Kat's First Test Thread (No posting please)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Head GM: Isla Co-GM: ???

  1. Follow Iwaku ToS.
  2. The posting expectations are advanced. The posting speed is weekly.
  3. All characters are to be 16 and older.
  4. All sexy times must fade to black in thread and be taken to PM, should you wish to continue.
  5. If you chose to write sexy times, make sure that person has the same colored star.
  6. For personal preferences, I will not accept players under 16 years of age.
  7. You may be any occupation you wish, so long as it is in court.
  8. Princes and Princesses are limited to four.
  9. Time travelers are limited to two.
  10. You may create up to two characters for now. This is subject to change.
  11. All face claims must be realistic and Korean.
  12. Only one royal family, two noble families. First come, first serve.
  13. You must PM me your character sheet first for approval.
  14. You can't "reserve" spots on the sign ups. Finish your character(s) first.
  15. Any fancy boxes with text must be put in spoilerbb code unformatted under the fancy box.
  16. Lastly, have fun!
You do not need to watch the show to be a part of the roleplay,
but it is encouraged, to get an idea of the time period.


It's the year 941. King Taejo rules the Goryeo empire. Everything is well within Goryeo until two strange happenings change the fate of the villages, and that of the royal court. One person is found drowning in mirinae earlier in the spring. They have no recollection of who they are, only that they are someone important to the empire. The second one, arrives in late autumn, under the same circumstances. People are calling them by a name they've never heard of before, and so they must assume a new identity, a new role. Times swiftly change for the citizens and royal households of Goryeo. Riots have suddenly increased on the streets, murder, deception, and accusations become more prominent within court. No one feels safe anymore. Who will save them? How will anyone survive?

  • Damiwon are female servants. Damiwon Palace is where they stay.
  • Although Kisaeng are the lowest rank, they are not prostitutes. You can get in trouble if you have sexual relations with them.
  • Koreans are obsessed with beauty. Consider this before you give your character any physical imperfections.
  • Gyobang is a training institute for Kisaeng, or court entertainers.
  • The royal family is intertwined by marriage with two high ranking noble families. They all live at the palace.
  • Princes and princesses are limited. Consider the possibility of political marriage.
  • The only high ranking characters in here are the royal family and the two noble families mentioned above.
  • First come, first serve for the royal family and two noble families. PM me your ideas.
  • Do lots of research before joining; This is a historical roleplay.
  • There are more positions in court than the examples I've listed down below.
  • The absent personality and history fields are intentional. Do not add them in (or any other field, for that matter.)
  • Ask questions, if you have them. We don't bite!

Character Sheet

Name: (Last First, i.e. Go Ha Jin)

Age: (16+ only)

Gender: (Female or Male)

Position: (Prince, Princess, Handmaiden, Entertainer, Royal Advisor, Astrologer, etc.)

Affiliation: (Royal Court, Damiwon, Gyobang, etc.)

Allegiance: (Royal family, ??? family, ??? family)

MBTI: (See Jung Typology Test to find out.)

Alignment: (See D&D Alignment Test to find out.)

Extra: (Anything else you think we should know.)

Roll Call
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Tara Kelly
Location: House > Sunshine Café > Hospital
Mentioned: Sophia Pride
Interactions: Sylvester North

Bright rays of sunshine warmed Tara's bed, but blinded her own eyes. There was a small spot between the closed curtains that blasted a blinding light, as if she was being visited by an angel. Tara pulled the white sheets over her head and buried her face into the pillow. She was not ready to get up yet. Her eyes felt heavy. She didn't feel well rested. One minute later, her alarm clock began buzzing. She groaned and shut it off, rolling around in the comfort of her bed.

Fifteen minutes later, she was up and getting ready at lightning speed. Tara's daily routine consisted of making her bed and making sure her four year old son made his bed. She made her children breakfast, dressed up Sinéad and handed her off to Sophia (who just so miraculously happened to be there, thank God), grabbed her some tea and a granola bar, then they were out. She waited outside with Aengus for the school bus to pick him up and take him to school.

