Joan and her noodles

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"You'll never be alone."
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Anytime I have internet access, honestly.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Science fiction
Naturally developed romance
OC Fandom (ask about my fandoms!)
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Is this thing on?
[spoili] Nyeh I'll just test this then[/spoili]

Look at the differences

  • Brief description: She has dirty blonde hair, light brown skin, and grayish-green eyes. When not in costume or in her police uniform, she wears plain green cargo pants, a dark flannel shirt, a Kevlar vest under her shirt, and black tactical boots.


    What her bodysuit looks like when she isn't manipulating the dyes at all.


    Her preferred pattern for the suit.



    What she wears over the suit.
  • Name: Joan Riley Ardent

    Alias: Allegra

    Age: 36

    Species: Metahuman

    Height: 6'1"

    Weight: 168 pounds

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Demisexual

    Ethnicity: Mixed

    Other: She enjoys jambalaya and tends to fiddle with everything near her. She's occasionally mistaken for a man, and when it happens, she politely corrects the person's mistake.
  • Her primary ability is a cross between life-force manipulation and energy manipulation. When she is using her ability, it manifests itself as a semi-solid mist the same color as her eyes. She can apply it in the following ways.
    • Mind-to-mind speech: She can connect two or more minds temporarily to allow for direct, silent communication. The connection remains as long as she can or chooses to maintain it. This is one of her less taxing abilities.
    • Active mind reading: She can read the thoughts of one or more individuals, with the effort depending on how actively the other is resisting her. She can also use this to tell where people are as long as they are not using mental concealment.
    • Passive mind reading: This allows her to continually sense just the surface thoughts of those in her immediate vicinity. Anybody with a mental shield, any level of active resistance, or who is good at concealing their thoughts can easily block this ability, allowing them to slip under her radar fairly easily.
    • Thought planting: She can plant suggestive thoughts or illusions in somebody's mind, although maintaining them for longer than a few seconds is difficult.
    Telekinesis: She can lift, move, and hold objects in place using her abilities. She can also form barriers.
    Enhanced physique: She uses her ability to boost her own physical abilities as a passive ability. She can also enhance others temporarily. This gives her...
    • Enhanced healing
    • Enhanced strength
    • Enhanced durability
    • Enhanced agility
    Draining: She can drain from outside sources of manmade or natural energy [i.e. plants, fire, etc.] to fuel her abilities. In a pinch, this can also be used as a combat tactic by sapping somebody's energy.
    Weapon Formation: She can form small objects and melee weapons from her mist, but she can't maintain their shapes for long.
    Power Blasts: Fairly self-explanatory.

    • Every bit of fabric in her costume is designed with dyes that react to her mental impulses, allowing her to camouflage in just about any environment as long as she is able to use her mental abilities. Her outfit is also reinforced with Kevlar.
    • Her gloves have "claws" built into them at the knuckle that she normally sheathes and unsheathes using telekinesis, though they can also be triggered by performing a flicking motion with her hands.
    • She carries a handgun and a taser.

    • Since her abilities are based directly on her own life force, using her powers too much can severely weaken or kill her. She generally overcomes this by drawing upon outside sources of energy like plants and electricity, but if you isolate her from those, she becomes a lot weaker.
    • Any sort of drugs that affect the mind in a negative way or weakness-inducing drugs have a severe dampening effect on her abilities, to the point of shutting them down entirely.
    • She is a little too reliant on her passive mind-reading and enhancements for protection.
    • She's claustrophobic.
  • She grew up in a fairly rich household with two older brothers and a younger brother. As she grew, she often had fun with her brothers and greatly enjoyed her family's company. Her meta abilities manifested themselves at age eight, when one of her brothers knocked a cup full of water over and she caught it with her mind. Upon discovering their daughter was a metahuman, they took it upon themselves to help her prepare for whatever path she chose in life. She expressed a desire to become a hero, so her training included combat, diplomacy, and detective work, among other things. Her brothers were eager to help and even helped her design an outfit and pick a hero name that she's never really used.
    When she reached the age of 21, she left the house and entered police academy. She scored as fairly middling in her class, though this was on purpose to avoid drawing attention to herself. She wound up working for the police department in New York as a homicide detective. She kept that job for the next fifteen years and was part of the response team that discovered the remains of the Chaperon Sentinels.
    During those fifteen years, she supplemented her police work with work as a superhero. She worked very hard to stay under the radar and avoid recognition for her actions. She did not want the public eye on her, ever, and she was mostly successful, though there has been a rumor or two. She also avoided interactions with other heroes as much as possible as part of her attempts to avoid the public eye. Until T.H.U.N.D.E.R. approached her, she believed that nobody other than her family knew her hero identity existed, much less knew it was her.
  • Joan had been walking home from work when her phone went off in her pocket. One glance at the screen told her that the caller was nobody she knew, and she considered ignoring the call for a few moments. Just before it would have stopped ringing, she let out a faint sigh and hit the button to answer it.
    "Who is this?" Her voice was gruff, hoarse, demanding even. Whoever was on the other end paused briefly before answering her.
    "Miss Ardent?" The voice sent shivers up her spine. Calm, collected, with an undertone that reminded her slightly of the type that were always justifying every twisted action they took. Again, she considered hanging up. In fact, her finger was moving toward the button when the voice spoke again."Now don't be hasty. I want to offer you a deal." Her finger continued its journey toward the button, but paused at the man's next sentence. "It has to do with your less...well-known activities, the-"
    "What the hell are you talking about?" she hissed, hastening her pace. She didn't like the tone of the man's voice, and something was telling her she should make it home as fast as possible. Then, of course, there was the thought that this man might know something. But that's impossible, isn't it?
    "I believe you know what I'm talking about." Joan felt her body grow cold. Someone knows. That was the only thought pounding through her brain. Someone knows. How does he know??? Still, a response somehow made it out of her mouth without any awkward pauses. Her voice was surprisingly calm for how she felt at the moment.
    "Wait, this isn't one of my brothers playing a joke on me, is it? Arron, if this is you, I swear I'm going to--"
    "This is no joke, miss Ardent." The smooth voice cut in, and Joan found herself speeding up her pace even more, to the point where she was on the verge of jogging. Not quite there, but still close.
    "Well, what is it, then? Blackmail?" she asked in a somewhat sarcastic tone. Inside, she was screaming. She had always been terrified of somebody coming after her in any way, shape, or form. And now it was happening.
    "The organization I represent is offering you an opportunity for you to do more good than you already are, while still staying in the shadows." This sentence made her pause, and her pace slowed as she processed that sentence. She had expected none of it.
    "Wait, you're kidding me, right?"
    "No, I am not. You would be part of an under-the-radar task force. You can leave any time as long as you are not currently on a mission and inform the proper officials. The primary goal is to maintain peace while the world's governments and hero teams find a cure for the Meta Fever."
    "What's the catch?" Joan spoke after a moment's contemplation.
    "Well...You would be working alongside former villains." This sentence was followed by a long pause from Joan as she considered the deal.
    "...I can live with that," she stated at last as she reached her apartment building. "Where do I go to meet you guys?"
    "One of our officers will be waiting by the outside of your apartment building in an hour." With that, the man hung up, and Joan tucked the phone into her pocket. A task force, eh? This would be interesting...


