【кετรยεкí】ωιzαя∂ ℓσvε【Venom-chan】

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Her lips remained in a thin line. She listened to Adrian's side of the story. A rare form of anger circulated through her eyes. This was absolutely disgraceful. She never witnessed such behavior when she was Head of Gryffindor. Unfortunately, the legendary feud is growing substantially worse. She understood the conflicting emotions of war victims, but she will not tolerate this type of violence. "Your act of bravery is admirable, Mr. Abbot. Your story matches Mr. Zabini and Mr. Sea's version. I will leave the punishment to Professor Rosewood and Professor Slughorn. If this behavior continues in the future, I will be forced to take drastic measures in order to ensure the safety of my students," she declared. She turned and walked towards the Gryffindor students.

"The war is over, Mr. McCray. If you continue to blame Mr. Silverwood for your unfortunate tragedy, you will face potential expulsion. It took a long time to rebuild Hogwarts. I will not have this type of behavior ruin the reputation of my former House. Do I make myself clear?" she informed sternly.

McCray nodded in response. "Yes Headmistress," he replied weakly. A few minutes ago, he was cured of the stunning spell.

She nodded curtly. McGonagall walked across the Hospital Wing and exited through the front door. She returned to her office.

Professor Rosewood stared at her students. Her expression remained neutral. "One hundred points are going to be taken from each of you. All of you will be serving detention with me until Christmas break. I warned you lot about this type of behavior. Gryffindor use to be a proud House. However, the reputation is tarnished by your ignorance. No child should be blamed for something they did not commit," she scolded. Her eyes narrowed. "That means no Quidditch," she added.

McCray stiffened. "Our next match is next Saturday!" he protested.

She remained unfazed. "You should of thought about that before you threatened to rape Mr. Silverwood. If you don't accept your punishment, I will make sure you're kicked off the team, Mr. McCray. Do I make myself clear?" she countered.

McCray gritted his teeth. "...Yes Professor," he replied submissively.

She nodded curtly. "This also includes Hogsmeade. None of you will be enjoying extracurricular activities for the rest of the semester," she announced. She turned and faced Madam Poppins. "I will leave them in your care, Adeline. Have a happy Halloween," she mused.

Madam Poppins nodded. "You too, Nadia," she replied kindly. She watched as Professor Rosewood exited the Hospital Wing.

Professor Slughorn didn't look happy about the punishment. However, he didn't comment. He averted his attention to Leolin and Jaden. "Unfortunately, I am forced to take ten points away from you two since you didn't notify a Professor beforehand. However, I will reward you both for your bravery at the next club meeting," he announced with a smile. Leolin and Jaden, along with Arion, were apart of Slughorn's esteemed Slug Club.

Jaden inclined his head. "Thank you Professor," he replied politely. He ignored the stinging sensation in his arm. Madam Poppins was currently tending Leolin. He would be the last patient. He bid the Professor a goodbye and watched the Head of his House leave. A sigh escaped his lips. His gaze averted to Arion. No sign of consciousness.
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Adrian glanced up at her as she spoke. It was good that his story matched, He guessed, He took a few deep breaths. He was upset that she didn't punish them herself because he knew they wouldn't be expelled if they were let punish them. That was confirmed when the Headmistress said that. He could be if there was anything further. He didn't know about that though. He's never seen a student get kicked out before, at least not one he knew, in all his years at this school.

Adrian didn't say anything but he watched the exchange, then watched her leave to do whatever she needed to do. He paused for a moment, and decided to listen to what the punishment was. Adrian tensed at all those points being token away. { We didn't do anything, they did. } He thought, glancing at the students for their reactions to their punishments.

Adrian smiled when that privileged was token away from them. He didn't care much for any sport to tell the truth, so it didn't bother him that much. He'd pretend though, because it was a popular game and gave him something to talk about with others. Adrian tensed at the word. Rape. He paused, thinking of what could have happened if he or they didn't stop the students.