Tara finished up her tea and granola bar, then went to Sunshine, a café just down the street, to get a small coffee. She was in a rush, but a few minutes couldn't hurt anyone; especially when it was the last day her favorite specialty coffee for autumn was going off the menu. She got a pumpkin coffee cake to go along with her pumpkin spice coffee. There was no lid on it when she exited the store; a big mistake, if you were in a hurry. She was extremely upset, but didn't have time to deal with the conflict.

"I'm, I'm so sorry! So sorry! Here."

She gave the vampire lots of napkins from inside and shoved it at the mess on his shirt, patting down the brown stains a little. "I really don't time for this. I'm running late, sorry. Gotta go! Bye!" Tara knew it was rude, but she couldn't help it. A physician always had somewhere to be. The blonde-haired woman chugged the cup afterwards and tossed it in a nearby trash can before sliding into her Honda Accord and blasting off to work at the Baton Rouge General Medical Center from seven o'clock in the morning to six in the evening, diagnosing, testing, and giving comfort. Aengus would be picked up from the bus stop at four o'clock.

Tara worked in the family medicine ward, taking care of patients of varying ages. Today, she was reviewing a forty year old woman, sun-kissed skin, big blue eyes, but terribly depressed. Then, she would give a couple children, as well as a teenager, medical check ups. The hospital was a taxing place; A werewolf couldn't afford to mess up. One could say it was simply another day at the hospital, but Tara, as arrogant as she was (her colleagues liked to tease her about that), believed it was more than that. The thrill and possibility of saving lives kept her spirit strong on the outside and gave her something to latch onto: hope.
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As one of the largest fashion corporations in Los Angeles, Envy has a very sleek, luxury type interior two stories high, complete with two elevators, as well as two escalators; one going down and one going up. It caters to men and women of different stature and size. There's also a large fitting room in the back, as well as an area to lounge around, and a small refreshment area near the middle of the room. Envy is decked out in high fashion luxury items, as well as smaller fashion lines that stretch out to many sources, such as men's suits, sunglasses, perfume, and lingerie. If you wish to have your clothing custom made, there is a consultant in the back. Prices in Envy are expensive, especially custom made clothing, as fabric quality is high and every single pair of clothing in the store is made by only the best fashion designers in Los Angeles.

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A snort-like giggle left her throat. She covered her mouth as she stared down at the male next to her, weeping in utter pain. When her savior yelled at the man, an intimidating, yet brusque tone reached her ears. Maeve stared at the man, curled up in a fetal position. Her King's lackeys were dead now; courtesy of her and this new stranger. Sweat drawed on her like lethargy, slow and deliberate. Maeve picked up the sword Robbie had dropped, then stabbed his throat, dark red blood spewing out from its edges, and regurgitating from his mouth. Maeve gave the man a little nudge to flip him over on his back, then glanced up at the person pointing his bow and arrow at her. Maeve grinned, casually going about her business.

"No one to be trifle with," she explained exuberantly, snatching up a small bag of coins. It was extremely lightweight; Maeve wondered if the human was some kind of drunk to only have what felt to be around five or six coins. She grabbed his scabbard, then the gold medallion hanging around his neck. It was a pity there was nothing much on him. Maeve stood up, wiping at the mud caked on her neck and stared down at her green and brown clothing. The blood and dirt was absolutely dreadful, but she would live, just like she always when these ragtag band of misfits decided to stall.

She reached for her canteen and habitually opened it, then let the cool water fall on her throat. It was hardly cool; it was hardly there. The elven female could only get a drop squeezed out. "Well, that's unfortunate," she muttered, placing the small lid back on. "I'm an adventurer, I guess. You could call me a thief as well, perhaps a murderer too. My name's Ulyana and please, no need to raise your weapon at me. I'm just passing through. Thank you for saving me ...?" She paused, glancing up at the male who hid among the shadows. He had given her no name.
Tara wasn't going to lie. She'd seen more death in the hospital than she had anywhere else. This was just another patient. Breathing was difficult, though. Tara could barely breathe. His ash brown locks brushed her skin lightly, constricting her chest. Was she even allowed to cry? An involuntary inhalation followed and suddenly she couldn't see him anymore. He was a blur. He was gone right before her eyes. She could feel her nose begin to run. "Aengus..."

