Last One to Post Wins Volume 13

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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*clone Shinku pouts and stands in front of Shinku*

*Shinku looks down at him*

The hell do you want, you lil' shit?

*clone Shinku stomps Shinku's foot*

Nvm i think i like the clone better.

If we feed Shinku to it, does it become Super Shinku?
  • Haha
Reactions: Stray Shinku
Mon, you bitch. I don't think that disgusting wannabe me can eat me anyways. I'm bigger than him. So, HA!
We have a demon wizard and pigs. We can do anything.
*Shinku takes the clone and yeets him away*

And away he goes...!
*Lucky teleports the clone back*
Ah. I'm not surprised anymore by this point.

*the clones takes out a dead bird from his pocket and offers it to Lucky as a gift*
*Lucky accepts the bird*
Wait, what? That's disgusting! That bird is a corpse. Do you know all the bacteria that's in there? You can get sick!
*Shini hides behind Shinku*
*Shinku moves his head around while looking around*

Oh, is that you, Shini?

*he turns his head to look at Shini hiding behind him*

There you are. What's the matter, Shini-chan?

*clone Shinku spots Shini, catching his interest*
*Shini walks around Shinku to stand beside him*
*double takes between clone Shinku and back at Shinku*
*looks baffled*
Ah, I see, you're confused as heck. Welp, I'm the real Shinku. That smol trash ver there is the fake one.
*Shini's eyes narrow. Suddenly she turns to the fake Shinku and pulls out a gun*

True form reveal thyself!

*clone Shinku hides behind the evil wizard*
Bad Shini *the clone cat is revealed to be a kitten*
*Shini holsters gun*
*points both fingers to both of your eyes and back at the kitten in a threatening manner*
*throws down a smoke bomb to disappear herself and Shinku*
  • Haha
Reactions: Stray Shinku
Did I just got kidnapped by Shini?
This is such a good dark song

"Everyone's a hero painted in the proper light" vs "Cause everyone's a villain who just looks out for their own."
That's some deep shit, son.
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