Adrian watched the exchange. Everyone knew about that club that he held, though not many were sure what went down there. He shrugged it off, and stepped back to Arion's bedside. His eyes traced his face for a second, then he looked at the others. He wanted to stay, but he doubted he'd be welcome. He smiled at the two conscious boys however.
Leolin presented Adrian a lopsided grin. "I guess not all Gryffindor are idiots," he commented. His hair reverted to his signature bubblegum pink. His aquamarine gaze averted to Jaden. "Just imagine Ari's face when he wakes up. He'll probably think we're mad when we tell him what happened," he added. A chuckle rumbled through his chest. He was slowly returning to his former, bubbly self. A few minutes later, Madam Poppins finished tending to him. Unfortunately, he was force to drink a nasty potion. He downed it, but gagged afterwards. He never understood how Arion was unfazed by most potions. His friend was notorious for ignoring the unpleasant after taste. It didn't surprise him, however. Potions was Arion's best subject.

A faint smile painted his lips. He nodded in response. "Most likely," Jaden replied gruffly. His emerald eyes averted to Arion. Moments later, Madam Poppins averted her attention to him. He suppressed the urge to wince when she inspected his arm. His mind recalled the duel. His broken arm was the result of saving his friend from a gruesome hex. Fortunately, none of the Gryffindor goons dabbed in dark magic. Despite the feud, none of the Gryffindors resorted to dark magic. Not even they would be foolish enough to tamper with the dark arts. "Will he be alright Madam Poppins?" Jaden inquired quietly.

Madam Poppins stared at him. "The concussion wasn't that severe. He will most likely wake up tomorrow or the next day. Visiting hours are limited, so don't expect to receive special treatment just because you two are his friends," she replied. She waved her wand around his arm, performing a diagnostics.

Jaden inclined his head. "Of course," he replied politely.

Leolin focused his attention on Adrian. "Thank you Abbot. I never thought I would be thanking a Gryffindor. It feels odd," he muttered. He lifted his right hand and scratched the back of his head.
Adrian grinned back at Leolin, maybe this couldn't be so bad. He shrugged. "Eh,." Then he chuckled. "I don't think he'll ever believe it." He watched her tend to them, and laughed at Leolin's face when he was forced to take the potion. Adrian was alright with Potions, but he hated it. They all tasted so nasty and if you tried to put something in for taste, It ruined it's purpose.

The Dark Arts have seen their better days. Adrian wouldn't touch that stuff with a ten foot pole, though his wand wood, Ash, is said to make wands great for the Dark Arts. He looked over at Arion when the question was asked, That was something he'd like to know. He wondered how Arion'd react when he woke. Probably get Adrian more detention for the fight. He smiled at the thought.

Adrian breathed in relief and decided tomorrow he'd visit to make sure that he did wake up. He watched the body laying there, almost lifeless, for a long moment. { I hope you're okay. } He thought. "Huh?" He looked up when he was addressed. He smiled. "There's a first time for everything." He shrugged.
A chuckle rumbled through his chest. "Indeed. I advise you be careful if you decide to visit, Abbot. Ari won't be in a good mood when he wakes up," he warned. He scratched the back of his head and peered at his unconscious friend. "He would probably come up with an excuse to give you detention. Or take points away from your House," he added. His eyes danced with mirth. "Or both," he laughed. He ran a hand through his bubblegum pink hair. Albeit, his best friend is cold, regal, and sharp-tongued, Leolin knew his true nature. Leolin was unfazed by his friend's mask. He understood his best friend.

Jaden averted his attention to Adrian. A small frown marred his lips. "Why do you care?" he inquired bluntly. His emerald irises conveyed no emotion. His expression was unreadable. "Why did you decide to save Arion?" he pressed. He ignored the stinging sensation of his bones mending together, courtesy of Madam Poppins. He accepted a potion and drank it, ignoring the dreadful taste. He was one of the few students that didn't convey his reaction. "Last time I checked, you didn't even like him," he added.