It's all my fault.

She cradled herself in her arms, uncontrollable spasms and tears beginning to surface. Tara couldn't believe how stupid she'd been. She was a terrible mother, a terrible protector. "I'm sorry," she weeped hysterically, crawling onto the hospital bed, next to his dying body. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you." She wrapped her large hands around his. They were cold, lifeless. She squeezed them tightly, in denial about her son's death, hoping that she'd get some form of warmth.

Tara stayed in the hospital room for hours before Trojan came just a few minutes before the mortician took her son away. He pulled her up into his arms, gently prying her body away from the small boy. A spot on the Alpha's shirt became soaked with a river of tears. He embraced her closely, his nose buried in her blonde hair. Tara's scent was the only thing that kept him calm in the riot that had accumulated this morning. It was taxing, to say the least.

Long after the mortician took away Aengus, the sun had already disappeared from the sky. It was getting dark. Tara stood silently in Trojan's arms, numb and void of any emotion. Her eyes were red and puffy, extremely bloodshot from all the crying she'd done. Trojan stood with her a while longer, his large hand stroking the back of her head. Tara sniffed, snuggling closer to Trojan. His warmth comforted her and put her body at ease.

Trojan slowly pulled away from the young woman, wiping away the last tear that accumulated at the corner of Tara's left eye. "It's time to go home," he murmured gently, his fingers brushing her soft cheeks. "The pack is waiting. We'll find out who did this. I promise." She closed her eyes as he pressed his lips to her forehead. "Okay," she whispered, her voice quiet and timid. Tara left the room where Aengus fell into a deep sleep and the couple left the hospital.

She could only pray that the vampire who attacked her son would be found.
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Hi everyone! My name is Isla and I'm 18 years old. I'm only looking for one partner at this time and someone who believes they're damn good at details. They must be of an advanced writing level or higher.
This is a historical low fantasy I was unable to continue with my partner because they had some real life troubles. Everything got off to a great start, but I think it's time to try and put my characters in another position.
I will be using pre-established characters. If you don't like that, I would suggest you turn away from here now. Please keep in mind that I will be particularly picky with this partner since I enjoyed the roleplay so much!

  • No godmo dding. I won't tolerate it.
  • I primarily play female, so I'd like someone who is comfortable playing male lead.
  • Main Characters preferably 27+ only for personal reason.
  • Players must be 18+ only because of personal preference. Sorry young' uns.
  • No Mary Sues or Gary Stus. I want to see characters with flaws.
  • Please private message me, if you're interested.
  • Realistic face claims only! No drawings please.
  • I do best at a minimum of one reply every two weeks. If muse and time allow it, one reply each week.
  • Please play multiple characters with me. I want more depth, more interaction!
  • No powerplaying. If you want to control my character, ask permission first.
  • No autohitting. It sucks when I can't determine what happens.
  • Worldbuild. Worldbuild. Worldbuild.
  • Descriptive sex, no smut! I believe there's a difference.
  • Be confident in your writing. I enjoy the positivity!
Okay, now down to the meat of this request. I'm not using the same plot I've conjured up with my previous partner, as I feel using his ideas wouldn't be fair to him. However, I'm going to keep the aspect of a staged kidnapping, as I enjoyed that element and felt it was better than your stereotypical kidnapping from a cruel pirate. It's a pirate roleplay set in the Pirate Age, during the West Indie Trade (think Pirates of the Caribbean) and my girl is tired of living the role her father picked out for her, so she asks a friend to relay her troubles to a pirate and pays the pirate lots of money to set up a staged kidnapping, so she can be free, but entering a whole new world on board is not what she expects. As an aristocrat, there's still lots of things she must learn for herself about piracy. This is the basic gist of the roleplay so far. We will come up with a main plot, so on and so forth. I have a list of things I personally would love to see happen, and whoever's interested, I will share that with them upon talking a little bit and getting to know each other, creating a driving force, ideas, and multiple characters!

