OUT OF CHARACTER Kingdom of Asteria [ OOC ]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Monster Enthusiast | He/Him | 24 | Quotev Migrator
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Awesomecat i'm happy to have you but to let you know the tags "invite only" or "closed sign-up" mean you shouldn't really join without owner approval beforehand.

Not an issue to me (cause I'm only just figuring this out too) but it's just to explain why I've not quite got everything ready yet-
Oh no problem! I've also been on the busy side since it's the end of summer term hoo-
Rubbing my hands together I am for sure working on some guys
oh hell yeah hell yeah
I... posted my character submission in the wrong thread. orz Moved it over to the sign-ups topic!
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No trouble
I apologise as well to anyone who's posts I've missed out on by a day or two I'll hopefully get a lot quicker now we're into the holidays!
Finally did a small start since we have a couple forms in!

left him up there so i can drop him on someone's head
me, beginning to read this post: aw what a quaint idyllic start :3 I love doves, this is nice--MERKOR NO

love him tho, the hype is real
I honestly had to sit there and think for a good five minutes on whether i wanted him eating a dove live to be his first action today pffft

but thank you thank you, been excited to dust him off!
Thank you! Thought I'd chuck something out so its all set to go.
Gotta love big ol' pigeon eating freaks.
always nice to see more posts pop up in these threads - I hope we get more characters especially!

I've been reluctant to post just yet but 👀
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Ooo me too me too

I'm trying to get used to the more slow flow of the site since I joined recently from a different one and back there everyone was expected to post characters in like... a week window or you'd be chased down by the owner.

Won't complain tho gives me time to breathe
it's been literal years since I've done forum RP so I was hoping for a more chill pace compared to the usual Discord-based stuff I'm used to but yeah - there are def pros and cons to every place's expectations and activity level
hello hello! wanted to poke my head in and say high im planning on making my form later today!
Oh hello hello, always happy to see more people (even if it takes me 2 business days... whoops)