  • Brief description: She has waist-length thick curly black hair that she keeps tied back in a ponytail or bun almost all of the time. She has a skinny, lightly muscled build and surprisingly long limbs and appendages. She typically wears a black turtleneck and jeans when not in costume. She always wears her boots, costume or no costume.


    Her basic outfit, designed for freedom of movement and mild protection. The fabric is enchanted with protection spells and an inactive invisibility spell that she activates when necessary.

    Her gloves have no fabric in the palm area.

    Her boots have hidden pockets inside them that she conceals the shrunken book and staff in on a regular basis.
  • Name: Naivara Adrianna Yvonne

    Alias: Nyra

    Age: 24

    Species: Metahuman

    Height: 5'4"

    Weight: 116 lbs

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Ethnicity: African-American

    Other: She has a fondness for anything horror and enjoys making fun of movies.
  • She has an innate knack for manipulating and wielding magical energy. However, before she found the book and staff, her magic was mostly random, unfocused, and based on instinct. The book and staff work together to harness and enhance innate magical ability. They are unusable without that innate talent, but once paired with a suitable metahuman, they allow for devastating and powerful magic.
    • Her staff is a powerful sentient magical artifact that has a multitude of effects. The primary ones she's aware of are enhancing her magical ability to peak power and dispelling any malevolent magic cast on her. For the staff to have these effects, she has to be touching it. However, the staff's magic acts to keep it from being taken from her by force. Though she's not aware of it, the magic also keeps her from giving it up willingly.
    • The book works together with the staff and is full of spells that only a magic user can read. The spells brand themselves into the memory of whoever the book and staff bind themselves to. The book itself holds power and will automatically record any spells the one it is bound to witnesses. It also can mimic abilities in the form of one-use spells. The book can cast magic on its own as a defense measure.
    • As a backup, she has a pair of swords that she is moderately skilled with.
    • She also carries throwing knives that she uses in normal combat to supplement her blasts of magic.
    • Her outfit is reinforced over vital areas with Kevlar.
    • Of course, any magic negation will shut her down hard and, if it's powerful enough, will make her extremely vulnerable since the book and staff will be disabled as well.
    • She has only slightly above average strength, and, as such, is not very durable without her wards and enhancements.
    • Without the book and staff, she is almost nothing, since she relies so heavily on them to control and use her magic. Without them, she would be just about helpless.
  • Naivara was the daughter of an orphanage director. As a result, she grew up among many impoverished, unfortunate children. She hated every minute of it. Some of the kids were fun to hang out with, but she was frankly disgusted by most of them and felt little to no sympathy for them. After all, both her parents were alive and well, and she was fairly well-off herself. Because of this, she mostly kept to herself throughout her early years and up to her teens. Her younger brother did not share this attitude and spent all his time with the orphanage kids, so she barely knew him.
    As soon as she hit eighteen, she moved out and got a job as a journalist. That stuck around until she was hired as some rich woman's personal companion at age twenty. Her newspaper begged her to take the job when the ad popped up since it would be good story material, so she went. She spent the next year with the woman, and she actually found it quite fascinating. Madam Mirda was an interesting woman, both extremely proper around others and quite eccentric at most times, and she seemed full of wisdom. She put up with Naivara's cold nature and even endorsed it, and Naivara put up with Madam Mirda's eccentricies when she wasn't flat-out in awe of them. It was a good match. That is, until she discovered the book and staff.
    The Madam had gone out for the day, and, for once, had insisted that Naivara stay home. When Naivara protested, Mirda told her that this was something she needed to do alone. What that thing was, however, she refused to say. So, cross at being left behind, Naivara set about cleaning the house. It served to both vent her fury and save the maid the work. So clean she did, all throughout the house and even into the Madam's room. She lifted up the mattress to change the sheets and discovered that there was a slit in the fabric. Her curiosity aroused, she reached inside and pulled out a large book and a simple, yet elegant metal staff. She examined the staff first. It was covered in tiny runes, and as she ran her fingers over them, she realized that she understood what they said. It was an incantation of some sort, and as she read the lines in her head, the runes began to emit a faint black glow.
    With me, you will be forever guarded from harm.
    With me, you will fell your foes with ease.
    With me, your abilities will reach their peak.
    With me, you will never be alone.
    Once you are with me, you will never let me go,
    unless you choose a path of destruction.