If you are interested, please PM me your interest and give me your ideas for the plot and characters. I will ignore you here.
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Margaret B. Dorsey

"I have a magpie mind. I love anything that glitters."
— Lord Thompson of Fleet

Margaret Belinda Dorsey

Madge, Magpie



Noblewoman, Countess of Wessex

5' 6"

123 lbs



Not Applicable

Clothing Style:
Refined, Vintage, Floral, Classy

Public Services Degree, Business Management Degree

Advocate for Homeless, CEO at Hospital


Observant, Humble, Assertive, Creative, Logical

Reclusive, Mysterious, Deceptive, Judgmental, Unpredictable

Trevibban Mill Black Ewe Red, Black British Shorthairs, Opera, Eucalyptus Oil

Beards, Pollution, Fake nails, Dark coffee

Self-Reliant, Persuasive, Dependable

Impatient, Strong-Willed, Uncompromising

Snakes, Spiders, Cockroaches

Turn Offs:
Terrible Hygiene, Obsession over Weight, Baby Talk, Passive Men

Currently Single




Brief History:
Margaret was a prestigious child, but her childhood was packed with strife. She grew up in a home with an alcoholic dad, and her mum was constantly on the lookout for her safety. By the time she was old enough to fully understand what was going on, there was no passion in her parents' relationship anymore. Her dad came back from a diplomatic mission a couple months later and her mum found out he cheated on her. The two filed for divorce and Margaret was (unfortunately) put in the custody of her dad. She finished school under a rigorous atmosphere, much unlike the one she'd previously experienced when her parents were together. Margaret went on to do great things, including speaking out against women's rights, advocating for homeless veterans, and donating much of her money to charities and hospitals in need. Margaret became an iconic figure in England's society and she hasn't let her wretched past become a staple on who she currently is as a person.

Favorite Song:
C'est La Vie by Anna Puu

She's been smoking for five years now.
Margaret has a black british shorthair named Magpie, or Maggy for short.
Her favorite meal is fish and chips.
Margaret exclusively drinks water and tea.
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Tudor Royal Court

Royal Family
His Majesty, King Richard Tudor, 26 years old, NPC ♔
Queen Dowager Joan Tudor, 57 years old, NPC ♔
Her Royal Highness, Princess ??? Tudor, 31 years old, Open ♔
His Royal Highness, Prince ??? Tudor, 21 years old, Open ♔
His Royal Highness, Prince Nicholas Tudor, Deceased at 18 years old ♔
Various Issues ♔

Royal Court
Lady of the Bedchamber, Countess of Salisbury, 32 years old, Open
Lady in Waiting, Lady ??? Spencer of Warwick, 18-21 years old, Open ♪ ♦
Lady in Waiting, Countess of Bedford, 26-28 years old, Open ✽
Lady in Waiting, Lady ??? Percy of Cornwall, 18-21 years old, Open ✢ ♦
Lady in Waiting, Lady ??? Rochford, 26-32 years old, Open ✽
King's Right Hand Man, His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, 30 years old, Open
King's Usher, Sir ??? Rochford, 34-41 years old, Open ✽
Master of the Privy Chamber, Lord ??? of Oxford, 35-40 years old, Open
Advisor to the King, His Grace the Duke of Cornwall, 30-47 years old, Open ♥
Advisor to the King, His Grace the Earl of Bedford, 30-38 years old, Open ♤
Advisor to the King, His Grace the Baron of Stafford, 30-40 years old, Open

Royal Army
General, His Grace the Duke of Cornwall, 30-47 years old, Open ♥ ✢
Marshal, Lord ??? of Warwick, 53 years old, NPC ♪
Lieutenant ??? Fairfax of Bedford, 30-38 years old, Open ♤ ✽

Royal Diplomats
French Envoy, His Grace the Duke of Angoulême, 47 years old, NPC
Spanish Envoy, Felipe of Castile, 49 years old, NPC

♔= denotes Tudor relations
✢ = denotes Cornwall sibling relations
♪ = denotes Warwick relations
♥ = denotes the possibility of two positions
✽ = denotes marriage
♦ = denotes being unmarried and/or engaged
♤ = denotes Bedford relations

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Ella Cavendish, Countess of Salisbury


Ella Cavendish née Johannes, Countess of Salisbury



Position in Court:
Lady of the Bedchamber

Relationship Status:

