
M-my...my sweet, sweet little Koobear~ <3

I missed you slapping me upside the head with your slipper! ( > 3<)
...I haven't done that sort of silliness since... since... since CHATPOOL. Good god, that was awhile ago.
Battle huns...... I'm out of your jurisdiction. FOR THE GREATER GOOD! (when I'm paid)

Also don't mind us so long as you're imperial GMK (Angel of death) will treat you as a servant of the emperor.

Also here a link to the tabletop group here on iwaku where we talk about rules systems and not actually do much.

So if I just happen to say things like... "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" or, y'know, other stuff like, "SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!" he'd let it pass, right?
Its a coincidence! Honest it is! Though grey knights are not known for their.... anything other than killing.
*Executes vay for being a greasy xeno* Also Vay and I are doing a 40k sub-plot in the main RP thread if your intrested, and no, I do not forgive heresy.