Kelpie Love story

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Plot : The kistune family has lost a member of its family that went to work in ireland to help children get better educationa s many kitsune pranks where kind hearted and meant for the benfit for others. When the kitsune fails to come home the kitsune family learns that the body was found , drowned and half eaten by something. the peiople called it a Murder and animals started eating the body, but the female kitsune refuses to belive these stories and wanted justice for a fallen fellow family member. When travling to ireland she ghets a tour of the swamps and everything but one day she gets lost in the forest as the tour guide seems to have ....gone missing. the female kitsune come across a white stallion thats caught ina trap and thinking its just a regular horse the female goes and helps it trying to steer the horse but soon finding herself stuck to thye stallion as the body melts away revealing a creature that a kitsune has never meet before or even heard of. the stallion nearly drowns the kitsune but feeling basd to drown someone that helped him the stallion lets her swim away and to the shore. unlike most who dismissed it as a myth and rumor when she learns about just what this creature is....she wants to know more as this creature might know what happened to her family member that was drowned. She wants to have his help but can she trusta creature who depends on eating the bodies of humans ? can she love a true monster who has a pretty face ?

I shall be playing the kelpie

This can be gay if you like you just need to tell me

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