Brief History:
Ella was born under the German monarch, but raised under English rule. Her mother passed away giving birth to her and her father sent her off to her third cousins in England, to keep her safe from him. Ella didn't know her third cousins, but they raised her quite well. She was taught everything she needed to know, and although she was your typical plain jane for beauty standards, Ella found love at a young age. Their marriage was complicated, to say the least. However, he passed away a year ago. Ella is hoping someone will soon come along and court her again, as she dislikes being alone and left in the dark. In the meantime, Ella spends her days escorting the eldest daughter around the castle and tending to her day and night.
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Anastasia Vasilyeva
Location: Envy Corporate Building
Interactions: Asmodeus, Manasa (NPC)
Mentions: None
Outfit: Click Me

Anastasia was stressed out. Her fashion company was skyrocketing towards billions each year. It wasn't enough. She typed furiously at her desk, legs crossed, eyes staring nonstop at the blinding screen. They itched and were a little irritated from being rubbed at 24/7. She took a sip from her water bottle nearby. It helped quell the dry throat she felt from drinking more coffee and tea, than the essential nourishment needed to stay alive. She would've drowned herself in vodka, if she could, but there was a strict ethical code she had to uphold as CEO of Envy Fashion Corporation.

The palms of her hands sweat as she pressed enter on the keyboard. One of her coworkers in the design department was experiencing trouble with someone in the fabric department. She growled lowly, wiping the perspiration off on the tissues nearby. That didn't help any. Germs were everywhere. It frustrated her; even the call she received on the phone line. Anastasia composed herself and picked up the old fashioned work phone. The front desk was on the line.

"Anastasia Vasilyeva speaking. How can I help you today?"

Manasa, a true devilish fiend, spoke on the other end.

"Anastasia, someone's here to see you," she stated in a prickly undertone, albeit subtly flirtatious. Anastasia could tell by the way she held her laughter something was wrong. Was it someone she fired a long time ago? Were the police here? Anastasia narrowed her eyes at Manasa's trickery. "Stop playing games. Who is it? Is it Mr. Damiani? Send him up." She could've sworn the girl was biting her lip and twirling her hair on the other end. It was no matter though. Once Anastasia finished this interview, she could go back to hoarding money in her mind and getting onto her coworkers for not being consistent enough. "Yes, ma'am." The female demon grinned. Anastasia rolled her eyes and hung up before she could say something along the lines of "goodbye" and let her know that Luca Damiani; tall, dark, and handsome was coming upstairs.

Anastasia was not impressed one bit when the male entered her office area. There were three calla lilies on each side aligning the door in tall modern-style pots. The geometric shapes always caught Anastasia's eye when she took a glanced at whoever knocked on the door. Too bad it was glass. He left fingerprints everywhere. Luca Damiani wasn't even some devilishly handsome man anymore, he was a fool. A complete and utter fool for coming here. She sucked on the inside of her cheek as he loitered about and finished typing up an email to send to Manasa. This was the last encounter she wanted on her to-do list for the day. Anastasia wanted to pluck his eyeballs out and wipe that stupid smirk off his face. She kept a calm composure. "... Alright, have a seat, Mr. Damiani." He wasn't about to mess this up.
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[FONT=forte]Testing Forte font[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri]Testing Calibri font[/FONT]
[FONT=ScriptMTBold]Testing Script MT Bold[/FONT] ***does not work, defaults to TNR***
[FONT=britannicbold]Testing Britannic bold font[/FONT] ***does not work***
[FONT=constantia]Testing Constantia font[/FONT]

[FONT=aharoni]Testing Aharoni font[/FONT]
[FONT=magneto]Testing Magneto font[/FONT]
[FONT=mistral]Testing Mistral Font[/FONT]
[FONT=parchment]Testing Parchment font[/FONT]
[FONT=ravie]Testing Ravie font[/FONT]
[FONT=stencil]Testing Stencil font[/FONT]

[FONT=broadway]Test Broadway font[/FONT]

[FONT=Copperplate Gothic Light]Testing Copperplate Gothic Light font[/FONT]

