Leionas: City Born of Dragons, Rebirth

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Leonias: City Born of Dragons, Rebirth

Magic has been a reality for a long time. So long that the time without magic is much like the time without writing- ancient and known but not understood. History books tell of a time before magic was prevalent, limiting the expansion of technology. The world is so different from those ancient times. It is a mixed up world, dependent upon typewriters and solar panels, radio and magic wards, landline phones and apparition. Magic is almost too common, used in some way for so many things- much like the ability to walk it is under-appreciated. No one has a lot of magic though. Even mages, people who focus their entire lives on it that are usually in charge of governmental protection, cannot ward a home on their own.
You live in Leionas now. It's possible that you traveled from another town, but in an abandoned world like this one where cities with less than 1,000 people all have their own rules and workings and are geographically separated; being in Leionas is like being on an island. The history of Leonias is exciting; with the original citizens being survivors from a dragon attack on Evah. They went west and found home here. Just as they were refugees and travelers, the city welcomes newcomers happily. Leionas is one of the biggest cities known of, having around 800 people. Travelers come in and out, and traders come every 3 months for a week to trade and bring people and news and lead those who are leaving out for vacation or work. These months, March, June, September, and December are exciting and profitable months for all involved.
Leionas, other than an economic and transportation hub, is also the base of the Wicciah religion. This religion is the religion of the mages and is the widely believed religion across all cities. Many say it is based on the Wiccan religion of thousands of years ago, if it once was it has now transformed into a new religion with a life of its own. Wicciah is a religion based on peace with a being as the main lord. Being is a non-gender based source of magic that is and watches over. In contrast to that, many people are still non-religion based. Accepting Magic as it is much like gravity and skin pigment, non-important. The Wicciah people believe that there has been something bestowed upon the earth. Some believe it is a gift, some a curse, and many believe that it is both. They're not wrong, recently there have been people born with extraordinary amounts of magic. People who can put up a ward around a house without anything more than the thought. Boys, girls, men, and women that can do so much more than everyone else. That is where you come in. You can do so much. Your potential is limitless and at the moment you are nothing less than fabulous.
Why are you special? Why are you one of the gifted? More importantly, what will you use this gift for?

#330019;opacity: 0.5 Hello there! Long ago I put together this role play and it ended, as many do, but I want to try at it again. I've got the plot better developed now and this time I'm hopeful that it lasts.

Leonias Religions

  • Wicciah: This is the main religion in Leionas, and worships a non-gender deity with humongous power. They do not believe that this deity owes them anything, or that it does anything on a day to day basis to help them out. They believe that it gave humans magic and that it has brought something for them. They are split as to whether or not it has given them a gift, a curse, neither, or both. Either way, they know something has changed and will affect them. To be a mage you are a 'nun' or 'priest' of this religion, but you can be Wicciah and not a mage. Children of the Wicciah people, especially mages, go to school in the Wicciah church.
  • Dresiden: The Dresiden are a small group in Leionas but are much bigger in some towns outside. They have a simple belief base that works off of the Christian beliefs and believe that magic is evil. They do not practice magic and stereotypically are mean and rough to the 'sinners' that practice it. They do not get along with Mages or Wicciah. They believe that an apocalypse is coming brought down by God to rid the world of the devil worshiping mages. They are very isolated from the others but has about 10% of the government. They all go to school at the Dresiden church with very very very few exceptions- and those exceptions are shunned by the church in general, and by their fellow students if they are openly Dresiden.
  • Atheist: The Atheists do not believe in a higher power at all. They do not worry about why there is magic and do not believe the world is coming to any sort of point. They do not think highly of Wicciah, but tend to hate the Dresiden as they are more violently religious and more likely to attack or insult. There are slightly less of them in the city than the Wicciah, but they are more prevalent in government because most Wicciah that would go into the government work with the Wicciah church, which controls 30% of the government.
  • Agnostic: These are people who are not particularly one religion or another. They may believe in a deity, they may not. They tend to get along with all religions as they do not vocally go against any of them, but they do not get along with the Dresiden as they usually practice magic.

