Just Another Day In Tokyo

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Original poster
~ Come to check out the Rp have you? Well come on it!!! ~

- Synopsis -
A mysterious civilization of beasts taking the form of common every day objects in modern day Japan are forced to reveal themselves after an alien race of unknown origin threatens to destroy them all. When this happens, they look to their owners for assistance in eliminating the threat.


#1: Respect the rules of the site as well as the rules I have set in place.
#2: No auto hitting is allowed and be realistic when dodging or evading.
#3: Pm me or any future co-gms about any problems you have and we'll try to resolve the issue as soon as we get them. Arguing in here is prohibited. This is an escape from the real world; not the road back to it.
#4: Mature themes like blood and gore to a certain degree is allowed but fade to black for sex scenes or take it to pms.
#5: Respect the rules of the site and no bunnying(Character controlling), unless given permission by that person.
#6: A posting minimum of one paragraph is required for each post.
#7: I will update the rules when needed so be sure to check from time to time.

Otherworldly Beings:

Yudaina: A race of mostly tranquil beasts that wield the ability to bond with non organics and organics alike. They originate from a world located in another dimension but their purpose for being on earth is a mystery. Their appearance varies greatly between one another but they all resemble animals in some way.

Kouta: They are believed to be a race of exterminators sent to earth in order to cleanse the solar system of Yudaina and those who associate with them. Kouta rarely speak to anything other than themselves but when they do, it is usually an indicator that another race has been added to the extermination list. They contain power far superior to the Yudaina and pose to be a considerable threat even after the Yudaina manage to find a compatible partner to fuse with.

Locations:(More places will be revealed later on)

Shizawa: A fictional city in modern day Tokyo and is the starting place for the story. The city is divided into two territories by an invisible line that is dangerous to cross.









Character Sheet

Age:(15 - 18 but there can be some exceptions to this)
Skills:(None at the start but you can still make them ahead of time for future use but pm in advance for info)
Weapon:(Your conventional melee weapons)
Faction:(Leave blank until further notice)
Fusion Type:(Who's in control? If the human is in control when fused, then put the opposite for the beast)

Age:(Every 5 human years = 1 year for them)
Appearance:(Something beastly)
Non Organic everyday Form:
Powers:(Some may be learned by their master/partner later on. Maximum 5)
Sync:(I'll inform you on your sync level after a certain point.)
Fusion Type:(Who's in control? If the beast is in control when fused, then put the opposite for human)

Fusion Appearance:(Think humanoid beast)
Fusion Skills:

(I will update things from time to time as well as include new info, so keep a lookout!!!)
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Name: Amine Sato
Age: 17

Personality: Amine is the modest bad ass that everyone wants on their side during any sort of competition. He's nice, extremely attentively when learning something new(Despite the bored look on his face that says otherwise) and is always true to his word when he rarely gives it. On the downside, Amine is always busy doing something which prevents people from getting close to him outside of a few short conversations every now and then. This is mainly due to the abundance of hours he must spend working in order to pay his weekly rent as well as keep his younger brother in school.

Bio: Amine's parents moved to Shizawa when he was just a boy. Shortly afterwards, they split up and his mother acquired custody of him while his father acquired custody of his brother. Despite being separated, neither parent chose to leave Shizawa but instead turned their divorce into some kind of challenge to see who could raise the better child. Amine and his brother were trained to be the best at everything they wanted in life. If one of them wanted to play baseball, basketball, or football in middle school, then they had to train to professional standards. Eventually, the challenge became heated to the point that both parents got both Amine and his brother emancipated when they became mature enough so that the opposing parent wouldn't be able to attain custody in case of their death.

Amine's parents pushed and pushed them both until his younger brother finally collapsed because of the intensity. The younger brother needed to be hospitalized afterwards, causing them to commit suicide after hearing the possibility of the younger child being unable to recover from his condition. Amine's younger brother recovered soon after and was told by Amine that their parents had abandoned them and went to another country in order to start a new. The next week, he was jumped by a group of thugs on his way back home and was nearly beaten to death for apparently invading their territory. However, as the group began smashing Amine's belongings to sear a message into his brain that this was their area, they came upon a crimson red watch that changed their lives forever after attempting to break it. All of the thugs were ruthlessly ripped apart by a three headed beast that was once believed to be a specially designed watch. Once the beast had finished off the thugs, it approached Amine with an unexpected amount of food based questions before being convinced to spare him.

