IWAKU: Steampunk Millionaires

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Theodore participated in the launch with great enthusiasm, throwing the lever with all the gusto of one who was expected to perform other tasks. He looked slightly disheartened when there was nothing else to do, but instead beamed at pride at the lever, placing his hands on his hips and congratulating it for a job well down. Surely it was a rather important lever, for he alone was tasked with moving it!

He watched the sights of Iwaku city pass him, then fade into the horizon, with great relish. Personally he had had little time to explore the city, for he had only arrived recently from his distance homeland to set up shop here. He left behind a dead city, killed by the brutal trade policies and free trade agreements from large kingdoms such as Iwaku. Unexpectedly, he bore little grudge - but that was a monologue for another time.

Although he was in the mood for conversation (a syllable had not left his throat in almost an hour!) he could not seem to find anyone to banter with! Everyone seemed to retire to their respective cabins once the ship left port. What was the point in moving to a wood and iron box? They would miss all the sites and scenes on this ..

Ocean, as far as the eye could see. Only Iwaku glittered dimly in the background. Well, he still tried to be optimistic about it.

About ten minutes later, the rocking of the horizon made him sleepy and somewhat nauseous, and he collapsed in a heap on one of the rather severe deck chairs littering the deck, hand laid over his forehead dramatically.
Although the Captain had told him to report to Boatswain Silias, Aeris couldn't help stalling for a few moments. He had watched most of the people depart below and now revelled in the peaceful silence it left behind, that is if you could ignore the grinding gears and the yipping of corgis from below.
His hands grasped the rail of the ship and he leant forwards, eyes drinking in the sights and savouring the smell of the city he had called home for his entire life. He watched until it was only a dot on the horizon and only then did he look away.
A sudden gut wrenching feeling tugged at him as he realised he missed Iwaku already even though he had fought to get away from it for so long.
Still- an adventure! It was what everyone dreamed of as a child- and he, Aeris Squamosos, was going on one!
That was, he noted as he saw one of the crew sleeping, if everone got their asses in gear.
The doctor talked a lot, Melody surmised. She didn't like people who talked a lot. Those people tended to be ones who made bad company. Best stay away from him she concluded.

She breathed a small sigh of relief when the bird man turned away and spoke to Theodore. Everyone on the ship was so diverse. Varied. Different. Did she like different? Sometimes different meant dangerous, or deadly. But it could mean other things as well, how about dazzling? Dazzling was good.

All of a sudden there was champagne and talks of adventure, yells about it really. A massive flood of people seemed to board the ship as the woman stood aside and watched. Before she knew it, the airship started rising. Melody's ears filled with the sound of grinding gears, corgis, shouts, curses, and the wind hissing through her ears. It whipped her cloak about, exposing her diseased leg. She tried in vain to keep it wrapped about her, but it was useless. The wind was far too powerful and they were moving far too fast. Her eyes caught sight of Iwaku city, watching it become a dot in along the ocean. Many of the passengers retired below decks. That was fine with her.

With a hand on the railing and eyes on the surface of the ocean, Melody wasn't quite sure what to think. Should she be excited? Scared? Nervous?

No, she didn't feel any of those things. This trip was decided on a whim, put into motion by a small spark of hope. Lately all she felt was indifference. It was good to feel again.​
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Down in the bunks, she was scribbling away in her diary, sitting cross-legged on top of the stiff board which the crew liked to call her bed. She'd rather sleep on the deck, rocking to the sound of the ocean than on this creaking piece of hard wood. She was making notes of the people she was interested in. The pretty blond woman and her lady-in-waiting would make intriguing conversation. From her eavesdropping, Sakura picked up that the woman's name was Mme. D'aris. Perhaps Sakura could invest in a bit of practice in her French. She wondered about that as she scrawled a quick drawing of the woman and her hand-woman, drawing the straight blonde locks of hair with hasty strikes of her pen.

There were several underworld characters afloat as well, much of whom Sakura had not been exposed to on such a close level. Even during her political studies with Chancellor Rory, she learned little about their lifestyles. She made it a note to converse with the redhead who Doctor Birdy nearly suffocated with her own scarf. "As well as the pale haired girl... Sakura mumbled to herself, drawing an image of the woman wandering the deck when Sakura had ventured down to the bunks.

"Also the blonde gentleman from the league!"
She exclaimed to herself. He looked intelligent and well off. She figured she could learn something from him. She made arrows to her drawing of his clothes to mark the red portions of what seemed to be a uniform. Red seemed to be popular in League fashion these days.

Footsteps alerted her to someone's approaching presence. She grinned. It would be her first acquaintance on the ship.

Seeing as most of the people descended to their cabins, D'aris and Agatha retracted their decision to descend further into the ship and instead returned to the deck. As D'aris ascended, the ship's movements shook her into a slight malaise. Most of them probably don't want to be bothered in their cabins, now that I think of it. Also, I need air. As soon as she stepped out, she stumbled around, the wind trying to push her down. Agatha rushed to D'aris' side, helping her regain her balance long enough to get to the railing.

"I knew it was a ship, but I wasn't expecting it to be this hard to keep my balance," D'aris stared at the water's surface, hoping it would bring relief to the nausea that began to cloud her thoughts.

"This ain't nothin' compared to ridin' a bull, ma'am." Agatha let a little chuckle escape her lips.

While D'aris gazed out at the horizon, Agatha took a few glances to check if anyone was nearby. Nearby, gripping the railing, was a woman, whose hat shrouded her visage. Agatha concentrated on the woman for a couple of seconds, suspicious of her dark attire. D'aris, sick of staring out at water and sky, took a curious glance at her servant.

"Que--What are you looking at?" D'aris asked her servant.

"Turn'n'you'll see, ma'am."

As instructed, D'aris turned to look in the same direction. Noting Melody, something about her seemed dark. She didn't seem like the best person to start a conversation with, but D'aris was not so nauseous anymore and guessed she wouldn't mind due to her lack of crazy doodads and immunizing candies. D'aris approached with light steps, Agatha trudging behind her master, surveying the deck for other people.

"Sorry to disturb you, but I haven't properly introduced myself to anyone on the ship, yet, and noticed you here." D'aris addressed Melody. "I must admit that I do not know your name, yet, but hopefully we'll solve that problem soon. Mine is Aquarienne Amard D'aris, though just D'aris is fine." D'aris began to smile. "And what would be yours?"
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