    As she read the final line, the glow faded, and she felt something...clicking into place inside her. At this point, she was beginning to get scared, but she set the staff down beside her and turned to the book. When she opened it, she discovered that it was full of the same runes, and like before, she could understand them even though she had never seen them before. It was full of instructions on how to perform various spells by shaping the innate magical energy around her with words, gestures, and thoughts. She read quickly as if compelled, each page branding itself into her memory with a glance, and she had just reached the final page when the door opened downstairs. The maid was here, and she knew that she had to conceal what she had done. She formed a replica of the book and staff with magic and stowed them inside the mattress before hurrying out of the room through the nearest window.
    She returned to the house later that day, on the pretense that she had gone shopping. She had discovered that the staff was collapsible, no doubt due to its magical properties, and the book was easily concealed by casting an illusion spell on it to make it appear to be a copy of the collected works of Edgar Allan Poe. The Madam returned even later, visibly distressed, and immediately took the maid aside to speak with her privately. She then rushed upstairs and returned with a pale, withdrawn look to her, and asked if Naivara had been in her room that day. Naivara denied it, of course. Later that night, they ate supper together, and halfway through the meal, Naivara felt dizzy and had a raging headache, so she went to bed early. Before she fell asleep, something compelled her to cast a shrinking spell on the book and conceal it and the staff on her person.
    She woke up the next morning chained to a wall in the basement, with the room full of sickly sweet smells and fumes. Mirda was there and told her that she knew Naivara had taken the book and staff and asked where they were. When Naivara tried to deny knowing anything, the fumes forced her to tell the truth. She told Mirda that she had taken them but could not reveal their location. She stayed in that basement for nearly a month, being constantly questioned by either Mirda or the maid and continually telling them she couldn't reveal the location of the magical artifacts. The only reason she didn't stay down there longer was because her newspaper came looking for her, and Mirda was forced to let her out. However, she placed a spell on Naivara that kept her from revealing anything to the people from the newspaper or leaving the grounds. That didn't bother Naivara. As soon as she managed to get herself alone, she pulled the staff out of the hidden pocket she had been keeping it in. Placing her hand on the staff freed her from the spell instantly, and she escaped out yet another window.
    For the past three years, she's been in hiding and focusing solely on keeping herself alive and undetected by Mirda. When she was offered the opportunity to work for T.H.U.N.D.E.R., she snapped the position up, eager for the protection it would provide.
  • Naivara's eyes flickered open at the sound of footsteps. She had been lying curled up against the wall, one arm over her head. As she sat up, there was the familiar sound of chains jangling, and she grumbled wordlessly to herself as she crossed her legs and settled into a semi-comfortable position. Who's it gonna be this time? Mirda? Her wench? Or what if they throw someone new at me? What are the chances of that? The footsteps grew louder, and Madam Mirda stepped into view and halted just outside her cramped cell. Nope, it's boring old Mirda again. Actually, I take that back. You're not boring. Just a horrid old bitch who can't accept that the artifacts have moved on.
    Oh, how she wished she could say the words aloud. The enchanted fumes were not only making it impossible for her to speak anything but the truth, they also prevented her from speaking unless spoken to. They also made breathing near impossible for her, but after the--she glanced at the wall--twenty-seven days, she was learning to cope.
    "Look at me, Naivara." The cold voice of Madam Mirda cut into her thoughts, and, though she desperately wished to defy the woman, Naivara's head slowly turned toward her. That voice had once been warm and friendly, she remembered. Now, their year of friendship seemed to have evaporated under the influence of magic. Maybe that was what it did to you. Ripped your life and relationships apart, leaving you a hard, bitter, and empty shell that cared for nothing.
    Mirda was speaking again, and Naivara sighed internally as she was forced to listen. "Is this going to be the day you tell me where you hid them, child?"
    Don't call me child. You only called me that when we were friends.
    "Like I've told you enough times that I've lost count, I can't."
    She placed every bit of bitterness she felt into the words, adding silently Good thing, too. Otherwise you would take them, and where would that leave me? Dead, no doubt, or a memory-stripped husk dumped out on the street. I can't think which is worse, actually.