An eyebrow raised in response. His friend was awfully vocal. It was rare for Jaden to speak this much. Leolin observed Adrian. He couldn't help but agree. Why did Adrian save Arion? A Gryffindor assisting a Slytherin was unheard of. His eyes filled with genuine curiosity. He didn't understand Adrian's motive. He could of left the scene!
Adrian grinned at the man. "I know." He did know that. "Hopefully, I get off the hook easy this time." The two had clashed moments before. "He'll probably give me dentition for months!" He exclaimed. Adrian laughed along with them, though it was a bit strange to be doing so with a Slytherin. His dull green eyes sparkled as he laughed, and he brushed a couple of strands from his eyes.

Adrian stared at Jaden. He tried to make his expression as unreadable as Jade's but it clearly gave away his curiosity, and a bit of anger that Jaden would question his motives. "Why does it matter why I helped him?" He asked, then paused. He knew the answer to that. It was strange. He shouldn't have helped him, but he did. He glanced down at the floor and his feet.

"But if you must know," Adrian looked back at him, in the eye. "I helped him because I couldn't leave anyone in that situation." He meant going to be raped. That was a little bit of a lie. He also... He didn't know why he helped him. "Even that grump doesn't deserve that fate."
"Why does it matter why I helped them?"

Jaden stared at him, unimpressed. "You don't exactly have the best track record with Arion. I have every right to interrogate you," he deadpanned. A few minutes later, Madam Poppins finished tending to him. He was forced to drink another nasty potion, but Jaden endured. Despite his silent demeanor, Jaden was extremely protective over his friends. He didn't trust the Gryffindor House, not after first year. However, Adrian proven himself to be different. It didn't matter what type of situation Arion was in. Adrian had the choice to walk away. He could of allowed his friend to be raped. It sickened him to admit that there were other students that would choose that route.

Leolin intervened. "Now, now, Jade, leave him be. The important thing is that Ari is safe, right? You can hex him later if he presumes his old habits," he reasoned. He slipped of his cot and relocated next to Jaden's side. He averted his attention to Adrian. He presented the Gryffindor a half smile. "Don't mind him, Abbot. Your House isn't exactly chivalrous. You honestly can't expect us to not have suspicions. We're tortured by your housemates every single day," he declared. He scratched the back of his head. A chuckle rumbled through his chest. "We're still amazed by the ordeal," he admitted.

A sigh escaped his lips. Jaden didn't respond. His eyes settled on Arion. His friend remained unconscious. His eyes softened a bit. He didn't deserve that fate.
Adrian sighed, He knew that of course. He looked at Jaden, and he tried to form a proper retort. He couldn't say that never once had he bullied them just for being Slytherin, no, He never lifted a finger to stop his housemates. He even joined in, not because he believed in it, but because it was the thing to do. You'd get bullied as well if you tried to stand up for them He knew that. It was just a way of life.

He breathed deeply in relief as Leolin objected in. He nodded. That was what mattered. Arion was safe. Adrian mirrored his smile. "I won't." He averted his eyes away. "It's rather stupid of them, Almost none of us even remember that time." He meant most of them were babies when it happened. He nodded. "But he's safe and that is what matters." He turned and looked at Arion for a moment.
Madam Poppins returned. "Visiting hours are over. The three of you have to leave," she instructed, directing her words to Adrian, Leolin, and Jaden. She ushered them towards the door. "You'll be able to visit Mr. Silverwood tomorrow. Off to bed you three. It's past curfew," she added. She turned around and walked towards the Gryffindor students. She monitored their progress.

Leolin rose from the cot, followed by Jaden. "Indeed. It doesn't matter to them, however," he replied. He inspected Arion one more time before he walked towards the door. A small frown marred his lips. Despite his calm demeanor, he was worried. What happened if one of the Gryffindor goons tried to hurt Arion in his sleep? He bit his lip. He remained silent. Leolin bid Adrian goodbye and dragged Jaden out of the Hospital Wing. He made a mental note to visit Arion first thing in the morning. Fortunately, it was Friday. He didn't have to worry about Arion getting behind. His friend was the top of their year. He would be furious if he missed class. The two Slytherins sauntered down the hallway that led to the dungeons. Leolin intended to summon one of the house elves to bring food to their dormitory. He didn't feel like stopping by the kitchens.
Adrian's attention turned to her when she spoke up. He sighed, and glanced back at Arion. "Alright." He told her, he understood. But he wanted to stay and make sure he was okay. He guessed that wouldn't happen. He knew the rules. { I'll be back tomorrow after my classes, okay? } He promised the boy in his head. He'd feel responsible if he didn't wake up.

