Last One To Post Wins!

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Seriously? Someone needs to stop teaching you stuff. :P
Lies! You haven't learned my shoe size. :P
My feet aren't that big! I'm only 5'6...
You know what they say about women with big feet.

You know what they say about guys with big feet too.

Sucks trying to find comfortable size fourteen boots.
I'm Batman!

You know what they say about guys with big feet too.
They need big socks?

That myth is totally not true. My ex's feet were huge....other areas not so much.

He's got baby hands like Robin in Teen Titans Go. o.o
They need big socks?

That myth is totally not true. My ex's feet were huge....other areas not so much.

He's got baby hands like Robin in Teen Titans Go. o.o
The irony here is hilarious. I have what I affectionately call "small man hands". So everything averages out.
Three cheers for randomly proportioned people!
By the power of Tom Hardy with a puppy, I win.
hardy puppy 22mar13 01.jpg
Nope. You can't win. I'm a cat person.
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