    "Pity." Mirda let out an affected sigh and moved across the room to the fireplace, where she gazed at it thoughtfully for a few moments before adding a few more herbs. "One of these days, we'll find the right combination of herbs and magic, and then you'll talk."
    No, I won't. The artifacts are too strong for that, and you know that. You're holding on to a false hope, and when it runs out, what will you do? You're nothing without it, you've admitted as much. Oh, how she wished Mirda could hear her thoughts.
    She watched as Mirda fiddled with the fire for a while, muttering spells and incantations, then straightened her back and turned back to face Naivara. She was about to speak when the maid came charging in, eyes wide in panic. They quickly huddled together in the corner, though Naivara could still just make out their conversation.
    "Madam, people from her paper called. They want to speak with her, today."
    "You couldn't put them off?"
    "Believe me, I tried."
    "Damn it all!"
    You're in a fix now, ain'tcha? Stuck figuring out how to please them while keeping me from blurting anything out? Well, surprise! Not all of us get what we want! The Madam was approaching her cage again, one arm extended. She muttered something under her breath, and Naivara felt her nausea increase briefly before the chains fell off her and the door swung open. She got cautiously to her feet, eyeing the two women warily. She would have moved much more quickly and tried to make a run for it, but the nausea persisted and was only beginning to fade. Besides, it had been a while since she stood on her feet.
    "Your newspaper is paying us a visit in a few minutes." Mirda spoke coldly as she watched Naivara adjust. "Therefore, I am forced to let you out for a little while. But don't get any ideas. You will not be able to leave the grounds or tell your friends anything relating to magic or your stay down here. Do you understand?"
    "Loud and clear, Madam." She put every bit of venom she could muster into that last word, and was rewarded by seeing the woman press her lips tightly together and walking out.
    The maid escorted her upstairs and to her bedroom, telling her to freshen up. She stayed in the room with Naivara, obviously keeping an eye out for the artifacts and preventing her from making any escape attempts. This irked Naivara to no end, but she was relieved to be wearing her boots again. They were her key to getting out of there.
    The next two hours were a fury-filled blur. Her friends from work greeted her warmly and asked her all sorts of questions. The magic compelled her to answer several of them with flat-out lies, which was infuriating. In addition to that, either the maid or Mirda was watching her at every moment, making it impossible for her to slip off. She nearly screamed, and she would have, if the damn magic hadn't forced her to hold her tongue.
    Finally, she saw her chance. She had pickpocketed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from one of her friends and, while giving them a tour of the house and her living space, had used the lighter to light the pack and shove it under her bedsheets. One of her friends had seen it and given her an odd look, and she shook her head at him in a wordless plea for him to keep his mouth shut. Thankfully, he did, and they had just reached the living room when a smoke alarm went off. The maid responded to instinct and rushed off. The moment she was gone, Naivara peeled off from the group and locked herself in the nearest restroom. She reached down and slid her nails into the slit near the top of her boot. Her fingers closed around a slim silver rod, and immediately she felt something evaporating off of her. She knew it was the spell that had been cast on her two hours ago and smiled.
    There was no time to waste. She grasped the tiny rod tightly in her hand and unlocked the door. When she opened it, the maid was there, a furious look on her face. Naivara stepped back and pointed her two first fingers at the maid before exhaling heavily. The maid had just opened her mouth to call Mirda when she turned into a block of ice. Naivara shoved the frozen maid to the floor and let her shatter without a second thought. She ran to the living room, where the rod grew back to its normal size long enough for her to smash a window. She vaulted over the windowsill and ran. She didn't stop until she was deep in the city and had paid for a hotel room.
    As she collapsed on the bed, a few thoughts ran over and over in her mind.
    I'm free.
    Twenty-seven days stolen from me.
    She'll kill me for what I did to her maid, artifacts or no artifacts.
  • Brief description: He has incredibly pale skin from spending so much time in front of a computer screen or in his suit. He has little to no muscle and has a fairly average build. He tends to stare somewhat vacantly into the distance while he's thinking. He also has large bags under his eyes from late nights and early mornings.


