Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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*backs away slowly*
@Kiilgore Do you want me to call a certain sadist to repay you for attempting to shoot me? I have *her* on my phone just ready, and I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.

I mean what? Haha... *whistles*

It's me that was, not you. Geez get it right. And I'm sure Irisy would *love* being called for such a.... trivial matter......
errm... I mean...... huh? random whistling? whistlin a song? I like songs.... but the ones I like i don't think would be that whistleable......
u know what u doin. u guilty.
Aaaaaand... You guys lost me. Good conversation you have here, by the way.
*clap* *clap*

Now, let's just talk about how good is this Netflix movie everybody's talking about, mmh? Yes, that one called Bird Box. Good shit and the memes are hilarious AF too.
tell me, what do you see?
Also, it's almost the last day of the year.
can't wait for "see you next year" jokes tomorrow
Boooooo!! Y'all suck for not watching Bird Box.

Anywho, let me just take this moment to wish you a very Happy New Year. You guys are awesome and this thread made me laugh so much since I joined it. XD
my new years resolution will be to not complete a new years resolution.
  • Haha
Reactions: Stray Shinku
Um... Okay, where's the Go Home, You're Drunk reaction when you need it?
You could use the sympathy reaction.
go drunk, home. you're me.
Soon, we will see you next year.
how soon is now?

but time zones also mean it could be your year without it being my year.
Well, Happy New Year, bitches. I know I'm late, but whatever. DEAL WITH IT.
you're still early in my time zone.
That is also true.
it was is will be
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