Jurassic Park: Hidden Aftermath

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Mrs. Langston had actually disturbed Vincent somewhat with the prevalence of her accent. They had not told him about her ahead of time when he signed on. Doubts started to cloud his mind in a rather judgmental fashion about just how well the dinosaurs were treat. Already there were armed men who were likely just a few of a well-armed security force and now there was a southern woman in charge of them.

Right after Matt had abandoned ship, or rather jeep, to get a better look at the dinosaurs Vincent was not too far behind. Totally ditching the car he had been sitting in with Kaito and a few others, the scarf lifted up into the wind with how fast he ran. Quite impressive given the designer clothes he wore had not been made with pursuing track and field in mind. Complete disregard seemed part of it as well since the threads were hardly something cheap. But most of all it showed his utter abandonment toward being around these majestic creatures from millions of years ago.

Pretty soon he had caught up to where Matt was due to flat out running and stood a few feet to the younger male's right. An audible sigh of excitement came from him. Now his heart pounded out of sheer joy just seeing them so close. In fact he was nearly a man possessed. . . tempted to actually attempt petting one of the Stegosaur. But at the same time his intellect restrained him. Plenty of incidents were recorded in the past of people just thinking they could touch anything without even the possibility of a violent reaction from the animal. Vincent was not about to give those two hired gunmen that worked here an even vaguely justified chance to kill one of them.

"I almost can't believe they're really here. . .or that we are. . ."

This was certainly different than his last encounter with a dinosaur. But then again that certainly had something to do with this not being a San Diego street gripped with panic and fear. Well, perhaps the lack of a T-Rex's presence also helped add to the positively magical feeling it gave him just to see the creatures walk. Yet the same fascination still gripped him all the way to the soul.
From the second vehicle, Keith instinctively tensed up as he watched Matt had bailed out of the car door and approached the dinosaurs. He heard Mathers utter a few curses from the front passenger seat.

"Aw… what the hell does he think he is doing?" He muttered as he unlatched the door and stepped out, standing behind the door as he watched Matt stand in the roadway ahead of the vehicles. Too many times had he watched ditzy tourists in Africa attempt to get out of vehicles in order to get closer and pet the "friendly" wildlife. Of course if that occurred this time around the "tourist" might end up getting a chest full of spikes.

The dinosaurs were impressive and huge, much larger than Keith had expected. He realized he'd be dealing with much bigger game creatures than normal, but it wasn't until now that he fully appreciated how large the dinosaurs truly were. They'd need potent tranquilizers to knock down a Stegosaurus safely. No doubt CaldGen had them, but Keith had not noticed them in the jeeps when he got in and now he was wishing he had one, just in case.

Just then Keith noticed a second door open on the lead vehicle and out step Vincent.

"Hell …"

Keith watched as Vincent ran down to the spot that Matt was standing at. Keith quickly scanned the behavior of the dinosaurs. Thankfully the dinosaurs seemed to ignore the rapidly approaching figure and continued to cross the road. His job of course was to keep the dinosaurs and the visitors safe from each other and other threats. But Keith wasn't sure what the hell he could do the dinosaurs reacted violently in defense to the intrusion of two tiny humans.

"Hey Mathers, let's bring up the notion of safety locks on the vehicles."
"Better yet. Let's tranquilize the eggheads - solve a lot o' problems." Mathers climbed out of the passenger seat of the second vehicle and rested with his arms slung over the door. He watched the convoy of Stegosaurus up ahead, rolling across the road like some great landslide and trampling trees and verges. They certainly weren't the roadkill variety of dinosaur. The warden kept an eye on Matt and Vincent, hoping they wouldn't get too close. Until they reached the main compound Mathers and Keith wouldn't have the hardware needed to sedate these creatures in an emergency. On the first leg of this trip, everyone was little more than a defenseless tourist.

He took a swig from his hip flask, the whisky burning in his throat like the sun on his neck. "They grow these girls big, don't they?"

He wondered how many herbivores they had on the grazing fields. The electrified areas back there were clearly for the meat-eaters, which would be segreated by species and sometimes by individual territory. But there was no telling how many different grazers had been lumped together in these more open sections. Whatever the case, Mathers was sure that, like the animals in Africa, they would find an equilbrium with one another and with man's intrusion.

Nature always finds a way.

"HEY!" he yelled at Vincent and Matt. "YOU HEARD THE NICE LADY. GET BACK IN THE LUNCHBOXES!"
Mouth still gaping, Kaito was completely spaced out. He would've gotten out too, but two things stopped him. One, the Stegasaurs were huge. Though they were herbivores, he still didn't want to accidently piss one off. Two, the men who had gotten out were being yelled at, Kaito didn't like yelling.

After several moments of him sitting around, looking like a cartoon character with their jaw on the floor, his notepad slid off his lap and onto the floor of the jeep. That snapped him out of his intense thought.

He made no move to get the notepad though. His question was more important, he'd get the notepad after he asked. He turned to Ms. Langston and, clearing his throat to get her attention, he asked, "Do you have velociraptors and other carnivores?" He assumed she knew, she had to know didn't she?

Kaito leaned slightly to his side, preparing to bend over and grab his notepad, however, he wanted to keep his eyes on the woman while he waited for her response.
Irritated, Miss Carol stepped out of the vehicle she was in and marched up to the men who had decided to abandon their vehicles so quickly. "Now, now, I know y'all find this scene a bit pretty but we have a tight schedule to keep and it is time to be movin' on." She said sternly, marching both men back to the vehicle and climbing back into her own. Sitting comfortably as the SUVs continued on their way she turned back to Mathers. "Y'all can be expecting to keep a tight eye on those two. If you do well, you can expect a nice raise." She nodded to him.

The SUVs made a bee-line around the trees and headed over a small bridge which overlooked a creek with a couple of the stegosauruses drinking from and headed further into the forest. The trees rolled past and the cars bumped along before finally crashing through some bushes out into an open field, on the far side a large building could be seen, and it was evident that was to be their destination. The closer they drew the more evident it became that this was an extremely luxurious location, and when they all piled out and entered a collective gasp was audible.

Spared no expense.

Vincent was indeed among those involved in the collective gasp, rather pleased at the design of this structure. It seemed that they had found a way to make it look civilized while still preserving a sort of 'ancient' feel through color and texture. So far nothing had let him down. Even his little unwise excursion toward the Stegos had been dealt with rather smoothly. Adjusting the scarf which hung around his neck until it hung more loosely, his attention was diverted from the luxurious surroundings. Despite the fact he could feel the distinct presence of air conditioning it was becoming painfully obvious that he needed to find a place to deposit the scarf.

Hopefully they would be getting room after all, right?

No one in their right mind would come to this park for just one day. The time it took to fly out here alone made that much obvious. Poor people were likely going to be out of luck unless this woman shared the same charitable sense as John Hammond. Vincent didn't care either way. After all he was enjoying the prestige of being an invited guest. So unless there was some rather fine print that his glasses had not seen. . . . this trip was entirely on the house.