Kill Team: A Warhammer 40,000 Based Role Play

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Well heads up... First post goes up tomorrow.

Or at least it should... have it begun at work.
....I have corrections to make.
Yes you do Karskin. But as far as I can see the issue is with the History and how it is worded... improper punctiuation and why does the versatility of the deathwatch matter for him? I think maybe its just a matter of swapping the comma with the following period.

Regardless though you are free to start with the rest of the group.

So before I post quick character listing:
  • Asmo: Sergeant
  • WMD: Super Bolter Buddy/Tactical Marine Combat Squad Leader
  • TNT: Support Gunner/Heavy Weapons Specialist
  • Doc: Bolter Buddy/Tactical Marine
  • Vay: Assaulting Flamer/Assault Weapons Specialist
  • GMK: Demoman/Tactical Marine Grenadier
I'll go ahead and leave it open for Raiu and Jovian to join if they feel like it later on... Otherwise their characters will be NPCs doing the same thing (And probably dying... cause scouts die. A lot.)

EDIT: Also going to do a Character List on the first post to include the NPCs.

EDIT: First Post is up,
I'm sorry, was my order not clear enough?


*battles the Genestealers solo while everyone else polishes their armour*



Moved the thread to the Closed Apps section. Those who expressed interest I can fit in still in a less then... primary role. However all others are out of luck.

Decided that the Captain is no differant then any other character so he needs a sheet too...

Name: Anton Callius
Role: Captain of the 16th Salvation Team, Mission Leader
Equipment: Iron Halo, Power Sword, Combi-Melta, Bolt Pistol
Brief Background: Anton Callius has served the Scythes of the Emperor for nearly a century and survived both the destruction of the Chapter's Homeworld as a Combat Squad Leader and and the chapter's stand on Miral as the leader of what remained of his squad in the defense of Giant's Coffin. His Combat Squad at Miral was one of many on the front lines and one of the first ones to engage the Tyranids in close combat.

After the battle his squad was reinforced with neophytes that had barely begun to wear power armor. He began leading hit and run attacks against the Tyranids. Now, a year after the Ultramarines defeated the Hive Fleet that decimated his chapter, Callius has been promoted to Captain and placed in charge of the 16th Salvation Team for a mission of upmost importance...

I figured I should post up some more basic info. Mostly this is for Doc, but anyone who follows this for knowledge on the setting as it seemed like there was a little bit of confusion in Doc's post... but nothing game breaking/changing.

Info on Drop Pods can be found here and on other space marine vehicles can be found here

Info on Genestealers can be found here including nice pictures! :D
Tyranids, the alien race that Genestealers are part of has info as well that can be found here. I advise that at least these two are looked over as the Chapter is VERY keen on killing them.
I shall post tomorrow. Too tired to post tonight.
Clarification on my post if it needs it...

GMK is simply pinned by the Genestealer. He is not eaten or dead and being prepared for the Genestealer's lunch yet. Hopefully this will help him get his post finished.
*hands the Genestealer two slices of rye and some grey poupon.* NOW he's preparing GMK for lunch.
Actually, I've got roast Bug coming up with this post, you guys left me in a strangely favorable position.

Edit, I Maek da Bugz go Boom Boom.
So I want to apologize for the wait.

Life has gotten busy and the mjority of what I could do on Iwaku was squished by work and multiple moves. I should be better now and posted in an effort to get this out of a two week Hiatus.