chilling, heartbreaking tale is too dramatic for this thread. i'm prepared to be emotionally compromised all over again! gimme all the guttural emotional destruction!
^^ While ours has plenty of drama/trauma to start~ with more to come, I figured I could share one that comes from another. ^^

TW: Mental Torture, Abuse, "drug" use
CW: Character "death", Feeling of helplessness
So my OC Yuki has a father that is actually a villain and his quirk allows him to use a gaseous like substance that contains an hallucinogenic property to it where he can then control what you see/feel/experience with suggestion that sometimes causes it to actually happen. Such as if he makes you believe you are sinking to the bottom of the ocean and drowning, although physically you are nowhere near water, your corpse would be found with a copious amount of seawater in your lungs.

So, shortly after UA introduces the student dorms thanks to the incident of Bakugo being kidnapped and attempting to be recruited into being a villain, Yuki, Bakugo, Kirishima and Mina decide to go to the store together in order to get some supplies for studying. While out on this run, they are followed by someone who is basically a sidekick to this particular villain. Initiating contact and handing out the calling cards that are usually only left behind on corpses so that he could claim his kills. Yuki, pissed that he is around and trying to toy with them gives chase to this sidekick without thinking, causing Bakugo and the others to follow. Yuki seemed to have the upper hand until she suddenly stopped moving. Her sclera's turned black, and in her mind she was watching her friends die over and over again at her own hands, and when she tried to fight back, she could no long breath as their were hands around her neck, the bruising from this action physically manifesting on her body. Her friends in the real world felt helpless to do anything as they couldn't see an enemy and could only think to collect their friend and get back to the safety of the school.

This is an offsite plot i'm doing with a bestie of mine, and my god I cry like a baby whenever we have to write my character and his ex together. but it's soooooo good and worth it because they're planned to become friends again.

tw: parental death, prostitution, voluntary enslavement. Brief mention of body horror(?)
So once upon a time My character (M) was in a relationship with one of his closest friend's (Also M) when they were teenagers and it was really fun and my character really was in love, but at some point his boyfriend lost his mother figure and spiraled. Treated my character really badly due to the grief of loosing his only parental figure, eventually they had a really messy breakup. Fast forward a few years. My character ended up having to do street work to get by. But after doing that for a few years, he wasn't getting costumers because he was 'used goods.'

My character ends up going to a black market type auction as a last resort, and ends up being bought by a lovely woman who starts treating him well and doesn't see him as a whore or anything... they even start a consensual relationship. (At that point he's like 21 and she's like 26) Fast forward a couple months of doing couple-y things, he runs into his Ex-boyfriend for the first time in years and it was at that moment when he realized he wasn't over the breakup at all. Especially since my character learns that his ex became a super successful Camstar. So he's super jealous that his ex became successful, while he was homeless, beat up and all that shit throughout the years prior to getting bought. And it's something he's struggling to get over since the ex and his new partner (f), becomes a prominent part of the plot, so it's not like a one and done thing. . . . .

it's an on-going plot and there's still so much angst to get through because the ex-boyfriend doesn't know my character had to resort to prostitution and that his body is covered in lots of scars from it. Wish me luck x.x