Skills:(None at the start but you can still make them ahead of time for future use but pm in advance for info)
Weapon: A wooden sword
Faction:(Leave blank until further notice)
Fusion Type: Vascrelia at full strength, otherwise Amine's in control.

Name: Vascrelia
Age: 19 in human years

Personality: Despite Vascrelia's menacing appearance, he is actually quite nice to those that he doesn't consider a threat. Those he does however, are quickly ripped apart without any signs of hesitation on his part. This type of thinking causes those closest to him to believe that he's a bit reckless. Vascrelia is also a picky fighter, choosing on occasion not to fight someone based on how delicious they smell. Maybe the reason he acts this way is because of the many heads attached to him but one can never know for sure. The only thing that can apparently keep Vascrelia in his right mind is his love for food. He cares nothing for his current partner outside of the importance his partner plays in providing him with food. With that being said, the three headed extraterrestrial dog would jump through hoops in order to save his partner if he ever felt that he was in trouble.

Non Organic everyday Form: A crimson red watch.


1: Three Headed Fireball: Each head of Vascrelia releases a medium sized fireball from their mouth simultaneously at the target.

Some may be learned by their master/partner later on. Maximum 5)
Sync:(I'll inform you on your sync level after a certain point.)
Fusion Type:
Vascrelia, otherwise Amine's in control.

Fusion Appearance:
Fusion Skills:
1: Three Headed Fireball: Each head of Vascrelia releases a large fireball from their mouth simultaneously at the target.
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Name: Kimi
Age: 16
Appearance: Long black hair, always wears white contacts, extremely pale skin. Double snakebites and single anti-bites. Generally dresses in a goth/visual-kei style.
Personality: Quiet, brooding, often fairly shy. She gets extremely aggressive and dominant when she's angry. Tends to be considered an underachiever because of her attitude towards school, but puts a lot of effort in at work and with her musical skills. She's close with the few friends she has and doesn't like to meet new people, but not enough that she won't seek it out when necessary.
Bio: She dropped out of school in order to focus on the band she started with her friends, but was kicked out because the new lead singer decided that her "Style didn't suit their sound." When she dropped out her parents disowned her and she had to find a place to live and, without her band, a job. Luckily she was able to find both at a live house and practice studio she had used to practice in the past. Now she's a live in worker at the venue, using one of the practice spaces when it's free, and checking the advertisement board for bands when she has time.
One night Kimi woke up the sound of slithering and saw what looked like a mass of worms and insects. It reached out to her and told her that it was glad to finally find somebody it trusted. It said that it was touched when Kimi decided to not sell it off during hard times and continue to pay attention and take care of it. Also she's taken care of her for a while unlike past "owners" who felt like there was something wrong with it.
Weapon: Baseball bat
Faction:(Leave blank until further notice)
Fusion Type: Generally Sadako is in control, but if she's angry enough Kimi takes control.

Name: Sadako
Age: 15/75
Appearance: A writhing mass of roundworm-like tentacles and parasitic looking claws.
Personality: Very protective and almost motherly towards the beings it feels close to. Easily angered and slow to trust because for most of her life it's bounced between "owners." Dislikes meeting new people even more than Kimi and won't let anybody other than her touch it in its non organic form.
Non Organic everyday Form: Fender Precision Bass
Powers: Possession (Allows temporary control of another being, but it requires them to be inside the other being. Also takes careful timing and a lot of energy. Leaves the possessed feeling dizzy and confused for a moment after control is released).
Sync:(I'll inform you on your sync level after a certain point.)
Fusion Type: Generally Sadako is in control, but if she's angry enough Kimi takes control.

Fusion Appearance:

Fusion Skills:
1: Sound-based attacks: Uses sound waves to cause pain and discomfort based on resonant frequency. Very simple to use and doesn't take much energy, but is rather indiscriminate in aim.
2: Telekinesis: Ability to manipulate inanimate objects from a distance. Very simple to use and only takes a little more energy then the sound-based attacks.
3: Teleportation: Able to disappear and reappear within their visual range. Difficult to time and takes a lot of energy.
4: Parasitic infection: Summons a parasite that crawls to the target and starts damaging them once contact is made. Difficult to use, takes a lot of energy, and leaves them tired until the power is called off or the target dies.
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