Knight on Time

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She nodded to him and started to walk down the row. She got to the end, turned, and came back before nodding. "These will do fine." She nodded as she sat down to take them off.
Joel nodded once in return. "Perfect." He waited for her to put her boots back on. "Now let's get outta here," he said with a grin.
Once her boots were back on she smiled and put the shoes back in their box. "Indeed let's go." Mariland nodded and took his hand again.
Joel gently squeezed her hand as he led her through the stores to the checkout lines. The full checkout lines. "Surely self-checkout will be emptier..." he muttered. The self-checkout lines had barely fewer people than the others.
Mariland smiled a bit as they walked. She could feel people staring but she ignored it. For now no one was approaching them and she knew soon enough she'd look more normal to them. She didn't really understand what he was talking about but patiently waited in line with him. She didn't care how they paid but she was curious how they could keep track of the prices.
They waited in line for what seemed like an eternity to Joel. "This is one of the downsides of a supermarket like this," he murmured to Mariland. "If it's light outside, chances are pretty good that there's quite a few people in here." They eventually got to an open station, where he took the shoes and scanned the tag. The machine beeped and asked what form of payment would be used. Joel pulled out his card and selected that. He paid as fast as he could before enclosing the shoes once more and handing them back to Mariland, also ignoring all the stares. "Are you ready to get back home?"
Mariland smiled a bit. "I suppose that is true of any busy market." She said as she followed him. She looked at the machine and let him take the shoes and deal with it, finding it interesting. When they were done She nodded. "Yes, let's go back home now." She wanted to ask about the strange machine but knew she'd have plenty of time later.
Joel quickly led her towards the exit doors, tucking his card in his pocket, figuring he'd have time to put it back in his wallet later. He paused, glancing over his shoulder to make sure he had finalized the payment before continuing to walk out of the supermarket. "Good, because I'm getting tired of peopling today." Joel hadn't even spoken to that many people, but just being around so many made him tired.
Mariland laughed a little at his expression. "Indeed. That is enough time among people." She agreed. She happily followed him out feeling more confident now that she knew she could blend in better. She followed him happily out to the car.
Joel fell silent, sighing as they got outside. He was quiet the entire way back to the car. Apparently, he was very tired of people today. He unlocked the car and put the shoes in the back seat along with the other items they had picked up. He shut the back door, still moving to open the passenger door for Mariland.
Mariland smiled a bit. "Thank you." She said before getting into the car. Despite not being as happy now he was still as polite as ever. She hoped that he could relax and perhaps play one of those games he seemed to like.
He shut the door after she got in, going around and getting in as well, starting the vehicle. He blew out another breath, running a hand through his hair. "I think I'm ready for a nap," he half-joked.
She laughed a bit. "You would enjoy life as a hermit," She teased hom. It was interesting how he just wasn't a people person. For now if he wanted a nap she wouldn't blame him. Today had been more than expected after running into ayeric again.
"Hey now," he replied with a smile as he started the drive back to his apartment. "I enjoy some social interaction, just not too much. I used to just hole myself up in my room when I would get back from work, so..." he shrugged.
"I still think the hermit life would suit you," She laughed at him a bit, "You would much prefer your own company to that of strangers." She relaxed as they headed back, hearing he was someone who hid away after work she felt a little bad for him. After all it was nice to see people and talk to them.
"Yeah, that is very true," he replied. "I have no desire to talk to strangers about things that neither one of us really cares about." He didn't think that hiding away was anything to feel bad about. It had just become a habit, especially after so many years of doing it. Besides, his work wasn't ever truly finished. "I guess hermit life wouldn't be too bad."
Mariland smiled. "Having a person to run to the market makes hermit life easier. There can be a peace to it." She agreed, "I do like the peace and quiet. Hearing birds chirping and the leaves rustling...." She let out a happy sigh as she sat there.
He held his tongue, as his comment about there not being too much of that here probably wasn't the best one to make. "Yeah," he agreed with the little experience he'd had with nature like she had. "It can be very nice. Very...soothing."
Mariland seemed relaxed as they drove along. Her mind wandered to the past and things she used to do. She remembered things she liked to read and do, sitting under trees and eating a snack. It made her a little hungry.
He fell silent as well, at a loss for words. That seemed to happen to him too often. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove, leaving the radio off but drumming to a song that was suddenly stuck in his head.