[SIZE=6][FONT=Brush Script MT]Testing Brush Script MT font[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7][FONT=Freestyle Script]Testing Freestyle Script font[/FONT]

[FONT=Harlow Solid]Testing Harlow Solid font[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=7][FONT=Informal Roman]Testing Informal Roman font[/FONT]

[FONT=Viner Hand ITC]Testing Viner Hand ITC font[/FONT]

[FONT=harrington]Testing Harrington Font[/FONT][/SIZE]
copied from @Pahn >> hope you don't mind; I'm tired of looking back at your island over and over again lol

Testing Forte font
Testing Calibri font
Testing Script MT Bold ***does not work, defaults to TNR***
Testing Britannic bold font ***does not work***
Testing Constantia font

Testing Aharoni font
Testing Magneto font
Testing Mistral Font
Testing Parchment font
Testing Ravie font
Testing Stencil font

Test Broadway font

Testing Copperplate Gothic Light font

Testing Brush Script MT font

Testing Freestyle Script font

Testing Harlow Solid font

Testing Informal Roman font

Testing Viner Hand ITC font

Testing Harrington Font
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Welcome to Sword & Rose, an alternate history Tudor era roleplay, inspired by The Tudors, Reign, and Game of Thrones. Our lovely GMs are @Isla, @Shayla, and @Kythera. Sword & Rose is focused on character development, as well as plot development. People can choose from a variety of characters, including the King's Chamberlain, Stable Boy, Mistress of the Robes, and many other positions. Everyone is involved in refining the plot, giving inspiration, and helping out each other to understand and have fun with Sword & Rose. Currently, we are utilizing the Sword & Rose Discord to communicate with each other, but also have an out of character thread set up for those who are unable to join. We look forward to getting to know each and every one of you! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our GMs.


1. Follow Iwaku Terms of Service.
2. Be polite and courteous to your fellow partners.
3. Characters and players must be 18+ only.
4. At least one post a week. You may post more, but be mindful of others.
5. Advanced posting expectation. Quality over quantity.
6. One paragraph minimum.
7. This is the Tudor Era. Be realistic.
8. Please note that your characters may die. Be wise.
9. Real pictures. Faces from Reign, GoT, and The Tudors aren't allowed.
10. Maximum of two characters for now.
11. Have fun!

King Richard Tudor passed away fairly recently under mysterious circumstances. The whole kingdom mourned for his quick and sudden death, but none prayed so diligently as his heir, William Tudor I, did. The world lowered itself onto the young prince's shoulder and within a few days, coronation. He was now king, bound by an oath to make his people happy and keep them safe from harm. The abrupt passing of his father, however, still plagued his mind. Investigations began underneath the kingdom's nose.

Courts from afar, particularly French and Spanish, heard of the crippling news. A French and Spanish envoy traveled there to give their condolences, but both had an underlying goal. There was no way a man, as young as he was, could rule his people fair and just so quickly after his father's death. France and Spain immediately established a political marriage to bring their forces together, so that King William I would stand no chance against them. English court is unfathomed by this spectatcular turn of events.

Meanwhile, King William I appears to be doing okay, but the scenery behind the curtain of everyday court suggests far worse.


(First and Last name. Input title.)
(18+ only.)
Position in Court:
(Occupation and everyday duties.)
Relationship Status:
(Married, unmarried, engaged, or widowed?)
Brief History:
(Three paragraphs maximum. Keep the history brief.)


Lady Marjorie Seymour, Countess of Bedford @Princess Poisoned Rose
James Seymour, Earl of Bedford @Blue Jay
Lady Ella Cavendish, Countess of Salisbury @Isla
His Majesty, King William Tudor I @Isla
Her Majesty, The Dowager Queen Eleanor Tudor @Kythera
His Majesty, Prince Mathias Tudor @Dante the Unforgiven
His Grace, Henri de Valois, Duke of Angoulême @Kythera
Reginald O'Brien, Earl of Thomond @Cait
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  • Love
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Anastasia Vasilyeva
Location: Envy Corporate Building
Interactions: Asmodeus
Mentions: None
Outfit: Click Me
Tagged: ???