Leonias Jobs
  • Mage: Mages are sorted by classes 1, 2, and 3. 3 is the lowest class. You go through 4 years of training after you come of age to be an official mage- meaning the youngest you can be as a class 3 mage is 20. From then you grow in class by merit. It is more difficult to move up the closer you get to class 1. A class 3 mage is of average strength and extraordinary training and is usually the age group of 20-46. A class 2 mage is of extra strength and a dedicated life of training, they are usually of age group 29-60. A class 1 mage is the most powerful at magic and the most knowledgeable as well. There are many tests to pass in order to become a class 1 mage and there are only about 20 or less in the entire Wicciah church. They are formidable, and your character (if you choose to be one of the 'special' people) has more raw power than them. However, you will not know more than them and their training makes them more skilled than you. This age group is from about 50 up. Note: A mage is like a nun or a priest of the Wicciah religion, minus the celibacy, and cannot be anything but a devout Wicciah. There is no work around this.
  • Government Magicians: These are people much like mages in their focus on magic with the exception being that they work for the government.
  • Primary School Teacher: Teachers go through 2 years of training, one of which is an internship, to teach at a primary school. This means the youngest primary teacher is 18, and teachers do not usually teach 10th and up until they have been teaching for a while. They teach all subjects to their class.
  • Professor of Secondary Education: These are teachers at secondary schools. They have had the 2 year training and have also had real world experience. This is a common choice for people who worked in the military, government, or at primary school. Most teachers are around 26 years old but they have teachers aids as young as 16. They teach one specific subject. There are four schools to teach from Leionas school of Politics, Engineering, Magic, or Education.
  • Trader: These are people who travel to trade and collect from all cities. They do not stay in the city more than a week every three months and while you are welcome to make a second character that follows this pattern; your main character must live in Leionas.
  • Shop Owner: This is someone who owns a shop. It is up to you if they make/hunt what they sell or if they purchase it. They may also provide a service such as more skilled magic, tutoring, babysitting, etc.
  • Shop Worker: This is someone who works in a shop. This could be an assistant manager who runs the shop for the owner or just a worker. There are not going to be many as most shops are very small and not many are big enough to even need more than a family to run them.
  • Hunter: These are people who hunt in the Northern Outskirts. They rarely run their own shops except for family businesses. They do not make a lot of money, even if they hunt all day every day.
  • Government Worker: This can be a clerk for the library, a politician (they are voted for and there are slots for them, which means limitations on who all can be), an assistant, etc. Those who work at the check in point are also government workers.
  • Military: This includes peacekeepers (who are basically cops) who keep an eye on the town. Military officials, and guards at the government plaza and the check in point for travelers. Much of military has magic training.
  • Dresiden Church Official: These are people that work within the Dresiden church. They do not get paid much and live in the church. Where the mages of the Wicciah church do not worry as much about basic needs and such, the Dresiden do not get donations of any sort because of their lack of community outreach and their small size.
Leonias Housing and Geography
View map here.

