Jumping head first into the water



Original poster
So dear people of Iwaku, it's lovely to meet you all!
Or I'm sure it will be once I actually do. :)

About me, I rped on and off for some time but often had my partners lose interest so I thought I might try a forum and see what it's like to rp with strangers.

Other than that, well, I'm a Finn so I speak English as a second language (or actually third since I started learning Swedish first, but my Swedish is awful). I think I won't have many issues making myself understood, but I apologize in advance for any weird grammar or Finglish phrase.

Okay, I'll wrap this up and take a good look around the board.

Hope you're all having a nice day and nice to meet you!
Well, Sisu the Finn, welcome to Iwaku, a land of methodical madness and dysfunctional organization! If you need anything, I always have freshly baked snack pastries and good advice!
Welcome to Iwaku! This should really be called the capital of roleplaying sites as it is amazing.

I hope you enjoy your stay here! Need anything? Feel free to message me!