Last One To Post Wins Volume 10

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*throws the other ball at Pig*
*takes out an AK-47, and shoots at the laser dot*

Wanna do some more magic training uncle?
*walks out to find the guys to show Shini's outfit she made*

look at our daughter!

  • Love
Reactions: Stray Shinku
*takes a picture of Shini*

Yes, I'll be saving that on in my special album of cute things.
Damn, kind of sad I can't enter the Blue Star just because I'm technically an adult. T vT

I miss the good ol' days where I joined really fun roleplays there.
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Solar is a weeb
I've been up an entry on the blue star forum, of course no responses but it's a start
*Shini sees the laser ball*
*Shini wiggles and pounces at it*

*foodforpigs on the floor bleeding*
*one of the bullets from Shinku's AK looks like it struck him*
I leave for two seconds and Shinku brings out the guns an shots his dad. I got it. *Pulls out spellbook for healing spells*
I can do it Uncle Lucky!
I haven't taught you healing magic yet. It's lesson 2021. *Uses healing spell and some magentic magic to remove the bullet*

I didn't m-mean to shoot him!!!

*concern intensifies*

*Kneels down next to Pigs and starts applying pressure to the wound till Lucky can heal him*

Shinku, calm down. He will be fine, Uncle Lucky is here to help.
*Shini slyly hides her tiny spy gun into her kimono*

"It looks like you got your prey after all..."
*see's the gun and gasp* SHini?!
*looks at Shini*

She learns so fast. :,)
*sees Shini and gets the gun before giving her a slap on the hand*

That was a very bad thing to do.

When he is better, you apologize immediately.

*returns to Pigs and gives him a light slap on the face*

And that's for just accepting it, you can be such a pushover at times.
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