  • Seaside Village: This is the home to many fishermen and their families.
  • Wicciah Church: Home to Mages and their families (if both parents are mages). Also, they run an orphanage where you stay until you are of legal age.
  • Leonias Primary School: The Headmaster and teachers who have worked for more than 3 years can live on campus.
  • Hamilton Mill: This is the largest housing area in the city. Hunters, shop owners, and your usual middle-class people live here. Many government officials live here as well. Southern Hamilton Mill has many peacekeepers.
  • Leionas Military Base: Home to head military officials and their families. Those who are general peacekeepers live here part-time, when they are working. They usually work 3 weeks out of the month. Peacekeepers cannot live on the base when not on duty.
  • Lawrenceville: This is the home of students and young government workers. Families and people older than about 20 are not likely to live here. Most are set in a dorm type structure- everyone has their own room but they share a living quarter, kitchen, and bathroom with others.
  • Trinity Corner: This is home to the Dresiden people, they will not live anywhere else and there is no magic used here other than citywide magic they cannot control- and they are currently fighting this.
  • Pakor: This is the portion of the city that is very cheap- mostly immigrates live here and move as soon as they can. It is basically the ghetto.
  • Hotels: Choice of stay for traveling traders and the more planned out immigrates- people who have a job already and savings.
Leonias Trading Weeks
The Leionas city has traders come in every three months for a week of trading. School is out during these times and it is a generally happy time. Traders come for this event in March, June, September, and December. To come in there is a lengthy process and security check. Traders are not allowed into any government buildings and must have their Trader's ID on them at all times. The process has worked for over 100 years as a way to keep crime out of the city despite the heavy flow of people going in and out of the city.
The weeks are the first 7 days of the month always, no matter the start of the month. Many shops in the general marketplace close down during this week and the library closes down as well. On the Friday of this week, the Wicciah church holds a potluck dinner for everyone where you eat during a sermon.
Leonias Holidays
  • Birthdays: All birthdays are celebrated but the 16th is extra special as it is the year you are a legal adult.
  • New Year: This is a huge celebration at the end of every year and gifts are exchanged.
  • Hallows (April 22): This is the religious holiday for the Wicciahs and most people celebrate it. It is the day that magic was given to humans by the great deity. There are no gifts exchanged but the Wicciah church runs a large event off of donations and it is a lot of fun.
  • Immigration Day(October 7): This is the day that the city celebrates its birth, newcomers, and general happiness. It is not a very big holiday.
  • Dragon Day(August 30): This is a sort of independence day, where they celebrate the birth of their city after the demolition of the dragon that took down Evah. There is a lot of 'worship' to Josh Williams.
Roleplay Guidelines
  1. Please keep in mind when you sign up that if you do not post for 2 weeks without letting me know we will kill off your character or otherwise send them away. If you're going to be gone for a while I will work with you to get your character somewhere so that you're not slowing down the role play and won't miss out.
  2. No one-liners, please keep posts at 2 paragraphs minimum.
  3. Romance is allowed and encouraged in this roleplay, it works in with my plot on the magic so it's something you're more than welcome to do but since this is not a Redstar onexone we do need to follow Iwaku's guidelines.
  4. I'm going to lead the plot, if you want in on the plot I have planned let me know.
  5. Be realistic, there is infrastructure and power but technology doesn't really include cell phones or internet. It's a steampunk-y vibe. Stoves are generally worked by magic as they don't connect to anything. Phone lines are used frequently, however, and they stay with the house they are at.
  6. Obviously, follow Iwaku's rules.
  7. I'm going to post the date at the top of every one of my posts, you are welcome to do the same. Feel free to use wolframalpha.com to get dates and such right. The start point will be Saturday, August 12, 5082 at 8A.
Character Sheet
Feel free to add information as desired.
[roleplay]Insert character quote here[/roleplay]

Code- Feel Free To Take
[div=background-image:url(https://images4.alphacoders.com/663/663026.jpg);border-radius:15px; height:100%;width:100%; background-repeat:repeat;background-attachment:fixed;]

[CENTER][div=background-image:url(https://img.tradeindia.com/fp/1/316/white-grey-marble-596.jpg);border-radius:15px; height:100%;margin: 10%; padding: 3%; background-repeat:repeat;][div=font-size: 45px;][color=#330019]Leonias: City Born of Dragons, Rebirth[/color][/div]
Magic has been a reality for a long time. So long that the time without magic is much like the time without writing- ancient and known but not understood. History books tell of a time before magic was prevalent, limiting the expansion of technology. The world is so different from those ancient times. It is a mixed up world, dependent upon typewriters and solar panels, radio and magic wards, landline phones and apparition. Magic is almost too common, used in some way for so many things- much like the ability to walk it is under-appreciated. No one has a lot of magic though. Even mages, people who focus their entire lives on it that are usually in charge of governmental protection, cannot ward a home on their own.[/CENTER]

You live in Leionas now. It's possible that you traveled from another town, but in an abandoned world like this one where cities with less than 1,000 people all have their own rules and workings and are geographically separated; being in Leionas is like being on an island. The history of Leonias is exciting; with the original citizens being survivors from a dragon attack on Evah. They went west and found home here. Just as they were refugees and travelers, the city welcomes newcomers happily. Leionas is one of the biggest cities known of, having around 800 people. Travelers come in and out, and traders come every 3 months for a week to trade and bring people and news and lead those who are leaving out for vacation or work. These months, March, June, September, and December are exciting and profitable months for all involved.

Leionas, other than an economic and transportation hub, is also the base of the Wicciah religion. This religion is the religion of the mages and is the widely believed religion across all cities. Many say it is based on the Wiccan religion of thousands of years ago, if it once was it has now transformed into a new religion with a life of its own. Wicciah is a religion based on peace with a being as the main lord. Being is a non-gender based source of magic that is and watches over. In contrast to that, many people are still non-religion based. Accepting Magic as it is much like gravity and skin pigment, non-important. The Wicciah people believe that there has been something bestowed upon the earth. Some believe it is a gift, some a curse, and many believe that it is both. They're not wrong, recently there have been people born with extraordinary amounts of magic. People who can put up a ward around a house without anything more than the thought. Boys, girls, men, and women that can do so much more than everyone else. That is where you come in. You can do so much. Your potential is limitless and at the moment you are nothing less than fabulous.

