Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Welp, you said so...

*bites Straix*
Mmh... This is actually some good chicken. However, Zi suggest to add some source to spice things up. O vO
I guess.... But to me that'd be a naaaahhhhhhh. I don't really like ketchup. Lol
Killgore... You were cool before. WHAT HAPPENED?
ahhhh...... a spoopy ghost.....

go away ghost.... it isn't halloween......
whatchu mean I was cool before I was never cool! I mean.... why does not liking ketchup make me not cool?
*has turned off the AC since it's winter* It may have been the AC. @Shinku⭐Kun
No, it because he doesn't like ketchup. Would would you even dare not to?
Oh, I love ketchup. *puts ketchup and chews on chicken nugget*
you know you're an otaku when the first thing that comes to mind with 'ketchup' is 'Pikachu' XD
And that makes me think of onigiri..... Also known as jelly filled doughnuts.
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