    His costume, pure and simple.

  • Name: Alexander Heron Mitchell

    Alias: Core

    Age: 28

    Species: Metahuman

    Height: 5'8"

    Weight: 149 lb

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Ethnicity: Caucasian - American

    Other: He is always trying to improve and innovate everything. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" does not describe him in the slightest, and he doesn't see why it should. He also enjoys mystery novels.
  • He's a technopath.

    Technology communication: He can communicate with and through technology. He can collect data and issue mental commands for it to obey.
    Technology manipulation/control: He can disable/enable tech, make it move and act, or reprogram it using his mind. He can also lift and move any tech in a telekinetic manner.
    Technology augmentation/restoration: He can fix and improve any technology around him.
    Technological constructs: With a source of power and the right materials, he can create any kind of technology in any shape or form. He uses this to create makeshift weapons or innovative new technologies that he uses regularly.

    Teleportation: Additonally, he has a short-range teleportation ability. He is restricted to five-foot distances unless he is enhanced somehow. At this time, he can't bring another person with him, just himself and what he's wearing/carrying. Technology's easy to teleport, but that's only due to his other ability. As a side effect of his other ability, he can also travel through technology and teleport from one connected piece to another. This includes teleporting along a cell phone call, for example, or across phone wires.
    • His suit is primarily made from titanium and is reinforced with Kevlar for added protection. It's your standard Iron Man suit: capable of rocket-powered flight and loaded with weapons and gadgets. The suit can interface with any technological device and enhances his own abilities enormously.
    • He has utilized his own teleportational ability and coupled it with his ability to manipulate technology, creating a hard drive and set of gloves that work together to create a very large storage space. The gloves teleport an object he's touching into the space on the hard drive as a data signature, and he can retrieve it whenever he desires by either focusing on the hard drive or connecting it to another device and typing in a command. This hard drive is normally in his laptop and contains several gadgets and, when he's in his civilian guise, his suit.
    • In his civilian guise, he carries a taser and a gun as backup. The taser is preferable because it's a bit easier for him to manipulate, while the gun is saved for a last resort.
    • He carries a laptop either in a special bag or in a slot on the back of the suit. This laptop is his method of choice to store and decrypt data.
    • Except for his teleportation ability, he's pretty useless without technology. Even with that, he has no idea how to use his teleportation in combat at all and could only really use it to move a short distance away in an emergency.
    • He is not very durable without any form of protection.
    • For him, "technology" means anything with electrical components: he cannot manipulate anything without those components.
  • Alex grew up as the second child in a middle-class suburban home. He had one brother who was older by about five years. Alex mostly kept to himself during his home life as a personal choice, though he did enjoy close friendships with all of his family members.
    He discovered his abilities at age eleven. He was fiddling with a few broken computers his family had owned and just hadn't thrown out yet. Suddenly, they all turned on at once, and he was filled with a sense of wonder as the information poured into his brain. From then on, he was always around technology whenever possible. He learned to manage the streams of information from the technology, and quickly discovered how to redirect it and command it. He took the computers apart and put them back together with his mind repeatedly and even learned how to make them better. Everything was a secret from his family, and a fairly easy to keep one at that. What with his normal seclusion coupled with a friendship with his family members, it was startlingly easy to keep this one secret from them.
    At nineteen, he moved out. He had already gotten a job with Ladre Technologies, the biggest technology and innovation company out there. There, he flourished. At his new home, he could constantly develop his abilities, and at work, he created new technologies that helped people. He rose quickly in the ranks, though he avoided being promoted to a manager. He preferred to develop his own technology in peace instead of overseeing others. And so it went for the next nine years of his life. A peaceful life as a developer at Ladre Technologies, doing what he loved most and helping others in his own way.
    Then the Meta Fever hit, and Alex watched in horror as the world seemed to go mad. Metas were falling left and right, and there was nothing he could do. He worked frantically on device after device, but nothing worked to either track and heal the Fever or find the source. He felt helpless until T.H.U.N.D.E.R. called.
  • Alex paced up and down in his workshop, arms tightly crossed. Occasionally, he would reach up and ruffle his hair violently with both hands at once, growling to himself. Damn it, there has to be something! There's always something! There's always been something! Just find it already, damn it! This thought kept looping through his head until he though he was going insane. He let out a half-stifled shriek of frustration and smacked the wall before he resumed pacing.
    His cell phone rang, and he whipped around in a 180 degree turn, staring at the desk. His phone was ringing loudly, and he slowly uncrossed his arms as he focused on his phone. The call was coming from a long distance away, a little too far for him to track, but he could tell it was likely coming from somebody in government. He hesitated before stretching out a hand and calling the phone to his hand. He pressed the button to pick up and turned speaker phone on.
    "Who is this, and what do you want?"
    "Hello, Alex." A friendly, almost chirpy l female voice greeted him.
    "I said, who is--"
    "My name is Andrea, and I'm a representative of an organization called T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Since you work for Ladre Tech, I trust you've heard of us?"
    "You're the guys we sold nanites to." Alex sat down on the floor, frowning slightly. "Is there a problem with those?"
    "No, no problem with them." He heard the woman taking a deep breath. "Alex, we want you to come work for us."
    "...Okay, not what I expected." Alex's frown deepened. "What would I be doing, exactly?"
    "Let me put it this way...think a superhero team, only a little more hidden from the public eye, and we take everybody who will accept our offer."
    "Meaning you accept villains as well." Alex sighed slightly and rubbed his scalp, wondering how, exactly, they had figured out he was a metahuman. "Give me one good reason."
    "You'd be making a positive difference in the search for a cure." He didn't even need to ask her what the cure was for. It was obvious.
    "I'm in."
    "Ah, good. We'll pick you up at the end of your next work day." The woman hung up, and Alex was left with a faint sense of relief.
    Maybe I can't make a cure myself, but at least I can help others do it.
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[fieldbox="Testing box, #473, dashed, 30, trebuchet ms"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla quis nibh arcu. Integer ultrices elit ut tellus hendrerit, in tempor risus rutrum. Vivamus condimentum cursus est eget dapibus. Vivamus ac laoreet sem. Suspendisse ac lorem ut massa tincidunt suscipit. In tempus dolor id sem euismod aliquam. Donec elementum quam at nulla gravida, sit amet lobortis elit efficitur. Cras viverra eros eget risus volutpat, in porttitor turpis rhoncus. Vivamus eu accumsan arcu. Mauris ut justo dapibus, venenatis augue a, luctus lacus. Vestibulum finibus finibus aliquam.

Aenean non augue at turpis hendrerit fermentum ut eget nibh. Ut sit amet est sed ex semper consequat ac quis justo. Morbi convallis sit amet augue sed vestibulum. Integer porttitor, lectus feugiat iaculis laoreet, risus lacus varius enim, vel cursus dolor nunc vel orci. Morbi convallis faucibus magna, a luctus ante dictum nec. Quisque erat justo, pulvinar ac auctor vitae, sollicitudin nec dolor. Praesent ac nulla ante. Vivamus aliquet sem nisi, finibus volutpat lectus bibendum et. Cras sollicitudin lorem dapibus ullamcorper consectetur. Duis ornare et mi eget tristique.

Morbi in nunc ac lectus consectetur aliquet. Mauris venenatis augue vel sem auctor molestie. Phasellus sed augue hendrerit, iaculis velit pharetra, efficitur ligula. Pellentesque placerat quam massa. Nunc malesuada fermentum elementum. Nulla facilisi. Duis at tristique sem.