Why are you special? Why are you one of the gifted? More importantly, what will you use this gift for?[/CENTER]

[CENTER][/div][div=background-image:url(https://img.tradeindia.com/fp/1/316/white-grey-marble-596.jpg);border-radius:15px; height:100%;margin: 10%; padding: 3%; background-repeat:repeat;][info=#330019;opacity: 0.5]Hello there! Long ago I put together this role play and it ended, as many do, but I want to try at it again. I've got the plot better developed now and this time I'm hopeful that it lasts.[/info][/div][/CENTER]
[div=background-image:url(https://img.tradeindia.com/fp/1/316/white-grey-marble-596.jpg);border-radius:15px; height:100%;margin: 10%; padding: 3%; background-repeat:repeat;][color=#330019]Leonias Religions[/color]

[*][color=#330019]Wicciah[/color]: This is the main religion in Leionas, and worships a non-gender deity with humongous power. They do not believe that this deity owes them anything, or that it does anything on a day to day basis to help them out. [color=#330019]They believe that it gave humans magic and that it has brought something for them. They are split as to whether or not it has given them a gift, a curse, neither, or both.[/color] Either way, they know something has changed and will affect them. To be a mage you are a 'nun' or 'priest' of this religion, but you can be Wicciah and not a mage. Children of the Wicciah people, especially mages, go to school in the Wicciah church.
[*][color=#330019]Dresiden[/color]: The Dresiden are a small group in Leionas but are much bigger in some towns outside. [color=#330019]They have a simple belief base that works off of the Christian beliefs and believe that magic is evil.[/color] They do not practice magic and stereotypically are mean and rough to the 'sinners' that practice it. They do not get along with Mages or Wicciah. They believe that an apocalypse is coming brought down by God to rid the world of the devil worshiping mages. They are very isolated from the others but has about 10% of the government. They all go to school at the Dresiden church with very very very few exceptions- and those exceptions are shunned by the church in general, and by their fellow students if they are openly Dresiden.
[*][color=#330019]Atheist[/color]: The Atheists do not believe in a higher power at all. [color=#330019]They do not worry about why there is magic and do not believe the world is coming to any sort of point.[/color] They do not think highly of Wicciah, but tend to hate the Dresiden as they are more violently religious and more likely to attack or insult. There are slightly less of them in the city than the Wicciah, but they are more prevalent in government because most Wicciah that would go into the government work with the Wicciah church, which controls 30% of the government.
[*][color=#330019]Agnostic[/color]: These are people who are not particularly one religion or another. [color=#330019]They may believe in a deity, they may not.[/color] They tend to get along with all religions as they do not vocally go against any of them, but they do not get along with the Dresiden as they usually practice magic.