Adrian didn't step closer to Arion, that would be rather suspicious. He watched the two, bidding them farewell when Leolin did to him. { At least, He's polite. } He thought about the two. Jaden seemed to not like him, none of them liked him, but at least Leolin was polite. He walked out, He didn't feel like eating anymore, so he just walked to the dorm. His friends, Deidre and John, were waiting for him and demanded an explanation. He didn't want it to get out that some of his housemates had almost raped a kid, so he lied and said he got caught doing his thing.
[ Time Skip > Two Days Later ]
Unfortunately, Arion didn't awaken the next day. He remained unconscious, resting on his cot. On the other hand, it was the weekend. He didn't miss any of his classes. On the second day, around the afternoon, he awakened. A soft groan pierced through the air. His eyes opened, revealing a pair of icy blue irises. His head ached with a growing migraine. He lifted his hand and massaged his forehead. His eyes scanned his surroundings. He was inside the Hospital Wing. What happened? A few minutes later, memories of that dreadful night surfaced inside his mind. His expression twisted with a scowl. His hatred towards Gryffindor increased. He wouldn't hesitate to hex McCray next time he pulled an indecent stunt. He would slice his hands off if he needed to! Arion suppressed his violent urge. He refused to resort to a Gryffindor's level. It seemed he was alone in the Hospital Wing. He assumed his best friends attended lunch. He doubted they would leave his side unless it was absolutely necessary. He rose into a sitting position. He pressed his palm against the back of his head. It was sore, but healed. A sigh escaped his lips. He never imagined he would end up in this state. Arion visited the Hospital Wing various times throughout his schooling. However, it was mainly due to cruel pranks or harsh hexes. Despite his torture, it wasn't this severe. He was never threatened to be raped. A part of him yearned to be a seventh year. He would of graduated from this hell hole and start his life. Hogwarts was suppose to be a safe haven for students, not a personal nightmare. He wondered what would happen if the Boy-Who-Lived realized his former House transformed into a uncivilized band of barbarians. A fleeting chuckle rumbled through his chest. Arion didn't care one bit.

"Ah, you're awake. Thank goodness," Madam Poppins interjected. After she walked out of her office, she noticed Arion. She rushed to his side, waving her wand over him. She performed a final scan. "Mr. Zabini and Mr. Sea were here earlier, but they left to get you something to eat. They'll be back," she informed. A few minutes later, her examination was complete. She seemed satisfied with her result. "You're permitted to leave after your fed. Mr. McCray and his friends were punished severely for this act. I'm certain Headmistress will make sure this never happened again," she added.

Arion nodded in response. His expression conveyed no emotion. "Thank you for your help, Madam Poppins," he replied politely. His eyes shifted to a small table next to his bed. He picked up his wand, feeling a sense of security. He didn't resort to fighting muggle style. He preferred using magic over brute violence.
Adrian had visited him the next day, though he didn't wake up like they were told he would. Adrian was worried about this. { What if he never wakes up? } was a common thought running through his head. { It'd be my fault, For sure. } He still felt back there he should have stepped in earlier. He should have saved him before he was knocked unconscious.

Adrian was on his way to see if Arion had woken up. He went then because he knew that Jade and Leolin would eating and not with their friend. He paused when he heard voices, and peaked around the corner. { He's awake! } He thought. He smiled, and relaxed a little bit. That was good. He paused, He waited until Madam Poppins was gone until he walked over. He didn't want to interrupt her work on Arion.