Duis tincidunt ullamcorper mi vel lobortis. Pellentesque finibus lorem ut orci mattis faucibus. Morbi placerat condimentum dui et ultricies. Fusce et blandit lacus. Donec ac libero et nibh ultricies mattis non vitae felis. Cras ut laoreet diam, id fringilla felis. Proin et arcu ultrices turpis auctor egestas sit amet eget erat. Aenean sed vulputate neque. Praesent sit amet sapien commodo, elementum metus a, volutpat diam. Morbi turpis ex, tempor quis faucibus at, eleifend eu tortor.

Phasellus efficitur nisl ac mi mattis scelerisque. Nunc euismod pharetra consectetur. Duis eget velit eget ex suscipit mollis ac a enim. Aliquam at blandit nisl. Donec nec est massa. Nunc quis metus ut libero accumsan laoreet. Sed ultrices quam arcu, vitae mollis nunc lacinia a. Cras eget lobortis ipsum.[/fieldbox]

Fieldbox order is title, color, line type, curve, and font.



Dryverni ("drih-vear-nee") The sentient species of the planet Vyrela. A species of draconic humanoids capable of natural flight and manipulating Hzar.

Shiren ("shee-ren"). The sentient species of the planet Zolar. A species of serpentine humanoids with typically intangible, ghostlike bodies and capable of manipulating Hzar.

Hzar ("hi-zar"). The fourth fundamental force of the universe, alongside the strong force, the electroweak force, and the gravitational force. It is the life force and has strong ties to minds and energy.


About 105 years ago, the Dryverni and Shiren both found they were not alone. They discovered each other, and Earth as well. While they were both content to leave simple scouts on Earth, they weren't quite as sure what to do with the other species. At first, there was talk of a mutual alliance, but that was not to be. Instead, for the past 104 years, almost since they discovered each other, the Dryverni and Shiren have been at war. Nobody knows who started the war, and both species blame each other.

23 years ago, the fighting officially ceased. Instead, the two species are locked in a cold war, both of them continually trying to gain the upper hand over the other species. Currently, the Dryverni are winning, and there has been talk of the war finally ending. But the Shiren refuse to give up. Just when it seems like peace will finally come, the Shiren have come up with a plan that could change the course of the war. The Shiren are attacking influential Dryverni and taking control of their bodies, using their identities and memories to bring the Dryverni government down from the inside. The only people who know what's happening are the people close enough to the Dryverni being possessed to notice the difference, or possibly a few who stumbled upon the Shiren possessing the Dryverni. Either way, they cannot be allowed to live. The Shiren are hunting those few Dryverni down and killing, imprisoning, or possessing them, ensuring that the Dryverni Council will not find out what is happening until it is too late. The unlucky Dryverni have been forced to flee to Earth, the one neutral ground left, to preserve their lives. However, Earth will not be neutral ground much longer. The Shiren will follow the Dryverni and stop them from contacting the Council, even if it means revealing their presence to humans.


Within this roleplay, you will play the Dryverni on the run from the Shiren, the Shiren chasing them or traitor Shiren, and/or humans who become aware of what is happening and get involved. More information on the setting, species, and Hzar is included in the Info Dump.