[/div][div=background-image:url(https://img.tradeindia.com/fp/1/316/white-grey-marble-596.jpg);border-radius:15px; height:100%;margin: 10%; padding: 3%; background-repeat:repeat;][color=#330019]Leonias Jobs[/color]
[*][color=#330019]Mage[/color]: Mages are sorted by classes 1, 2, and 3. 3 is the lowest class. You go through 4 years of training after you come of age to be an official mage- meaning the youngest you can be as a class 3 mage is 20. From then you grow in class by merit. It is more difficult to move up the closer you get to class 1. A class 3 mage is of average strength and extraordinary training and is usually the age group of 20-46. A class 2 mage is of extra strength and a dedicated life of training, they are usually of age group 29-60. A class 1 mage is the most powerful at magic and the most knowledgeable as well. There are many tests to pass in order to become a class 1 mage and there are only about 20 or less in the entire Wicciah church. They are formidable, and your character (if you choose to be one of the 'special' people) has more raw power than them. However, you will not know more than them and their training makes them more skilled than you. This age group is from about 50 up. [color=#330019]Note: A mage is like a nun or a priest of the Wicciah religion, minus the celibacy, and cannot be anything but a devout Wicciah. There is no work around this.[/color]
[*][color=#330019]Government Magicians[/color]: These are people much like mages in their focus on magic with the exception being that they work for the government.
[*][color=#330019]Primary School Teacher[/color]: Teachers go through 2 years of training, one of which is an internship, to teach at a primary school. This means the youngest primary teacher is 18, and teachers do not usually teach 10th and up until they have been teaching for a while. They teach all subjects to their class.
[*][color=#330019]Professor of Secondary Education[/color]: These are teachers at secondary schools. They have had the 2 year training and have also had real world experience. This is a common choice for people who worked in the military, government, or at primary school. Most teachers are around 26 years old but they have teachers aids as young as 16. They teach one specific subject. There are four schools to teach from Leionas school of Politics, Engineering, Magic, or Education.
[*][color=#330019]Trader[/color]: These are people who travel to trade and collect from all cities. They do not stay in the city more than a week every three months and while you are welcome to make a second character that follows this pattern; your main character must live in Leionas.
[*][color=#330019]Shop Owner[/color]: This is someone who owns a shop. It is up to you if they make/hunt what they sell or if they purchase it. They may also provide a service such as more skilled magic, tutoring, babysitting, etc.
[*][color=#330019]Shop Worker[/color]: This is someone who works in a shop. This could be an assistant manager who runs the shop for the owner or just a worker. There are not going to be many as most shops are very small and not many are big enough to even need more than a family to run them.
[*][color=#330019]Hunter[/color]: These are people who hunt in the Northern Outskirts. They rarely run their own shops except for family businesses. They do not make a lot of money, even if they hunt all day every day.
[*][color=#330019]Government Worker[/color]: This can be a clerk for the library, a politician (they are voted for and there are slots for them, which means limitations on who all can be), an assistant, etc. Those who work at the check in point are also government workers.
[*][color=#330019]Military[/color]: This includes peacekeepers (who are basically cops) who keep an eye on the town. Military officials, and guards at the government plaza and the check in point for travelers. Much of military has magic training.
[*][color=#330019]Dresiden Church Official[/color]: These are people that work within the Dresiden church. They do not get paid much and live in the church. Where the mages of the Wicciah church do not worry as much about basic needs and such, the Dresiden do not get donations of any sort because of their lack of community outreach and their small size.
[/div][div=background-image:url(https://img.tradeindia.com/fp/1/316/white-grey-marble-596.jpg);border-radius:15px; height:100%;margin: 10%; padding: 3%; background-repeat:repeat;][color=#330019]Leonias Housing and Geography
View map here.[/color]
[*][color=#330019]Seaside Village[/color]: This is the home to many fishermen and their families.
[*][color=#330019]Wicciah Church[/color]: Home to Mages and their families (if both parents are mages). Also, they run an orphanage where you stay until you are of legal age.
[*][color=#330019]Leonias Primary School[/color]: The Headmaster and teachers who have worked for more than 3 years can live on campus.
[*][color=#330019]Hamilton Mill[/color]: This is the largest housing area in the city. Hunters, shop owners, and your usual middle-class people live here. Many government officials live here as well. Southern Hamilton Mill has many peacekeepers.
[*][color=#330019]Leionas Military Base[/color]: Home to head military officials and their families. Those who are general peacekeepers live here part-time, when they are working. They usually work 3 weeks out of the month. Peacekeepers cannot live on the base when not on duty.
[*][color=#330019]Lawrenceville[/color]: This is the home of students and young government workers. Families and people older than about 20 are not likely to live here. Most are set in a dorm type structure- everyone has their own room but they share a living quarter, kitchen, and bathroom with others.