The blonde haired woman stood up and walked around her desk to come face to face with Asmodeus. There would be no barriers between them when she decided to wrap her fingers around his throat and give it a tight squeeze.

She'd left him. She'd made it clear that she wasn't interested anymore, so why did he come back? Anastasia's lips twitched when he spoke for her. She was far from doing well. "You clearly came here for something other than an interview," she told him coldly, crossing her arms over her chest. "My patience is running thin. How did you get out of hell?" Her steely eyes bore into Asmodeus' carefree ones, searching for answers.

Anastasia still wasn't sure of the complete reason why she left the relationship. She felt different with him, and being different felt... unearthly. She was boring; it was stupid, it was wrong. The fallen angel didn't know what to think when the demon of lust arrived back on her doorstep again, practically begging to get her back or try some other foolish feat. Anastasia expected it though. In a way, it was always really hard to deny him. He was extremely dedicated and ambitious, willing to do anything to satisfy his carnal pleasures.

"What is your reason for coming here?" Anastasia placed emphasis on the word "here" to make it clear that Asmodeus wasn't welcomed. She didn't want to see him right now. She hadn't wanted to see him ever since she left hell. "Was this the first place you decided to visit or were you already living here for a while now and I didn't know about it? Why are you acting like some lovesick fool?" One by one, she bombarded him with questions, some stupid, some reckless. Anastasia didn't understand. She didn't want to understand. He made her angry, but what for?
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Ysabel Giuliano
"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will."
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

Ysabel arched an eyebrow at the young man. He was... not what she was expecting of a man who guided men. Ysabel heard stories of pirates, of large men with black beards; middle aged men who smoked tobacco from a pipe. He was younger than she was; She was certain of it. Ysabel tried not to let his words get to her in a flattering manner. He was young and naïve; it made her want to cry, but she felt sick. The boat reeked of fresh fish and seaweed, not the comfort of cinnamon and apples at home. Her cheeks flushed in defense at his accusatory tone, but as a lady, she stood her ground. He was selfish and ignorant to think such foul thoughts.

"Can you hear yourself speak, sir?" she inquired assertively, her steady brown eyes meeting his own. "You knew the risks, Captain, did you not? You took it upon yourself and your crew to accept my offer of ten gold crowns in exchange for my freedom. I've done nothing wrong." Not all aristocrats were porcelain dolls, and she most certainly wasn't stupid. If he thought she was worth the risk, there wasn't any reason why he questioned her presence in front of his crew other than to belittle her simply because she wasn't a pirate. "That was a rather interesting display of power you put on back there. I wouldn't expect any less from your men."

The aristocrat was more confused, than intimidated by the crew. They weren't your stereotypical pirates bathed in blood and broken bones. She'd expected a massacre to smother the town square, but they were sly, and snatched her up as if nothing happened. No one was harmed in the process, it seemed. She glanced around at the other crew members, fingers digging into the floral skirt she wore. Some were shocked, others were angry. A girl bursted out in the silence, "Maybe she should be taken right now, down below! I'll talk to her!" Ysabel scrutinized the messy brown hair and simple, yet dusty brown dress. Blue eyes wandered back to the shore as they sailed on.

The ship set its course, rocking a little back and forth, in and out of drunkeness. Ysabel felt a slight pang of grief and apprehension settle in as the shore of the Bahamas became smaller and smaller. She straightened her back and let out a small sigh. "I don't expect you to be happy, but my friend went to great measures for this to become reality. You should've known the cost." The crew was barely considered "ruthless", much less "kind" in her book. The captain was hard to read. He didn't appear to have any real sense or opinion of why she was here; Did the coins entice his greedy soul that much? She couldn't be bothered to know.

"What say we do with her?"

"Throw her overboard!"

"Aye, she's got quite a bit of tongue on her."

"Now, now men, women... You know better than to treat a lady like that. Be more tolerant."