1) Follow basic Iwaku rules at all times. This really shouldn't have to be said, but I've seen roleplays lose people because they broke the rules before, and I don't want that to happen here.
2) Don't be a jerk. This also shouldn't have to be said, but I'm saying it anyway.
3) Be active in the OOC as much as possible. This can mean the thread or the Discord, preferably both. I want to know you're sticking around and getting involved.
4) What mods say goes, period. Kim and I have the final word on everything, however. We will always do our best to explain our decisions and be fair, so please respect our wishes. If you don't think we're being fair, please tell us.
5) Please contact a mod if you have any issues or questions. We will try our best to help you out. This goes for dropping out as well.
6) Multiple characters are allowed and encouraged, as long as you can handle them and as long as you keep them somewhat equally developed. However, if you turn out unable to handle a character, we can turn them into an NPC or kill them off. Same goes for if you have to drop out.
7) Questions about the roleplay, lore, and whatever else are encouraged. If you have any, please ask on this thread or the designated channel on Discord, or PM me or a mod. I would recommend that if you ask through PM, you message me, since I created the world, but the other mods have the information about the world as well. Worst case scenario, they have to ask me about it anyway, so it's not a huge deal.
8) There is potential for your characters to die, but it is not guaranteed. That being said, I do have some plans for death of a few of my characters and NPCs lined up, and I will probably make similar plans for anybody with multiple characters or who is willing to make a new character. I will not kill your character off without talking to you first, but that is something to keep in mind.
9) For posts, I prefer multiple paragraphs with some detail to them and a post once every week or every two weeks, but as long as I have an idea how things are going and you're putting effort into everything and giving everybody something to work with, it's all good.
10) Have fun! If you're not, let somebody know, and we'll do our best to help you out.
11) Finally, I would request that you use the color guide if you're coloring your posts at all. This is not a hard requirement, but it makes everybody's lives easier.​
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  • Dryverni (Drih-vear-nee) are draconic humanoids from the planet Vyrela. Common characteristics include large bat wings covered in feather-like scales, spikes from the forehead to the end of the tail, wrist to wrist, and along the backs of the legs, interlocking layers of scales in place of skin, tails used for combat, climbing, and flight, and a generally lean, tightly muscled build. They do have hair. Dryverni generally have one color across their whole body with patterns, accents, or subtle flecks of another color, with hair, scales, and everything matching. Most Dryverni are shades of green, blue, brown, and grey, with more uncommon colors including shades of black, white, red, yellow, and orange. Dryverni lifespans are generally 120-150 years. Physically, they mature faster than humans, but they are only considered to be adults at 22.
    Dryverni are generally designed from materials that are far more lightweight and durable than humans are. Their bones are honeycombed for less weight and a durable structure. Their scales are lightweight, sturdy, sharp around the edges, and normally somewhat flexible, and they are in a few interlocking layers that can be manipulated to 'bristle up' or harden and lock together to form armor. These scales provide the protection of light body armor, and can stop a bullet or two. The spikes on a Dryverni's back, arms, legs, and tail are able to be flattened slightly for flight.
    Dryverni tails can be anywhere from just a bit longer than the legs to as long as the Dryverni is tall, depending on the ethnicity of the Dryverni in question. As for the wings, they have the general shape and structure of bat wings. However, they are entirely covered in long, feather-shaped scales, giving a similar appearance to bird wings. The wingspans vary from about the height of the Dryverni to twice the height, once again depending on the ethnicity. Dryverni appendages are long, ridged, sharp claws covered in scales that can cut through scales fairly easily when force is put behind them. Because of this, Dryverni are incredibly careful with their claws and either cover them with shoes, gloves, or special sheathes, or they keep the scales on their claws continually flat and smooth as a sort of natural sheathe. It is easier to have the special coverings, however. As for physical ability, they are, on average, on par with the fictional super soldier Captain America, though a fair number of them are stronger and faster or weaker.
    As far as Hzar manipulation goes, Dryverni generally excel in telepathy, telekinesis, and what would be considered elemental control (electricity, heat, sound, plants, light, and other forms of energy). They do not fare as well with transmutation, shapeshifting, generation, or anything to do with matter. While they do have a slight regenerative factor and can quite easily crystallize Hzar for later use, they generally rely on technology to help them with anything involving shifting matter. They are quite excellent at making and using technology based on Hzar. Dryverni who are not Hzor are incredibly uncommon, and are generally considered crippled.
  • Shiren (Shee-ren) are serpentine humanoids from the planet Zolar. Common characteristics include a thick, emancipated-looking snakelike body and head with long, unhealthily skinny limbs and a continuing tail, feathers, constant shapeshifting and partially incorporeal bodies, smooth, hard skin, and, normally, a kind of half-formed wraithlike appearance. Shiren share a color with their Hzar. They are typically a dull, grey or brown tinted shade of any color you can think of, although greens, browns, blacks, and reds are more common than other shades. Shiren can live up to 210 years easily. Shiren reproduce asexually by splitting part of themselves off and giving it the energy to grow into a new Shiren, so new Shiren are generally physically mature shortly after birth, but they require about 15-16 years for their mental state to become that of an adult. Even a newly-formed Shiren will remember at least some of the experiences of its parent, however.
    Normally, Shiren are durable and tanklike physically, despite their emancipated, slightly skeletal/corpselike appearance. Their skin is sturdier than Dryverni scales, enough to withstand a few bullets, and their physical abilityis even greater than that of a Dryverni. However, this only applies to Shiren that are Hzor. Non-Hzor still have the durable skin, but they cannot repair it if they get injured, and their physical ability is closer to that of an average human or a weaker human, making them, by all but human standards, incredibly weak and vulnerable. Shiren naturally have snakelike bodies, with bony limbs, a long tail, and a lizard's head. They are covered in small, sharp feathers, primarily on the neck, head, limbs, and tail. Most Shiren have tattered bat wings, although those wings are not natural, and a non-Hzor cannot have them. Shiren fingers and toes are long, needlelike claws resembling bones. However, Shiren appearances vary widely, since they have a natural shapeshifting ability and enjoy using it. Non-Hzor among Shiren do not live long in most cases, and are considered non-functional.
    Shiren are extremely adept with most applications of Hzar. In particular, they excel in shifting matter and energy, telepathy, and telekinesis. Shifting matter is their forte, as can be seen from their constant shapeshifting and teleporting. However, Shiren do not do very well with "elemental" control or with Hzar-based technology, especially foreign technology. They do much better when left with their natural ability, but they cannot always match technology.

A few quick guidelines:
1) When filling out the Hzor field, remember that humans are rarely Hzor, but Dryverni and Shiren are nearly always Hzor, with more Shiren being Hzor than Dryverni. A Dryverni or Shiren who is not Hzor will most likely be viewed as a cripple, and there is the question of how they got to Earth in the first place. That being said, I am open to any ideas you may have and working with you to make them work.
2) Please try to put the same amount of effort and development into each of your characters. I understand if there is some imbalance, but please, do try to make sure they're close to each other.
3) You may have as many characters as you like as long as you can handle them. If you cannot handle them, they will be turned into an NPC, killed off, or whatever other genius idea you can come up with.
4) Hzar color is relevant whether your character is a Hzor or not, since other Hzor will see your character's color and it is the color of your character's life force.
5) For each of the fields, you can write as much or as little as you want, as long as it fills the fields and it gives me an idea of who your character is, how they got where they are, etc. I want to know you have a good picture of your character in your head and you can play them well, and if that means a paragraph or two for each field, listing off traits and bullet points, quick summaries, or long, detailed exposition...whatever works, y'know?

