Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

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Gaint jellyfish would be nothing compared to giant ants.
To be hoest I don't understand this one, but it looks intresting. Aalso giant ants are scary... I already have a fear of insects!
All you have to do is post last.
Oh, fuck, yes! Giant ants would be a true nightmare. Just imagine a fucking giant bullet ant...
Y E S, thank you!

And all they do is eat, sleep and occasionally fuck so like... They wouldn't be much of a problem? No death and destruction, just... Cuddly moss babies. Everywhere. Mm yes
It's 4AM and I'm posting on a last to post thread.

I've lost control of my life
haven't we all?
Fucking legit. My post is #1034... I keep wasting my life in shit like this, but you know what?

I R E G R E T N O T H I N G .
Haha, that sounds like me after I eat a pot full of muscles *^* I could live off that shit.
Wait, muscles are actually a food or eadible thingy?
52 pages in and we are going strong.
Ah, the seafood... Wait, hell no! *pukes* Ugh, seafood are the worst! Did you know that lobsters are know as the "cockroaches of the ocean"? Have that in mind next time you are eating one of those alien bitches.
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