[*][color=#330019]Trinity Corner[/color]: This is home to the Dresiden people, they will not live anywhere else and there is no magic used here other than citywide magic they cannot control- and they are currently fighting this.
[*][color=#330019]Pakor[/color]: This is the portion of the city that is very cheap- mostly immigrates live here and move as soon as they can. It is basically the ghetto.
[*][color=#330019]Hotels[/color]: Choice of stay for traveling traders and the more planned out immigrates- people who have a job already and savings.
[/div][div=background-image:url(https://img.tradeindia.com/fp/1/316/white-grey-marble-596.jpg);border-radius:15px; height:100%;margin: 10%; padding: 3%; background-repeat:repeat;][color=#330019]Leonias Trading Weeks[/color]
The Leionas city has traders come in every three months for a week of trading. School is out during these times and it is a generally happy time. [color=#330019]Traders come for this event in March, June, September, and December.[/color] To come in there is a lengthy process and security check. Traders are not allowed into any government buildings and must have their Trader's ID on them at all times. The process has worked for over 100 years as a way to keep crime out of the city despite the heavy flow of people going in and out of the city.
[color=#330019]The weeks are the first 7 days of the month always, no matter the start of the month.[/color] Many shops in the general marketplace close down during this week and the library closes down as well. On the Friday of this week, the Wicciah church holds a potluck dinner for everyone where you eat during a sermon.
[/div][div=background-image:url(https://img.tradeindia.com/fp/1/316/white-grey-marble-596.jpg);border-radius:15px; height:100%;margin: 10%; padding: 3%; background-repeat:repeat;][color=#330019]Leonias Holidays[/color]
[*][color=#330019]Birthdays[/color]: All birthdays are celebrated but the 16th is extra special as it is the year you are a legal adult.
[*][color=#330019]New Year[/color]: This is a huge celebration at the end of every year and gifts are exchanged.
[*][color=#330019]Hallows (April 22)[/color]: This is the religious holiday for the Wicciahs and most people celebrate it. It is the day that magic was given to humans by the great deity. There are no gifts exchanged but the Wicciah church runs a large event off of donations and it is a lot of fun.
[*][color=#330019]Immigration Day(October 7)[/color]: This is the day that the city celebrates its birth, newcomers, and general happiness. It is not a very big holiday.
[*][color=#330019]Dragon Day(August 30)[/color]: This is a sort of independence day, where they celebrate the birth of their city after the demolition of the dragon that took down Evah. There is a lot of 'worship' to Josh Williams.
[/div][div=background-image:url(https://img.tradeindia.com/fp/1/316/white-grey-marble-596.jpg);border-radius:15px; height:100%;margin: 10%; padding: 3%; background-repeat:repeat;][color=#330019]Roleplay Guidelines[/color]
[*]Please keep in mind when you sign up that if you do not post for 2 weeks without letting me know we will kill off your character or otherwise send them away. If you're going to be gone for a while I will work with you to get your character somewhere so that you're not slowing down the role play and won't miss out.
[*]No one-liners, please keep posts at 2 paragraphs minimum.
[*]Romance is allowed and encouraged in this roleplay, it works in with my plot on the magic so it's something you're more than welcome to do but since this is not a Redstar onexone we do need to follow Iwaku's guidelines.
[*]I'm going to lead the plot, if you want in on the plot I have planned let me know.
[*]Be realistic, there is infrastructure and power but technology doesn't really include cell phones or internet. It's a steampunk-y vibe. Stoves are generally worked by magic as they don't connect to anything. Phone lines are used frequently, however, and they stay with the house they are at.
[*][color=#330019]Obviously, follow Iwaku's rules.[/color]
[*]I'm going to post the date at the top of every one of my posts, you are welcome to do the same. Feel free to use wolframalpha.com to get dates and such right. The start point will be Saturday, August 12, 5082 at 8A.
Image Credit


  • Transparent Dragon.gif
    Transparent Dragon.gif
    6.8 KB · Views: 1
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Art image or real image?

It's up to you, though I personally think art images are better. If you want to fit the theme of the RP you could do art or old photo, but honestly, it doesn't matter.
It's up to you, though I personally think art images are better. If you want to fit the theme of the RP you could do art or old photo, but honestly, it doesn't matter.
Nope, art images are fine with me! :D
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Reactions: HelloBeautifulChild

Unfortunately, I cannot read the lore or guidelines. The text is showing up as white for me. :(
@Kat - It should be fixed now. Sorry about that! I changed my theme to be sure.Capture.JPG
Thank you! It's much more readable now. I can definitely say I'm interested, however, will be unable to commit at this time. I'm a super slow ass poster due to being busy in real life. I hope this rp is still alive by the time I get around to being able to join. ^.^
Thank you! It's much more readable now. I can definitely say I'm interested, however, will be unable to commit at this time. I'm a super slow ass poster due to being busy in real life. I hope this rp is still alive by the time I get around to being able to join. ^.^
Me too! I really love the plot I have put together but sometimes it can be hard to collect people to play.
Sorry, I gotta drop! Good luck with this though!