Adrian stepped out once she had went to go do something else. "So, You're finally awake." He commented at first, and hoped his presence wouldn't be unwelcome. "I was worried you wouldn't." That wasn't a lie, He had been worried for Arion. Adrian nervously fixed his clothing. he brushed his blond strands from his face and hoped he didn't look too much like an idiot.
"So, You're finally awake."

Arion tilted his head to the side. He expected Leolin, but his assumption was wrong. His eyes widened slightly. "Abbot?" he inquired incredulously. What was a Gryffindor doing inside the Hospital Wing, visiting him? A scowl carved into his expression. He immediately fortified his defenses. He didn't remember much after he succumbed to unconsciousness. He faintly remembered Adrian intervening before McCray bashed his head against the wall. "Worried? Why would you, a Gryffindor, worry about me, a Slytherin?" he sneered. He folded his arms across his chest. He didn't understand Adrian's presence. Why was he here? He couldn't possibly feel concerned. Both of them hated each other! His last encounter with Adrian was typical, full of contempt. He assigned Adrian detention with Professor Longbottom. "Don't forget your detention, Abbot. It starts tomorrow. If you came here to ridicule me, then expect more. I'm not in the mood to deal with your stupidity," Arion pointed out.

"Mr. Abbot actually saved you, Mr. Silverwood. He brought you here on that night," Madam Poppins revealed. She couldn't help but overhear the conversation.

He whipped his head towards her direction. "What? That's preposterous! He wouldn't care enough to save me! I think you've gone mad," he remarked bluntly.

She chuckled gently. "I certainly have not, Mr. Silverwood. It may be hard to believe, but it did happen. You should be thanking him," she replied.

His expression darkened. "Me, thanking a Gryffindor? I don't think that will be possible, Poppins," he countered. Arion directed his attention to Adrian. A frown marred his lips. "Why are you here?" he demanded.
"Well, for start, I didn't want all my work to be for naught." He told Arion. Adrian smiled as he was reminded of his detention. { That's a good sign. } He thought as he strode over to Arion's bedside. "I remember, and I'll be there. Okay?" { He's thinking correctly then. } "And I'm not here to do something completely stupid. I'd expect your friends would have my hide then."

"She's right. Well..." Adrian trailed off. "It didn't exactly happen that way. I'd have gotten my ass handed to me if your friends didn't step in." He admittted.

He looked at him. "Why am I here? I just wanted to see if you've woken up yet." That was the truth. "And it seems you're okay..." He put a smile on his face, hoping to show Arion that he'd be no threat. Hopefully, Arion wouldn't try to hex him. "I was kind of worried you know?"
A bitter laugh escaped his lips. He looked unimpressed. "Kind of worried? Did you feel any remorse when you personally watched me be tortured by your fellow Gryffindor acquaintances? This hasn't been the first time I been in the Hospital Wing," he sneered. Arion recalled witnessing Adrian's face among the crowd of students that watched with amusement. He ran a hand through his platinum blonde hair, smoothing out his unruly wisps. He made a mental note to use the prefect bathroom. It contained a lovely bathing tub. "I don't need your sympathy Abbot. Threat or no threat, you're still a bastard," he added. He swung his legs across his cot, planting his feet on the floor. He rose from his bed, picking up his wand. A wave of dizziness washed over him. He stumbled forward, crashing against Adrian. A scoff escaped his lips. He shoved Adrian away, balancing himself. His head rush stemmed from sleeping for too long. "You think saving me would change anything? It won't stop the bloody feud, Abbot. Once word of this incident is out, it will only fester into more hatred. My House is not to blame for you bloody war orphans. Do you think you're the only one that lost someone? We learn to control our anger, unlike your House," he jeered. Arion brushed past Adrian, walking towards the door. He was bound to run into his friends on his way. He ignored his disheveled attire. If someone commented on it, he wouldn't hesitate to give them a detention. Arion exited the Hospital Wing without another word.