Please DM this sheet to me and @Kimberlyn before posting here. If we approve it, you can post it here. If we do not approve it, we will tell you why, and you will get the chance to revise it. We do not have a limit on how many times you can revise, but if it gets to the point that we don't think this will work out, we will let you know.

The fancy CS provided below was done by @Starlighter. If you need help using the BBCode, just DM me and Kim the uncoded sheet, and we will code it for you once your character is approved.

Name: (First Last, middle preferred but not optional)
Hzar Color: (Picture is handy but not necessary. This will double as your text color if you use those, so provide a hex code.)
Appearance: (Natural, human, and preferred. For images, I ask that you choose a photo or realistic art.)
Personality: (At least a basic sketch, enough that I know you understand your character and they're not one-dimensional)
History: (Don't have to go beyond a couple paragraphs, just give me an idea of your character's foundation and how they got where they are now.)
Preferred Fighting Style: (Include here what your character prefers to use Hzor for)

|Age| |Sex| |Species| |Hzor (Y/N)| |Hzar Colour(if you have an image attach a link)

[fieldbox="Appearance, #473939, outset, 6, Papyrus"]

145 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis, purus nec commodo cursus, erat felis ornare arcu, quis cursus elit ex non ex. Vivamus rutrum sit amet ante eu consectetur. Vestibulum elementum sit amet nisl at lobortis. Sed ex neque, cursus a lorem in, ornare pellentesque arcu. Integer posuere vitae dolor nec aliquet. Phasellus sodales ex in ipsum laoreet, vel consequat est tincidunt. Donec lobortis, turpis id vulputate hendrerit, nunc neque consectetur lorem, at maximus quam dolor nec felis. Donec pulvinar nibh est, in tincidunt mi ornare a. Suspendisse ultricies viverra mattis. Morbi consectetur magna sit amet dolor hendrerit, in sollicitudin massa semper. Phasellus nulla ex, tristique a hendrerit non, ullamcorper nec leo. Integer bibendum nisi eu aliquet feugiat. Nulla non neque sed enim volutpat mattis. Curabitur eu lobortis ipsum.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Personality, #473939, outset, 6, Papyrus"] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis, purus nec commodo cursus, erat felis ornare arcu, quis cursus elit ex non ex. Vivamus rutrum sit amet ante eu consectetur. Vestibulum elementum sit amet nisl at lobortis. Sed ex neque, cursus a lorem in, ornare pellentesque arcu. Integer posuere vitae dolor nec aliquet. Phasellus sodales ex in ipsum laoreet, vel consequat est tincidunt. Donec lobortis, turpis id vulputate hendrerit, nunc neque consectetur lorem, at maximus quam dolor nec felis. Donec pulvinar nibh est, in tincidunt mi ornare a. Suspendisse ultricies viverra mattis. Morbi consectetur magna sit amet dolor hendrerit, in sollicitudin massa semper. Phasellus nulla ex, tristique a hendrerit non, ullamcorper nec leo. Integer bibendum nisi eu aliquet feugiat. Nulla non neque sed enim volutpat mattis. Curabitur eu lobortis ipsum.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="History, #473939, outset, 6, Papyrus"] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis, purus nec commodo cursus, erat felis ornare arcu, quis cursus elit ex non ex. Vivamus rutrum sit amet ante eu consectetur. Vestibulum elementum sit amet nisl at lobortis. Sed ex neque, cursus a lorem in, ornare pellentesque arcu. Integer posuere vitae dolor nec aliquet. Phasellus sodales ex in ipsum laoreet, vel consequat est tincidunt. Donec lobortis, turpis id vulputate hendrerit, nunc neque consectetur lorem, at maximus quam dolor nec felis. Donec pulvinar nibh est, in tincidunt mi ornare a. Suspendisse ultricies viverra mattis. Morbi consectetur magna sit amet dolor hendrerit, in sollicitudin massa semper. Phasellus nulla ex, tristique a hendrerit non, ullamcorper nec leo. Integer bibendum nisi eu aliquet feugiat. Nulla non neque sed enim volutpat mattis. Curabitur eu lobortis ipsum.
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Skills &Weaknesses, #473939, outset, 6, Papyrus"]


[fieldbox="Preferred Fighting Style, #473939, outset, 6, Papyrus"]Vivamus rutrum sit amet ante eu consectetur. Vestibulum elementum sit amet nisl at lobortis. Sed ex neque, cursus a lorem in, ornare pellentesque arcu. Integer posuere vitae dolor nec aliquet. Phasellus sodales ex in ipsum laoreet, vel consequat est tincidunt. Donec lobortis, turpis id vulputate hendrerit, nunc neque consectetur lorem, at maximus quam dolor nec felis. Donec pulvinar nibh est, in tincidunt mi ornare a. Suspendisse ultricies viverra mattis.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Other, #473939, outset, 6, Papyrus"]Vivamus rutrum sit amet ante eu consectetur. Vestibulum elementum sit amet nisl at lobortis. Sed ex neque, cursus a lorem in, ornare pellentesque arcu. Integer posuere vitae dolor nec aliquet. Phasellus sodales ex in ipsum laoreet, vel consequat est tincidunt. Donec lobortis, turpis id vulputate hendrerit, nunc neque consectetur lorem, at maximus quam dolor nec felis. Donec pulvinar nibh est, in tincidunt mi ornare a. Suspendisse ultricies viverra mattis.[/fieldbox]

(fancy links to each character and their status)
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