Last One To Post Wins Volume 21: Spring and Summer Edition

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I haven't said anything in here in a while, so here I go:

This is still going on??? My god!
it has got it going on
Aiming for that 2k is a long road
2k is a long road but we can do it!
Chicken nuggets anyone? ó u ò
-throws nuggies to pig- what dippin' sauce you want fam?
Also, I am definitely being trolled the most by here because every time I get a notification, I'm like " Oh maybe- nope- it's last one to post."
Ah, that familiar feeling of anticipation for posts when you are also fully aware that you owe everyone replies.
last one to post is the most important thread on this forum.
My toxic trait is taking forever to issue a reply then refreshing compulsively to see if my partner replied back. How dare I expect an instant reply when I take FOREVER! MEH!
My toxic trait is the same. I can take way too long to reply, but also expect a fast reply.
Its okaay thooo T^T
Oh noooo I do the same thing sometimes 😂
Or have about ten RPs that I need to respond to.... but spend time refreshing the site like "Yes but are there moooore" apparently waiting for EVERY reply before I finally start making mine LOL
I do the same as well v.v I pretty much always have the RP itch but replying when I'm so busy or life is chaos and I have to make a "big" post it's just a no lol.
And when you are all caught up on RP you cockily think you can take on more RP's and expand that refreshing game.
Same. Once I reply, I start looking for new threads as if I didn't have already about 13 active RPs. I really CANT take on anyone else!
LOL that too! I catch up on my posts and then feel like looking for more even though I knoooow it's going to be my turn again in all of these rps
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