"Mr. Silverwood endures the most out of his fellow Housemates," Madam Poppins mused sadly. A sigh escaped her lips. "Don't take his words to heart, Mr. Abbot. What you did was a noble act. You are starting to become like your ancestors, a true Gryffindor," she added.
Those words he had no defense for, because he had joined his housemates in watching him get beatings a couple of times. He had to really, or he'd be looked at weird and be called a pansy. Or worse. He knew he had to, He's seen a few people tell them this is wrong, and they end up like the Slytherins. He just looked at Arion with his lips parted like he was trying to say something but the words didn't come.

"you're still a basterd..."

The word hit his ears, and his expression couldn't keep a friendly smile anymore. He was announced that by his father, when he found out his perfect son was different. That his son was a wizard. His eyes looked at Arion, they looked like the day that his father announced that he was no longer his son. He was brought back to the present by Arion falling, He caught him in his arms. Warmth flushed to his face. Adrian fell back, stumbling to keep himself up right, but he let go of Arion. "I-I-"

"I know, Okay?" Adrian manged to keep his walls up. "It'd take a fucking miracle to stop that feud. And no, I didn't. In fact, I lost no one in that bloody war. Because you know what? My parents are muggles." He snapped at Arion.
Arion was long gone. If he lingered, he wouldn't care. Adrian was only one man. He didn't care about the Gryffindor, not one bit. He didn't care how those strong arms wrapped around him, stopping him from crashing to the fl-he cut himself off. Strong arms? When did he start paying attention to Adrian's physique? A scowl carved into his expression. He blamed his concussion. It jumbled his thought process. A faint blush dusted his cheeks. He stormed down the hallway, heading towards the Prefect bathroom. He intended to take a long shower. Albeit, his friends would bring him food, Arion lost his appetite. His mind was still grasping the fact a Gryffindor saved him. Despite Leolin and Jade interfering, it was Adrian that transferred him to the Hospital Wing. Adrian could of left him for dead. Why did he save him? What was his motive? Arion didn't trust him. He couldn't afford trusting any Gryffindor.

A sigh escaped her lips. "I'm afraid Mr. Silverwood lost more than just a father," she murmured. She turned and ushered Adrian out of her Hospital Wing. "You are free to leave, Mr. Abbot. I am aware of the feud between your Houses, but this could be a chance," she informed. She pivoted to her left and walked back into her office.

[ 2 Hours Later ]
After he used the Prefects bathroom, Arion returned to his House common room. His friends were waiting for him, a prior request earlier. Arion listened to Leolin's side of the story. It seemed Adrian was correct. Arion denied it at first, but he reluctantly accepted the fact he was saved by a Gryffindor. He was certain this would create a nasty rumor. Everyone wouldn't believe an esteemed Quidditch player, McCray, would resort to such barbaric tactics. He imagined a whole barrage of ridicule that would be directed at his friends and himself. Anger bubbled inside his chest. He was the victim, not McCray! His hatred towards Gryffindor increased. Ten minutes later, Arion exited the dungeons. He needed fresh air. Arion clutched his wand, prepared for any attack. He refused to let his guard down, not for a second. Arion traveled towards the Black Lake, taking a seat in front of a tree. A comforting breeze circulated past him, caressing his alabaster skin. He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the sensation. He breathed in deeply and exhaled through his nostrils. Fortunately, he managed to convince his friends on leaving alone. He understood their concern, but he didn't want to deal with anyone.
Adrian watched him leave, and he nodded. He felt bad for snapping at him though he doubt he heard them. "Alright," He left without question. "I know... I just hope I can." That he could take it. He headed down to just walk around for a while, he didn't want to go back to the dorm just yet. The only thing anyone was talking about was their star player not being able to play. Adrian'd wished they'd shut up about it. Some of them blamed Adrian for stopping him and telling him. One of his friends, John, didn't want to be mean to his friend but... he blamed him too.

But after a while, He knew he had to go back. Deidre was sitting across the commons, glaring at John. They both looked up when he walked in. "So..." John started. "We're screwed this game."

"Don't even start with him." Deidre snapped.

