Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

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*takes plant* Jokes on you Shinku has my soul
You can share with Shinku too. :)
Shinny, you want some plant?
What are you doing, Mutton!?

*smacks suspicious plant from Mutton's paw*

You can't simply accept stuff given by a Demon Wizard. What if he tries to poison you or steal your soul? I got yours, but still... Where are your survival instincts, my friend?
Don't you trust me?
*sad noises* my plant....
*has seven more* Here have another.
Eeeek! I-I underestimated his resources... Guess I have to burn those things!

*sets ablaze the suspicious catnip*

Is okay, Mutton. I will give you some real catnip... A-After I steal it from a local shop. Is okay, I'm definitely not doing any illegal crime. :)
What with that stare and awkward silence, demon?
Oh I was practicing a spell. *1000 catnips are in the room now*
What the fuck!? No! I won't fall for your foolish sorcery!
You have already.
*Has made a small glass enclosure aroind the cats* That.
but glass breaks?
This dumb wizard think he's the only one that can use sorcery. FOOL! I AM the Stray Cats Overlord!

*proceeds to smack the glass, but literally nothing happens*


*smacks the glass again, harder this time, yet nothing happens*

This is not what I visualized in my mind...
why not just dig underneath? assuming the enclosure is only from above.
The floor is also glass.
This is why nobody loves you, demon wizard.
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