Ysabel placed her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes at the weary old man. Tolerant. This crew was far from that.
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His Majesty, King William Tudor I


His Majesty, King William Tudor I
Position in Court:
Relationship Status:
Unmarried for now
Brief History:
William Tudor I was born a carefree prince. He enjoyed getting him and his younger brother into trouble, as well as teasing his older sister about the men that tried to court her. His father loved him very much, but duty to his country was placed first at times. His mother was a strict ruler, and by no means did she want a foolish child, that would soon be king, running around the house. As he grew older, he gradually began to mature. The death of his youngest brother from battle devastated him, but it did not change his own princely duty to the country. The people came first in his agenda. When his father, Richard Tudor, passed away a few months later, the weight of the kingdom suddenly fell on William's shoulders and he sought to make things right for everyone, despite his grief.
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Her eyes fluttered close, tear drops on the edges of her eyelashes. She trembled when his lips touched her own, body melting into his like a lovesick fool. Isis firmly planted her hands on his cheeks as his jaw moved. Osiris never showed her this much affection. Her thumbs ran over Seth's lips and she smiled softly. "I'm glad to hear that, my love. You're a strong man. I knew you would come back for me." Her smile grew wider as his breathe tickled her ear. She giggled as he pressed his lips to her again and again.

"I missed you as well," she murmured, fingers entwining with his. Isis had laid awake many nights, her brown eyes staring at the ceiling, deprived of love. She'd swallowed her disgust many times when Osiris placed his hand on her cheek and kissed her on the lips. She'd eaten in silence at evening meals, sometimes not at all. Her chest hurt when Seth didn't come home the next day. "It was difficult while you were away."

Seth didn't even need to hear that to understand how much torment she'd gone through. Isis simply wanted him to hear her voice again, to speak to him, to tell him how she felt. As a woman, even as a Goddess, there were still limitations in her everyday life. Isis could not walk up to Osiris one day and proclaim that she had Seth by her side. Osiris could have as many concubines as he wanted, Isis couldn't have anyone except the man she falsely referred to as "Pharaoh", her other brother. "I couldn't sleep or eat. Osiris thought I may have caught fever, or carried child. It was neither."

She embraced Seth once more, his earthy scent relaxing her shoulders and stilling the fire in her heart. There were never days quite like the ones she shared with Seth. "Sit with me, my love," she murmured, closing her eyes for a few brief moments. She opened them and led him to the couch he'd risen from, then sat down in his previous spot, hands clasping his. "I want to hear about your travels before I go back. I have a feeling Osiris will send the guards out within hours." She smiled apologetically. There was no untruth about Isis being more discreet than Seth was. There was too much heat, too much passion between both that coming and going as hastily as she could drove him mad with longing. Isis couldn't deny it either. She had a bit of a temper when she was with Osiris and it wasn't him, it was the constant separation from Seth. "Soon, we won't have to wait to do this anymore."
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Ysabel Giuliano
"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will."
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

Ysabel fumed, knuckles turning white as she gripped her dress once more. Her accommodations were far from pleasant. The captain was irrational, handing her off to a man named Ashton she didn't understand. His language, whatever he spoke on a daily basis, was something she'd never learned in her private tutoring lessons. How was she to help him then? Ysabel had never wanted to hit a man so much as she did the Captain. It was a foul thought for a lady, but at this point in time, she didn't want consider the consequences, only think about how, if she had slapped him, it would leave a nice red mark on his cheek. She scowled as the man named Kazuo prompted her to follow him, to be obedient, to sit down, to stand up. The moment Kazuo inquired about questions, Ysabel had already begun questioning the Captain's ethics and reasoning.

"Why is he placing me with a man I don't understand? How does he think that will help his doctor? Am I to be confined to this wretched cell the whole time? Even when I eat? What about taking a bath? Can I do that? Your captain is wrong to place me under such strenuous circumstances. I paid him coin of much value. Why is it that you cannot trust me? I can't leave this ship without drowning. Does he think I'm capable of killing a man on board? He is far too illogical." She was clearly upset. Ysabel didn't come on board to be a pig like the rest of them. She came on board to get away from her old life, to sail until they reached another land and she was better off on her own. She clenched her fists, skin a pale white as she fought her trembling, in an attempt to not look so desperate. It seemed like all Kazuo wanted to do was show off the ship and tease her because there was no way she would be able to experience the finer luxuries of the ship as an aristocrat. It troubled her.

"I'd rather die in the prison cell than clean the main deck."
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