"But it is kind of his fault, If he had just left him..."

"He would have gotten a worse punishment." Deidre shot John down.

Adrian looked at them. "You know what I um... for got something in one of my classes." He escaped back through and just started to run. He found his way outside, to the lake. He didn't want to talk about it. He just sat down by the shore with a sigh.
Arion lifted his wand. He inspected his beautifully carved weapon. Magic was his safe haven. He wouldn't be able to survive without it. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but Arion was curious about the muggle world. How could they live without magic? Unfortunately, he would never voice his opinion. As an aristocrat, he was forced to maintain a regal image. He couldn't afford breaking his perfect mask. Despite his family's redemption, he hailed from an incredibly wealthy clan. Certain customs remained. He was grateful about avoiding the subject of blood purity. His mother didn't believe in that garbage. On the other hand, she was wary of muggles. She tried her best fixing her family, but some scars lingered. He knew she wouldn't be able to break old habits. His father ruined her. Arion barely remembered that wretched man. He was the son of a man that was one of Voldemort's most trusted followers, even more powerful than Bellatrix. His rank was only a few steps behind Snape, Voldemort's second in command. Why would anyone believe him, let alone his friends? He doubted students would listen to Adrian. They didn't care McCray almost committed a heinous crime. His heart twisted painfully. "Keh, they'll believe I deserved it," he muttered. He gritted his teeth in aggravation. He never asked to be born! It wasn't his fault! He was barely a toddler when the war began. Most students were afraid he would become like his father. Some even mocked about him becoming the next Voldemort.

Arion breathed in deeply and exhaled through his nostrils. He decided to work on a spell. He closed his eyes, clearing his thoughts. He shuffled through his memories, locating his happiest moment; the day he received his Firebolt. Much to McCray's dismay, Slytherin been winning the Quidditch Cup for the past few years. No matter how hard they tried, none of the Gryffindor could keep him out of the field. He endured several injuries in the past, but it didn't break his spirit. He only rubbed it in McCray's face when he deserved it. Arion wasn't the type to boast. "Expecto Patronum," he recited. The tip of his wand illuminated a silvery blue. A ethereal wisp conjured from his wand, circling around him. A majestic eagle soared through the air, flying around him. Arion opened his eyes. A small smile painted his lips. A rare, soft expression adorned his face. "Hello, my friend," he murmured. Arion held out his arm, letting the eagle rest. Normally, it was easy for Arion to master his spells. He was the top student of his year. He practiced thoroughly and studied hard. However, this spell was challenging since it required happiness. When it came to Hogwarts, Arion was never happy.
Adrian sighed, and pulled out his wand. He wasn't even good at the stuff that isolated him from his family. They hated him for something he wasn't even good at. He was supposed to have it all. He was supposed to have the family fortune. He was supposed to follow in his father's footsteps. But this wand, this magic stopped him. He looked down at his wand. It was a simple thing, without any intricate engravings. "You know, Mars," He may or may not have named his wand. "I won't even fit in here anymore, I doubt." He stuck his wand in the sand beside him and doodled in it. "They don't believe me, and they blame me for telling the truth about their precious star!"

Adrian stuck his wand in the sand and threw his hands up angrily. "They are too blind to see he's a monster." He grabbed his wand and shoved it back in his pocket. He scrambled up, then ran a hand through his messy blond hair. He fixed the small ponytail, and his eyes caught a silvery form. "Huh?" He whispered. He walked closer, careful to be quiet. He slipped behind a tree. { Arion. } He thought. { He's smiling...? } Adrian watched with careful curiosity. { That's new. }

Adrian couldn't help but feel a prick of envy at Arion's Patronus. Adrian wasn't able to cast one, no matter how hard he tried. Well, once but... It was a weak silver mist of a non-corporeal charm. He hasn't been able to do it since. { It's... He's brilliant. } He averted his eyes, away. { I wish I could get magic as easily as he did. } The sand under him gave way and he stumbled a little. "Ack!' He scrambled to get back up.
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