日本じゃ日々の生活 劇について話しましょう

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It might be easier to just color the words I know. lol My goal is to make an entire post all colored by the end of the roleplay. I bet I'll only be around 5% at the start. I know a lot of the one liners like おはよう, but once they start talking in long sentances I don't have a clue what they're saying.

I'll see if I can get a post out tomorrow. Hanako's favorite color will be turquoise, which is why I'll use that color in my posts.
Fair enough... can you read any of my intro post I wonder? owo;;
Words I can read:
落ちている, 東京, 中, 恵美, 彼女, 店, おばあちゃん, 一人, 食べる, お菓子, 箱, ください, 言う, すみません, 本当, 物, 思う, 手, 顔, んん, 何, お前, から, 助けて, and of course the particles and some different conjugations of some of the words.
That's really good!! =D めっちゃいいよ!しつもんあったら、じゆうにたのんでくださいね。^^ (if you have any questions [about grammar used in my post etc], just ask!)
I bet I'll have more questions when I look over the posts more carefully. Right now it's too late at night.
I am sorry, but could I wait a bit before I join in, please? I would like a week or so to learn a bit more Japanese before I take part in this RP, so I can manage better. Is this ok?
That's totally fine! =) If you have questions about what's being written, don't hesitate to ask!
Sorry I've been MIA...school gave me all the work. I'll do my best to stay active!
Answering Yuurei's question in the IC, my color coding system is highlighting words that I know turquoise.
[MENTION=3571]Yuurei[/MENTION]: If you have the time to help me improve my grammar, that'd be fantastic. However, I don't want to put too much on your plate.
@Yuurei: If you have the time to help me improve my grammar, that'd be fantastic. However, I don't want to put too much on your plate.

I'll give you some hints based on what I know or think I know.

1. It seems like the particle は is only used at the start when introducing a new topic. Your topic with high school and not the day, is instead of the second は it should probably have been が, which is honestly quite like は from my opinion but isn't introducting a new topic.

2. I think the を particle is if your doing something to the word right before that particle. For example, if I looked at a cat, it would be 猫を見る, a verb coming after the を. However, I'm not 100% sure on this, but it does seem to be the case. So for your sentance saying you need eggs and milk, I don't think need would follow the を. However, (and I'm just rambling now not knowing what I'm saying entirely) I think if you add suru (or any conjugation of that), needing to get could probably count as going after を...maybe. Sorry if that's way too confusing sounding or incorrect. All I do know for sure is that verbs can definitely go after it.

That's all I could try and figure out right now.
[MENTION=2778]BluePenguin[/MENTION] If you're looking /at/ a cat, it would be 猫に見る。You can only use を if you are directly using/manipulating something.

For example:

犬に見る。"Look at the dog."

象を触る。Touch the elephant.

あの方の方に見る。Look in that person's direction.

パソコンを使う。Use the computer.

(私は)先生に紹介する。I introduce myself to the teacher.

You're pretty much right about は and が; が is used more often than は because が does not really introduce a new topic -- it only restates what the subject of the sentence is.
My school is a lot of work, but I might be able to post again at some point.
I'm in the same situation. そしてそれから脱落中にちゃんとなるんでしょう。。。